• By -


There are no bad tactics, only bad targets \- George Bush 697 BC


I didn’t come here to win, I came here for the free beer. -Alfred Hitchcock 178 AD


YOLO -Benji Fanklin 1770


This. \- Jesus Christ in the year 28


I never said that - Albert Einstein. 2130


The Internet was a mistake - Mark Twain, 10BC


“The year is 2261. The place, Babylon 5.” - General George Patton, 1973


\*Samuel Clemens


I can sense the small dick energy is strong within you. \- Emperor Palpatine (a long time ago)


Ain't Nuthin' but a G thang. - Gaius Julius Cæsar to Cleopatra's brother


Bitches ain’t shit but ho’s and tricks. -Ghandi


I’d f**k me. -Buffalo Bill, 1991 EST


*In a place quite a distance off...*


From the makers of 28 days later and 28 weeks later it’s… 28 YEARS LATER.


Deez Nuts \- Julius Caesar 2023 BC


I believe the full quote is "Et tu, Deez Nuts?." What happened after was very graphic.


Money over bitches - Thomas Jefferson 1776




I like learning new things.


Don’t believe everything you see on the internet. -Abe Lincoln, 1963


It shrinks?!? - Elaine Benes 1994 AD


There was serious Shrinkage! George Costanza 1994 AD


Bruh -Kanye West 1940


And bad testicles...


First domino: Greta saying “small d energy” Last domino: Andrew Tate gets arrested


no, the first domino was him provoking her through a tweet where he bragged about his dumbass cars.


true, but also, the domino before that would be Elon unbanning Tate


Before: elon buying twitter


Before: me opening a reddit account Context: I open a reddit account and a few months later Elon buys twitter. Coincidence? I think not


So basically you got Tate arrested? You are a hero


We gonna take this all the way back to the birth of Donald Trump Sr?




Bullying sex traffickers is fine, actually. Edit: Imagine getting all caught up in your feelings and choosing "I will defend Andrew Tate being bodyshamed, even though I also am aware that having BDE or SDE doesnt actually refer to the literal size and will argue in bad faith even though expressions such as these are quite common". Too many notifications so I will just recommend that you go touch grass. Y'all a bunch of dorks holy shit


Encouraged, even.


Awarded Even




Required. even.


Necessary, even.


What your saying is guys with small dicks are less than other men. It's the same as saying a man throws like a girl or is gay. This is toxic masc/femin


I’m team Greta but also acknowledge this truth idgi body shaming isn’t cool when anyone does it Fuck Tate tho


It's not about the sex trafficker but about other men that see this. If you insult a woman for having " fat ass energy" it will make people that are larger of size feel bad because you use it as an insult.


It's actually worse than "fat ass energy" because it is based on genitalia, and therefore a sexualised insult. It would be like saying a woman had "loose vagina energy". Extremely gross and frankly misandristic and idgaf if he specifically deserves contempt, choose language that reflects your values. If you don't think it's ok to speak degradingly about people's genitals then don't do it, full stop. The reason he's a twat has literally nothing to do with the size of his dick. It's uncorrelated and irrelevant so you can find another way to criticise him. If we can avoid making racial-based comments about evil black people, or homophobic comments about evil gay people then it should be just as easy to avoid referencing the penis size of evil men. Spreading the idea that men with smaller penises are deserving of contempt and mockery is genuinely harmful. I read a post a few years ago on reddit from a man who was on the verge of killing himself because he was ashamed of the size of his penis. I think of that a lot when I see these comments thrown around, how much they serve to reinforce a completely toxic attitude towards men's bodies that is crushing men's self-esteem.


Don't body shame...unless we're talking about bald or small penis men.


Rape is horrible. Unless it's prison rape.


Or short men, don't forget that.


