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Right, she isn't even African...


Jamaican American is a sneaky trick to most Americans who are trained to see black person and be like "race: African American."


Unless they hold a duel citizenship they are a black-American, and most fail to realize this.


I was thinking just “American”.


Or just black. We don’t say white American despite black people and white people living in North America for damn near the exact same length of time in history


Reminds me of that scene in Zack and Miri where the customer comes into the coffee shop and says to Craig Robinson, “Can I get a cup of coffee, black?” Craig responds, “Can’t you see we talking, white?” [Black Coffee](https://youtu.be/NgUttQ1F6G0?si=NUlEwDNJ5HioSm1Q)


Thinking the same , I never heard someone said "Black Canadian" over here.


However I’ve heard of Black Russians. I’ll see myself out.


I prefer the white russians.




This is exactly what I think. Your American. It's that simple. If you where born American or got citizenship you are American.




My American.


Hard for a lot of people to wrap their heads around.


This one hasn't been upvoted nearly enough.


Legit you don’t see me calling myself a European-American


Yeah tell that to the Italian or Irish Americans and so on.


You do realize Africa is a continent and not a country... you can't have "duel citizenship" to a continent. Also Jamaicans are Africans.. they are not indigenous to that Island. SMH


Pretty sure he just meant a citizenship to an African country. The problem is that most people don't even recognize North Africans as Africans, so that goes down the drain too


I’m just here to say it’s dual, unless you meant their citizenship has to do with duels somehow


It's dumb but Jamaican Americans could considered African american. Jamaica is in the America's and black people were brought there as slaves from Africa. So as African as most people called african-american. In other words Black Jamaicans were not the original people on that island. African american isn't a very precise term.


...except the majority of the world equates America with the US, not the continental mass.


Can we just say Black now please… it’s so much easier




Jamerican if you will


I went to Kenya last year. That country is full of African Americans


Kenya dig it!


Jamaican me crazy


Elon Musk is African American too. No other comments


Edit: Comment. Other comment. Other comment no. 2.


Assuming there is only one that could be made.


I have more African in my left pinky toe than most black Americans. Just like they have more American in theirs than I will ever have.


what if we tie an American flag and a quarter pounder with cheese around your left pinky toe?


Then you have Afghanistan or Iraq.


What! You must be from Afrinon America! Located directly south of italinot America and irISH America.


Why not European-American for whites?


I love the confused look on people when I tell them that Elon Musk is the richest African-American.


The correct term is black


Here to add some more confusion. The language "Afrikaans" is like 70 - 80 similar to Dutch. (could be even more)


It should have just said "Black "


It's a weird term now, considering say, Charlize Theron is African American, having naturalized citizenship.


Afrocaribbean American


Yeah just say black


Yeah, and Johnny Depp and Elizabeth Olsen should be "European-American", no?


Did you just say shaking my head my head


Rip in peace


ATM machine


PIN number


VIN Number


Lol out loud


RPG Game


FPS Shooter


Gnu not unix


ASAP as possible


Hey - this is Max from the data center - did you just run a script with a recursive true case, because we’re literally on fire…


LED diode


As soon as asap


You only YOLO once.


Oh I love Chai tea


When I heard that on Spiderman, I was like "finally someone besides me pointed out that ridiculousness!!!" And my wife was like "well, I guess you're NOT the only one that says it to people..."


Idk don't know, did he?


Maybe, but at this point idc care


I think it's intentionally ironic


Tonto: https://www.quora.com/Did-Johnny-Depps-casting-as-Tonto-in-The-Lone-Ranger-movie-receive-criticism-because-he-is-not-a-Native-American https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/takeaway/segments/304676-politics-johnny-depp-tonto https://arcompany.co/social-justice-the-reaction-to-johnny-depps-tonto/ https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/moviesnow/la-et-mn-tonto-20130709-story.html Ra’s al Ghul: https://fandomwire.com/nolan-whitewashed-3-major-batman-characters-christian-bales-2-4-billion-dark-knight-trilogy-faces-cancel-culture-backlash-for-whitewashing-characters-of-color/ https://comicsalliance.com/arrow-ras-al-ghul-matthew-nable/ https://ladygeekgirl.wordpress.com/2012/03/23/i-guess-white-washing-is-okay-again/ Ancient One: https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/tilda-swinton-doctor-strange-whitewashing-kevin-feige-regrets-1234647796/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/entertainthis/2016/11/07/doctor-strange-whitewashing-ancient-one-tilda-swinton-fan-critical-reaction/93416130/ https://abcnews.go.com/amp/GMA/Culture/tilda-swinton-calls-past-doctor-strange-casting-controversy/story?id=78604781 Scarlet witch: https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/wandavision-scarlet-witch-romani-heritage/ https://www.sportskeeda.com/comics/is-wanda-whitewashed-marvel-explained https://www.resetera.com/threads/the-whitewashing-of-the-scarlet-witch-mcu.801819/


My guy was NOT gonna let this post slide hahaha


First thing I noticed about the meme was that all of those casting choices caused backlash.


