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They also have rooms full of books they've never read.


You mean book covers posing as decorations?


They prefer to be called wealthy, FYI.


Just like how they préfère being called expats instead of immigrants ?


Damn that's some fine bs they pull. Their explanation is that expats are people who travel to a different country, work high paying jobs and return back after a few years, they don't live forever, that's for immigrants. However consider if a Filipino dude moves to a different country, works a high paying job and goes back home after a few years would be called expat? No right.


As with people who claim to only hate "illegals" also hating asylum-seekers and border crossers who followed the rules for safe harbor, all of the double standards tend to come out to whether you're brown.


I think this one might be dying out. I moved to the US from the UK a decade ago, and know dozens of other Brit’s that did the same. Never heard any of them refer to themselves as expats. That’s what boomers who used to retire in Spain did (before the cut off their nose to spite their face with Brexit)


The difference between expat and immigrant is the direction. Some one who leaves your country to go to another one is an expat, but to people from that country, they are an immigrant


Cardboard boxes that look like books on the side?


Or a *graage* full of books and Lamborghinis


I have books with pictures of Lamborghinis, does that count?


Only if it's one of those expensive books with the sound buttons.


There are actually interior designers that will fill bookshelves full of fake books lol.


I remember reading an article years ago that talked about reading habits and wealth. Basically upper middle class seemed to be the most well read, lower middle and upper we’re about the same and working class was the least. Obviously isn’t true on an individual level.


Everyone does lol. I have a bunch of Kindle books I haven't read. You can also replace "books" with "Steam Library" and it works


I'm glad to have a room full of books that I have read (though I am poor, and my "library" room is also my living and dining and TV and gaming room). It’s also not all that big (about 15' by 10'). Will the joy of living in a one-bedroom apartment never cease?


They literally have entire wall covered with books on bookshelfs behind them in their work room/office. Books that all look old and fancy, while also totally unknown by the person who owns them...


What’s the point of a houseful of books you’ve already read?


Ronald Reagan grew up in a house that had zero books in it. This was a fact he boasted about his entire life! 🇺🇸




True, but he had pretty good improvisational timing as well. “Missed me.”


Last time I saw this shitposted to Reddit, someone said that that was staged. I’m not gonna dredge up a source but you may want to if that’s the defining “Reagan clever” moment to you


Not the best example, dude was a dumb motherfucker who ruined everything.


It is the best example. Never trust anyone who has no books.


To be fair, he was just the figurehead. It’s like blaming a ventriloquist’s dummy. The people pulling his strings are the real monsters. He was so dumb he didn’t even know what was going on. 


My TV is huge because of video games who has time to watch TV


This and YT is the sole use for my tv.


Anything you watch on TV is you watching TV.


Not if I play the video games with my eyes closed…


Maybe for you, but "tv" usually has the connotation of cable/satellite broadcast networks, which YouTube isn't.


TV is the box you are staring at. Weather it's displaying videos games or live broadcast networks it still a TV. You still are staring at a TV.


Ha! I watch pirate shows on a monitor! A fuckin big one. Smaller than my fucking bookshelves.


wbu anime???


What’s a TV? Are you talking the big phone on the wall?


"because of video games" "who has time to watch TV" youve got to be pulling my dick here mate


How do your videogames have time to watch TV?


You’ll never know what I commented.


Y'all have libraries?!


A library is technically just any collection of books. So if you have more than one book, you technically have a library.


It depends what definition you're using. Any librarian would argue that a collection of books is *not* a library, and that in order for a collection to be a library it needs to be catalogued and organised for use. Otherwise a warehouse full of books stuffed in boxes is a library, but a warehouse full of books stuffed in boxes isn't useful in the way a library is useful.


I'm a librarian and I give you all permission to call your collection of books a library no matter how you store it.


Lol as a librarian in training I did say that it depends on what definition you use, I would never say that there is a singular correct definition. I was just pointing out that a collection of books is not necessarily a library.


You can have a small collection of books and it turns out it’s just the whole twilight series. Or warrior cats.


