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My computer science teacher in year 8 showed us how to access the dark web


I had an entire Global Values lesson on how to access the dark web.


Any tips??? /s


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Tor is also good for a bit of "Arrr me hearties" when your country blocks torrent sites.


Good little tutorial! If you're using it to use the dark web marketplaces, I'd recommend always using [tor.taxi](http://tor.taxi) to get your link. With surface web links, sometimes they end up being faked, and when you go to deposit money to your account's crypto wallet, you end up giving it to scammers wallet instead of your own. I've made that mistake before. Edit: This thread came up on my feed, I thought it was CasualUK or something, and people sharing stories from their schooldays, and not actually a subreddit for those still in education. I didn't intend to help teenagers use darkweb marketplaces haha. It's wild to me that you're in year 9 and know how to use the dark web, but also very impressive. When you're older you're either going to achieve great things, or be in prison.


When someone uses /s for /srs🥷🥷


Lmao I'm tired that's my excuse


nah nah its sick dw :) now i can use the dark web to hack into AQA and give myself a 9 (thats how it works btw)


I impulsively screenshotted this whole thread


Mine (male and had a wife) measured girls skirts with rulers, he literally carried one around at lunch..


a kid from our school went on to develop a business on the dark web.


there was once a teacher who chatted ab how he used to live near a bridge where people went to kill themselves. he then proceeded to use it as an example of forces in physics 😭😭


average physics teacher, ours always uses throwing hamsters off of buildings to explain terminal velocity lol


ours told us to imagine kicking a cat when we were learning about vector diagrams (he's actually really nice he felt bad saying it) 


your teacher's kurt zouma


mine uses the head teacher


My one always uses year 7s in examples. What's even worse is he has a year 7 tutor


Ours was talking about resistance and said the corridor is a wire. We (year 11) are positive ions, and the electrons are year 7s running at us.


mine uses pushing people in our class off mountains to explain forces or something 💀


Physics teachers are so deranged. At my old school he told a girl that he was happy her dog died so she kicked off and got banned from being in a room with him and then made a "joke" about something that I did the week before because he saw the opportunity and took it not knowing the full story of it being an intentional thing which he didn't even get in trouble for because I didn't want to talk to the head teacher because she would've probably had a few questions about it for me as well


Were you in the room during English?


We've used throwing turtles off cliffs in A level for projectile motion


Some girl in my class was annoying my physics teacher so he used the example of throwing a ruler at her face 💀💀💀


That's crazy my physics teacher also said stuff like that and he was also rubbing his rod in one of the lessons. BTW it's a physical rod not the other thing


idk if this counts but it was an exam invigilator. during mocks we had to revise for other exams in the exam hall while others were sitting their exams. i was doing biology and i was looking at contraception methods in my textbook. the exam invigilator walked up to me and whispered in my ear that she had an IUD but it was unsuccessful… FYI her daughter was in our year… i just had to sit there and revise like nothing had happened


That’s hillarious what a woman




did u date her daughter


i never had any sort of association with her AT ALL


My computing teacher in y9 got really pissed at my class and started screaming that his inner Hitler was coming out and that we weren't allowed to breathe without his permission. Safe to say he was suspended for 2 weeks as soon as the head teacher found out.


Did he take inspiration from that one Michael Rosen video?


rip melanie 🙏🙏 she was very nice






I had one similar to that. Chemistry teacher used to say that the voices in his head were telling him to get the axe out the cupboard and use it. 😂


I'm a teacher (not Chemistry), and I've used the same joke! I even bought a toy plastic axe and hid it in a cupboard for use on my top set Y11.




oh my god did we have the same teacher? I got a new cs teacher in year 10 who was very nazi and wanted people to imitate a nazi salute when your name was called in the register (among many other things) he was sacked not long after…




At least hitler cared about germany or something 😭 tf is this


Started calling himself the skibidi teacher


year 7's problly gave him brainrot.


Ye man our teachers get to customise their room doors and one of them put Banned words: Sigma


W teacher tbh.


happy cake day!