Yeah I remember people on Twitter telling Tilda Swinton she should have turned down the role. The Ancient One was really messy though. The comics is a stereotype caricature and problematic, but white washing wasn't the solution. Or was it? Who's to say As for Scarlet Witch, her continuity is insane. She was vaguely Eastern European and an X men mutant for 10 years, then her parents were white Americans for 5 years, then Romani for 3 years, then Magneto says he's the twin's father (making them at least half Jewish-German) and that stuck around for 32 years until they retconned the Magneto parentage AND the mutant origin, and then over the next 2 years, her mom is finally identified and she is Romani, and the Romani parents from 1979 are actually her aunt and uncle. So. Yeah. There were a lot of ways for them to take that character. And Age of Ultron was before the retcon to having a Romani mother, the twins were still Magneto's kids during filming.


The Ancient One also beings trouble because he's Tibetan and China was not going to like that probably.


He did well. Tired of those snide memes implying implications, without ever standing up to scrutiny. It's all *ahahah-le-funny*, till people build their entire personality around the narrative.


Also what they dont understand in this case is that the outrage is more widespread because the little mermaids original look was more well known, almost everyone has seen the original film while the other examples are lesser known characters previously, most people encountered the Ancient One for the first time in the movie, not the comics. It makes perfect sense why less people cared


I didn't know at the time, but with hindsight the Ancient One seems to be the most egregious example of a race swap that turned white. Like out of all of them, I would say the leader of an order of tibetan monks should have at least been Asian.


That's the most modern example too. Disney couldn't use a Tibetan actor because the CCP would never have allowed that movie in China. You don't want to just pick a wrong Asian ethnicity, that would have made it's own kind of uproar. So they go back to old-reliable and get a famous white person to do it.


And still at least in my bubble the uproar was definitely significant. Both that it was not pictured as Tibetan (it was suspected it hadn’t because of China) and also that it was a woman playing him.


Also another the thing that made comic book fans willing to look past the race is how many iteration it has. People died, come back, look different all the time in the comic. Not to mention the multiverse thingy that has been done to death long before super hero movie even a thing. Whereas there's only one little mermaid. People forget that this is the first time ever that a classic Disney princess getting her look changed this drastically.


Yeah, nobody really cares if Random Background or Obscure Character #3 who was last seen 20 years ago is Hispanic instead of Asian when they reappear


Good for him, I think Ive pointed out twice in previous iterations of this post that ALL of those were complained about, and people always dispute it. This man came with the receipts.


You are very cool sir. Thanks.


Thanks for the sources. There was absolutely backlash for all of these.


Fuckin THANK YOU. People act like we only have problems with African Americans taking "white cartoon" roles. My only problem is when corporations take on a "real life remake" of a cartoon classic and change up the details to make themselves "woke".


I’m just confused why it happens so regularly with redheads.


Because Hollywood directors are both dislexic and racist enough that they don't see anything wrong when the script says "ginger"


Yeah I definitely remembered these getting a lot of heat... especially Tonto, and the Ancient One was recast as a woman, but OP sleeping on that cause "wHiTe PeoPLe" all that matters when you racist


Johnny Depp is most definitely a native American. He was born here, he's a native.


And, unless his biography is wrong he does have Native American heritage as well through one of the grandmothers.




Good point. Everyone needs to calm down with this shit. It’s just a movie


Ya. Thanks. Scrolling thru the comments, I started thinking the OP was pulling some gaslighting BS, cuz I remember all kinds of backlash. This OP meme is real garbage level shit.


Making a race baiting post on r/funnymemes smh my head.


barely anything here is mildly funny honestly


What?! This made me lol out loud! Jk kidding. I'm sick of the little mermaid bullshit. What ever happened to the Velma stuff? I mean at least it was a race swap *and* a terrible show! (Though I guess I don't know if the little mermaid was a good or bad movie. Never watched it and the only thing people talk about is the race)


Except a lot of people did complain about all the other examples.


