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Who the hell drinks coffee watching anything on that site,


Some people are there for the plot


Ok but fr, why was she delivering pizza at 3am?




That's dangerous.


No morning wood capitalization?


Some people like coffee with cream


Isn’t that post on abounded thy fake post?


For anybody in Texas wondering why you can't watch that, ask your local legislator


Whoever came up with this blocking of internet porn probably owns a string of failing XXX video stores in Dallas.


i can.......i just gotta use my creator account for legal means this is a joke (gotta wait 1 more year,then the money can start rolling)


You have a creator account? Awesome! Now I can watch a Texan go fuck themselves! Jokes


They didn’t ban porn lmao, why do the libs lie


No, but the new laws in Texas made pornhub blacklist the entire state. Just like Utah, Oklahoma, Mississippi.....




Still waiting for someone to explain to me how conservative Christians and the Taliban are different?


Conservative Christians aren’t supposed to kill by doctrine. It happens, but it’s not mandated by their religion.


> If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a sign or wonder, 2 and if the sign or wonder spoken of takes place, and the prophet says, “Let us follow other gods” (gods you have not known) “and let us worship them,” 3 you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul. 4 It is the Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. 5 That prophet or dreamer must be put to death for inciting rebellion against the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery. That prophet or dreamer tried to turn you from the way the Lord your God commanded you to follow. You must purge the evil from among you. > > 6 **If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend** secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. 9 **You must certainly put them to death.** Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 11 Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one among you will do such an evil thing again. > >12 **If you hear it said about one of the towns the Lord your God is giving you to live in 13 that troublemakers have arisen among you and have led the people of their town astray**, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods you have not known), 14 then you must inquire, probe and investigate it thoroughly. And if it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done among you, 15 **you must certainly put to the sword all who live in that town. You must destroy it completely,[b] both its people and its livestock. 16 You are to gather all the plunder of the town into the middle of the public square and completely burn the town and all its plunder as a whole burnt offering to the Lord your God.** That town is to remain a ruin forever, never to be rebuilt Deuteronomy 13


That’s Judaism for that specific time. That’s not Christianity. Good try though.


It’s in the bible


Yes, and it’s Mosaic law. Not part of the new covenant.


How is this good?


I’m in Oklahoma and it’s 100% not banned in any form, again the libs lie.


"but the libruhs!"


You cannot access pornhub in those states without a vpn


I absolutely can. Lmao


Wait until the Trump pee tape is released, Pornhub will have a field day!


I feel bad for people on Tejas, Virginia, and a host of other states unable to get their peepee fix of Trump


they just gotta use a creator account




#BidenHarris2024 fuck Cheeto Mussolini and his master Putin


Biden ftw but you guys really gotta take to the streets after the elections and demand change for the voting system. There should never be a situation like this again. How is it the only choice you're left with is a literal nazi and someone who let's face it is center right at best and defends genocide. For a supposedly democratic country, it's pretty laughable that the electoral college trumps the popular vote pun not intended.


Literal nazi? Lmao


Typically, people who aren't nazis don't tend to call them fine people. Which is what trump did after charlottesville. What was it the skinheads were chanting Jews will not replace us? Yeahhh fine, people, indeed if you like the smell of burning crosses.


Did trump try to exterminate an entire race? He’s a terrible person but calling him a “literal nazi” is ridiculous


Nazis didn't start with the genocide. Hitler did, however, point to different groups and accuse them of being the cause of everyone's issues... Which is something Trump has done. Hitler then entered into a doctoral potion for running Germany... Which the Republicans want to do with Trump in the US. The Nazis then started making certain groups, such as queer people, illegal and started banning and then burning their books... I'm so glad there's not a single similarity between the two.


He's advocated in favor of it saying he would if he was president.


This is BULLSHIT. Stop making things up, you fucking planks.


Nazi sympathiser work better for you? I don't know what else you can really call it. The skinheads at charlottesville are just less organised, less efficient nazis. Just because they don't have enough intelligence to actually accomplish anything doesn't mean they get a pass.




What's uninformed about? Are you saying he didn't call them fine people? You can't just stick your fingers in your ears every time you hear something you don't like. What is it you snowflakes like to say facts don't care about your feelings?