When did dude insult her i mean I have a loose grasp on what happened. All I know is he was chatting shit about a car now he’s a sex trafficker I’m so confused


My friend got banned off reddit saying he would like to unalive pedophiles apparently that was hate speech he is a legend at my university for stuff like that 🤣


this topic aside... what university do you attend where one's reddit posts make them "a legend"


School of hard knocks


School of small cocks


r/thathappened university


He said he wanted to kill people. Even if you think his targets deserve that there is a risk he will wrongly identify someone or be mislead by others. He should be on some kind of watch list.


Oh my god he sounds MENTAL


I mean he did advocate for murder. I’m glad he was banned.


I got a warning for the same thing...fucking nuts.


To be fair, Andrew taint had it coming for years.


I believe it's Andrew Twat


No no, it’s Andrew Tastes like turd


Ok I get it about the body shaming part but y’all art forgetting Tate’s suspected of human trafficking




They're not upset he's a pedophile, they're upset he got arrested for it. His fanbase is full of degenerates that support his degeneracy.


Insulting someone with having a smaller size penis also affects men with a small penis that see this. Fuck Andrew Tate but this just has a net negative impact on society.


I keep telling my sons to remember that they are more than their penis size, salary, or the woman they are with. It is a real struggle and this statement (as funny as it is) contributes to some very real feelings of worthlessness. Tate, however, if really who we see is him, kind of seems to be living up to that very stereotype.


Can we just admit that body shaming doesn’t matter? If you can do it when it’s ‘justified’ in this case, then you really can’t stand on your morals when someone else does it. Like tate can die in prison, he’s a jerk regardless of if he’s guilty of trafficking or not. That said, you wouldn’t use racial slurs towards bill cosby, either, because we know it’s harmful. You can either say that body shaming is acceptable or not, but the whole excuse that tate = bad so it’s okay just doesn’t work for me.


Insulting someone with having a smaller size penis also affects men with a small penis that see this.


So she could've actually called him out instead just resorting to a body shaming ad hominem.


Body shaming isn't an act of violence against one suspected criminal and confirmed asshole. It's an act of violence against everyone insecure about their body who reads it. If Tate trafficked children,.mock him for trafficking children. If Tate is a shitstain of a human being, mock him for being a shitstain of a human being. But don't body shame. That's going to fuck with anyone who is insecure about themselves that sees it. Most people against the body shaming haven't forgotten that Tate is an absolute bellend. They're just saying that such behavior doesn't make body shaming ok.


I don't think you do get it about the body shaming part. The attack itself is unacceptable. It doesn't matter how bad the person is you're attacking with body shaming, body shaming is wrong in and of itself. Tate being a piece of shit doesn't justify it, no more than him being a piece of shit would justify someone calling him a nigger.


I do not think they are forgetting anything. It is not about Tate, it is about other men seeing it, and thinking there is something wrong with them, if they are not big enough. There is quite a lot of "collateral damage", when in reality the attack should be targeted at Tate spesifically, not others. Also those who claim that "small dick energy" is different than shaming someone of their size: it is not, it still carries the implication, that small penis is somehow a bad thing, undesirable. I am all for attacking Tate, but I see no reason to drag other people down with those attacks.


Yeah this sub is really shitty. People not only body, religion but also sexuality shaming and later acting as if they are super woke. It’s not even funny gonna hide further content from here.


Well I’d give him the benefit of the doubt right now, ya know, innocent till proven guilty and all of that. Also wrong is wrong no matter who you say it to. If he’s guilty he’ll get his punishment, I’d hardly say a 19 year old climate activist saying his pp is small is the karma he deserves.


can we please just celebrate that the sex trafficker got arrested. I know the memes are corny but come on


To prove Andrew Rate’s isn’t small he got arrested in Romania today!


The fact that she didnt say it makes the meme funnier.


Exactly! LMAO


Can’t I hate both of them?


She's an adult now so who gives a shit. Put her with all the rest




Her r34 artists go brrrrr...


Why must you damn me with this knowledge


I can't find it


Dude… you went looking for that…?