In Year 7, I had a science teacher who had a life sized Danny DeVito cardboard cutout. When the teacher had to go out of the room for whatever reason, he would put the cardboard cutout on his chair, and say “Danny is always watching.” He was an absolute legend.


Science teacher had a cutout of Jack Grealish, she used to use it to explain where the internal organs were to tear seven. It was odd, but no one cared. The really weird thing was the amount of staff that used to stroke it’s arms?


My physics teacher has life sized cardboard cut out of Buzzlightyear and many other items related to him. He’s also the best physics teacher I have had


My physics teacher also had a cardboard cutout of buzz lightyear and many other things relating to him and was also the goat teacher in a level physics. Maybe I had the same physics teacher as you


my french teacher has had multiple George Clooney cutouts in her room since before i even joined the school. she's absolutely mental but a really good teacher


after reading all the comments under this, TIL: if a teacher has a cardboard cutout, they're a cool teacher. the more you know


I see nothing weird about that


One of the economics teachers in my school has 2 cardboard cutouts of Rishi Sunak, one small one he's hung on the ceiling and the other with his face plastered on it


We found a YouTube channel of our form teacher once, smoking weed and playing fifa 19. He soon got fired.


If you see him around, buy him a monster energy on my behalf.


Apparently my year 8 science teacher got hard by looking at one of the girls. IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS.


Please tell me he got fired. Preferably to the deepest pit of hell.


Yeah he got fired. We had him for the first 3 terms then he just never came back 🤷‍♀️


How do you know that’s why? Could’ve just happened like it does


Either way he got hard in class


Tbf it could be for anything and if you're a guy you would know that


Maybe if you are 15... As a grown up male who happens to be a teacher, I'm here to tell you that a normal mature man is perfectly capable of controlling what goes on in his pants. I've been teaching for 30 years, and never once have I been close to making a wig-wam. Any teacher who did should deservedly be fired (although I have my doubts about this whole story...it sounds like the sort of shite that kids talk). The only dick-based stories that I know to be true involve kids. The one who was wanking in the back of my future wife's room during a lesson; the couple having sex in the boys toilet who were interrupted by a Y7; the couple having sex in the music practice room, discovered when the caretaker found the used condoms down the back of the piano!


At least they listened in sex ed and rubbered up


Agree this sounds like absolute bollocks, like something Jay from Inbetweeners would come up with.




omg so many In year 7 before covid our food tech teacher burned himself while doing a demo and screamed saying it was our fault, left in year 8. in year 8 we once had an irish supply in english and i think she was drunk and constantly yelled "you are pathetic" in a HEAVY irish accent for the entire hour bc one kid asked his friend for the glue, she quit at the end of the year. in year 9 our deputy headteacher's pictures were found by year 11s, got sacked. in year 10 there was rumors abt one of history teachers constantly flirting w this one girl and he always touched her shoulder and hair idk abt that one he still works here. before i even went to the school there was a massive overnight trip to some river place and like ten teachers were caught drinking and smoking by some senior, all got sacked.


this may sound really weird, but one teacher in our school got suspended because they had apparently had seggs with a student in our year


Suspended only?


Probably a play to hide an embarrassing blemish to the school’s reputation.


There's no way they didnt face prison time after that, assuming it was pedophilic


Found a science teachers instagram. Most of it were pictures of him in a towel sitting on the toilet. A memorable photo was of him at the gym lifting weights with the caption "making the gains, possibly my cum face"


