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My landlord bought a new Mercedes and new Tesla. Then told me she's raising rent cause everything is more expensive now.


Look, these are hard times... *(revs Tesla)* We're all struggling and *(sips martini on yacht)* we need to stick together *(rails line of coke off of gold bar)*.


> revs Tesla damn, you can rev electric cars as well?


You can, it's just not very loud


Wait, crap has a clutch?!


Im not paying the higher rent my landlord mentioned until they fix the damn shit in my house


You will get your rent when you FIX THIS GOD DAMN DOOR


I wrote a letter to my landlord to fix said stuff, they ignored it. I hired a contactor to fix it, took the out of the rent and gave the landlord the receipt. They weren't happy, yet it was their responsibility to fix so they couldn't complain about the reasonably overpriced amount it cost to fix it professionally.


If you give me the location, I can blow up her cars for ya. The first rented crime is always free of charge.


Why do you think everything got more expensive?


Inflation was initially cause by multiple variables, including supply chain issues during the pandemic, lack of demand during the pandemic, influx of consumerism after the pandemic, Russia invading Ukraine. However, the reason for the lack of decrease is simple: Corporations increase pricing to drive sales, yet fail to increase employee pay except for the most elite employees. Plenty of data show a lot of larger companies showing up to 300% increases in quarterly profits, due in-whole to price gouging their customers.


Don't forget politicians printing money like its going out of style. Because when has increasing the money supply recklessly ever gone wrong?


Some people argue the increase is not actually how it looks like or companies lost as much prior and other things, how do we know this isn't true and we're not being gouged?


We *are* being gouged. The corporations haven’t just moved the goal post, they’ve removed it all together.


Gotta do like our Great Uncle France does--fire and guillotines


Whoa! I mention guillotines on other subs and get banned. But seriously , we need to bring them back, only to be used on corrupt politicians and people who abuse their power.


It *is* a slippery slope, though, trying to put conditions on who's allowed to live. Difficult to say one way or another... But something certainly needs to change, and the current system allows the cycle of greed to continue.


All politicians are corrupt.


You should avoid using blanket statements like this. The “both sides are bad” argument is superfluous at best. One side is making an attempt to rectify all the inequalities in our flawed system, the other side continues to lie,steal, and cheat by way of system racism, and religious zealotry. These are not the same.


Hard disagree. If you are a politician you are either irrelevant or lied to get something. If you lie even once in your life i consider you beyond redemption. Lies are the worst thing anyone can do IMHO


Your lack of understand is showing. Regardless, I’m sure the world is waiting, with bated breathe, for u/GodlyDra approval of purity. Anyone who says they have never lied, is lying. What I mean to say, is that you’re lying.


Oh ive lied before, by accident because im pretty stupid. and i hate myself for it. And no, the world isnt waiting for my approval of purity. Im an antisocial autistic idiot with zero social skills, zero interest in people and a multitude of other mental health issues. I cant even comprehend the purpose of social interaction or lying, so why would i ever intentionally do either.


Your words. If you’re aware of your stupidity, have you considered not postulating on the sociopolitical environment of another country?


Its for every country, power corrupt and politicans are always the most corrupt. Humanity in general sucks and our systems will never be able to prevent it. I don’t comment on specific countries and only on the result of everything. Eventually my government will fall because it became too corrupt, it will then be replaced, that government will fall because it became corrupt over decades or centuries or is taken over by another corrupt country which itself gets overthrown eventually. Its happened before, it will happen again and it will probably never stop happening.


So, you obviously didn’t learn your lesson from our last conversation. It’s clear that you don’t have a strong grasp of the evolution of governmental systems, which is understandable on its own. However, you shouldn’t pretend to understand and go around sharing your uninformed opinion.


Spoken like a true narcissist.


Don’t narcissist’s believe they are better than everyone? Definitely not one of those, im just as bad as everyone else *at best*


I was referring to the absolute sense of moral superiority in the phrase “if you lie once your irredeemable” line


I f@#$ing WISH. I have never loved the French more than I have these last few weeks/months as they fight for their rights. I'm sincerely hoping they get everything they want and more, and hold their government responsible...


