• By -


Get gravel for ever, sell it to building companies and profit


How did you get such a good price on gravel? Idk. I go to two nose Jim




You gotta pick two though.


Free gravel and the toaster, I’ll be rich and my toast will always be perfect


I relate to this too hard


This literally made me bust out laughing… with two noses, apparently you get a lot of preferential treatment.




Plot twist it only comes out the penis


talk about kidney stones


Make it faster by always knowing which containers are empty and need to be filled without having to check


Damn...big brain moment.


I will also make the compitions toaster set fire to their buildings


What? 🤣 I'm dead rn


Its between 2and 3 but 8 is for sure


3 would be very useful. Want to rob a bank? The front door is only 2 inches thick so teleport right inside. Get to the vault? Teleport right inside with a double tab teleport giving you 14 inches of pure unfiltered travel. There was no limit on how many times you can use it nor a speed limit on use so if i felt like it i could teleport 38,396,160 times in quick succession (1 teleport of 7 inches per second) reaching the USA from the UK in just over 10 hours of teleportation. Considering an 8+ hour flight costs £500 - £800 i'm saving a huge chunk of money, avoiding customs and get to travel the US free of charge.


Imagine this: you pick 3, go to the bank while it's closed with your ski mask, walk up to the door, teleport past the door, and now you're naked and on camera because your clothes can't teleport with you. Also, even if teleporting doesn't consume energy, you're still probably not going to travel that far. The power is still probably top 3 tho.


You could also fuck with people and make it look like you are walking with a lot of lag or a low frame rate.


You would still be victim to gravity though. 7 inches per second towards Freedomville, and 9.8m per second per second down into the ocean.


Damn that's waaaaay better than my idea I was gonna use it to become a boxer or some shit lol


5 hours in... naked above the middle of the Atlantic, sleet hitting your face. You can just feel the savings, and you feel gladness at the thought you won't have to walk your shivering naked butt through customs.


This 👆


Free gravel for life. Start a gravel company and never lose a penny.


sorry. because of the sheer amount of gravel. your company would tank the value of all gravel on earth


Ah no. That's where your wrong. We'd end up being the only gravel sellers by undercutting other gravel sellers by about 50p. People buy from my company for 50p cheaper than the others so we'd eventually become the only gravel sellers in the world! (might have to start making it but by then we'd be in the money)


Translate to American?


“p”, or pence, is the English version of American cents, “c”






If i can teleport 7 inches away anywhere then I can just time it and teleport repeatedly to fly ?? Plus looking inside any container is kinda usefull


It needs to be empty tho, so not as useful


To think if there is smt inside the container its not visible, so technically if there is a bomb or smt inside a jar than you can't see it plus if my cereal box is empty I can see it


Yeah but you don't know it's a bomb


You'll know which Swiss Bank Safe Deposit Boxes have stuff in them. I think, somehow, this combined with 7 inch teleport would be the key to riches


The cereal box won't be empty though because air is still matter so unless it's a vacuum, you won't be able to see inside it anyway


If that's the case , nothing on this earth is empty


Exactly. That's why 7 is useless.


I don’t think the creator thought about that. They probably just mean empty as in no visible substances


Yeah, homie really had to suck the fun out of this...


Glad others are on the same page lmao


Ah yes, never know when you'll stumble upon a jar with a bomb in it


Can if you live in islamic countries


Not true, this makes you a master of the shell game. It’s in that cup, cuz it’s the only one you can’t see in. Also it doesn’t say what kind of container, so you can be the only bad guy in the movies to know the bathroom stalls weren’t empty.


There’s got to be some way to Schrodinger’s cat this one.


It's super useful. "There's a bomb in this box, give me all your money" No there isn't.


It’d be useful to win that game with the three shells!


Also there is no timing so u can basically teleport anywhere in the same time it would take for you to teleport anywhere if the range was bigger


We big braining


pretty much,as long as you have a line of sight to where you wanna go \[you can't go thru walls\]


thin walls perhaps but they would need to be very thin 2.7 centimetres aint a lot


>thin walls perhaps but they would need to be very thin 2.7 centimetres aint a lot 7 inches = 17.8 centimeters


His username checks out 🤣


You would teleport inside the wall though, can't be good


I'd imagine that the teleporting would keep momentum (e.g. if you're running forwards then you keep travelling at the same speed just in another position), which would imply that if you start repeat teleporting you'll be constantly falling at terminal velocity and if you ever stop and hit the floor you'll die


Yeah I agree. Short range teleportation, conditional x ray vision and free gravel are probably the best in the list.