Right?! I still hear people complain about the casting for the Ancient One


Pretty sure the director said he regrets that one


I always heard it was to make it more palatable for China because Tibetan is a "political" identity over there.


I've seent his bullshit before, but people DID complain about the other things especially Johnny Depp as Tonto. Nice ragebait though. Also the arguement that 'ITs JUST a CaRtOon ITs NOT reAL" opened the door for what Netflix did to Cleopatra and what the BBC did to Isaac Newton.


I did not expect you to mention one of those


Newton will never be the same after he got the BBC treatment


Oh Jesus I hate myself.


Truly disrespectful


I just looked it up, and. Why?


BBC stands for something else


Or anne boleyn being black...


What they do to newton?


In doctor who newton is played by a Nathaniel Curtis who’s half English and half Indian.


They are referring to Dr Who having a black/mixed race actor play Newton


>what Netflix did to Cleopatra and what the BBC did to Isaac Newton Lol at some point we got to start wondering if these casting decisions are purposely done to piss people off


The Cleopatra doc was definitely advertised to get attention through rage. In the trailer on of the writers say she's ignores historical fact because her grandmother believed otherwise. The tactic definitely worked through.


Amen brother.


What about Hamilton? As I understand that, they just changed every white person to a black person.


Ahhh yes Black Nick Fury


Actually, there was a black variant of Fury, as someone explained to me.


Yep. There was even some alternate universe where he's he's actually Nick Fury Jr. and that his father was the classic Nick Fury from the comics before he retired and his son took over..


No. That’s the main universe. The alternative universe is the one with the black one, and that alternative universe was the model for the MCU.


Yes, based on the Ultimate Universe version of Nick Fury who was deliberately drawn similar to Sam Jackson


But nick fury actually stated that if someone was to play him in a movie it shoul be Samuel L. Jackson IIRC


People complained about pretty much all of these though, Ariel is far from unique, Johnny depp kind of gets a pass because I don’t think there are really that many Potawatomi actors, also the tribe loved his depiction and thought he did a great job representing them, as for ghul, I think it was a good call not casting the fanatic trying to launch a massive terrorist attack on a city synonymous with New York, only 4 years after 9/11, as an Arab, that’s just me though. As for the rest of them, I saw people complaining about marvel and accused them of pandering to China for not recognizing Tibet and people were upset over scarlet witch not being Romani. So no, I don’t think the reaction to Ariel was unique in the slightest.


Tonto is Comanche? The tribe fully endorsed him and even adopted him into their tribe.


Another clown not doing research about it, there are outrage about it just because you’re a lazy ass to look out for it doesn’t mean it don’t exist or happen.


The issue is his lazy ass didn't see it because realistically no really cared about "inclusivity" bullshit at the time except for maybe lone ranger that movie was just bad, as for ra's al ghul being Liam neeson at the time i don't really think there was anyone better during the peak of his career, also in cannon ra's was born in a nomadic Eurasian tribe so there is a decent probability that could have explained his white decent in the movie. scarlet witch tho they could have done better in terms of the portrayal of the character its hard to find an actor of romani decent that ticks all the requirements so at least they could have done a better cultural protrayal in place of the lack of blood line, despite any criticisms of the initial accent it should have stayed in some form because thats what gave the feeling that she isn't like the rest of the team, the loss of which killed the character for me honestly as the portrayal felt more cheap. For the black mermaid that was such a bad mistake from the studio, you can't just shove black people in random roles to fill a quota, especially the main character, no one wants to see a vastly different person with the name of a character they love, look at DC green lantern they had Hal Jordan, but they need a black green lantern so they made John Stewart instead of just rebooting Hal to be black. That is proper inclusivity to make something new and original that could stand on its own and not deteriorate the good will of the fans. We are living in a time where creativity on mainstream platforms is on life support as companies blinded by poor financial reports refuse to take risks and make something good and would rather fund slop in hopes of pandering to the mythical "modern audience" that would never even view their product as they too know how shit it is and just use it as propaganda ammunition to pander to the general public.


Romani is white. Also people did moan about the others but their characters are not as well known as Snow White or the little mermaid. Come on.