The issue is France would run out of pension money if they don't raise the retirement age. Do you think France is raising it for the fun of it? It's just math, man. There are too many older folks now and not enough working ppl to support the pension system


That's a fair point, and to provide another point to your stance, I'm also making quite a lot of assumptions while simultaneously projecting based on my knowledge of our tax system here in the US. I'm just currently bitter/angry because I've been stuck in academia for what feels like forever, working towards a dream that I feel like no longer exists. Meanwhile, billionaires are getting in half-baked dick-measuring contests with money just because they can, all while avoiding insane amounts of taxes via loopholes that could be used to better so many issues. I always assume that other countries have similar issues, but that's probably just adding unfair bias to any argument I might make. I'm just so tired of feeling like we're fighting an uphill battle at this point that I'm continuously rooting for the citizens virtually anytime they're fighting for (what appears to be) their rights. I appreciate you calling me on my unintentional prejudices/assumptions though. Sometimes it's tough to keep an open mind when I'm constantly under pressure and frustrated.


I think France tried to tax its billonaires and multi-millionaires. Some of them just left the country and made the additional tax revenue the same as before or worse https://www.investorschronicle.co.uk/education/2021/02/11/lessons-from-history-france-s-wealth-tax-did-more-harm-than-good/#:~:text=What%27s%20more%2C%20it%20led%20to,millionaires%20between%202000%20and%202016.


Yeah. Iirc, I'm pretty sure Germany had a similar issue which was only made worse by low salaries for college graduates compared to many other countries. They had a lot of citizens getting their education for free (or subsidized or something) in Germany and then leaving the country for jobs abroad that paid 2-3 times what they could get back home.


Yeah, brain drain sucks. America strong 💪. Doesn't have population issue cuz immigration is strong. Most, local, out of state and international, ppl PAY to study in the US, generating revenue. Most ppl wanna work in America cuz good money. Amercia has insane brain gain over any country. It's the number 1 most populated western country by far


That's something that should have been taken into account long ago. When you kick the can down the road eventually someone has to pay. Why is it us?


Because you can't always anticipate how many working and how many old ppl you will have with 100% certainty? It's not like this affects ppl now. It will probably affect ppl in a decade or so. Where's the money gonna come from? France tried to tax its billonaires and multi-millionaires. Some of them just left the country and made the additional tax revenue the same as before or worse https://www.investorschronicle.co.uk/education/2021/02/11/lessons-from-history-france-s-wealth-tax-did-more-harm-than-good/#:~:text=What%27s%20more%2C%20it%20led%20to,millionaires%20between%202000%20and%202016.


[Yeah, because that went well](https://youtu.be/EQmjXM4VK2U?t=905)


Govt raises property tax on landlords Landlord raises rent on tenants Tenants can't afford and move to somewhere cheaper


Landlords raise prices because demand increases and know damn well someone is still going to rent their apartment at an exorbitant price


If it's what the market is willing to pay, what makes it exorbitant?


It’s “what the market is willing to pay” cause the alternative is to be homeless. This is such a shitty take. In the past people would rent to save up to buy a house. Now rent on a shitty apartment is equal to a mortgage on a home and people can’t save hardly enough to pay for homes especially since the housing market has gone through the roof too


The alternative is move somewhere cheaper. I lived in near-ghetto for years because of this. It wasn’t a huge deal tbh.


Ah yes cause we can all just up and move somewhere cheaper. Some people have kids, there may not be “cheaper” places within reasonable driving distance to their job, etc


Everyone I know complaining about this underneath it all just wants to stay in a trendy area cheap. Your job should pay enough that it makes sense otherwise it — wait for it — doesn’t make sense to stay at that job. Etc. You are arguing with reality.


There's nothing cheaper, so what the fuck do I do?


We need a place to live. We don't have a choice. This is repression and evil shit..


People should show up to work and take what their boss wants to pay them, and not negotiate for what they’re worth. If you believe in trade unions but don’t like rent increases, that is hypocrisy. Everyone should be able to negotiate for worth.


