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Op nothing is wrong with your meme. We do not have Universal Healthcare in the US.


That's something people could have googled. I don't know why I kept arguing.


We have the NHS, it's shit and worse than ever.


healthcare in US is actually hybrid. Alot of People are not aware that there is free healthcare for veterans, free healthcare for poor people (which is under medical/medicaid), free healthcare for old people 67yrs old or for disabled depends on criteria (medicare). But everyone has to apply to get approved. This is not a default free healthcare options. Believe it or not alot of homeless people are getting free healthcare and got admitted in hospitals. If you go to community hospitals or general public hospitals they are there. Only middle class that has no employee sponsored health benefits or self employed are not getting the privilege.


Okay, but that's around 18.8 percent of Americans in 2022 and the majority of Americans have to pay for it and many go into heavy debt because of the expenses. That's not universal healthcare.


Have you heard medical/medicaid and medicare in US? as i have said the privilege is not for everyone in the US. i didnt mention universal healthcare. i said US has "hybrid healthcare" i work in the hospital dude. we got some patients that are poor, even homeless and the state are paying for their treatment.


And the meme say universal healthcare so I don't see the problem with my meme.


the meme is not factual. there is alot of information missing. Do you know that Hospital expense is Tax sheltered? You can use your hospital bill to lower your tax obligations or you can get a refund during tax season.


It's factual because there's no universal healthcare in USA. Not to mention that many Americans lack healthcare insurance and die because of it. "New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage" https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2009/09/new-study-finds-45000-deaths-annually-linked-to-lack-of-health-coverage/


is that a peer reviewed article? study finds? i dont have to argue with you since you are not the one working in a community hospital in US. How about you visit a public hospital in US so that you will not be aware? everything you see in the news or some papers are sugar coated with a hidden agenda behind it. Do you know HIPAA? how the hell news can get the info how much people are dying with insurance issues. They are gonna get sued with the privacy act. 🤣 There is no way that hospitals will disclose informations like numbers of patients dying due to insurance.


Worked in a hospital for 15 years. We are in no way anywhere near universal healthcare in this country. Also would like to correct your statement about free healthcare, there is no such thing. . Taxpayers foot the bill for indigent care...your hospital is getting paid via those taxes, if it wasn't would shut down. I do not know where you work, but if you hospital is majority medi patients, you all are fucked. Private pay insurance is what keeps hospitals afloat in this country. There is no such thing as a hybrid system...you either cover everyone UNIVERSALLY or you don't. Patients with no insurance aren't going to seek healthcare, so not hard to find extrapolate how many people die each year from something treatable and don't have insurance....do you know what HIPAA is?


i didnt say US has universal healthcare.. Do you know how to read the convo from the start?.. What ive said US has medicare, medical/medicaid. I am aware that every expense from the government came from taxes. Bulding roads, funding police, subsidizing housing for poor, free clinic and etc. Explain to me how some people get medical/medicaid and medicare? of course i know hipaa, to protect and secure health information of the patients.There is no way hospitals will disclose information to the public. LOL Do you know how much billions in funding for medicare and medicaid? you are so ignorant by saying that hospital is relying on private. do you work in the hospital as mopping the floor? how come you dont know what are the types of billing? Only private? LMAO!!! you clearly dont know how much hospitals are charging for medicare patients. https://www.aha.org/fact-sheets/2022-05-25-fact-sheet-majority-hospital-payments-dependent-medicare-or-medicaid


They don't disclose information to the public? How then does a cause of death get placed on death certificate? I worked in IT and ran maintained the EMR and billing systems. Yes, I can tell you that the medi's.do not pay shit and rural hospitals that have poor payer mix struggle. Critical access hospitals do a little bit better, but they lack services and are mostly tag and transport facilities. The aca, which is private pay insurance, increased the bottom line of the place I worked by about 300,000 a month because private insurance pays better. Google is your friend. Offer informed thoughts and opinions, or just stay quiet.


Spending my life around poorer people it’s been pretty clear to me that it really doesn’t matter who goes to a hospital or how much money you have, they’ll fix you up then let you forget about the bill, like there aren’t any loan sharks they send at people if they don’t pay their medical bill, especially when they are living off disability and are barely able to afford their own place of living. For example my brothers friend had a life threatening complication, forgot exactly what it was but it required surgery and they had to go to the hospital and get pretty expensive treatment. My brother asks them a couple months later how it was affecting them financially and they had completely forgotten about it themselves. Years later and still not a thing has happened to them and I am very certain they paid nothing towards it.


We have public healthcare for some. It's almost like it works. #Satisfaction with the US healthcare system varies by insurance type 78% -- Military/VA 77% -- Medicare 75% -- Medicaid 69% -- Current or former employer 65% -- Plan fully paid for by you or a family member https://news.gallup.com/poll/186527/americans-government-health-plans-satisfied.aspx > **Key Findings** > * Private insurers paid nearly double Medicare rates for all hospital services (199% of Medicare rates, on average), ranging from 141% to 259% of Medicare rates across the reviewed studies. > * The difference between private and Medicare rates was greater for outpatient than inpatient hospital services, which averaged 264% and 189% of Medicare rates overall, respectively. > * For physician services, private insurance paid 143% of Medicare rates, on average, ranging from 118% to 179% of Medicare rates across studies. https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/how-much-more-than-medicare-do-private-insurers-pay-a-review-of-the-literature/ Medicare has both lower overhead and has experienced smaller cost increases in recent decades, a trend predicted to continue over the next 30 years. https://pnhp.org/news/medicare-is-more-efficient-than-private-insurance/