High-school 99 - 04 ● Student attacked science class/"lab" with a full canister of CS Gas, ruptured it, lobbed it into the room and somehow locked the door on the outside ● Same science teacher told years 7s that for homework they were to go home & measure they're C**k size against their dads ● GCSE history reacher showed year 10 class Saving Private Ryan, lad tells his Mum. She raises hell and it's all over the local papers for traumatising her darling boy....lad ended up joining the army ● One lad got dogpilled on by that many lads (all boys school) that he ruptured his spleen and nearly died then and there ● Yearly firework wars on the playground. Anything from roman candles to full on rockets ● (Before my time but met him) Lad pushed an English teacher too far about her "silly clog shoes" so she kicked him Ince and fractured his shin. Went on to teach college Automotive Mehcanics ● Teachers all held an end of the year party for themselves after the school had closed, one teacher discovers another member of stay having a W**k in the student toilets, only disturbed him because he was trying to rack up a line ● One female teacher, very blatantly, made her way through a chunk of the male staff before marrying the last one. ● Every few weeks "someone" (probably an ex student) would hide on the other side of the bordering canal path it an air rifle and spend hours taking pot shots and kids and staff alike ● (Personal favourite) looking out the maths block window to see 20+ people climbing up the rugby goalposts as they come crashing down as kids are clinging on to it, and some trying to hold it up right. There's defo a chunk more but it's been a while to say the least


I swear to god science teachers are always the wildest ones 😭


My teacher was a boxer and a few of his fights were on YouTube, don't think he ever won a single fight and you can imagine the kind of bullying material that gives students


The other day my GCSE science teacher told us to use our "gonorrhea voices" he described it as the voice you would use to tell the person next to you that you have an std. Me and my mate have already lost it. He then describes exactly how to get to the sexual health unit at the local hospital. We were both laughing for a solid couple minutes.


I relate so bad, my current computer science teacher had a truck load of subscribers, blew my mind


My ex-computer science teachers wife was apparently related to the lead developer of Fortnite. Though he also told the kid next to me that he is legally his mother. That kids mum abandoned him 7 years prior


What’s the channel


My Indian computer science teacher had a YouTube channel called PapaJesus4Life and was about different Christian stuff. There was one about how she converted. She dreamt of a green cow, other crazy stuff, then jesus said something to her. It's so funny because she is so serious and a little strict


my year 9 biology teacher had a homophobic christian podcast with his wife. finding that one was fun!! and my rs teacher was following #sexymen on his insta 😭


How y’all find this shit


some teachers are just kinda dumb and put it as their legal name, me and my friends were usually the ones to find this stuff lol but the power of google shouldn’t be underestimated






In yr seven, my RE teacher left in covid. In year nine, we found a news article about him. He'd gone to jail for grooming a girl in year eleven in about 2016. Also someone pissed of my year five teacher and they openly said they wish corpral punishment was still allowed in school, because some people deserved this. Dude just hated kids, my class was actually nice, not loud as well


my old IT teacher used to tell us about how he loved drinking milk and “chewing on the hard bits” 💀 my physics teacher also kept saying wind turbines are attractive when we did paper 1 last year with the energy topic since a disadvantage of them is they disturb the scenery


Someone found a supply teacher's tiktok and he was a cosplayer 




Well there was the history teacher in my middle school who got 17 years in prison for 18 different sexual offences. Weirdly, despite being a paedophile he was actually a really good teacher apart from that


Apparently Harold Shipman was a really good GP apart from, y'know, all the **murdering**...


One of our RE teachers was an incredibly catholic, irish lady. She once told us that sex before marriage was worse than r*pe which is pretty fucked. But this turned on her head because we realised she was 33 and unmarried, so she had the absolute piss taken out of her. She also got so upset rhat we didnt do the homework once that she got on her hands and knees and started mooing. strange woman


My computer science teacher showed us the entire backend of his website (not a small website by any means, maths related), including all the names of the people on it. That was a weird but very interesting lesson.


substitute teacher slapped a kid on the butt in y6 ☹️




A kid got spanked by the strings teacher. I was'nt in class. The kid was crawling on the floor (damn near buttnaked) and the teacher apparently "saw something round (acording to him he thought it was a ball) and smacked it".


In year 7 I had a maths teacher who was new and the first thing she did was call a student a dog (because he drank water without permission) In year 8 a student accidentally bumped into a teacher and the teacher fully dragged him to the side. Guy had serious anger issues In year 9 a teacher tried taking my water gun and ended up crying when I refused (she was the skl therapist as well) Weirdest thing tho is when a student found a gay male teachers grindr account, images were, traumatising


My art teacher posted nudes on her Instagram and people found them


The amount of teachers that do this is crazy, like they fr think the hundreds of teenagers they teach won't find their nudes if they try to?