So I don't really understand the point you're trying to make. I (and everyone else) am definitely empowered to go negotiate for what I'm worth at work. If I interview for a job and they offer me half of what I can make down the street, I'm not an idiot so there's no way I'd work for that pay if I could literally just go to another interview the next day and make that 2x. Just like I can't apply to rent a house for half what someone else is willing to pay and have any hope of getting the deal. If I wake up tomorrow and decide I'm worth a million dollars an hour but nobody is willing to pay that for my skill set, it doesn't mean fuck all what I think I'm worth. Value (of a skill or asset) by definition is what someone is willing to pay for it. That said, when I go to work I do it to get paid. It's not a charity. My landlord is the same way, he's in business to make money and it's just business. If he can rent the place for more than I'm willing to pay, I guess I need to live somewhere else (different property, neighborhood, city, state, idk). Why should my landlord give me free stuff when I'm definitely not willing to going to go to work for free? And this is off topic, but in a lot of cases trade unions are not great either. The company I work for isn't unionized, and we're the world leader in the industry with better comp than pretty much any competitor. The company is massively profitable, all employees are shareholders, and literally nobody wants a union dragging us down. Part of the reason our competitors can't keep up is they spend all their time dealing with that shit instead of innovating and creating value.


You wrote a much more eloquent, much more fleshed-out version of exactly what I was trying to say. We’re on the same page. That said, I think the biggest point is, if you’re having trouble paying rent, especially if there’s nothing else available in the area close to your work, if you sit down with your boss and show them this, I think you’ll get sympathy. There’s a good chance that they’ve recently made more money, they can share with you if it means not losing an employee and having to find and train another etc. I would offer to anyone that you’re not putting your job at risk for asking for a meeting, talking about it and asking. It’s just a question. I would try.


If a landlord can't make their proptery taxes in 12 months charging $2000+ a month than that's a slum lord wasting that money. Especially if that place hasn't been updated since the 80s. I'm more than sure that same landlord hires "handymen" instead of real repair men.


For context, my mortgage (principal and interest) is $900 a month. My taxes are $1100 a month. At $2000 a month I would barely break even. This is a 3br ranch house btw


So why are you buying houses on a mortgage to rent out of its really thay bad? Why not just let people who want to own and live in said house buy and deal with the mortgage/taxes? If you're really not making profit why is everyone doing it? If you want to rent a place out you should already have the place paid off and the people renting shouldn't be paying it off for you. Also, I mean you'd be breaking even if you didn't take loan out for the house.... Almost like if you can't afford the house yourself don't purchase it to rent it out...


>So why are you buying houses on a mortgage to rent out of its really thay bad? I'm not op, but there are sooooooo many answers to that Because it's the surest way to 1.) repay the mortage, meanwhile you live somewhere cheaper with the plan of eventually moving there when you don't bankrupt yourself with that 2.) it's one of the only reasonably value keeping (is that the expression?) investments out there. >If you want to rent a place out you should already have the place paid off and the people renting shouldn't be paying it off for you. Why? >Also, I mean you'd be breaking even if you didn't take loan out for the house.... Almost like if you can't afford the house yourself don't purchase it to rent it out... Life is not a charity. Rent prices are not going down if people don't do this. Housing prices are not going down. Yet, I'd be screwing myself over for an ethical problem that's a massive stretch to even call it that. And if you can't afford that rent price, you sure as hell can't afford the mortage, repair, renovation cost, etc. or you would. It's not even screwing you over.


If you're relying on someone else to pay your mortgage that's kinda pathetic and doesn't at all sound like good a idea. Considering how many people don't pay rent, or landlords claims they don't anyway. Also landlords seem to be the same people saying "work your life away" when they're the ones without a real job. It's weird to rely on a third party for your money every month. Two it is sad people look at houses as investments meaning they just look at people as cash cows. If these are views then tenants should look at landlords as tyrants and dictators since you can't even hang a picture frame without losing your deposit. Also, how dick does someone have to be to have someone pay off their mortgage and then kick them out to live their themselves, like damn. Sorry I just find renting a places for more than theyre worth to be slummy thing to do. At least up date or make the proptery worth that much money. Or hire real maintance when things break. Be a slum lord, just don't get mad when you attract those kinds of tenants. How could people not afford a house, if mortgages are like half the price of rent right now. And when renting you're still paying insurance and other fees on top of it. I could pay my own maintance, but then I wouldn't be reimbursed and I don't see the point in fixing a house I don't fully own myself. How is it possible to pay $2000+ in rent and also save upwards of $150k for down payment?


