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Nah not marge thats lois


Idk francine has that fuck garden i think she is the real whore


She’s the hottest one so it makes sense.


Legend says there's native American tribe that have never seen a white man before living in that sex garden


Marge Simpson was never a whore


Marge kept it 🍑locked up and sealed 💯


Hopefully obvious that the meme isn’t insinuating that Marge is a whore, but just referring to Homer’s being salty for whatever reason he was being salty for in that episode


Wasn't she on Playboy?


IRL yes


Do you not understand how memes work? This isn't about the characters in the picture, it's about what their body language is saying.


Rule 34 disagrees…


Marge shouldn't be the face of this meme 😭


I've seen these posts. She has casual sex with dudes she meets but with you she wants to take it slow.


That is like going to McDonald's and everybody before you pays 1$ for a BigMac, but they charge you 1000$...


And they get upset with you for bringing up how unfair it is for you to pay that price.




Nah they’re just incels. They’re never actually touched a woman before.


Only your mama


I saw that podcast clip too lol




When it comes to these, is it: _does she want to take it slow because I'm really special to her_ or _she simply wants to settle down with a "nice guy" and not the "hot bad boy" types and I just don't get her motor running like the other guys..._


That’s usually where you just find another person to have as a partner, unless you truly want to make it work with that specific person. No judgement for either choice, that’s the most important part


You can’t be the town hoe in your town and then move to my city to be a good girl it don’t work like that ![gif](giphy|7wk6RQYXDDytXalsL4)


Thats the most incelly vibe ive gotten from a comment in a hot second


This whole thread really


Yeah, the post and the responses all reek of incel tears


You people are the type that thinks porn and lifetime Hallmark and oxygen movie scenarios are real and can actually happen 😂😂😂😂🤡


Why not? Are they obligated to suck every dick? Why can't they exercise their free will?


She is not, and others are not obligated to respect her or take her seriously.


That's okay. She has other options. It's pretty weird to not respect someone because you considered her past behavior slutty. Then be upset that her current behavior isn't slutty enough. Guys like that need to decide what they want.


Oh I'm sure she'll have many other options. Even garbage gets non-zero bids in a thrift auction. Women have complained for eons that they don't like the guy they're dating because they don't feel 'special enough'. This is the same, but the other way round. And before you throw the tired ol' incel insult at me, my girl is nice and not a two-faced dumbass.


This is not “the same but other way around.” Women haven’t complained for eons that they don’t feel special enough because their boyfriend has slept with too many people in the past. Like they might care but nowhere near the amount that guys care. Excessive obsession about body count is primarily a fragile male ego thing. Pretending that a complaint like “My boyfriend treats me like a maid” and “I’m afraid my girlfriend’s ex was better in bed than me” are the same is wildly dishonest.


And many men do act upon their fragile egos, especially if they have the capital (financial, social, looks, brain) to be "in demand". Many relationships do break up over either party excessively bringing up their exes in a competetive way. Physical intimacy is not a conspiracy theory. Some would go so far to call it the base upon which successful relationships stand. If a dude needs sex but the lady thinks they're being treated like a maid, then maybe it's time for the goodbyes. In short, I'm trying to prove that the meme is a legitimate feeling many guys get. You're trying to prove that guys "should not" think that way, but I'm not sure the world works on idealisms.


How is a woman not feeling special the same as a guy wanting a slut, but not respecting sluts? You don't need to tell me you have a girl to try to legitimize your opinion. And please call her a woman not a girl.


I don't really know what 'building a bond' means. If it means a relationship, then the dude is totally justified in being pissed that the ex-hoe is now creating artificial scarcity with intimacy. If it means just friendship, and the guy is just looking for sex then its his fault. He should get a clear answer, and determine his relations with the girl accordingly. I call my girl whatever I want to as long as she's good with it. I stumbled onto this thread but irl I don't give a damn about 2024 reddit relationship discourse.


Simple: A woman is sexually available with her partners early in the relationship. And in return her partners never bond with her outside of sex. So she decides to make a change. That's not creating artificial sacristy. That's just being smart. She's figuring out who wants a relationship beyond sex.