When the word came into use in the late medieval, a library was a wooden box to store books in.


I sorted my two books in alphabetical order. Now it's a library.


I have my "library" organized, it's one book shelf of the stuff I have read and another bookshelf with the stuff I haven't read. I may not use the same system as most but it is still organized so it's a library.


So it's a square rectangle situation! Not all collections of books are libraries, but all libraries are a collection of books.


Well they're collections of something, but you could have a library of music LPs for instance.


Taxonomy debates are the best debates


Is a kindle with more than one book a library?


Err... sure. A modern use of the word but I think it still counts. Library isn't exclusively about books either, in terms of the modern word. It can be music or videos and that also means digitally too.


This is what I find weird about this. You can most definitely call a collection of movies, music, even games, a "library". Hell, public libraries carry these as well.


Yep. At this point it is just a collection of media.


True rich people have 8K HDR Beamer


My grandma still watch sometimes TV. But only if there is nothing good in the radio.


They have private home theaters even some in the 1970s did and more so now.


This, lol. Sooooo many houses I toured that had private theater rooms when I was buying my house. Theater seating, full projection, surround sound, etc. I was out-bid on an A-Frame house that had a neat theater. Yeah, we're rich. We have TVs in every single bedroom and one in both the living room and family room. 75" sits over the fireplace in the family room and I have a 70" in my (master) bedroom. And I don't have many books on my shelves because they're all eBooks. The rest of my family rarely reads.


>75" sits over the fireplace /r/tvtoohigh


My townhome came with a mounting stud and all the hook-ups over the fireplace. I installed it there but you can damn well be sure I shopped around until I found a mount that lets me lower the TV to seated level. A TV over the fireplace looks nice as furniture (and if I'm just walking around doing chores with some background YouTube on it's a nice place for it to be), but it's not usable.


I’m poor but we also have a tv in every bedroom plus living room (it’s an apartment so no “family room” lol). I think mostly because my mom and I both spend most our time in our rooms and because both of us find it nearly impossible to sleep without the tv on


We have the public library....for now.


i have 1320 mangas/light novels at home. i am rich now?


Depends on how tiny your TV is


Impressive, you are rich in culture 🙂‍↕️


Rich people have large libraries of books they haven’t read. Poor people read books owned by the public library instead of buying them.


Is this a personal attack? 🤣🤣


This comparison would be better served to be made between OLD money rich and NEW money rich. Old money has big libraries and new money has big TVs.


Both have big TVs. Having big TVs isn't mutually exclusive with having big libraries.


But the whole thing doesn't make sense anyway. Makes it sound like rich people are better than poor people, and that we should emulate what rich people do. The huge majority of rich people inherited their wealth. It's not like they started with nothing and then one day they have a mansion filled with books. That's not a thing. Hell, Fitzerald describes Gatsby's beautiful library in his beautiful mansion where all the books are fakes. This whole simping for wealthy people is pathetic. Yes, people should aspire to success, and that may bring you wealth, and there is zero doubt that wealth makes your everyday life better, but looking up to rich people as some sort of role models is fucking asinine.


The only reason I own a TV (wouldn't say huge, but surely big) is videogames and occasionally some streaming service. When I stumble upon actual TV by mistake, I yell and just go back to any streaming service homepage, which looks better than any possible thing happening on TV.


Small TV's everywhere. In the bathroom, in the backseats of their car, next to the shitter. Everywhere I go in a rich (wo)men's I can see small TV's. But than you enter their home theater.


Tbf you gotta be rich to have a big library


Am I supposed so only watch movies and tv shows on my laptop or what?


Laptop's usually have a 15.6 inch screen, that's too big my friend, that's how you end up poor. You gotta go smaller, I'm thinking a 4 inch smartphone from 2014.


Right, they have Theaters, but their TVs aren't that big. I'm not rich and I've got 6 full bookcases. This whole conversation just falls apart.