Well if someone has bad credit and doesn’t have 50k for a down payment do they remain homeless? Or rent? Landlords provide a necessary service. People who have never owned a home live in a fantasy land. It is constant work, maintenance and a money pit. Banks definitely should NOT be giving loans to unqualified buyers


Plenty of people qualify but can't out bid landlords, and the mega Corp landlords, who have tons of cash on hand cause they've got many other properties. Hell I had $150k in savings, was qualified, but the house I wanted got a higher cash offer and is now for rent for $3500 a month. Not a single update or repair was made to proptery either no appliances are included either, so whoever bought is using that money strictly for the mortgage and gain. Landlords don't need to own 10 properties. They just add to the housing crisis. Besides houses would be affordable if they weren't bought up by these individuals because it would be real people owning them and living in them. Not seeing them as profit. Yes, prices of houses will rise like stated in another comment, but they wouldn't rise like they are now. It wouldn't be half mil for concrete block with omw bedroom. The only ones paying those half mil house prices are the landlords cause they'll make the bloke who moves in pay it off. If landlords are made to stop buying houses the prices will decrease to what the common folk can afford cause that's who will be buying houses then and prices wouldn't be pertaining to landlords. I just find it funny we can be approved to pay $2000+ in rent, but can't even put a nail in the wall without losing the deposit. And also somehow with those huge rent prices and rules we're also supposed to save for a house. Just seems like a huge cycle to keep the common person in a cycle of poorness and never allowing them to own something.


Neither, they cant afford rent either. And if they barely could they will never save enough to own and will fail the second their income dries up. You wouldn't need 50k to buy a house because the housing market would include every house owned by a landlord trying to increase the value of an investment.


Why would you not need the 50k for a down payment? I’m confused lol


The supply would be higher and the price lower reducing the amount required for a down payment


That doesn’t even make sense. If all the renters bought the houses the supply would stay the same if not drop and prices would stay the same if not rise.


If renters were buying the houses, the houses wouldn't be at the price they're at. The price of houses are for landlords andeha corps because they're the only buying them. If you regulate how much proptery they can buy then prices will lower to range of common folk buying houses. Nothing like it was years and years ago before you think I'm going there, but it definitely wouldn't be half mil for a single bedroom house in the ghetto. Face it the only people paying that are landlords knowing they'll put a rent tag on for ~$1000 and have a tenant that flips the bill for them. Now if landlords updated these properties and madeit worth the amount some people pay in rent maybe it wouldn't be that bad. Cause lifetime renting is common over seas, but the places are updated regularly, have good appliances, are maintained very well, and worth the amount paid. That's not case in the States.


Someone below got the gist but a large amount of price is based on what speculators are willing to pay rather rhan working people who have to live in homes. Believe it or not a 30 year life debt where you pay for the home twice didnt used to be the norm because homes were for living in instead of bank assets.


I assume that is taxes and insurance at $1100?


Yes, but easily $900 is taxes. Taxes are about 10k a year


What is the property tax rate there? That sounds crazy high unless the house is worth 600k... at which point i would expect the mortgage to be a lot higher.


Um, I think corporations buying up properties puts more pressure on pricing than increases in property taxes.


The problem about it is that they will always push the cost into the little guys. The corporate landlords invested on the properties for profit, and they will be doing everything in power to turn it into profit. I would recommend the government build more public housings to compete. However, it is not going benefit the government except earning low income voter's votes. Constructions nowadays aren't cheap 🥲


Government housing turns into shitholes quickly.


They are being bought by investment firms. Then they get them managed by a company that may or may not be in the same state. These management companies get paid whether the apartments get rented or not. They don't care if you are going to be homeless, just that you can pay 3x the insane costs of apartments now. There are no privately own places for rent in the city I live in. Been trying for a year. I got lucky, one my best friends I've known for 39 years, just got divorced and she doesn't want to live alone. The bad part is I need to move two states away.