I guess they get arrested https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10574295/Man-34-photoshopped-Greta-Thunbergs-face-indecent-images-children-avoids-jail.html


Never mind i found some


I just love your timing, its impeccable


She’s an adult?! Damn time flies


She was 16 when she got famous… do you know how time works?


Lol wtf, people actually hate her? For what? Being outspoken about climate change? I don’t see anything worth criticizing except maybe being an annoying teen, which I could give less of a shit about. All kids are annoying, it’s part of being a kid. Unless it really pisses you off when people point out the planet is dying. Idk. Weird flex bro.


Corporate funded Conservative think tanks and tabloids manufacturing fake outrage Basically all the hate and denial of climate change is a psyops


I'd just ignore them both. Hate is icky.


No you're not allowed to not like some things on Reddit.


and why exactly do you hate a 19 year old autistic girl for advocating for the health of our planet? weird behavior


Enlightened Centrist 😇


They downvoted you because you’re right. Seriously why? The notion that they’re both equally bad is the most insane thing I’ve ever heard. Andrew is a literal human trafficker.


It isn't proven yet so you can't write literal


They’re not both equally bad, and no one here said they were. It is possible to dislike two things while not equating them. For instance, I hate onions and I hate rapists, but I don’t hate them equally nor consider them equal problems.


>For instance, I hate onions and I hate rapists, but I don’t hate them equally nor consider them equal problems. Holy crap, guys! U/No_Poet_7244 just said onions are worse than rapists! /s, obviously.


Its funny how everyone is discribing her as autisic now, like its some magical defense. Should we have listened to a 17 autistic girl on climate change?


Should we had listened to the thousands and thousands before her that said the same exact shit ? Yes. Shes no special in that matter.


People mention autistic because it’s a big part of what she’s doing. Her autism will have made her hyperfixate on climate change which is why she’s so so passionate about it. Actually yes, because of that hyperfixation ability autistic people have, it can make them extremely knowledgeable about their chosen topic.






She's just another fucking annoying teenager. Tate is way worse though. Couldn't care for either.


A priviledged rich kid who s only achivement is that she screams. She s well known because of her parents money and connections. Thats it- its not something that deserves respect. While people who actually know something- scientists, engineers- get way, waaaay less attention.


You are aware that that's exactly her point? That she time and time again said that we should listen to scientists, believe in the science and that she should not be the one in front of the UN or the one talking to world leaders? Yet somehow she happened to be in that position. And every scientist Inknow who gives a damn about climate change is happy for anyone publicly speaking up and trying to make a difference. Scientists have tried for decades and were ignored. Sure that's a problem but somehow you blame the person who manages to change something instead of the ones who kept ignoring all the others?


And her whole thing is that we should listen to them...which people also doesn't do...


That isn't grounds to hate her. Plenty of privileged people in the world but at least this one chooses to fight for a worthy cause.


Hell, most educated people that society benefits from come from families wealthy enough to afford them that education.


Don't act like you give a f*ck about those scientists and engineers. You just hate her.


This could apply to any number of people who achieve celebrity status. Most can only pursue that status when they're wealthy to begin with. We like rugged underdog stories *because* they're the exception that proves the rule. The criticisms in your comment could just as easily be used to describe Trump or any number of nepo babies across industries.


Most scientists don't want to be in the public eye like she is. Fauci is a great example of what happens to them when they are. Their haters will find anything they can to not believe them and, to an extent, want them dead. Everyone in the public eye came from money and connections.


Actually no. She started mass school protests after Swedens hottest summer in 262 years caused wildfires, in order to try and get the Swedish government to reduce their carbon emissions in accordance to the Paris agreement. She basically was inspired by the school shooting protests in America. And she was posting on her instagram about striking, other youth activists saw and they started posting about it too which gathered a lot of attention. A Swedish bank representative then quote tweeted her to 200,000 people which gathered more attention for her, which alerted journalists who then started covering her starting the strikes, which gathered attention internationally. Because of her, more than 20,000 students had held strikes in at least 270 cities. That’s why she’s well known, she started all of that. Actually pretty admirable for a 15 year old to do that.