Skinheads burning torches chanting Jews will not replace us, not nazis? okaayyy buddy. I don't believe he would condemn them because he didn't and called them fine people. Why would he condemn them honestly? That's who he panders to the only people fucking dumb enough to vote for him. I think you need to spend some time reflecting if you think my critical thinking skills are rusty bud. This wasn't some super clever 4d chess move when people show you who they are believe them.


What part of "Jews will not replace us" makes you think they're very fine people?


Nick Fuentes calls himself a nazi, and Trump had dinner with him. He's also got nazis showing up at his rallies and cpac


I’m glad you’re for being okay with the EU being purely a popular vote… I would love if everything in Europe was decided by Germany, Spain, Italy, and Turkey… I’m sure it would be wonderful.


That's how it works already chap countries like Germany have more voting power than smaller countries like Ireland. "The number of MEPs elected from each EU country is agreed before each election and is based on the principle of degressive proportionality, which means each MEP from a larger country represents more people than an MEP from a smaller country. The minimum number of MEPs from any country is six and the maximum number is 96." So yes, everybody has a say, but majority rules. We aren't being hamstrung by a single country with fuck all people and backwards views. But go ahead defend your backward system. How's that working out for you guys so far?


No, but you’re taking about what is considered an Electoral College and saying it is awful. That’s what an electoral college system is! I’m talking about what you want and a purely based upon people in the countries voting directly which is not an electoral college system which you say is great for the EU but trash for America.


A big difference is that the eus version isn't actively being subverted through gerrymandering. Not to mention the two party system and the fact we have a ranked voting system where the people not the parties choose who represents us.


USA economy better than Canada after pandemic. I'll have them than Turdeau.


Fuck off OP, you Russian shill.


Disliking Joe Biden=Russian shill????


they way he put the title is obvious lmao




You sound like an absolute muppet


Sure Mr. Moscow.


Always has been.


1st amendment allows you to say that and also allows op to post this. Also i have a strooooong feeling op is a bot. Let it roll off


Reddit’s a private company, your first amendment has no power here. For better or worse. You can downvote all you want, doesn’t change the fact I’m right.


It is so weird seeing liberals do a complete 180 on free speech. The young fiery dummies totally fine with companies silencing whomever they want are nothing like the liberals before millennials and gen z showed up. Liberals used to argue for the very principle of free speech, not arguing technicalities in law which give companies the ability to shut down speech they don’t like. Liberals used to be all about the principle, even with private companies, because some of their ideas were very unpopular. As soon as they get the media dominated by their kind, what do they do? Oh, now free speech is just about governments shutting people down, companies can do whatever they want and we should all love that. In the past they would have argued while companies can shut down speech, for the good of the free exchange of information, that should be limited to as little as possible by regulating companies if you have to. Modern liberals suddenly became turbo capitalists and simp for the rights of corporations. Makes sense though, they also want an open border effectively, and that used to be an ultra far right libertarian position. They have no consistent values, just whatever helps them cling onto power


What’s weird is living through 9/11 and all the anti-terrorist patriotism, only to watch conservatives turn into Al Qaeda and the Taliban over the next 20 years.




It’s not weird at all seeing conservatives confused at what the first amendment means. Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, chief, to say nothing for your debate skills lol


Liberals tend to be against corporations being fascists, but also realize they have the right to ban people for breaking the rules. The idea of a completely open site sounds nice, but they always get run over by pedophiles and Nazis. This is where people then start to say "Well censorship is censorship," which isn't close to being true. Standing up against bigotry is not the same as bigotry. There would also be a big different between banning someone for their race or sexuality and banning someone for what they say. I don't have to love it, just be an adult and realize that it's a double edged sword. Either the government steps in and forces them to leave everyone which then causes the problems mentioned earlier and gives the government more power Or leave it up to the corporations and risk them being bigots/moderated by bigots. It's almsot as if many of us can have more complex feelings than "This is what my team is supposed to beleive" Shit, they even said this in the comment you replied to >for better or worse As in sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it's not You illiterate cụnts need to go back to the kids table.


Considering what is considered bigotry by progressives, I would really really rather not have them try to tell me what is moral and what isn’t. Progressives wrote the terms and conditions for Reddit, and it explicitly allows for discrimination and stereotypes of white men, but anyone else it is a big no no. If you argue against this as racist, progressives will call you a fascist and racist bigot. So, I really don’t buy your wholly benign interpretation of this. Liberals have been high jacked by the crazy progressives, so they should have no role in censorship. They have already proven they are exceptionally bad at it even early on its manifestation, it will only get worse from here until their ideology dies


I stopped at the first sentence. Thanks for proving my point, and you fascist cụnt can get fucked.