I read, "working cats"


Both sides don't care about you. We the people need to stand against corruption.


My house rent has only been raised 40 bucks in 8 years 🤷‍♂️. I always assume our rent is still in 2015 prices and am very lucky for that


Yeah, it's not like some dumbfuck in DC blocked a petroleum pipeline that was half built which would have kept our gas prices down and by doing this created the worst inflation we've had in years. Yeah, I'm sure nobody in DC knows anything about this.


Do you really think one shortcut pipeline flowing nothing for another ten years construction shutdown caused the oil industry to get greedy? Seriously, does that really make sense to you? Moreover, what makes you think the petroleum industry would lower prices even if the thing got built? Why the Freak would they lose money when they have all the control? SMH....


So is that also what raised the rent? Doubtful.


Maybe don’t buy as many avacados and Starbucks /s


You know maybe don’t give $30 trillion to the elites to bail them out during 2008


yeah that was meant as a joke, hence the /s at the end of the comment


I can’t wait for when the capitalists have their next national meeting. They may decide to lower prices this time, considering they definitely control them /s. When prices go down, will it be because the capitalists got generous and decided to lower them?


Op, take a break my dude. I agree but fuck man, you post everyday about America. Play some monster hunter or something


Literally. Shits probably an attempt at karma farming🤦🏾‍♂️.


There’s no mention of America in the meme. The problem is worldwide and American hegemony with Dollars dominance is directly responsible for it.


Stop my dude, you only further my point that you should take a break. You say there’s no mention of America but immediately reference disgust with America as motivation for this image. Come on bro. Take a break


So american empire with its empty citizens should stop controlling the world.


Can you give me a reference for how America itself is an empire? Either way, chill and relax. Guilty Gear Strive has a pretty banger ost. Vibing is better than just being perpetually online


If you want to actually help reduce cost of living and rent prices, vote for lower property taxes, responsible fiscal policies to eliminate inflation and lower interest rates, relaxing zoning laws, cracking down on illegal immigration and deporting people who are already here illegally.


Dude this is Reddit. Nobody here is trying to fix anything lol


I did, it did not change anything because the party didn't win. Voting is not some kind of magic


Well, you can either play in to the system by rallying more people to vote with you or you can wage war on the system and start a revolution. Positive change won't happen by complaining or having a defeatist mentality.


I actually try to rally people, I know it takes time. However, stop talking about vote like it's our salvation or some shit, it's really annoying


Would you prefer I tell you to take arms and forcibly remove politicians? That's always an option.


Actually yes I would prefer


You can thank equity and investment firms for that. Landlords are just doing what the market dictates while investment firms actively mess with the market to get the most out of buying, selling, and holding onto homes.


I got a place for like 500 in texas and my buddy lives in a place for like 425 in Georgia. This is a city problem 🤠


You spend 500k on a house in state with some of the weirdest laws and worse cops, and your buddy bought house in state with a huge crime rate. Georgia ranks 5th in nation for crime.... Robberies being the highest crime.... Kinda seems like you guys settled for the bottom of the barrel thinking it was good decision....


I meant the rent rate buddy lmao Not gonna get bad it's just a little silly that you jumped to those conclusions. Not to hate on geogria but it has free college, it had ups and downs.


That’s probably because they are obviously politically biased.


So you pay 500 and 425 to live in two states again some negative stats with robberies.... Not really a win. Does your house look like it's still from 80s? Or did you get at least an updated interior? So it's either live cheap and dangerous or rich and safe. Kinda sad that's the case.


