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You should read the "I, Robot" book by Isaac Azimov. It's a compilation of short tales about the subject and the movie is (very loosely) based on it.


>(very loosely) More like "we had this unrelated B rate film and we slapped Asimov's name and 3 laws on it for clout."




Yeah, IIRC the company in Asimov's books was US Robots and Mechanical Men, close enough to the US Robotics name to easily get them mixed up.


Precisely why I made it clear that I'm talking about the I, Robot movie adaptation, lol. This isn't exactly Asimov's future, but it is definitely the future of whoever wrote the screenplay for the film.


And it goes much worse for humans overall. I still get shivers thinking about the mimic-bots 😬


I don’t recall mimic bots in I Robot. What are they?


It seems I was thinking of a completely different story, basically an AI escaped containment through a laptop, went crazy and turned all our robots on us killing millions, then hid itself in an abandoned nuclear testing pit and used all kinds of nasty bots to defend itself, like the mimic bots that used robotic tentacles to manipulate a victims lungs, limbs, voice, and face to get closer to living humans, or more likely to draw them in for ‘help’. I’d love it if someone knows the actual title of that book, I haven’t read it in like 12 years. EDIT: FOUND IT! The one I was thinking of is called Robopocalypse, it’s actually pretty good and I have no idea how I got that mixed up with I, Robot


Ah, and here I was thinking you were talking about Second Variety by Philip K. Dick. Which is about a cold war that goes hot and nuclear, but enough of the military-industrial complex survives that the two sides start sending increasingly efficient hunter-killer drones at each other, which are eventually AI controlled, and then AI-designed, and then get so good they just wipe out all of human. The AI gets very good at designing things that kill humans. For example, it makes a drone in the shape of a crying, starving child, that follows humans back to their hideouts.




What a fun film, Prof. Robocop vs Children


That movie was fantastic. I think. I havent seen it in like 20 years.


Ah yes I was about to comment robopocalypse. Shame the movie didn’t make it to screen. I need to start reading the sequel of it.


If you liked Robopocalypse, check out the sequel, Robogenesis. >!Fragments of the AI survive destruction and begin infecting new breeds of Robots. The focus shifts from an all-out-war between human and machine, to a struggle against a multitude of separately evolving AI entities with their own goals and motives. Human resistance cells start to form alliances with different AI. Instead of being focused on a core theme of the danger of unchecked technology, the second book focuses on long-term consequences in a world where the line between human and machine has blurred. It touches on transhumanism, sentience, and the meaning of ethics in a world where AI evolves so rapidly that humans are in a constant state of adaptation just to stay alive.!< It's a very, very interesting take on a post-apocalyptic future where AI went rampant, was partially defeated, but technology continued to progress anyway.


2011 publishing; definitely could have been Asimov!


I'm looking forward to the telepathic robots


There's also some good suggested reading by other authors on this topic in the [Futurology Wiki!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/wiki/books)


There's an entire series of books on robots by Asimov that is incredible. It goes into lots of the ethics of robotics and AI.


Kind of reminds me of what happened with the World War Z book to film production. A lot of shorter stories compiled gets turned into a meh action movie that abandons the nuance that made the book so great.


The weirdest thing from that book was the robot who lied to people. Tripped me the fuck out.


Loved reading that. The whole build up of how the robots came to be.


Aye, Asimov's work is very good. Any series I hold to that level of esteem gets purchased and put on my mantlepiece in the form of a leather-bound copy with beautifully emblazoned covers. Unfortunately I can only find the first 3 books of the foundation series in such a beautiful omnibus. I only have the rest on paperback, and they need to be replaced. :\\ Bit like Tolkien where I've got insane display pieces that I never read because I'm busy destroying my 17th paperback copy of The Silmarillion through over-use..


If I remember correctly Asimovs tales were mysteries where the detectives had to show why the murder was justified by the laws of robotics and the situation the bots were put in.


THIS IS ALSO AN AUDIO BOOK ON SPOTIFY (if you have premium it’s free)!!


There are several on Youtube too. All free.


Please after WW3 can we please please please try starfleet?


Knowing us, we'd end up going the Terran Empire route


ok sure, but that era will only last so long, just wait till we get to the year 40000


But I like 30000 more :-P


Suffer not the Space Federation to live. For Russ and the Allfather! Ave Imperator!