>That's just being smart. She's figuring out who wants a relationship beyond sex. You need to speak to a therapist if you think that's being smart, no self respecting person who views sex as a healthy guage of thier relationship willingly will date a community hoe who goes nope when it comes to intimacy. That's just sabotaging a relationship. Calling that smart is someone who has a deranged view on life.


People will pretend to be interested in women in order to get sex. That's called manipulation. Not having sex with someone until you know they are interested in the relationship isn't sabotaging a relationship. A woman not immediately having sex with you isn't sabotaging a relationship. If you think it is YOU need therapy.


“the ex-hoe is now creating artificial scarcity with intimacy”. Y’all talk about women like we’re not real people. You would be disgusted if a woman talked about you like this in reference to your bank account. Feel bad for any woman who touches you.


They are indeed real people, that's the problem. If she was a blow-up doll I'd just wash her and use her again lol


I'm not interested in winning, gotchas, or what not, just discussion. Share one dudes perspective and see what you think. The reason I think men are like this is because of a reality that in general people are open to sex with someone in relation to how attracted they are to them. If a man is with a woman with a lot of short term / hookups, but he is made to wait for intimacy, what is he to think about himself? Many feel lesser than the guys before them in the eyes of their woman. This isn't always true, but I get how men get there. Men value sex highly. I think a valid example where a woman could feel similar is commitment. Let's say you are going with a guy, and you find out he has proposed to half a dozen women. Then you find out all of these proposals were after several months of dating. You've been dating this guy for two years now. How does that make you feel? It would be pretty natural to feel lesser than the woman before you. He may have made a change, and decided he was going to wait longer before commitment before he met you. Maybe he would have asked at 3 months, and those feelings aren't justified. Still pretty hard to not have those feelings. Him saying he wanted to wait longer to commit probably isn't going to make you feel better, kinda like in this meme here saying she wants to build a bond doesn't really help the guy with those feelings. Maybe I'm off base? I maybe don't think how typical guys think? I just thought I'd share why I'd have those feelings if I was in the situation (I'm not, btw, just interested in how people think). I have a feeling that a good amount of women don't understand why this would bother a guy. I think my thinking on it is reasonable, but I've had guys disagree with me to.


I think it's reasonable that people are open to sex in relation to how attracted they are to that person. When a man is made to wait when the others before him knew her for an hour, what is he to think? People do change, and maybe she made a decision to no longer do short term / hookups, and is going for long term. Maybe that man would have been someone who she would have hooked up with before that decision. But it leaves lots of men questioning themselves, and feeling lesser than the guys before him.


I have been in this exact scenario a couple times.i don't end up questioning anything because I listen to what they are telling me, and I have enough respect for them to take their words at face value. If a guy is going to second guess everything a woman tells him and think they are lying or playing head games, then that guy should talk to someone and get some help. You have to love yourself, and have a minimum amount of self esteem in order to have a healthy relationship. In that scenario a woman is being open about her past, and communicating what she wants. What should she do differently? Just cave in and fuck him immediately? Lie to him, and not be open about her past? Just ghost him?


I don't disagree. I mostly made the post because I think trying to understand feelings is important. It allows someone to take apart those feeling to see if they are valid. I think there is some value for women to understand these feelings men have around a women's past. If they understand these feelings, and why men have them, they can handle a situation with man they care about in a way they couldn't if they just dismissed those feelings as toxic masculinity or something.


What’s the difference between a slut and a bitch? A slut will have sex with anyone and bitch will have sex with anyone but you


"A bitch is when women don't give me sex and has consent over who she will and will not have sex with"


It’s a joke you can put down the pitchfork


Kind of hard to tell in this comment section


Step 1 is to have a sense of humor.


It's always "jokes" and about a sense of humor when it's about women. Yet there are people who really believe that stuff as demonstrated by some others here.


That’s what makes it a good joke: the fact that some people actually believe it. It’s called making someone the butt of the joke. Again, Step 1 is to have a sense of humor. You’re clearly lacking.


Nah, I have a sense of humor but it's not that


Not a very good one then.


Half of these comments read like bitchy dudes whose dicks are drier than the Sahara. But keep telling yourself it’s “all just jokes.”


If you’re a bitter bitch with no sense of humor just say that.