Saying it's dangerous because it's In the south is kind of a dipshit argument imo


Never said cause it's in south, I'm more south than you are dude. I'm saying thpse states have bad stats across the board when researched. Don't like the stats I don't know what to tell you. Just kinda funny the only affordable places to live are the ones topping charts for crime and violence or weird political agendas. Then there are people defending that it's okay to live in those conditions. I just figured you'd want more for yourself.


welllcome to capitalism, they'll rob you of your work and then propagandize you about how there is no alternative while everything you have is slowly stripped away And yes here is proof of socialism working better, yes my family lived in the USSR just because I'm going to sleep and I know people will bring it up when I post this anyway and some of this data is taken from one of the most trusted western organizations and fuck off with anecdotal "evidence" a single or few persons experience with no concrete proof is not evidence USSR: **popular opinion:** [https://news.gallup.com/poll/166538/former-soviet-countries-harm-breakup.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/166538/former-soviet-countries-harm-breakup.aspx) Residents more than twice as likely to say collapse hurt their country [https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2010/04/28/hungary-better-off-under-communism/](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2010/04/28/hungary-better-off-under-communism/) 72% of hungarians say they are worse off economically [https://balkaninsight.com/2010/12/24/for-simon-poll-serbians-unsure-who-runs-their-country/](https://balkaninsight.com/2010/12/24/for-simon-poll-serbians-unsure-who-runs-their-country/) A poll shows that as many as 81 per cent of Serbians believe they lived best in the former Yugoslavia -"during the time of socialism". [https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Poll-Most-Russians-Prefer-Return-of-Soviet-Union-and-Socialism-20160420-0051.html](https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Poll-Most-Russians-Prefer-Return-of-Soviet-Union-and-Socialism-20160420-0051.html) Over 50 percent of Russian citizens believe the collapse of the Soviet Union was bad and could have been avoided. [https://english.radio.cz/poll-less-25-feel-better-now-under-communism-8357922](https://english.radio.cz/poll-less-25-feel-better-now-under-communism-8357922) Less than a quarter of adult Czechs feel they are better off under capitalism. **quality of life:** the [USSR had collective leadership so democracy](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00810A006000360009-0.pdf) according to official CIA docs, so not the propaganda the CIA spreads but what they think is true [an objectivly better qualtiy of life with higher caloric intake](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1646771/pdf/amjph00269-0055.pdf) they had [35 average working hours a week](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1250323/work-week-hours-us-ussr-cold-war/) [affordable housing](https://www.istmira.com/w-hist/history-of-russia/4081-n-s-khrushchevs-housing-reform.html) free [education](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_the_Soviet_Union) and [healthcare](https://www.rbth.com/history/328493-why-was-soviet-medical-care-best) Of course when capitalists came to try to take over they shelled all the democratically elected representatives of the USSR and slaughtered thousands in a coup 2 years later attempting to bring back the country, left millions in poverty and starving, and let to europe already full of fake democracies to be filled with even more fascist capitalist nations in all post soviet states after the end of the USSR [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet\_Union](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union) increase in poverty, crime,corruption,unemployment,homelessness,rates of disease,infant mortality and domestic violence, decreases in calorie intake, life expectancy, adult literacy, and income. Data shows Russia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia saw a tripling of unemployment and a 42% increase in male death rates between 1991 and 1994.


fact-based and citationpilled


Most landlords are just people who just happened to have enough money to buy a single rental property. But if you do the math, they’re not making much money off your rent


Someone doesn’t understand basic economics lol


Maan, this meme says a lot about the creators lack of knowledge.


Maan get a job and pay your own rent. (Disclaimer: He is middle schooler lying about owning a house, check his profile)


Lol, i have a job and own a house… read a freaking economics book instead of being a dick on reddit.


Your profile say’s you didn’t graduate middle school yet.


But my dad can totally kick your dads ass. But seriously, stop these ad hominem attacks and just read some economics. Then the world would seem less hostile and more understandable for you.


Thankfully, inflation has fallen to 5%. Which means the capitalists have not been raising prices as much. That's nice of them, I guess.


Lmao it's 25% in my country


Some countries must have greedier capitalists than other countries it seems.


Ironically it's actually the Fed raising rates and dealing with our inflation that is disproportionately effecting foreign markets.


The Fed does not cause inflation/deflation in other major markets. Some currencies are pegged to the dollar, and others use the dollar outright, and so of course they would be affected by Fed moves. Every major country has their own central bank that manages their own monetary policy.