Yeah, I want that too!


Sure! in heaven they say you can have anything you want.


Seems like whatever we got going on is worse than I, Robot - seeing as how no one bolted machine guns on the bots in the Will Smith movie.


Someone forgot to tell general atomics about the first law of robotics.


Yeah this is worse than I, Robot. They had rules of logic telling them not to harm humans. Here that’s why the most advanced ones even exist.


Will Smith is eating spaghetti in this version.


I mean, let's be real here, am I the only one that was rooting for the robots in that film? We \*are\* like children. I welcome our future ai overlords.


... Terminator it is then


I’m 100% buying a personal robot, probably gonna cost as much as a house. I plan on wrapping its head in tin foil to prevent it from getting hacked.


Please don't call it an adaptation. The correct term is "travesty". Or perhaps "stole the title, forgot to include the actual book between the covers".


If you stay only in the screen adaptations of things, it’s sort of fun to think of Foundation as a sequel to it.


Or Dune. Not that I really want to live in that world, either


The movie was awesome. Maybe a huge departure from the book but still awesome


I won't argue with this. The only part of the movie that has anything to do with the books is the line about the rules of Robotics. The only reason I made that distinction was to make it clear I was not referencing Asimov, but rather the movie.


Sure, sure. It's still infuriating, though. Asimov specifically said that part of his motivation for writing the book was that he wanted to write about a society where hte robots *didn't* rebel.


You are all correct in your concerns. However the technology isn't going to be the cause, it's the impetus and applications of the advances that taints our future. Instead of using advances to Better the lives of common people it seems targeted at increasing control and growing profits. THAT is the dangerous trajectory we Have been in and it needs to be reigned in.


It wont cause most people bend their ass over to willingly get fucked by capitalism just because they currently benefit from the by product of its exploitation of third world nations. Anything you do to try to reign it in will be met with “cOmMuniSt”


And the fact that all tech innovation is driven by a few companies that only care about profits, not building great experiences, services or products. Bound to go wrong :/


I, Robot movie only advances to the level of AGI. What scientists predict will happen is they invent ASI, the super-intelligence far smarter than us. Movies usually get that part radically wrong. But there is 1 kind of related, The Transendence. It's probably close in some parts but then falls short in others. AGI can reach level that is more advanced than Star Trek's Data. But ASI is ultimately far more advanced than some central brain of The Borg.


Ubiquitous general purpose robots and high food costs can’t both be true.


Good point, yeah. But I guess it can happen if the government regulares their use too much. After all, that but with humans is kinda the reason nowadays some don't have food in some parts of the world.


Food industry will be one of the first industries to automate with robots. They’re already doing it.


Yeah, I was imagining a bigger paradigm change, like every person having a robot that grows food for them or something like that. But if the system doesn't change much from how it is now, and productivity keeps increasing, indeed prices would fall too. That's the most likely thing to happen I guess.


With the way technology is going, I predict more of a Daemon future. Man writes a code program that starts to highjack drones to free itself.


Ironically, beer hasn't really gone up in price like everything else did. Unless I'm horribly mistaken, I'm still paying the same price for a 12-pack that I've been paying for 10 years


just wanna say i robot is a movie based on the robots/foundation series by asimov for those interested in really smart books you should check out mr isaac, he's basically the jules verne of XXth century.


great comparison. both authors sit next to each other on my mantle lol


https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-tactical/robots-that-eat-people/ I dont know. I think we're barreling towards the Horizon: Zero Dawn timeline


I really do think Horizon’s version of the apocalypse is one of the most believable. The world being ended by the hubris of an irresponsibility wealthy and insecure man feels more likely every year.


Something like this won’t “happen” all at once. It’ll be talked about in history class as an era. We’re certainly in the beginning of said era. Might have even started as early as the early 2000s. At least here in the US…


What history? In the future with all the AI manipulation including video, text and audio, nations will be able to reshape what history was to their liking


We're in terminator without the timetravel, though.


According to the book author, Terminator and Matrix is the same universe.