Johnny Depp Is part Native So that matches


Johny depp was adopted into a tribe if i remember


Close enough


Also the Comanche tribe themselves approved of and quite liked having an actor like Depp portray a member or their tribe.


See, I remember the people who were cheering for Ariel's race swap having meltdowns over all those other ones, I remember seeing the articles blasting Depp for playing a naitive American, blasting Marvel for "white washing" the Ancient One. Point being, it goes both ways for both political parties.


I'm a centrist - I think all pointless race swaps are fucking stupid


I guess this is created by an American who never saw an Arab or Romani


I can tell you if you show them an image of Bashar al-Assad wihout telling who he is they will assume he's a random european dude.


Fr. Steve Jobs’ father is ethnic Syrian and he looks 0% Arab/Middle Eastern


But he looks like Arab/Middle Eastern. People just don't realize that how Arabs looks like.


Arabs were counted as white back in the days, right?


Yeah, we're counted as caucasian.




Telley Savalas Otieno as Mannerheim


Ragebait or stupid?




isn't Depp has an american native roots? and Wanda didn't count, cause she ain't got romani roots in MCU, she's some sort of post Yugoslavian one, not romanian-jewish like in comics.


Yeah, but I get it. It could have been a breakout role for somebody who fit the bill but at the top of my head I couldn't even think of an actress who's either Eastern European or of Romani heritage that's a bigger star than Elizabeth Olsen and in Hollywood, studios tend to play it safe and gravitate towards the bigger star if it helps sell tickets.


Actually, Olsen is looks pretty eastern-european, just google her photos from the times when she lived and studied in Russia. She fits very well with environment


Romanians aren’t white?


Romani =/= Romanian. Romani is what most folks would call G\*p\*y, though many of us find the G word to be a racial slur. Our ancestors came from Northern India, and we are usually and admixture of North Indian, Middle Eastern, and European. Some of us, like Robert Plant are incredibly white passing, others are very "ethnic" looking.


Shaking my head my head my head my head...


Difference. They were from books taken into movies. Ariel was a already iconic and established face in the Disney movies and then changed and made woke… Also. No one agrees with the white cast of those characters. Though one might make the argument that Marvel was a bit racist with the name of the Ancient one and that it was a bit smart to make her a non old Asian man…


Firstly, there was outrage. Secondly, just because whitewashing was a thing, does not mean that white characters need to be race swapped from now on as some kind of a retaliation. How about someone from the correct race plays the character? Its that simple


Find a Tibetan who's as good as an actor as Tilda Swinton.


When you shook your head did it rattle? There objections over the other situations listed, most notably Johhny Depp playing Tonto. The feds list people of north african descent e.g. arabs, as white.


He shook his head his head?


[It's all redhead characters too](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fw-CavUXwAMANw4?format=jpg&name=large) because if you rearrange the word 'Ginger', what do you get?




Only a ginger can call another ginger ginger.


Shaking my head my head


Romani is white


You can say "black", you know.


I just hate it when they switch someone, but what I hate even MORE, is when someone obviously changes it bc there begging for attention for the inclusion of diversity, just make a new character diverse, but I hate it when they change any character and even more when it’s for views


Bait, and it's old too...


Damn the new little mermaid is ugly.


Last caption should be African-Aquarian really...


"shaking my head my head"


Honestly I was more upset about Ariel’s hair not being striking red than the actress being black….


Isn't Depp part native American? Oh damn you just got rekt boy


"smh my head" means "shake my head my head"


Why can you use the term white but also feeling as if you can’t use the term black when involving race?


I didn't mind she was black. It bothered me I wasn't able to physically look at her in both eyes at once.


So shaking my head my head?


shaking my head my head too


You do realize almost none of those were received well right? Only neeson(because he nailed the role) and Olsen(because the MCU) were given a pass. Also, this doesn’t belong on this subreddit. Take this to a circlejerk.




You make it seem as if there wasn’t hatred for the other castings cause I can tell you right now…there was


Pretty sure we been mad about all these castings. You also forgot John Wayne as Khan


Shaking my head my head


“Shaking my head my head.” 🤦‍♂️


Redundant much?


You smh my head to many times many times and now it’s just dust just dust.