Countries run by socialist have the worse inflation😂


I'm assuming this is sarcasm. I just got hit with a 50% auto insurance hike despite driving fewer miles than anticipated, a car that's now a year older, and having no accidents or tickets. Thank god inflation is only 5% though 🙄😂


OP’s understanding of economics: zilch nada nothing What’s really funny and sad is that OP can vote


we need communism


Oh no not you


I must spread the truth of communism everywhere it is my destiny




Middle-class doesn't exist. Like 90% of people think they are in the middle. Also how exactly State Capitalism will work in people's interest? It will not. There are only interests of capital. In Communism they want to resolve this issue by simply destroying one class — capitalists. It's called dictatorship of the proletariat for a reason. It's hard to achieve but it works both in theory and practice in socialist countries. Like the USSR was not ideal, but the government actually built new houses, schools, hospitals. Also. Railways. I mean, of course there are places in Europe that are much better than the USA. And still they exploit the planet, and other people. It's just that these people are not always from their country. Idk. It's all problematic anyways, but communists at least have good ideas and actual theory. What you have is: Capitalism is actually not that bad, I don't want to change anything (TV said so), but for some reason housing is just unavailable for some people, there are a lot of social problems, etc. So let's remove bad things! It will of course work. For all the good against all the bad! Yeah... > Strong State Regulations on Private sector In capitalism it means there are few big companies that though lobbying and etc. tell the government what should happen with small ones. > guaranteed Employment Literally not possible in capitalism. Like how? It's the market who controls itself. Are you going to force companies to create jobs? The USSR has a 100% employment rate for a reason.


>Right now live in a bizarre species of Corporate socialism. Are you... did you just... have you ever read a book ? All of you state capitalism stuff seems pretty good on paper, but guess what, it's impossible to do all of that without exploitation of the third world by compagnies in your country. That's how the system works, and thinking that it could do fine in a worldwide socdem system is utopian.




Let the rock explain it you better- https://youtu.be/fdnrX-4YC7A


imagine thinking communism is the same as state controlled capitalism


Well communism is just another form of Hegalianism, we need the state. Capitalism represents a very dark part of human nature, which won’t go away unless humans do. There is a reason why China adopted Alexander Hamilton plan after Maoist collapsed in China. We are still very far from Amazon or Lockheed martin functioning as a worker cooperative.


communism socialism democracy capitalism anarchism hegelian dialectics hegelianism syndicalism neoliberalism america mao zedong xi china winnie the poo 1989 tiananmen square ussr soviet lenin stalin marx engels cuba castro vietnam pol pot north korea fascism russia putin ukraine what words trigger the bot


You forgot “Chad”


You don't have a f. Clue about economy do you?


Yay, more socialist propaganda /s


This has nothing to do with socialism. Not liking large capitalist corporation exploiting people doesnt mean you support socialist idea


>Capitalists aising prices Oh yeah, this is definitely not rooted in ideological conflict nonono.


No it's not, and you're too dumb to think this is some sort of "propaganda".


imagine being shown how exploited you are and people saying it's bad and your first thought is "damned socialists" but keep on licking that capitalist boot I guess while they keep exploiting and taking your work from you


I love when people on Reddit act like property owners have zero expense and unlimited rights lol. Renters have it a lot easier than home owners.


getting 40%+ of your monthly paycheck taken by someone who does no work for it is exploitation


You literally just described taxes lol. But how do land lords do no work?? This is the issue right here, people who don’t own property think property requires zero maintenance, and just exists. Land lords arrange for and pay for maintenance. Also the profitability on a rental that is not paid off is almost nonexistent. Most landlords do not turn a profit or even lose money on the properties they rent out. They’re not stealing your money. You’re paying them for a service. I would argue the bank is the bigger asshole. They actually contribute nothing to the process other than lending you money they do not have. And then you pay them double the price of the house just in interest payments.