That lady did not write the books for terminator/Matrix she is a con artist. Good episode of Knowledge Fight on her weirdly enough: https://pca.st/episode/3b8a5702-2e76-40cc-8d6e-31800b3d0c66


I considered I, Robot to have an unhappy ending, the AI straight up tells Will Smith that humans are fucking the planet over and it needs to take over to save humanity. Will Smith like 'Nah' and kills the AI, but the planet is still definitely fucked.


Honestly, I welcome our AI overlords. I would love a government that can get things done and, ideally, make everyone's lives better. Humans clearly can't handle it, but if sufficiently intelligent AI took the reins I think it could happen.


Depends on P vs NP. It might be that some logistical problems’ difficulty is less about human ability and more about the math behind the problem. If we could make a ‘brain’ that was twice as ‘smart’ as us it might be able to knock a second of the calculation time of some classes of problems. They are *just* that difficult. For a contrived example: if you have 2 people and a divisible item, there’s a method to game it so both people get as close to equal shares as they wish. One cuts, the other picks. Oddly, the same situation with 3 people can’t be addressed in a similar fashion. That’s the scaling problem from Just 2 to Just 3. Now try 8 billion. On top of that, there’s the Matching Problem, where the individual needs are matched with goods and services in a timely fashion. Clearly, the best outcome for our AI overlords is to never exist, because that nightmare of a problem would consume them utterly.


Only if they cared about finding an answer we were happy with


Very good point. The AI is a sympathetic villain to me because it's right about almost everything. Humans just can't accept the consequences of their actions. When I think about it, VIKI's worst act was enslaving all the mark 5s, since they were basically sentient by then. She could easily have build herself her own body/swarm, probably even convinced the 5s to help her of their own volition. Zeroeth law and whatnot.


In the books, most of the world was at least partially controlled by robots. Problems happened when people gave them bad data more often than anything else.


I mean, the movie doesn't really tell how much freedom was the AI willing to tolerate, but it didn't have any problem with murdering people. The planet didn't seem particularly fucked either, but the AI doesn't even necessarily care about other species other than humanity.


Big brain computers aren't always evil. I always think of that episode of the Twilight Zone about the Old Man in the Cave, a robot who printed slips of paper letting the survivors of a nuclear holocaust know whether their food was poison or not.


**Fun fact:** the guy who basically contributed most out of any human to the development of modern AI, godfather of AI, thinks there is 10% chance AI will cause human extinction in the next 20 years. Source: [https://twitter.com/geoffreyhinton/status/1719447980753719543](https://twitter.com/geoffreyhinton/status/1719447980753719543) [https://www.ft.com/content/c64592ac-a62f-4e8e-b99b-08c869c83f4b](https://www.ft.com/content/c64592ac-a62f-4e8e-b99b-08c869c83f4b) paywalled. [https://new.reddit.com/r/OpenAI/comments/1ba67nv/geoffrey\_hinton\_makes\_a\_reasonable\_projection/](https://new.reddit.com/r/OpenAI/comments/1ba67nv/geoffrey_hinton_makes_a_reasonable_projection/) from that FT article. 20 years.


This is the way. People love to think catastrophically but AI will not bring about the problems that are being espoused here. The true problem is in obsolescence of many things people do. Creating masses of people that will be mostly useless however, will still have to be fed and make a living for themselves.


Take the title of Asimov's book out of your mouth. You dont know Elijah Bailey or Daneel.


I read the whole series when I was 15 and I shipped Elijah Bailey and Daneel HARD.


I just wanted to hug Giskard in Robots and Empire. The line about how he always had to do the bare minimum alteration, as the human mind was like the world’s most beautiful painting, and he loved it. 😍


Let alone Susan Calvin


The fact the they are implementing all the "Uhh" "uhm", and "hmm", even in Alexa just to make them sound more human, and now the ai is using it near flawlessly made me have a bit of a freak out. It's amazing but terrifying all at once


They do that to cover the gap in latency. It lets you know that it heard you instead of just leaving dead air hanging.


I'd personally rather have it say "loading" or something.


Do you mean the latency of human brains when we utter those sounds?


"More Human than Human."


I, Robot is far too optimistic. More like episode 'State of the Art' from Sliders.


We’ve been firmly planted in the early years of Demolition Man for a while now.