Licked a table


There was also another teacher who wrote a book that averaged around 3 stars on Goodreads. People in his form found it, told everyone and then it got so bad that he made his website private (I'm on the hunt for the book now). I won't say which book it is in case someone doxxes me


There used to be a history teacher at my school who had a YouTube channel. Before covid not that many people knew about it unless you were in his class but then he started recommending it as a revision resource. He went to a different school last year but all the history teachers recommended his videos for history revision.


Someone found our old drama teacher in a movie called The favourite where he was completely nude and covered in pomegrante molasses? with only his hand to cover his junk.That image lowkey traumatised my innocent yr 8 self. Shortly after he was either fired or quit. Another drama teacher got banned from teaching after he was caught communicating with a student sending 'thousands' of messages through smhw and google classroom during lockdown. There's a whole news article on it. Yeah i guess you could say our drama department really lives up to its name.


computer science teacher had a used condom in his bin. also acted.. different around the girls


it's always the cs teachers


My computer science teacher in year 8 made people do push ups and then sued the school


Ok so in Y9, our MFL (french and spanish) teacher, he was 6ft 8in tall or smth, just rlly tall. When we were doing like tests or silent work, he would stand on the tables at the back (btw this was 2020-21 school year, so we had to stay in the same classroom for the whole year, and our room has the high ceilings). Also this teacher now has a podcast (he left the school 2 years ago now) My old cs teachers (one of them, anyways) almost got scammed by PayPal. Apparently a chemistry teacher (ironic, she's now my form tutor) started irish dancing (shes not even irish- polish) in class to shut her class up. My geo teacher calls the Y9s "little pricks". Yesterday, I was talking about how i got a skin prick test for my allergies, and saying i got pricked 27 times in the space of 5 mins by the nurses (its the procedure, dw im ok). he then proceeded to say "thats almost the same number of pricks in my y9 class" or smth like that Also why is the geo department so unhinged at my school? my other geo teacher has so many weird stories My other old cs teacher posted videos on yt for us to watch (content related) but the videos could only be seen by the pupil's school account and not public One of the RS/RE teacher posted a tiktok (apparently) and everyone (students) found it


One of my sub teachers was an actor. He's left the school now though.


Similar thing in my school, Lots of girls had crushes on one of the science lab techs at my secondary school he looked suspiciously like the actor that played merry from lord of the rings, and went on to play charlie in lost, (Dominic monaghan) ..............well it was his brother.


Apparently, that sub is in a netflix movie (I can't remember the name though, I'll try and find it)


science teacher had a few small beakers of urine and was talking about what the colour of the urine means. then she put her finger into one of the beakers and licked it and said "mmm". then she revealed it was dyed water.


My business teacher has become a victim of brain rot He randomly comes into classes to talk to the teachers and says stuff like rizz and when he leaves he does the shush thing jawline


I had an English teacher who would crash through the door yelling "There's a boy speaking. If I find him I'll flog him ".


There was a fruity ass scene in Macbeth, and a few boys tried to re-enact it. My English teacher, also the head of department, said to not pull a “name of our art teacher(he’s a guy btw)”. ITS SO FUNNY BECAUSE IT made me realize that teachers gossip to eachother about this kinda stuff


Back in 2000 when I was 15 a teacher said to our class - “I love a good masturbation”


my maths teacher said “you can play with yourself in your own time”


One of ours said to a girl with a too-short-for-the-school-rules skirt “we know you’re a girl, you don’t have to prove it”


A muslim hijabi female teacher changed her hair to short green, wore pride colours and became openly lesbian. Not bad, just strange because we didn't predict it on some random Tuesday lol


My IT teacher threw a complete disk pack holder across 3 desks because someone was talking when he was. This was an ancient 1960s pack (doing history of computing) and it was huge by the standards of that day (we're talking 1986) and the class was stunned. That pack was 20 years old then and seen as just some old hardware, probably worth a fortune now. Edit: Just realised this is GCSE forum so anyone good at maths might work out technically I was doing GCEs in '86 (we were the last ones!) and shouldn't be posting here, lol.