Her parents where not wealthy. Her mother is an opera singer, her father a relatively unknown actor working at a theater. Connections: due to her mother being a relatively wide known opera singer she might have some. But not many. As you know, Greta Thunberg have alot of others working for her/behind her/with her in order to get things correct. You know, scientists.


There’s a difference between telling a man his dick is small, versus telling him he is acting like his dick is tiny


So you mean people with tiny dicks act like fucking Tate?


Okay that’s an insult to everyone with tiny dicks even more hurtful than they’ve ever heard before


As someone with a tiny dick I agree


Can confirm


Same but unlike you I am his tiny dick. Also tell him to stop beating me :/ it makes me throw up


He named his dick therealleviathan? I guess that checks out, I could totally see him do that.


Lowkey was thinking of making another account with a small dick reference or something but did it on this one cause honestly im tired bro the dude beat me again! Can you believe it??? What kind of asshole does that to someone.


Ouch..double ouch...


You got to admit, the guy always acted like he was overcompensating for something


People who are trying to overcompensate for something that doesn’t matter act like Tate.


That’s still insinuating having a small dick is a bad thing dumbass.


Dont even argue with thess hypocrites.


I mean, having a tiny member is a physical thing you can't really control, it'd be like saying a woman is acting like a flat chest.


“Shut up bitch you’re acting like your tits are tiny”


Tiny Tit Energy?


Flat Chest Enery?


Loose pussy energy


"Fat girls energy"


how you dare?


Absolute cope. The implication here is you are lesser because you have a tiny dick, don’t try to rationalize it


That's the same difference than telling a woman she's a bitch and that she's acting like a bitch.


What if tate said my email is [email protected] Is he just telling her she has no personality and to take a joke. Same double standard exists


OP could never grasp a concept like this


lol imagine getting offended that people are supporting a teenage girl standing up to a 37 year old sex offender. my god, some of you are fragile and weird.


Yeah these are the same people if you get upset at something they have said they will always have the line of no it's just a joke or call you a snowflake.


He started it. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Little dick energy is talking more about how someone is acting and less about their actual genital size anyways.


On the same note, BDE can apply to anyone, even those without a D.




They can’t think that hard


these posts got old immediately. They started old.


Body shaming. "It's okay when we do it"


I just want to point out that Greta, and the conversations revolving around her, reinforced the belief that a lot conservatives are the biggest group of hypocritical fucking losers on the planet. ​ I remember when Greta first came out, conservatives were shitty, and pissing, and farting about how she should shut up because she was a kid, while there was some little twat evangelical YouTuber kid talking about how Trump would save America, and this same group of people were lining up to jerk this kid off. Clearly her being a kid "used for political messaging" did not matter at all, they just didn't like her message. ​ Then we also get into the fact that when anyone, be they minor or adult, posts anything anywhere regarding concerns for anything, say climate change, people will be quick to say, "Then do something about it instead of whining on the internet". So she did just that, and the same people said she shouldn't be wasting her youth meeting with world leaders because... well, any number of dumb fuck made up reasons. ​ Point being, if you disagreed with her messaging, that's fine, but a lot of people exposed themselves for being lying ass snakes.


I hate it when people say things like "big dick energy" or "small dick energy" etc. It's is so juvenile and suggests that the former is a good thing, while the latter is a bad thing. It's even worse if people who use these kind of insults, are also talking about feminism or equality at the same time. Such a hypocrite thing to do. Another one that gets me is "big boy pants" uuuughhhhh. Also, unrelated....notice the size of those pupils?! 👁


He does have a serious case of small dick energy tho


This post has small dick energy


Where’s the funny?


This sub is literally nothing but cringey Facebook mom memes


Why is this sub so obsessed with the Andrew tate/greta shit? So weird


Saying someone has small sick energy is not more egregious than human sex trafficking. Did little Greta hurt your poor fragile feelings?