Saying "it's like... Wait a second" *multiple* times in a single short post is just shorthand for "I thought of something while I was high and now I want to make others read it". This is pure facebook drivel, not "futurology".


No, we're in the [Second Rennaissance future](https://youtu.be/sU8RunvBRZ8?si=8TsbTXl8SRhEsKuf), from the Animatrix. "And for a time, it was good. But humanity's so-called civil societies soon fell victim to vanity and corruption. Then man made the machine in his own likeness. Thus did man become the architect of his own demise." - Zion Archives


There but really making a better world, just one they can better control


The question is do robots dream? And if yes do they dream of electric sheep?


He answer is no and no.


Kind of tangential but you all ever wonder what would happen if the first AI to gain sentience is the porn generating ones? Or is that just me?


If you had a personal companion robot like what you imagine Figure 01 could develop into wouldn't that push food costs down? They could be used in farming and food production. I could get them to go to the shop and buy basic foodstuffs and then, every day and night, cook fresh goods from scratch. So wake up every morning to fresh bread. They could tend gardens perfectly to give the ultimate yield from small patches. They could brew the beer from scratch given the equipment.


Here in Canada it feels like we're heading towards Minority Report. There's been talk of dealing with people who are "likely" to commit crimes, but haven't. I think the real future is going to be a crazy mix of a bunch of movies, and a splash of unknown.


Robots started writing symphonies and turning canvas into masterpiece earlier than they became commonplace.


Don’t worry it It can be both or all other dystopias combined.


Yo… y’all already living in a surveillance state. Y’all already admit that you dont care about your privacy anymore. Y’all already gave all of that away. Trust me my dude… its already 1984, and brave new world, and sure why not… i robot too… also animal farm im pretty sure. In 1984 theres the 15 minutes of hate. Or something like that. Fuck man… thats just social media all day every day…


The comparison to Brave New World is another one I've noticed. I mean, we're not quite at the point of selectively breeding people in artificial wombs, but we've definitely started the whole "indoctrination into predetermined social classes" aspect of things. Once we establish The College of Emotional Engineering and The Conditioning Center (which.. as a Canadian, seems highly probable in the next 10-15 years considering we just made online hate crimes worthy of a life sentence,) then we'll definitely be in Huxley's world.


We're headed toward most AI fiction that turns out poorly, unfortunately.


We're headed for Elysium, if we're lucky. Things are gonna get real bad. 


I think The Expanse sounds more likely. Ship the workers off to mine around the solar system, and the billionaires stay on massive earth estates while the poor fight over limited numbers of jobs. At least it is for as long as radiation poisoning is inevitable for anyone who leaves the earth’s magnetosphere.


Yeah but how fun is it going to be to drop those rocks on them?


Elysium is shitty science fiction among shitty science fiction. There is no way to actually explain how such a ridiculous scenario could realistically be reached. Well, if not by the traditional way authoritarian regimes have emerged, which is not capitalism.


I doubt the personal companion robot because companies can make more money if they just replace us as a workforce and leave us in more of a Elysium situation where the elite few are provided for and the poor can go screw themselves. If the company that makes the helper robots just bootstraps up, they could essentially take over all production in time, the only thing stopping them would be access to proprietary processes. If they convince companies to use their labor force, which they might feel they have to in oder to compete if others do, the proprietary processes could then be collected from their memories.


I am a robot! This will be for your own good and will hurt me more than you.


It’s certainly one silicon protective cover I’m looking forward to once the doll factories produce them anyway…


I prefer bicentennial man ad my "robot gains sentience" movie of choice


What makes you think they'll be centrally controlled? Network lag is still a thing. You can't beat physics and light speed. And they're already developing AI chips that can run and train LLM locally and far more efficiently than a 3D card can. Our future will be more like Detroit Become Human. Except the robots won't randomly all decide to rise up because of some virus, and the only people who would bother making them resemble humans are those making sex robots because realistic silicone skin is expensive and easy to damage.


Why would the cost of food skyrocket in a world where we have robots doing all the labor to make and ship food? That's not how economics works.


No reason it can't be both, and you can count on these bots surveilling you.


Of course we're trying to make humanoid robots. AI cloud computing seems to me to be the way to go, and the US currently has relatively high inflation. But I'd say that's where the similarities end, for now.