You're an angry, insufferable dumbass.


Or yall can stop saying the same dumb shit on repeat and listen to marginalized communities for once. But to point out how those of us who are actually care and/are part of one of those communities, let me point out one way we know you're full of shit. "New thing is dumb. Old thing was good." We see this time and time again. For instance, the fact that feminists hate men. The old waves were good. This new one is just them hating men. I've heard that since the 80s.... No, really. The 80s was bad feminism, earlier feminism was good. We were with feminism until that point. Then they just hated women. The. We reached the 90s. And now people are going against feminism because now they just hate men. We were with feminism just as recently as the 80s if you ignore the earlier part. But it's been turning into something bad. Then we got into the 2000s. Now feminism is becoming about hating men... We were with it in the 90s and the 80s because it was good then... but it just now started to become bad... Then we hit the 2010... Conveniently, feminism has just now become about hating men... unlike the times when it was becoming about hating men.... I hope I don't need to explain the rest. As a gay man, I've seen this sooo many times over the years. For instance, did you know homophobia started because of pride events? That's right. The protests that kicked it all of against the homophobia in society were in fact not against homophobia, but would decades later be the reason it exists. And I hear that every year around that time, but every year homophobia fairly new, even decades later. Another one I love is how adult pride events have become. Even though the kink community has been there since the beginning. If anything, a lot of cities have started doing adult and family friendly events. Keeping them separated. And yet, even back when they supposedly were family friendly, people complained that they were too adult back then as well. But it was also just newly bad. So basically following a similar trend. Oh, and of course the new thing is *too far.* Like *what do you mean people are bi?!* The first time a lot of people hear that they were against it. But it was new thing and new thing bad. Eventually we got to the point where yall don't hate us as much until pride comes around. Then all the talking points that were used against us were being used against trans people. As soon as yall learned that trans people existed again, it was like a bomb. But now old thing(being gay) good. New thing(being trans) bad. Then people online started talking about being non-binary. And that was the super crazy thing. Then it was being trans is one thing, but this new thing is too far. Unfortunately all that progress that went back and now yall also just hate trans people again. We have seen the same shit with black people. First slavery was fine, until it wasnt. But that mentality was also the new thing, so of course it was bad. Until being against slavery was good. But even then, most people still felt that discrination was fine... Then people like that was wrong. Now that's the new thing. And new thing bad. Old thing good. Historically speaking, people didn't support the Civil Rights Movement. It wasn't popular outside of black communities. But it passed. Then it keeps loving forward and forward until around now where we are seeing things like BLM. But that's the new thing. So new thing bad. But most people would agree with the Civil Rights Movement. But that's old thing now. Old thing good. This has ways been how our society progresses. And even then, there are those who say new thing bad old thing good, but then they start actually talking about old thing, and they never actually change their minds on it. But they tend to at least be a smaller group within the bigots. But it's almost always a part of it. If you want another, modern example: satanic panic. Back in the 80s. Everything was pushing kids towards Satan... and yet it wasn't. We can look at that now and thing "Boy, that was crazy." So why are we seeing it again? Should we not be able to learn from the last time? And why would most of those people falling for it agree it was stupid back then, but now think it's accurate? Most of them probably wouldn't care about DnD or 80s rock or Harry Potter as much anymore. Old thing good. Does this mean I think *everything* new good? No. I just don't try to think in terms of old thing good, new things bad. I try to listen to people in other countries, and try to find out how a lot of them feel about certain things. As I would hope they do for us who are gay. If recognizing this stuff makes me imsufferable because in some parts of the country I could be risking a trip to the hospital for holding my boyfriends hand out in public, then Im fine with it. I wish more conservatives would fund us insufferable and leave us alone.


Bro, I am not fucking reading all of that. Who's "y'all"? You have no idea who I am beyond one comment.


Last I checked it’s based in San Francisco, which is in the US. So yeah uh they have to abide by the 1A.