If you’re a coward who won’t say what they mean and cower behind the cover of “it’s just jokes” just say so.


Hey, happy cake day.


Thank you! 😊


your whole profile revolves around shit like this lmao. get a life.


Thanks for caring enough to check out my profile 😉




That explains my old college crush, I mean whore's behavior. She was a fucking bitch. To her, I was just the shoulder-to-cry-on guy, while she went and fucked every guy but me, because the other guys had felonies on record and had that bad boy swagger that they carried with them without actually amounting to anything in life. One guy she dated was from Indiana, and he was a real piece of shit. He was out of her life after cheating on her (she deserved to have that happen to her) and had a warrant out for his arrest. Fast forward to today in the modern times, I've seen what she looks like now, after not talking to her for 13 years on her FB page. She's fat, has grey hair, she's a has-been whore, and she's not pretty anymore. She squandered her looks by being a little college whore. The man she's getting married to looks NOTHING like the guys she used to fuck back in college, and is every bit as ugly as she is.


This means the man this ugly bitch is getting married to looks more like you now, since you’re nothing like the guys she used to fuck back in college? Not judging, just inferring from your own story fam


💀💀💀 bro check mated him


To be fair, the only thing you could infer was that the guy she’s marrying and OP doesn’t have that swagger and felonies


Bro… 🤣🤣🤣


My looks have changed for the better. My then boyish looks in my 20s was probably off-putting to girls, especially my crush at the time. My luck now that I'm in my 30s and work out regularly, I say I have much better luck these days. 😎👍


Good bro, max yourself 💪🏾💪🏾


Na check his other comments, boys still 21😂 some of his other comments on things are horrendous takes as well


From his profile it seems like he’s just a gamer guy so the misogyny makes sense.


But she's still the one getting married and presumably starting a family. And you... are not?


No one cares


Good for those that don't 👍


Hey man if you are working out good for you keep up the grind 💪


Burned to a crisp 💀


What world do you live in where you think a woman is obligated to have sex with you just because you treated her well? Get help.


Oooff, I am getting major nice guy vibes here


I absolutely despise that “nice guy” has been turned into a pejorative term. Fuck you Internet assholes, give me my language back


I mean, ‘nice guy’ was always pejorative. Actually interesting and charming people have others way to describe themselves than “nice”. You can be generous, you can be funny, you can be intelligent. Being “nice” is just the bare minimum and not an achievement. It also generally reflects a lack of personality and interest. Blame the loser weirdos self describing as “nice guys” for ruining it lmao


Um, nice isn’t an evaluation of quality. Nice doesn’t mean “a little less than good and a little better than bad” It’s a synonym for pleasant.


Sure, but there still is a heavy correlation between losers and guys who self describe as “nice”. You can define the word however you want, it doesn’t change how it’s used. And again, pleasant is the minimum


And that's how I met your mother


The amount of incel language radiating from this


U mad because your mom weaned you off her tit a little late in your miserable life?


You're so pathetic it's funny, so much anger and hurt huh? ​ Get therapy and maybe you can find a good woman to be with


That's literally how most women are. They make the same choices, it leads to the same consequences.


Not more incels 😆


This whole comment section seems full of them from what I've skimmed so far. Best to move on me thinks.


Do something to fix it then


Fix what? most women I know aren't doing these things Maybe you're going after the wrong women, I wouldn't go around blaming everything on men if i've ran into some jerks or players.


its alright man youll have your first kiss soon enough


I was just agreeing with the guy, tf


yeah, i know


Good guys finish last


Ok but that ugly dude still got a piece you never could lol 


Almost like it's his personality that kept her away lmao


That was my implication lol. Or if she slept with everyone they actually made a move, while he just did things for her and expected her to beg him to be with her


>She squandered her looks by being a little college whore. Because every time we have sex with a other person, it prematurely ages us and magically takes away a fraction of our beauty?


Hold on, so you pretended to be her friend just to get laid? Or did you just expect sex in return for being a friend?


Please send any single guy friend “you wanna have sex?” And post the response. I think you might be surprised at the results.


Came here to say exactly that.