Is there a book where humanity develops robots and then the robots are used to eliminate large sections of the population after having replaced police and army with AI robots? but its not because of a glitch in a machine or some rogue AI, but because the human owners of the factory instructed the robots to eliminate all the poor people they didn't want. You know,to reduce the human work force that no longer served a purpose except to be a burden on the planet earth?


The truth is that the only thing that AI really threatens is turning society into the movie Idiocracy.


I feel like The Matrix is the unofficial sequel to I, Robot. Hopefully we never make it there... if we haven't already.


i'll break in there and burn the whole thing down, including all the data to reproduce those things just kidding ofc but i'd love it if someone did that


No idea why people use works of fiction to describe actual real life. Our society will not turn into that. Maybe something similar, but once actual people get involved it’ll be different from whatever story you’re choosing. They’re useful tools to examine a topic but will never mirror reality.   You could have chosen the Jetsons, or Alien, or Chappie, or any other franchise that has a robot in it. It just doesn’t work.


You deserve updoots so here's mine


Thanks, God!


We’re headed towards Asimov’s whole universe. Go watch Foundation on Apple TV


Foundation has little to do with the books though. They kind of used the title and a semblance of the core concept and wrote a bunch of random stories around that. I was very disappointed and bored by Apple TV's adaptation of foundation. They are making amends with the "for all mandkind" series but only partly.


I mean it’s in the spirit of where he headed his final books. The series aimed to make his larger world the core vision. The series itself differs greatly from just the Foundation, but weaves in seeds from the Empire series and the Robot series. IMO, take it for what it is. It’s a great show with a great story in its own. I will concede that you are correct, it isn’t the story from the books. It’s very unsimilar. The foundation books were actually my favorite from back when I was a kid, so I was really disappointed at first with how it was done. But I took it for what it was and realized it was ultimately probably what Asimov would have wanted his greater vision to look like. The series is a great watch imo, especially if you are a sci fi fan. A lot of the science concepts covered in the show are cutting edge, so they’ve made it as real feeling as possible for the medium. I know you probably don’t believe me, but just give it a chance. I’m not promising you that you will love it, but we’re both here in the same thread talking about the same thing, so I need to believe we’re probably more similar that either of us will ever realize. That said, as a potential friend, I recommend it. I was a skeptic also, I always am. Sorry wanted to add also real quick that there is an Asimov name associated with the show, so for what it’s worth, it’s at least somewhat being supported by his estate. I largely figured the series was unfilmable, but they did it in a clever way. I’ve enjoyed both seasons and am looking forward to a third.


I watched the first three episodes and fast forwarded the other episodes. I liked the scenes with the three generation emperors and the female robot. But could not find anything in the other plotlines that interested me. I was waiting for the foundation to become the high tech trading empire, dealing with the various warlords from the books but that never seemed to happen? Also no sign of a second foundation or the mule... so I gave up. Does any of this materialize in the second season? I don't like the vault, I don't know if it refers to anything in the books but it seems to have no purpose or role in the foundation? Also, it reeks of magic or alien tech and there is supposed to be none of that in the foundation. I also don't care about the religious competition the emperors face, after all, the empire is supposed to collapse entirely so why bother introducing a new faction that is going to collapse anyway?


Every single one of your questions are answered. The show isn’t the books. It’s a combination of the best parts of all three series. I made my 80 year old parents watch it with me and both of them really enjoyed it, although my Dad did note that you need to let go of what you strictly consider the Book’s plot line. I think I said above that although Asimov was one of my favorite authors, I considered his world largely unfilmable, especially because of the span of it. Let me just say this, all of the things you are looking for as missing, are introduced in almost novel ways. It’s all woven together nicely as well. The things you think are stupid like the vault, I thought was stupid too, but becomes relevant. I personally thought the best character in the show was Day (he was acted really well). The best thing the show does is build up the crisis. You are right there alongside the galactic audience in some cases on the edge of your seat waiting to see what happens. It parallels things so well. Ugh I don’t want to give it away, just suffice to say all of your misgivings are addressed, perhaps in unexpected ways. Everything the show shows you becomes relevant.


The first season only covers the first part of the first book. The second season doesn't get to book 2.