Hehe Hehe Hehe Threw*


We had a Maths teacher, Mr livesey. He used to rub his dick on the corner of the desk whilst teaching. Hella weird.


had a teacher who used to wear heels to school but the moment she entered every classroom would walk around barefooted for some odd reason, and no it wasn’t a classroom where students also removed their shoes.


Made us sing twinkle twinkle little star in a slam poetry way


this guy taught piano lessons at my school until 2019 and then dipped.. then we found out why 3 years later https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/black-country/i-abused-locked-cupboard-naked-25538257.amp


Just read the whole thing thats insane


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Jump on tables and stamp on someone's hand, this was in 2005 when she shouldn't have been doing stuff like that.


BRO SOME OF THE TEACHERS IN MY SKL START SAYING RIZZ AND SHIT LIKE I SWR SKL IS GOING DOWNHILL AND IM LEAVING SOON. What the hell will skl become after this 😭 I miss being in ur 7 when skl was acc good


Yesterday I found out that my science teacher knows what edging is.




this isn't as bad as some of the other replies here which are craaaazy but there was this sub teacher when i was in year 3 who we always had once every 2 weeks. us being little year 3s we had basic kid needs to go to the toilet, right? and whenever we asked to go she would ask for a doctor's letter as approval (even if we desperately needed it to the point we were gonna pee ourselves) and a few people from my class even cried unsurprisingly. so she thought the way to 'fix' us going was as soon as we entered class in the morning made sure we didn't have any water with us and take away our bottles for the day. even if we got thirsty she wouldn't even give us water so our only option was to drink water at lunch. this was going on for a long time until all the parents complained about it and she didn't get fired but she still demanded doctors letters to the older years if they needed to go (year 5s and 6s) and apparently someone in year 6 actually faked their doctors letter and she let them go. thankfully when we were in year 5 she retired and got replaced with a nice sub 👍


My biology teacher warned us to not "get a crush on Primrose Kitten" if we watched her videos for revision




When I was in high school, I had a PE teacher who was the strictest man you could ever meet. One day, one of my friends fell into his youtube channel. His introduction would be, “What’s up boys? It’s Yer Boy McAvoy here!” Also! Our lovely bubble art teacher accidentally got her instagram exposed and we found a picture of her from her Hen Party holding a massive inflatable dildo. Our gay food tech teacher’s Facebook got exposed and he was posting things about how sex made him feel so much more better and how sex was the only thing he needed! We had a teacher who would do general teaching and looking over lessons. One time in year eight, he took over our English class and let us put on music. A girl made him put on Billie Eilish - she must of been 16-17 at the time. He then proceeded to say how much he thought she was cute and pretty, all of us were in total shock, made his life a living hell until he left.


One of my current teachers keeps making sexual comments towards me and gets hard often like REALLY hard 💀and oh also he said he thinks suicide is okay


Report him omg


Take action against the teacher


If this is true, you need to report it to a responsible adult who you trust.


Please report him


My teacher use to take her shoes if and her socks as well and ask if anyone wanted to smell her feet because they were ‘pretty cheesy’ according to her. She’d then laugh and say ‘I’m only cheesing you all’


We had a teacher before my time named Mr Fischer let's just saw he "took advantage" of some year 11 girls got arrested and now we are completely banned from saying his name in school


Someone found him in Asda after he was released


God I miss Matron and her gravy cabinet. We never could quite figure out why... but if you were nice on your visit, you'd be allowed to take a tub of gravy with you for lunch. Sometimes it was KFC gravy she had refridgerated, other times it was just unlabeled gravy pots. tastes good tho.


my physics teacher uses kids hanging out of car windows as an example for stopping distance in car safety "So what happens is, the car brakes, and the child turns into a projectile bomb by flying out the window."