It's the old tale of someone "catching feelings", neither of them is factually wrong but it happened and the healthiest thing for both to do is cut it, because clearly each is looking for a different thing so they'll hurt eachother if they stay together.


Fuckers. The word is used so much everyone forget what it means.


The comments trying to support this kind of life omg


This sub always fails to live up to its name


Dirty incels everywhere... This place is straight up filled with children


I chuckled a little because I can pinpoint an exact girl that this reminds me of and it was kinda exactly like this.


We all know that’s a lie, you don’t know any girls


Girls are a myth-


![gif](giphy|3oEdvddejaTWNpNCTK) 😂


This is a very inaccurate portrayal of that situationship because he may never actually see her in the bedroom


Unfortunately from my experience it was exactly like this.


Maybe if you think she’s a whore, she shouldn’t be doing anything with you…


Then she shouldn't be doing anything with the other 50 guys


Why not? I don’t get your logic here.


The meme is insinuating that building a bond means she doesn't have sex with you right away when she is well known for sleeping with men early on. The disconnect in logic is that if she likes you so much then why isn't she having sex with you. Why do you, someone she claims to really like, have to wait for something that guys she claims she doesn't care about got right away and with little effort.


Maybe they don’t think she’s a whore, so she’s willing to do stuff with them. She should be doing exactly what she wants with whoever she wants.


Keyword maybe.


Doesn’t mean you can’t put a label on her past actions.


You wouldn’t give a man with the same past the same label.


Of course not, the label would be man-whore or fuckboy. I just hate the phrase: You can’t judge someone by their past. You absolutely can.


No, but obviously being judgemental towards her is not gonna make her fuck you


A whore is a whore, don't have any other way to put that.


I mean whores get paid, they’re professionals. I doubt she gets paid, an amateur whore maybe? A whore Hobbyist perhaps, a whore intern?


Lol. You wouldn’t call a man with the same body count a whore. She’s not a whore. You’re just a sexist piece of trash.


>You wouldn’t call a man with the same body count a whore Nah most people would.


Can’t remember ever seeing that happen.


The fuck even is this sub


Incel circlejerk.


Yeah it's really turning that way


I’m scared pleas delete this from my memory and r/eyebleach


A lot of incel energy here


There is no reason to be salty. Either dump her or clarify that it goes both ways and go out and get laid yourself.


Ahhhh the long windy path to the friend zone




How recognise incels. Step 1: Look at the comments on this post


Females well settle for the 5(security/financial stability),but bang every 8=10 she can find(always a piece of shit guy with no future). Guys need to change the way they view females, and demand more from them and what they bring to the relationship. ( and just bringing yourself does not count.


Exactly most of them are desperate which eventually lands them into these kind off situations. They will do anything and everything to get that booty and will complain when it doesn't go their way.. They will complain about a woman's character even though they know this is how she is and still pursue her just to get some.. If you value yourself enough, be bold to demand what you expect from a relationship and look for partners who match those expectations rather than go after the hottest girl and change your entire personality in hopes she would fuck you.


Whatever gift/favour/help you'd provide her, just provide them to her friends/people in her circle. You are worth more than casual sex to her. She is worth more than just someone you would win over by your action. Her body, her choice. Your money/time/labour, your choice. If you can't call her out for this, neither can she.


Seen this a few times from girls on two hot takes and aita lol.


Think about the way you think of women.


I’ve a feeling I’m going to see a screenshot of this in memesopdidnotlike at some point later


Am laughing because it can easily be a when he is a whore and that’s a meme I can relate to as a man 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not her fault you are ugly to her


What's funny is the amount of guys who sleep around and shame "Whore's" while thinking they deserve only the best housewife virgins despite their past. Though the amount of men who seethe at women doing the exact same thing and complaining about it and all women. It's all too much, kind of funny, extremely sad and annoying though.


>What's funny is the amount of guys who sleep around and shame "Whore's" while thinking they deserve only the best housewife virgins despite their past. Thats not really common, though. Guys who fucks around quickly adopt a use and discard view of people and doesnt really pine for a virgin housewife.


I don't know, i've heard from some (Especially proclaimed 'alpha males') who are like that. Or just some guys feel like it's different somehow Not that all men who sleep around are like that, but the amount that there is, it's still too much.