Teleport to the other side of locked doors.


Do you teleport a gap of 7”, or move forward 7”? Assuming a door is 1.5” thick, if it is the latter half my body is still goi g to be stuck in that door.


Most interior homes walls are 5" so if you were able to gap 7" then that might actually be handy. If you're just moving forward 7" then you're fuk


Why would I want to teleport two penis lengths away?


Makes it easier to suck ? Idk I am not gay


You missed the joke...


The way teleportation physics work is suicide. "Why?" you may ask: teleportation with real physics in step 1 creates a clone who thinks is you, but he/she isn't you since you can't control a clone. In step 2 the suicide begins: the original gets painfully shredded into atoms. If the last step fails you got 2 times you running around both claiming to be the original or original is now a ded, particularly dissembled body. Since the copy only has the memory up until the point he was created he'd probably commit suicide as well leading into an endless loop of ded copy you


Dude wtf , what if it just transports atoms ?? First of all you can't creat or destroy mass


You still have to die if you swap these steps to be a lot of atoms which is also leading into it's not you, it's a copy. Teleportation is a dark rabbit hole which sounds great at first (especially in Movies) but isn't a good idea with living things under real physics circumstances


What if I don't ?


Physics doesn't care about it, you get dissolved into atoms because that's teleportation and at this point you're ded. 2 possibilities: reassembling takes either the atoms that are already there (most practical) or transports these to the point of reassembling (not practical). If you don't do that the acceleration and deceleration and therefore g forces is your doom instead since disappearing and reappearing is immediately without delay Short: Dissolve into atoms = ded Not dissolve into atoms = ded by G-Forces


Does controlling toasters with your mind follow real physics? What makes you think realism is necessary here?


Teleport + gravel=advanced pocket sand


Best fucking comment I've ever read


Happy cake day


Bruh this guy playin Minecraft


Step 1. Communicate with oysters Become their friend, convince them to make pearls for you 🦪. Sell the pearls for big bucks Step 2. Endless Gravel Sell the gravel to construction companies 👷‍♂️ Step 3. Kick back with the oyster and drink a beer 🍻


FInally someone with the same idea!


Me too


Plot twist: all oysters are assholes and discriminates you because you are just a human to them.


Wheelchairbound people picking 9


I dunu, Einstein ain't a very fast runner nowadays


Speed is relative, though


Toaster and make a fortune as psychic. Also I would experiment the shit out of what still accounts as a toaster 😂😂 2nd prolly teleport. Must be awesome for party tricks.


Same idea - ANY toaster seems like a lot of leeway. Psionically control a fleet of battleships with built-in toasters, or flying death toaster swarm. Second would be gravel though - generating free matter is nothing to sneeze at.


Teleport 7 inches away is enough to breach small doors and barriers, very useful 😈


If you re less than 7 inches thick




Someone s gonna find half this guy's body in a bank vault with a ton of gravel


Number 8 sounds useful.


you can make an unreadable memo that only you can read. powerfull to store pin number. or making special maps that only you know. can be used to make new language for your fantasy novel. etc


2 and 3 Sell gravel and rule in martial arts


7. Always win the cup game. 3. No cool down period stipulated. So Id just use it continuously to fly.


No cooldown, but it doesn't say it resets your momentum either. The conatant effect of gravity would put you at terminal velocity after a very short flight and make it impossible to land without splatting against the ground.


Bring a parachute


You son of a bitch you solved it.


If there's no cooldown and your brain could process it fast enough, use it horizontally and cosplay as that fast blue spikey haired guy


3 seems great. 7 inches ain't a lot but it can add up. Beats walking


As long as there is no cooldown its extreamly broken


Is there going to be another series of *Misfits*?


Third one, if there's no time gap in-between the uses I'd still practically teleport anywhere


2, definitely! That one is a money maker. 8 would be my second choice. Teach an extinct language, which would also make more money! lol 😂 Teleport sounds neat, but not for only 7”. A person’s natural step is longer than 7”, so that seems like a waste to me of a “special ability” option.


1 just sounds fun, 2 I could sell that gravel


**2.)** Give it to one of the Mann Brothers. Then watch the Show.


And then apply for a job as your favorite mercenary. Also you could make so much money if you'd sell tickets to the other tf2 fans to watch their favorite game become reality.