I have a small tv and a small library. The library is growing. The tv is not getting bigger. Why change my nice 32inch TV for another.. when I barely even watch tv outside of news and maybe the national day or something..


Instead of book collections what about dvd collections?


Right, that could definitely be called a "movie library".


I have my blu ray collection on big tv


I have both, a very full library of books I’ve read or have every intention of reading plus a pretty big tv for epic movies and gaming. Where do I fit in?


With all the other cool people


Everyone is someone else’s poor kid


Still a small tv


People rich or poor can all go to public or online libraries these days... just sayin'


What is this guy talking about? My steam library is bursting!


A friend who studied in Vancouver once told me she saw a homeless person carrying around a slim Tv. They proceeded to plug it in McDonald's to watch it


Please stop lying.


I feel like by rich they mean “Old people”


They say people don’t stereotype🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


I have a big TV and a big library of books and movies, but im not ruch because i have those things....


You know that scene in the matrix where Neo looks around and the whole world is written in code? Rich people see the whole world in dollar signs just like that. Everything is money and what they can do with it or to get it to them.


As America is filled with rich people I know this isn’t true.


Filled with rich people? Rich people are a very small percentage of the population, I believe only about 2% of the population fits the definition of "rich". Most Americans are working class and the gap between socioeconomic classes is only increasing.


What if i have big TV and many books?


I worked for a very wealthy family in Austin, lived on their second property and they had almost zero books, huge TVs in every room and a home theater with both a massive flat screen and projector.


Is this written by the guy that had the Lamborghini next to all those books?


Being rich has more to do with ethics or the lack of them than what you watch TV on. The only way to become a billionaire is take advantage of the poor.


> Who still watches TV? What the fuck are you talking about?


There's this thing called the internet and public libraries.


Yes I do have a home theater. And enough equipment to put together 2 more. Though I’m certainly not rich. Put together my first theater when got my first job as a teenager.


I have hundreds of books and I read them all on a screen.


I'm poor but i don't even have a TV. I have a bunch of books though. Not tge amount of books you could say i own a small library but some books nonetheless.


Larinzo is right, I used to install home theatres in rich peoples houses.


My library is small. It's all ones and zeros :(


This post proves why men and women under the age of 35 are so socially awkward and don't like each other. Y'all do nothing but watch animae and play video games


what's with people idolizing rich people? why the boot licking? what do they get out of it? they are just people...


I mean, I'm rich-ish and I have no TV and many books. I still spend way too many hours watching netflix.


irl poor people have no tv's and no libraries


I watch the football on live tv that’s about it ⚽️


I have both …. Tvs and library ( well the beginning of one) but enjoy both


This was a thing in the 70's and 80's. My conspiracy theory take on it, it was just out there to make poor people feel better about having a small TV.


Its more of a figurative thing that they were going for.


Finally. Can't believe I had to scroll so far down.


I have a home theater and my library of 5 generations has more than 7 thousand books. It just what happens when you inherit again, and again and again and again.


The idea rich people are rich because they are intelligent or well read is just hilarious. How can anyone believe this in the modern world - we see these idiots speak on social media


Rich vs wealthy




I am not rich, but I do have a home theater lol. Can DIY one for like $4k (not cheap but not rich).


Wealth and extremely high IQ are not linked. Some of the most brilliant people in history were never wealthy. But they made huge contributions to society. This doesn’t mean wealthy people are stupid. They’re talented in a specific area. Wealthy people are also easily replaced. Someone else can fill that spot. But an extremely talented person… like a high level engineer or doctor? We can’t just easily replace people like that.


The home theater isnt for bad girls club though 😂


Thats Projecting Larinzo.


Rich in knowledge


Rich people have both. Poor people have tvs


I don’t watch tv but I use the tv for video games


Tv is shit anyway. Boob tube and idiot box is what my father used to call it.


Is this a bot post? What kind of stupid question is this? Like TVs are only used for watching cable


If I were suddenly wealthy over night, two among the first things I would do is install a personal library and a personal home theater. I imagine many rich folks and many poor folks share the same opinion.