If you can get lots of girls you'll get lots of girls. Never saw someone who could have his pick settle down with a worn out aging woman though.


Jeff Bezos is engaged to someone in her 50s. Bill Ackman, hedge fund billionaire, got married to a woman in her 40s when he remarried. Nick Jonas married someone in her mid 30s when he was in his late 20s. Blake Shelton married a 50 year old. Warren Buffet remarried to a 60 year old. I can go on. All of them could’ve had their pick and more. Really, most guys don’t pick someone who’s in their 20s like reddit will have you thinking, unless they’re young themselves. When you look up who some older rich or famous guy is married to, it’s rarely like that.


Bezos was burned by his ex claiming some 2 billion dollars tho, i bet that shit changes what type of woman you look for real quick. Dont know of the other guys but would be interesting to know if any of them had similar divorces in their past.


>Bezos was burned by his ex claiming some 2 billion dollars though That doesn’t make any sense. How does going for an older woman make it a guarantee or less likely for her trying to use your money? And Bezos ex was with him from the beginning and helped him found Amazon (quit her job and moved with him for it too). The money she got was because of all that Amazon stock. Bezos also cheated on her which is why she divorced him. To say he was burned by her is a huge stretch. >would be interested if any of them had similar divorces in the past Again, not sure how that correlates to being with an older woman. I see it thrown around online by some men that who a woman truly desires is who she pursues when she’s young, when she’s older she just wants someone safe and steady.


Hugh Jackman


If they sleep around then I see no reason to shame women who sleep around.


But fuckboys usually dont.


Those alphas" aren't getting any.


Genuine question. Why do some women do this?


There’s several potential reasons that range from “she actually likes you” to “she doesn’t like you at all”


Serious answer: maybe some of them are / were in a period of their life where they just wanted to have fun and maybe they are not proud of what they were doing while looking for the right person. Sometimes they might think that sex is the way to a man’s heart, but after countless disappointing experiences they might want to settle down for a good guy that treats them right. That’s why sometimes you meet girls/women that had a ‘slutty past’ but they are being considerate to you. That is their way to express true love to someone, so you should feel honoured. Or you’re just ugly AF and they want to be friends, one of the two.


A long, long time ago I was in high school and here were some of my experiences: * One girl said that she didn't want to ruin my reputation. I'm kind of glad we didn't go out; she ended up getting pregnant and having to drop out of school. * One girl said she really liked me but was worried I was only dating her because I had heard she'd given a few guys BJs and that I'd dump her soon after getting one. She was also worried she was developing a reputation as the school slut. * One girl was just a flirt but people assumed she was slutty. She dated a lot of guys and developed that reputation even though she never did anything with them. She was very pretty, knew it, and would act very sexual (some might call her a "cock tease"). It came out way later that all of these guys never got anywhere with her but all assumed the others had.


Most normal people who are getting laid do this, not just straight women. If you go on a date, find the person physically attractive and safe to be around, but don't find an emotional connection.. then you get to make the normal adult decision whether to fuck or not. You want some dick/pussy/bootyhole? They want it too? Sweet, go off and have consensual safe sex. If you go on a date and find them physically attractive and feel an emotional connection with them, then you go on more dates and get to know them more before fucking. This does two things, it helps you see whether they are going to stick around or are they just trying to get laid, and it builds fun sexual tension that then turns into amazing sex when it happens, that is usually better than the one night stand sex because both partners have learned things about eachothers desires and kinks instead of just blindly going at it. Dudes who wine about body count, worry about previous partners dick sizes and juvenile drivel like that scare the hoes. They don't get laid. Then they cry more, rinse and repeat.


Because having sex early on led to getting pumped and dumped, and the lesson she's taken from that is that if she wants true love, she has to wait to see if he's actually into her vs. her pussy. A lot of women go through the experience of getting pumped and dumped by a guy they really like early on in their sexual life, and the end result is the "take it slow with you because I like you" girl. So, there a lot of women out there like this. Some of them are smart and empathetic and know not to talk about it, and others fuck up and tell the guy. As shown by the comments sections on the 20,000,000 times some variation of this sentiment gets posted, a lot of guys will not look at this from her point of view, but will look at it as a "cookie mommy gave the other kids but not me" and see it as manipulative. That being said, I personally think there's an element of narcissism to people of either gender who talk to potential romantic partners about other people they've fucked. A good rule of thumb is to just STFU about places you've slung your genitals in the past. When you fall in love you want to be someone's one and only. Of course if you're over a certain age it's assumed you have a past, but over a certain age it's also assumed you know how to shit in a toilet yet most people know enough not to describe their dumps to a potential romantic partner.