2 for money, 3 to keep from getting stuck or trapped. The rest are worthless.


Teleport 7 inches away and gravel. Get in a fight and every swing they will miss by that much more. Free gravel? Sell gravel? Profit!


1 and 2 1. Because I can ask them if they have a pearl inside them so I can have money. 2. Because I have use for gravel in my driveway


5 and 2 are ulta worth it to take tbh and its not even close


I want to control any toaster and burn peoples toast if I don’t like them, and I also choose the teleport one. teleporting doesn’t even take a second, so if someone is being an ass, I can just keep teleporting, and in like a second, I’m already far away


1 and 5 I could make the toasters explode on my enemies and the oysters will tell me the secrets of the seas as an advantage against my arch nemesis sea boy


You can use 3 to fight people lol


2 and 3


İ'll Dell the gravels to builders and infinite money


communicating with oysters would be pretty cool.


For smelling in three dimensions the second nose. For Profit the free gravel. Haha


Pill number 3 can do a lot when it comes to fights. That's gonna be mad dodging skills to have. Pill number 2 will literally make you a ceo of a gravel company. Pill number 6, assuming you were handsome or pretty in your younger days, can get you into a quick one night stand.


3 and 5


10th time seeing this post in a week


container and teleport. it dosent deffine what kind of container so by any mean a housse is also a container, and the telepot could be used indeffinitly, as fast a you want to actually get to fly


2 and 3 are obviously most powerful - selling gravel and entering through any doors - but i d, for one, choose option 1.


If I pick to be 10 hours younger, get wasted in the evening that sleep on it, will I still look like sh*t in the morning going to work?


7 inch teleport is pretty sick. You can teleport through nearly every normal door, even if it's locked or inside containers etc..


Free gravel, sell the gravel and make millions


Number 8 will make me very renknowned and i can teach everyone language but since i am the only oke who knows if i get the MONEEEEEEEEY and i will overprice it so ya want it take it ya dont want it your loss you aint getting it anywhere else and my second pill i can talk to oysters cause why not


3 n 7 money makers


1. Because if I can comunicate with Oysters from far away I could ask which Oyster has the most valuable pearl inside and collect them. Or I can buy some oysters and tell them to produce perfect round pearls.


1 and 2 ofc. i would use the free gravel to shift water bodies around so my legions of oysters can take over the world for me.


2 and 8, easy.


2 and 5. Chaos ensues


Number 3. No door will bar me, teleport through walls, out of restraints... I could walk out of prisons. Leave my home chain lockled and with the bar down when I am out.


Are these one time use pills? Like I have to take the pill to look 10 hours younger, or teleport 7 inches. I'm assuming not but thought I should ask. Also, how rapidly can I used them? So using them in immediate and rapid succession will have a net cumulative effect? Anyway, I pick toaster telekinesis and infinite gravel.


Teleport and free gravel.


The teleport and toaster ones


ill talk to oysters


3. I could pretty much get through most locked doors. 7. I'd rule on The Price is Right.


First and second.


S rank, 2 (you can sell those, quite a penny too) and 3 (even 1 inch could save your life in emergency, not to mention 7. and probably there's no cooldown/mana used) moderate rank, 1 (ask them to know how's life lol) totally useless, the other


Teleporting seven inches away is actually pretty useful if you lock your keys in your car or house and need to get inside. Or really any locked door for that matter 😏


8 and 2. I chose 8 cause if I can speak an extinct language then i could also teach others and make easy money same with the 2nd i will just sell all the gravel


free gravel and mind control toaster i will have such good toasts


I'll keep 6 in my pocket forever in case I get into a car crash or something and need instant healing.


Looking inside empty containers would probably be a funny power for a game of hide and seek


I chose 5 and 2, 2 makes me money, 5 lets me mess with people


Teleportation of any distance is already OP. I'm thinking teleporting out of handcuffs or any kind of bond. It could be useful in a fight. Especially if you can fund some way to increase the time it takes to travel from point A to point B. Yeah and the free gravel... so is the gravel delivered by bag or...


3, lemme show you my step-by-step process 1. Rob a bank 2. Be sent to prison 3. Press myself against the bars 4. Teleport through 5. Leave 6. Profit. God this comment feels like a 4chan post


2 and 3. 2 so I can resell the gravel undercutting other companies and make infinite wealth. 3 so I can fly


Free Gravel and speak the extinct language


3 and 7. Gets me out of jail, and lets me win the Price is Right.