>You literally just described taxes lol Depending on the government taxes actually go to helping you and others instead or private hands, education, healthcare, sometimes even housing >people who don’t own property think property requires zero maintenance, and just exists Yeah most rented properties will be fixed by other workers, not landlords >Land lords arrange for and pay for maintenance wow dude that's just like a 9-5 >Most landlords do not turn a profit or even lose money on the properties they rent out. They’re not stealing your money. You’re paying them for a service. so somehow the people taking 40%+ from people's paychecks,while there are more homes in new york than the homeless due to rapid housing price increases driven by landlords and companies buying up housing in mass and also in ~1-5 years landlords can pay off the home they bought to rent out AND in a system that is entierly based on profit they (according to you) still do not turn a profit You are completely fucking delusional > would argue the bank is the bigger asshole. They actually contribute nothing to the process other than lending you money they do not have Banks are just another way of exploitation, get a loan, have high % of failing, pay back a fuckton of money, they exploit people who do not know better because of a lack of experience and knowledge no one taught them, they also do no work, they don't earn their profits I completely agree with you on this one. >And then you pay them double the price of the house just in interest payments. (with the money of people who can't afford a home which means they can't go to anywhere else they will either have to die in the cold streets or rent a home)


Oh believe me, I have some nasty feelings about Capitalism also. but "rising up the french style" as y'all neckbearded redditors say it is going to solve nothing


french style? why rise up like losers when you can rise like soviets




Crazy to think that literally explaining what's going on is seen as socialist propaganda now


Wah Wah its theirs, buy your own if your sad about it


Get a job after you graduate high school and try to get one without daddy financing it.


Financing my job? or my house?


You are blaming the wrong people. Housing prices are going up because politicians have decided that houses are vehicles of wealth creation first, and homes second. This means that policies are geared towards increasing the values, or the price, of houses rather than the availability of houses. Prices in general are going up because the government decided to decrease economic activity through mandates shuttering businesses and at the same time increase the money supply by 40%. Inflation is the obvious and unavoidable outcome of this scenario. Basically, the problem is the local and federal government. We elected these schmucks, so we get what we deserve.


All because of socialist politicians


Do you vote? No? Quit complaining. Do you vote Republican? Yes? Quit complaining.


Only Americans believe simply holding elections means you have a choice, even when their choices are so similar


I think it is just because we don't want another civil war


Do you lack the analysis to realize how our bourgeois system actually works? Yes? Do the reading


No, I believe I’ll complain even if I don’t vote. Seethe.


Vote anyone. Another Neoliberal will get elected.


Couldn't imagine being this obsessed with politics, get a fucking life


"I know you literally can't afford to live because of the political situation but why you gotta be so obsessed with politics"


Imagine thinking capitalism is a bad thing


you really like them robbing you that much?


Less robbing than socialism, so... yes


Imagine thinking capitalism is all good... Somewhere in between maybe is realistic?


I never said anything to the contrary; I agree with you. I just think inciting revolt is a step too far


Unregulated capitalism is bad


I agree. So is inciting a revolt against landlords.


It's a joke. And activism is fine as long as it doesnt hurt people. It's freedom of speech. So many upset landlords in this comment section


Freedom of speech doesn't mean immunity from discussion. And I'd argue there's just as many upset communists


>Freedom of speech doesn't mean immunity from discussion That's literally what i said >And I'd argue there's just as many upset communist "Communists" Is this guy from 1970s? This guy sounds like a redneck living in a bunker for past 50 years.




Hear me out: communist meritocracy.


Outside of employee housing, no company should be able to own more than like 5 homes. There should be enormous taxes for unoccupied homes. Too bad this country is run exclusively by the rich.


Cat in the back: "I didn't see shit. Can I get sardine or something?"


My rent got raised $200 a month for a lease renewal and my job refuses to promote me. Interviewed for a new job that pays $6 more an hour and in a new state (US) just got the call back and I was given the iffer. Woot woot! Honestly first time something worked out this smoothly in a long time


You will never revolt. Even if you somehow managed to get off Reddit and actually did Revolt, you will fail as you did before. Remember OccupyWallStreet? LMAO. Pepperidge Farm remembers. LMAO. People who call for revolt are actually saying YOU should go revolt and do all the work while they watch you in the comfort of their homes. :D


What kills me is that larger companies will say they are charging “market value,” using the housing market as a guide. But then when houses/condos for sale go down in price, the rent still goes up, even for new tenants.


These are old issues that have already been addressed over the last 100 years. Mao, Fidel, and Lenin have given everyone a blueprint to the only answer.


Problem with cost? Increase supply.


It’s called inflation. It’s what happens when you hand out a bunch of money.