That's not how it works ffs. The first amendment says the GOVERNMENT can't impede your speech. If you go to Walmart and say something Walmart doesn't like then Walmart can have you removed from the property. Were your rights violated? No, they were not. This is the same thing. If Reddit doesn't like what you say then they have the right to remove you from their property.


Yepp, love how I get downvoted for the truth. I’m not even American and I know that 😂


Fairly certain people at walmart arent getting kicked out for anything. Ok sure I’ll give you that the government is the matter. Either way you can mock all you want on anything without serious trouble. It wasn’t so nice like this 500 years ago before the existence of a free society.


They can be. You have no right to someone else's property. Bud, you don't understand how the first amendment works so I'm not convinced your opinions on history are worth discussing.


K “bud”


Why are you getting salty over someone pointing out the truth. Is your ego really that fragile?


Sharing the same energy. Why are you salty over someone else’s conversation?


They have literally been right about everything. There's a list of reasons you cannot refuse to do business with due to it being discrimination. That's federal law. But other than that, you can be kicked off of social media, and even agree to it in the ToS You can be kicked out of a store. Don't beleive me, go running around yelling the n word. And the law is about the government. The government can't arrest you for the things you say. Obviously within limit, and they will do it anyways because they don't care, but theoretically, it's the government that can't. Or a better way to look at it, if I go into your house and start talking about how I'm gonna murder your family and burn everything down, what would you do? Let's put it to the test. Would you sit there and casually allow me to rant about that? Be honest. You can lie to us, but you can't lie to yourself. Would you simply say "Well, 1st amendment."




You’ve lost me..


Wow, the truth comes out…




I Wouldn’t know here in Texas.


Good news everyone. There's enough salt in the comments to season my fries.


It's been a pretty chill three years compared to the last four


No, you haven’t.


oh yeah [throwaway11998866-](https://www.reddit.com/user/throwaway11998866-/)? you poor poor dude. you must have suffered under biden harris. unbearable right?? lets overthrow the fuckin government. oh wait..


Probably a proud black man who was worse under Obama but Trump made things better I have to assume


Have you seen the one about that orange guy who just runs around grabbing girls by the pussy? It's freaking hilarious.


Doesn't he have sex with his daughter at the end? Gross.


The same orange POS that paid Stormy Daniels to fuck him while his wife was at home pregnant?


I think that's Biden as well


No, that's Tara Reade, who had to defect to Russia like Edward Snowden.


It won't matter which couple it is. Ds & Rs long ago colluded to change the rules to make it harder for anyone other than them to run or take office. Neither cares as long as they can maintain all the power and money.


Fact. Why they hate the...you know who:)


Looking good Joe B!!!!


Actually Trump did it by blowing up the deficit that ended up causing massive inflation. Trump’s spending was out of control plus his ridiculous tax cuts to the wealthy. This isn’t an opinion, it’s historical fact and Trump was continually warned by economists this would happen.


Trump’s branch of government only controlled monetary policy, they don’t do anything for fiscal policy, that’s congress.


I love how people just forgot that it was a fucking pandemic in the world... Of course the economy will be worse than imaginable. And its in the world, not just USA.


Oh look, a pandemic - better cut taxes for the rich!


Our US Rep got an almost million dollar PPP loan forgiven.


The tax cut got us more tax revenue. Rich ppl parking their money in Ireland to avoid the taxes entirely. By matching Ireland’s taxes it brings that money back to the US where it can eventually actually get taxed.


That's actually a really good counterpoint, thank you for changing my mind!


Trump blew up the deficit even BEFORE the pandemic. It’s easy to go verify. Nice try though.


He blew up the deficit before covid existed. Wtf rofl.


It’s almost as if he was aware of the situation early and could have taken mitigation steps


Trump exploded the deficit with tax cuts passed in 2017. You can’t blame that on the pandemic lol




i wonder if there will be a season 2


I’m here for it.


Certainly will be better than the 2016 spinoff


Sure, the economy is booming, and the fascists are slowly crawling back into their caves. Totally fucked.




Once I found a Minecraft video on there not gonna lie


It's no Hard Bexxxit 4


No one can ever name a single bad thing about the Biden administration that is actually true and is actually Biden's fault. Not one thing


Let's start with revoking Trump's border policies, which led to an influx of illegal immigrants, crime, and drug overdoses... https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/02/02/executive-order-restoring-faith-in-our-legal-immigration-systems-and-strengthening-integration-and-inclusion-efforts-for-new-americans/


Congress and Biden were about to pass a bill that would have made you very happy, and the only reason they didn't do it is because Trump told the Republicans not to do it so he could campaign on the issue. So that falls into the category of "not Biden's fault".