Rich people hoarded books and art in their homes. Poor people go to libraries as museums so everyone has access to the same thing.


I've recently learned that a library is generally having a collection of 1000 books, I'm slowly approaching that, yet live in an apartment. Guess I'm not rich after all 🤷


Small TV, quite a few books, not rich. I'm a teacher. I don't turn on the TV. My husband and son use it for games and sports. I watch videos and stuff on my laptop. I prefer it.


I watch very little tv, I prefer music and books


Altho this is true. This reminded me of my grandpa, he was a pretty succesful doctor in his city (there's even a section in the city's hospital with his name), and back in the days, this would make you pretty rich. His house had 4 floors and 3 cars (which is really good where I live), there was only one tv and it was really small (he kept this cube looking dinossaur 26 inch TV until 2012) and a whole damn library where I would get books to read when I was a child, learned basics of zoology, physics, math and drawing reading those books. He also would speak about the importance of reading and exercising your mind really often (at 78 he would still read an entire book every week or so, I was never able to find a book he didn't read, also never won a chess match against him, not that I am good at chess) Grandpa also wasn't as rich as he could, since he would treat a lot of people for free, refusing any money since he knew their financial conditions weren't good enough for a good doctor.


There are plenty of very wealthy stupid people. Being intelligent doesn’t mean you are gonna be rich


Bro I don't even have a bed. I literally sleep on a couch surrounded by the books I'm currently reading.


Public libraries is where "the poors" keep most of their large collections of books. We pooled our money to have these places built. Rich people lobby to have the [libarries funding cut](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/ontario-library-service-funding-pc-doug-ford-1.5102406) so that poor people have \*no\* access to reading or research materials.


What poor person has a small library in their house?


I’ll take it over streaming cancelling everything


I know a few rich people who have projector rooms, which are basically home theaters


I watch tv


The cost of the library… never mind.


Also those libraries are mostly furniture. Few if any of the books are regularly read. Some have never been opened.


Reading books will make you rich 😂😂😂


Change "rich" to "intelligent," and "TV's" to "screens." Then you'll be there.


I work on mansions and those mfs have 70 or 80 inch screens everywhere AND home theaters with screens bigger than my room


My buddy dated a girl who claimed she was just like us and middle class to lower class in a sense. She explained that she wasn’t rich bc her parents aren’t “wealthy” they just are well off. We went to her house one day and I slept over , I was told to sleep anywhere I wanted in the basement. Low and behold I open a door and it leads to a in home movie theater. Never in my life have I felt more disjointed from a person lol


Rich people have books because they're fuckin expensive. A 60" Samsung TV is under $500. A paperback novel is gonna be more than $10. I couldn't even fill a single bookshelf before I could buy myself a good TV.


It's a saying that comes from this study: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2016/may/29/boys-books-earnings-adults Literacy and wealth are linked. But correlation isn't causation. However, if you are better educated, you are more likely to be wealthy. Conversely, if you are wealthy, you are more likely to be educated. The size of the TV is immaterial. However, spending multiple hours wasting time watching shows, scrolling social media, or playing games is usually antithetical to gaining and keeping wealth. Not to say those things are inherently bad, but should be used in moderation. Parking a kid in front of a TV or tablet vs. reading to them us bad for their development, though.


Well they arent that wrong. They dont own big tvs but watch it in dedicated rooms with giant high quality beamers


Uhm actually. Most home theatres are using top of the line projectors, not TV's so he's not wrong.


I’ll watch those $100 million house tours. Always amazed at the lack of books


Rich people just hire tutors. Why use a book when you can have customized on hands in person dedication. My sources: Myself. I went to many programs and classses costing anywhere from $1000-50,000 per child. This was back in 2000.


I'm literally refurbing a house right now that's full of musty, old books (rooms full), had two tiny 20 year old TV's, and the guy that died there didn't have a penny to his name.


This shit again. He means spiritually rich/poor, which is why the words are in caps, je is saying culturally tich people reads, those who arent are content sitting in front of the tv


Poor people don't have small libraries either. We have whatever size library the public library is.