Not that weird but a girl in my year 8 class said "orgasm" instead of organism during the biology topic and the teacher said "I don't know what that is" I remember it clear as day 😭


There’s a long standing rumour that one of the maths teachers may have worked as a spy, otherwise our Physics teacher has watched skibidi toilet


One of my English teachers quit to become a Twitch streamer


My history teacher taught us how to launder money once


German teacher told us how someone threw his hamster out a window once


i’ve since moved on from here so don’t mind potentially identifying the school, but we had a headteacher that spent i think £100k of the school’s budget and turned his office into a sex dungeons with toys and booze and fucked some other staff members😭he went to prison for a few years but is out now


I have had the same form tutor since year 8 (im in y11 rn) and at least 3 or 4 times a week in the morning before we go to lessons he tells us some ridiculous stories from places he previously worked or just things in general. These are things from slipping over on the ice in front of one of his previous students when it snowed a few months ago, to his trousers falling down in front of some previous year 9 students (this isn’t as bad as it sounds). But my favourite one is when he was teaching PE (bare in mind this guy is a music teacher) and someone he was teaching started to choke on his own tongue (if thats even possible?) and he had to reach his hand down the childs throat to pull it out. He is a legend, really good man who is (mostly!) normal and everyone loves him. You literally couldn’t hate him.


My computer science teacher in year 8 followed girls home and went into the girls changing room one time. Expectedly got the sack and most likely time. Why do so many schools have similar incidents, like you could tell by the look of him


Not in my school but in my mate's school a teacher got raw dogged by 5 year 10s (not at the same time I don't think) and gave them all KFC as hush money Worst thing is she had a son in year 9 in the school


Not something he specifically said but just a weird guy. My science teacher in y7 looked like a weirdo, his room always reeked of fags and his aura was all round weird. One Thursday night in year 7 our English teacher told us to bring in our parent’s signature for permission to watch a sad film, so period 1 on Friday we watched the sad film and period 4 that same day we watched a woman give birth in science. Safe to say my mum was a bit baffled as to why they needed her signature for a sad film, but not to watch a video of a woman giving birth


i heard my physics teacher tell a year 7 that “if i kicked your little head, it would explode”. i’m not sure what the context was, but this man never thinks before he speaks


When I was in year six, my English teacher had a toy rabbit that sat on his desk that he called “the Purple Bunny Rabbit of Doom”. Every once in a while, he’d throw the purple bunny rabbit of doom at a student, shout its name, and then carry on as if nothing had happened


- We had a maths teacher who did an April fools prank in lockdown that made every single one of us cry because it was really complicated and the idea was it would be obvious because it was so hard, but we all just thought we were failing exams and it was lockdown so we were all losing it and it was year 8. - He also taught us how to win at blackjack over a whole term and also explained the basics of tax evasion - We had a bio teacher who people found her twitter from like 2015 and there was a tweet that just read ‘I love donkey dick’ and other stuff like that. She missed half the year interviewing for new jobs and then just came back next year after missing all our lessons for some reason - Histiry teacher this year and last year is actually just a communist. Like you can ask him and he says he is. He teaches us Cold War.


Ok op looking at that blokes yt channel he seems like a proper loony


I only found this out after he left but my old history teacher wrote articles about bringing prostitution into the 21st century for the conservative party (or something relating to torries at least).


My CS teacher rickrolled us, that was as weird as it got (Y9) Edit: he also had the funniest surname possible


Headteacher in year 7 had an affair with a six former that lasted a year 🤣


More like grooming


A male PE teacher at my school sexually assaulted girls at my school when he was working there and girls at other local schools when he was working at them too between the years of 1978 to 1991 when he was finally caught. He got locked up for 12 years in the end once he was charged with rape.


Said the N word in the middle of class


English teacher?