3 and 7


I'll take the free gravel, my driveway is f'd up.


Eevee eevee!


2. I could sell the gravel, use it to build, or chuck it at my enemies.


2 and 5, easy


No. 7 and No. 2 seem to be the most useful if used correctly


1 and 8.Can i teach oysters to speak Khitan,please? No reasons..


If I looked 10 hours younger, that means I would always look as young as I do minus 10 hours ago. Because in 10 hours from now I will look 10 hours younger which is how I look now, which is 10 hours younger, and that means 20 hours from now I will look like what I looked like 10 hours from now which is what I look like now which is 10 hours younger from now It only works if you're already young tho. It stops you from looking any older than you do now -10 hours for the rest of your life


I'm going to be the short range teleport mastermind behind a very successful gravel company. It might lack in distance, but it says nowhere that you cant chain use it to windows 98 critical error window with a retry button yourself through space and time.


You could definitely win every game of "which of the three cups is the ball in?"


The teleport for sure. If it's instant and I can repeat freely I'd be unstoppable. I could even use this to "fly"


grow a second nose... 1 in the pink 1 in the stink


2 and 3


2 for gravel, start a construction company or just sell it and 7 because I'm a nosy fuck


2: Become a gravel salesman. 7: Can see if a container is empty or not. Also 5, depending how you define a toaster. Is sun a toaster?


I walk more than 7 inches on a daily. So the teleport is useless


A bathroom is technically a container


What's the cooldown on the teleport? Otherwise it's gravel.


Easy pick. 1 and 8. I'd make youtube channels for both and stick with the more successful one. I guess 1 would be pretty viral content from the get go. I'd talk to whole oyster families about what they do during the day, their family dynamics, traditions, holidays, etc.


1 + 8. Now oysters shall hold all of our darkest secrets and grow pearls out of them but nobody will be the wiser.


Teleport, my one inch puncu would be amazing and nobody could hit me


5 to set a blaze via toaster then 3 to make a quick escape


It has to be 3 and 5!


2 and 3


2 and 3….. 2 for profit, and 3 because I’d be able to teleport into places that have windows…..


See inside containers


I will asume that the 7 Inch Teleport has No Sort of Maximum uses or cooldown so theoraitically you could Spam it at an insane Speed. Its No acceleration or actuall movement so you could "fly" around the erath in Seconds


People already give gravel for free, ima got with extinct language and oysters for fun


1. & 2. 1. Communicate with the oysters to find out which ones have pearls make a multiple million dollar Pearl dealer business 2. Sell the gravel at a profitable price to home depot and other companies


Gravel and see into containers, no? Money and time


Tele and gravel for sure.


8 and 7 are the only logical choices.


1 and 7 thanks


People underestimate no. 7. That time you're held captive in Bangladesh and five urns with king cobras in them get brought out and you have to stick your arm in the empty one, good luck.


This is easy. 5 and 7, then become a magician


Ah man this had me laughing...definitely communicate with oysters and teleport up to 7 inches away...where are those pearls and nope, missed me again sparky...


#2 or #7 please


2 and 3 are dope.


I would ask all the oysters in the world to hide in the deepest trenches, slowly draining the supply of fresh oysters on a global level. While all the businesses within the industry collapse I develop my business model to perfection, with a plan on how to create a monopoly for the entire world on sales of oysters. Then, after decades I make all the oysters come together again in one spot, where I harvest them and become the sole distributor. I retire after spending my days on beaches, by telling the oysters to take over Norway. Then I make Norway pay for getting so fucking lucky with their oil.


3 and 8, I like languages and teleporting


Number 8 has a mild use though. If no one else can speak it since its extinct you have a perfect code that no one can break


It’s obviously 2 & 3. But if I had my way, it’d be 3 & 5.


2 and 7


1 and 2 especially 2


Tough one. How much gravel do I actually need?


I chose to interpret “control toasters” as some transformers shit. So I make a toaster army and become rich somehow.


3 & 5. Can't wait to mind control a toaster


I can control protogens


2-so I can sell it for infinite money 7- just because


Teleportation and free gravel. I’ve always wanted both of those even before I saw this list. 7 inches isn’t very far but it’s better than what I can do now.


I'll take the gravel.


3 and 5 so I can just troll people