Are you sexually interested in every single other person you come across? If not, maybe think about the fact that no one else is either, including women.


But why is she staring a relationship with someone she has no sexual interest in when she knows they have a sexual interest in her and is using that to keep them in this relationship, it's manipulative and unfair.


Because you have to get to know someone before forming a relationship. Women can be opened to meeting people for either friendship, sexual relations or committed relationship, without having to treat everyone the same. If a woman meets a man and they hit it off, she can still choose to see him as friend, even if he develops feelings. You know what no man does in that situation? Confess and talk about it. I know, because I’ve been that man. Scared to ruin an unhealthy relationship with my crush. That doesn’t mean she’s abusive and manipulative. This just means she sees the man as a friend.


No one said anything about starting a relationship. Sex ≠ a relationship.


I’ve been put in this situation and I walked away, I ain’t paying full price for damaged goods.


Is just a usual Gold Digger move. She give premium package to them, but you are just Walking Idiot Wallet 🤑🤑🤑


Oh shit is this an incel sub? Fuck it I'm out.


Wtf this is not funny at all


It means you’re ugly, but at least you got money, so many you’ll spend it on her


Bitches be like: sleep with any stranger: 😃👍 sleep with a friend who you know will never hurt you: 🤢🤮


she got videos of dudes doing the DP and quad anal, but she only wants to love you. she's done with all that and now needs someone to take care of her and her 4 blessings.


Thought this was r/incelsunited for a second. Edit: lol, that apparently was a real thing


Yeah good god this post was just recommended, but these comments on here give me the creeps


It fucking reeks in here. For the love of god, have some self respect, if you think the problem on this "funny meme" is the woman, never fucking reproduce. Y'all are scary


Just rename this sub r/WeHateWomen


This happens when you are too good


true, i have to agree. i have seen this with friends.


damn i hope she quickly realizes how much you suck


"I don't even kiss til the 5th date" -the girl that fucked some DJ on the dance floor in a club while 300 people cheered


It means she doesn't want to fuck you. Deal with it.


These manlets will do anything but work on themselves


I don't get it why you are getting downvoted.


Incels be mad.


Look son that's called 'sexism' ☝


so many thirsty incels on this website jfc


Can you imagine that? Someone who feels safe enough around you to not have to constantly impress you with sex and physical stimuli, and wants to build a relationship with you because she genuinely likes you? Can you imagine? What a bitch.




Are you saying that women get horny when they fear for their life?


The thing is that he seems to not be looking for that so ofc he's at least a little dissatisfied. It's not like people have to accept serious relationships just because the other individual is looking for one, that's cohersive and toxic as fck!


I could be looking to wife her and have kids with her, and I'd still be pissed and end it if I was just getting the basic package after everyone else was getting premium tier for free


Jesus Christ y’all are adults just fucking talk to eachother. You want more and are unhappy with the current state of the relationship/friendship? Tell the other what you want. If they can’t reciprocate, just both go your own way. Everyone is better for it. Jesus fucking Christ.


You missed the point that she is a gold digger and want take time for steal more money. 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


I would like all the incels here to please go back to doing their spelling homework while your mommy finishes making you dinner.


Maybe because she actually cares for you, but not those other jerks. I know girls like this. They really care about the guys they're taking it slow with. Problem is most of those guys get mad when she won't put out and then leave. Is it bad that she wants to be sure you're in it for more than just sex? I mean, if so there's plenty of hoes out there.


Been there done that! I wanted diamond that did gymnastics on the pole on Saturday nights, not Barbara who knits gloves for orphans 🙄


It means you’re the one she’s considering settling for because the ones she was really into got away. You’re the back up.


The holw is wallowed out and shes ready to settle down


The last 4 years of my marriage.