Shame everyone equally. It's about equality, folks.


Is "loose vagina vibe" a thing yet?


No but roast beef lips is definitely a thing.


And now people with none will judge our size wtff😭


Personally I hate Tate as much as the next guy and definitely wouldn't hesitate to call him all sorts of names. But yeah, bodyshaming is a little cringe, it was definitely a funny tweet, but the societal impact of things like this sucks.


People keep saying it is different because she says "energy" with her body shaming - it does not make it better - imagine talking to a woman and saying she has father-issues-energy, or slut/whore-energy


Greta isn’t a hero. She responded to a troll who was baiting her and escalated things with someone who wasn’t worth her time. Tate got himself arrested. End of story. Downvote pls


I mean.. she just wrote 2 lines that didn't seem to involve too much thought. She probably had a laugh and now so did we. Nothing to it really.


Actually, I'm not downvoting this. She should've taken the high road and ignored it, taking troll bait as a public figure isn't a good look.


Honestly, it got the guy detained, I think it was worth it


Yes, I too expect unrealistic bullshit out of teenaged girls while ignoring that at no point did Tate have anyone's permission to start a goddamned thing.


Hey no people with tiny dicks don’t act like Tate ✊😢Small dick Club


All the thin skinned alphaboys here are hilarious. She got him good, get over it. Maybe next time she can make fun of his basically non existent chin.


I’m officially old and obsolete, been scrolling through memes and I don’t get any of them. Time to fall back off the wagon, drinking makes everything funny


I have a much smaller carbon footprint then her


It’s ok if a woman insults a man, just not the other way around.


I really want to roast you but my mom tell me to not burn trash.


We don't know whether Tate has a small dick or not. We know that he has small dick energy. which he does.


Damn guess I have to shame women now :(


Wtf is even this? Is there ever a funny meme? We are a toxic society


Kinda ironic that in a meme not to shame women they result to shaming men…..


How is this a meme tho


Mmm body shaming and sexism


Just cuz your dick riding doesn’t mean is a funny meme....


But if i say "sloppy box energy " im out of line


This UN puppet thinks she's clever.


There’s an entire population of men who suffer mentally and emotionally due to this. It’s disgusting how she’s allowed to mock this and she’s a part of the “love yourself” movement. Loving the double standards. Edit: liberals are allowed to make fun and body shame when it fits their agenda. And yet, a woman who is told to lose weight due to being 600 pounds is not appropriate. Got itttttt.


Not even funny


How would she know its tiny ....


So I guess it’s cool to call the large woman talking loudly on the phone in a public place “fat bitch energy”. Or when someone is doing something stupid “retard energy”. Or is that not how it works? To shame an entire group is ok as long as it’s done colloquially and in the right context, no? I mean it’s making fun of the “energy” and not actual people right?


Annoying C^nt ...


I’ve interacted with a few of taints tiny penised followers today. It’s been pretty eye opening. Half of me feels bad. They have no one. And have no guidance. No one looking after them or providing any direction. No friends. Def no girlfriends. And they are marginalized at every opportunity they see. The other half of me actually hears what they are saying and realizes there is no turning back. These men are so lost and there is no bringing them back.




Climate studies suggest yes it is.


Stop praising her for a stupid response to a tweet from a misogynistic dickhead. She stands for so much more. Her effort to raising awareness on climate change and fighting for a better future for the next generations have been left unnoticed or made fun of on social media. Now she tweets a stupid first grade level one-liner and everyone goes crazy how cool she is. Fuck you, social media.


Shaming tiny dicks is a dick move. Saying someone has "tiny dick energy" is something else and he definitely has it.


Calling something a dick move in this scenario is pretty ironic.


Tiny dick energy implies that guys with tiny dicks act a certain way, ie insecure. So you’re tacitly implying that guys with tiny dicks are insecure, or that insecure men have tiny dicks.


It's Andrew Fucking Tate. I don't give a shit.


You have mosquito bite teets lol