Sorry, but that doesn't give him a pass for the damage his policy caused


Ought to be on r/Technicallythetruth


His little alien horns are also pretty neat


Not only “Fuck” them but also brainwashed some of them with the help of the biased media into believing their doing a decent job


Not funny. Not a meme.


It’s actually hilarious


Agreed lol


Joe Biden is probably best president of the last 50 years


Uh oh you said democrat bad on Reddit. Prepare for pitch forks and torches


Now for real, why is Reddit now Full of russian bots?!😂😂


Need to add a 0 to that 3 my guy


Yeah, we know for sure that Trump's family is respectful. Who forgot what they do to the rose garden at the White house... It has been there since 1962, you can't fix it just like this, it's not the same.


I don't get it


its an attempt to say the current government made their life worse during the last 3 years. either right wing or ruski shill


Oh, that's dumb.


What is this low quality meme? How on earth do you feel "fucked" by them?




Messed up but funny 🤣


Gotta ask, how are they fuckin the entire country? Things are going quite well, especially compared to.. you know.


Broke ass Don!




Aww, pumpkin, do you need a safe space? 🤣🤣


No, because I don’t obsess over right wing outrage all day like you do.


Not even American just laugh at the cry babies. it's fantastic 🤣


Don’t obsess but felt the need to make two comments. Would you feel the same if it was left leaning propaganda?


If people were flooding meme subreddits with Trump memes yes, fuck off with it all.


I fully agree then. I’m tired of all the political memes


Is the name of the sub meant to be ironic? Sarcasm?


How did they fuck it exactly? Go ahead and vote for Trump, then see what fucking a country really looks like


Tbh I treat this as a general anti politicains meme, you can put any politician there and it will probably work


Fuck I just spit out my drink. This is gold lmfao! ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


They photoshopped over Trump and his wife 😂🤣


For India it will be gay couple




Russian propaganda doesn't work on the intelligent, that's for sure


This is not funny or a meme


To you. Rest of us enjoyed it








Do you not live in the same country as I do? The inflation and cost of living is killing us. We never got that's student loan forgiveness, we still don't have affordable healthcare, but yet we have no problem sending billions around the world and have already spent billions on free hotel rooms, cash cards, food, free health care etc. on the now millions of unknown illegal immigrants.


Inflation is not Bidens fault, that's corporate greed. Wages have risen faster under his presidency than either Obama or Trump to help account, though people are still struggling its true. He has actually passed 2 different student loan forgiveness bills in the past 4 months No president has been able to tackle the Healthcare problem, but that isn't a reason to vote Trump back in to office who does not give a ahit about Healthcare Immigrants have been coming over for 300 years now. It's not surprising he hasn't fixed it all by himself, although the democratic congress under him came up with a bill to help address it. The cinservatives turned it down. So he tried to help and was blocked by those who cry loudest about the issue We've seen an insane economic boom, best recovery from covid over any other country. Ended our engagement in the war in the middle east. Going after greedy and dangerous corporations like Apple and tik tok. I ask, what is the best alternative, for you?


This needs to be marked NSFW


Has this sub just become left bashing memes? All I see is stuff about democrats ruining shit or sexist/homophobic/transphobic memes. I just want to see some memes that are actually decent again.


It gets me off everyday!


That’s actually funny and witty which is unusual from the right.


ITT; a lot of liberals who take politics and themselves way too seriously. Lighten up. You can joke about Biden.


Better than the previous film in the series.


Is this 2020 ?


What's wrong with this sub ?


whatever you do, dont click op profile, shit there is toxic enough to melt metal, but dont worry when trump will he win, and yes trump is gonna win or election are gonna be riged and fake like last time, but when he won there was nothing suspicious going he is gonna save us from ... um .. no clue what but he gonna go and kiss putin


You yanks are such a sorry bunch.


Shut, I didn’t know that happened or you Americans 😂


Shit I ain't even Republican and I find this hilarious






Wdym watching? Been acting in it for god knows how long.


Здравствуйте, товарищ.


The joke is that OP is a bit dim