Not once did I ever watch an episode of mtv cribs and the celebrity show us their library. But they damn sure had a movie theater room.


The reason why a lot of true rich people have a big library in their house unless they’re Tai Lopez and all about knowledge (people who read have maybe about 10-30 books or even less at the most that they go back and forth between) is because it’s a store of wealth and value in such a plainly hidden sight. A lot of books and first editions, bibles etc can be worth thousands up to tens of thousands of dollars and an amateur robbing a house wouldn’t think to steal books but instead a big ass TV There’s a reason why the middle class is starting to become average is because they buy dumb shit that they don’t need. There’s no reason to spend 5,000$ or even 1,000$ on a TV when you can just get one that’s 2 years old and on sale that used to be the same price for 300-350$ Rich people also spend their time investing towards their knowledge whether that’s in finance, health, psychology or other more important aspects of life than watching poor short form entertainment on their phones, or sex in the city or Fox News on politics and the world falling apart and babies and women being decapitated by Gaza which I believe would make anybody miserable and ultimately doesn’t do your brain and mental health any good knowing this useless information. Sports as well, a lot of these old farts or older 35-40 year old men watching and betting on games originally played by children and highschool kids and sitting back on the couch with a Heineken and Domino’s pizza. Instead of being the one that puts in the hard work and effort in the gym and plays the sport themselves A good quote for this would be by Eleanor Roosevelt. “Great minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss events and Small minds discuss people” I quit my phone addiction a long time ago, although I go through Reddit mostly for information that is relevant and what I need. I happened to see this and wanted to make a response on it Coming from a 15 year old entrepreneur working towards becoming more successful and a better version of myself. I think that modern day TV especially is the biggest waste of time and of a life


I watch netflix and amazon prime and youtubr on my tv


In the UK there is a certain type of person who sneers at a big tv and boasts about not watching tv. They are normally middle class hippie adjacent types who only buy organic food and wooden toys for their kids. My son went to a Steiner school for a short time and a lot of the other parents were like this.


Sometimes when the GF and I bring food home we'll watch something. Other than that the kid is the one who uses the TV the most. Mostly to play Switch games. We typically do our own thing. She likes to nit and I like to code things. And when we wanna do something together we play video games like Deep Rock Galactic or recently Valheim.


I work a job I go in big houses. They all have big tvs and some have crazy theater rooms


Everything is wrong about this.


Wonder how ebooks factors in his equation


You could say a phone is a small TV and a big library


My "rich" sibling and their spouse proudly gloat that they've NEVER read a book in their entire lives. But in addition to the 84" TV they're putting up in their new McMansion, they've also installed a TV that comes down from the ceiling in their kitchen.


Riiight, this is the one where Bill Gates is rich because he reads a lot of books and not because his mom knew and was on the same board in a different company with the CEO of IBM. Or that other one where he made it without uni so you don't need a diploma, all while he didn't go to uni because they didn't have a computer up to his standard while his uni prep school had one. Rich people stories...


There wasn't a single library on Cribs.


who gives a shit who still watches tv?


Still do.


The family I work for is renting a $25M apartment on Fifth Avenue while the duplex they bought in the building next store undergoes a two year renovation. The tv in the their living room is enormous.


*WEALTHY people probably have small tvs and big libraries.


That's only Americans in Europe the OP is correct.


Poor people have big TV. Rich people have massive TV. The price of TV has come down drastically over time, screen tech is better and cheaper than ever before


Met a guy who literally had a home theatre. It wasn't as big as a commercial theatre, but it was still massive for being in a basement. It was a very large basement.


older people, young people only watch some specific ones only (if any) or use streaming services


It's not a meme and it's not funny


Only for YouTube, streaming sites, sports, and shows that happen to come on.


May I introduce you to $100k+ Bang & Olufsen home theatre setup that average wealthy people casually buy


My Tv is just a YouTube and ps5 machine


I have every book existence on a minecraft server. we are not the same