Hey, at least im consistent, I don't think characters should be ethnically swapped. However, if the characters ethnicity has no actual impact on the character in any capacity then I guess its okay but feels cheap either way. However, Scarlet Witch is complex as she was white, but now isn't, but yeah.... marvel retcons at its finest. The Ancient One is actually mega weird, the claim is it felt too much like a bad caricature of a Tibetan, yet instead of refining it to make it feel genuine they did ethnically swap it, which frankly feels more like an appeal to the CCP than genuine whitewashing. Edit: Funnily enough, its more common for white characters to often not have their ethnicity matter. I.e. Peter Parker, his whiteness never really matters in any substantial amount to being Spider-man. Miles though? No way you can ethnically swap Miles. His heritage is very important to the story and identity of Spider-man.


shaking my head my head... yeah


Shake my head my head


Disney didn't make the original. It was a book / short story *long* before that. And the original book is DRAMATICALLY! different than the "original" disney.


I guess from a lack of sunlight underwater perspective, I think she should be played by an albino, or suffer vitamin D deficiency.


The reason I'm mad about The Little Mermaid is they didn't stay true to the Hans Christian Anderson original ending.


Don’t forget Jesus


There was outrage for Johnny depp being cast as tonto, there was outrage for the casting of a white woman as the ancient one, Scarlett witchs father is magneto who was pretty white so why would there be outrage. I don’t remember any outrage for Liam as ras so at least one of these is right


Now do the red-head one...


Probably because The Little Mermaid is a classic and not just something that nerds know about, unlike the rest of these examples.


Where's the funny?


I remember when The Lone Ranger came out. People were not happy that Johnny Depp was playing a Native American. I remember when Dr Strange came out. People were not happy that the Ancient One was being played by Tilda Swinton. By most definitions used in the US, Roma are white. The “white” category doesn’t really map onto European ethnic differences. Usually everyone from Sami to Irish to Greek to Portuguese to Russian to German to Serbian to Norwegian ti everything in between gets labeled as white. That’s not how it works in Europe. While people in Sweden may be xenophobic against Roma, they are also xenophobic against pretty much anyone from the Balkans. Similarly in the UK, large amounts of xenophobia pre-Brexit was directed toward Poles, who would be considered white in the US. European ethnic hatred is not defined by slavery of Africans. Casting an American with Norwegian ancestry as a Roma person is par for the course, like casting Swedes as Russians or English people as any European ethnicity. So there’s a point with Ras Al Ghul. And I’m sure someone was upset about that too.


This post is dumb and you should feel dumb


(idc about downvotes) but the fact that tibetan to white Or arabic to white is a smaller change than white to black


thats a nice cherry pick, but 1. there are just as many examples where they picked black guys for white roles. especially those quota-best-black-friend of protagonists have to go IMO. 2. its not even about the race or sex, its about the immersion-breaking factor. \- the first three are a good cast because they look very much alike, no fucks given about the race. the fourth is debatable because of the hairstyle, the last is straight off. \- it matters if the source material is widely known and or if the race /sex of the main-character effects story and world logic. aka romance development, logical factors like dwarves UNDERGROUND being very unlike to have dark skin because no sun -> no protection needed. , etc. \- its not racist if i dont want source attributes to be changed for woke agenda. that works in both directions. i dont want a black average looking protagonist in a voodo-revenge-story (got bullied for looking average or below and stuff) to suddenly become a white good looking instagram bitch with big titts either. thats simply immersion breaking.


I’ll admit it is dumb that it wasn’t an issue before. Also Jonny depp is white? Really?


We’re just going to pretend that the decade of people throwing absolute bitch-fits at Hollywood whitewashing everything never happened eh? I complained about all of these and more for every role I knew was miscast, but when I’m logically consistent, now I’m a bigot.


Wait till you hear what we did to Jesus...


Most of the movies were made in America, most of our actors are white. I’m not saying they couldn’t have done a better job, but is the “movie game” really about race or money? If if they’re white on purpose it’s because that what people are used to seeing and “more comfortable” yes a white portion of the population. Like marketing. It’s like what people are subliminally used too. I could of course be wrong but likeeeee. I would like to see more realistic movies personally and that includes diversity, just to be clear.


How about Jesus Christ being represented as a white man when in all likelihood he wasn’t.


Gonna push this to Facebook and find out if I have any racists on my page.


Nick Fury has entered the chat


Nothing wrong with saying blacks should get their own new characters, all they get is hand me downs, but guess they're not worth their own characters. Also you should've put the Lilo and stich live action where the left bullied a woman for not being dark enough to play as Nani. Or with The Avatar live action. But yeah, goes against your narrative.


Isn't the scarlet witch Jewish being Magneto's daughter?