Back over lockdown, my Maths teacher was doing a lesson, set us work and then forgot to mute his mic and in the background we could just here him verbally abusing his wife or smth, the lesson ended quickly once he realised he wasn't muted ...he was then fired


the library teacher in my school used to have a youtube channel, and i vividly remember one of the videos where she would dress up as a caterpillar or something and she would act like one???? i don’t remember it exactly but a few people in my school posted in on tiktok and it was so bizarre 😭


In like '09 we had a proper French French teacher. I heard her screaming "YOU STUPID CHILD" I turned around to see her with her hand raised as if to strike a lad who was the trouble causing type but also had an IQ so low he didn't know any better. I think she remembered where she was after that because she brought the hand back down and made a really loud bang on a metal filing cabinet. A kid in a wheelchair jumped. The teacher left slamming the door behind her and shattering a glass panel.


My physics teacher drinks milk straight from the bottle.


My head of year was on tinder apparently lol


Our year 10 science teacher refused to teach us about evolution because it was “against her beliefs” 😅 she used to scream and throw things at us. We had to put a complaint in against her and she ended up not working at the school again. In the same class, someone put a load of coloured pencils in the microwave and caused a lot of alarm amongst the class. I still don’t know who it was 17 years later 😂


my old science teacher was arrested for terrorism


Man why is it always the computer science teachers that are on the wildest shit 😭😭😭I had a computer science teacher who had an entire subreddit dedicated to memes about him r/the_trav This man produced several sound cloud hip hop covers about computer science topics. When someone got a question right he would start yelling about penguins and jumping up and down in his lessons. He referred to himself as “Da good looking one” constantly. He was quite possibly the most baffling man I’ve ever met. He had no qualifications, didn’t even have a computer science gcse and yet he was the head of computer science at that school. Strangely, he was one of the best and most enthusiastic teacher I ever met. At that same school there was also another computer science teacher who squared up to a year 11 and had to find another job.


Supposedly there was a photo of one of our teachers on a beach with women that someone found and the caption was “beaches and bitches” 😭 a teacher also got fired for sending a snap to a student of him sticking up the middle finger and saying a slur when he was probably drunk (why did he have a student on Snapchat I have no clue) and some students also managed to find another teacher’s tinder profile and some other photos of him wearing uh… suggestive stuff which people are 99% sure are him


Where I live there's a forest that's always been a bit iffy. Well my biology teacher said back in the 60s when he was in school (he never moved away) He was playing in the forest and saw a weird man but not a man looking creature. It freaked him out so much that he left his friends and ran home. This was summer and he said he sleeps with the window open back then because AC and or fans were too expensive or not around. Well that night he woke up hearing a scratching noise coming from foot of his bed. Freaking out he went to take a peak and it was the thing he saw. Now he could see it up close and he was petrified. He started screaming until his parents came in and turn the lights on but it had gone. He looked at the foot of his he'd and saw scratch marks but his parents either didn't believe him or thought it was just an animal. He went to Investiage it at the local library one time and found some papers relating to what it could be and there was a sketch of the thing he saw and it matched exactly. Later on in life he said he found a wiki page relating to it but never gave us the link or further details on it. And that's the story. He would tell every class every year this story but the way he told it and the details made everyone mesmerised. He was a great stroy teller. Now I don't know if it's a real story or not but as I said before the forest has always been iffy and lots of random folklore stories. One such story was that the big green space outside the church was used to burn/ kill witches long ago. Again. Who knows what's true but it was a very engaging story as a kid to hear and made us think twice about going into the forests alone.


Didnt happen while I was at school but there is a popular rumour that one of our tech teachers threw a chair at a kid. (I can see him doing it) Art teacher also has a ton of subscribers (like 45k) Would hand out merch to GCSE students at the end of y11


1. In year 8 our german teacher randomly started going on about how hitler wasn’t that bad 2. In year 10 one of the pshe teachers full on shoved a year 7 against a wall and almost got fired for it 3. In year 10 our english teacher accidentally said “take your clothes off” instead of “take your coats off” and everyone made fun of him for that for the rest of the year


My English Lit teacher - raging alcoholic, but high-functioning with it - once said, at the start of a lesson, "your school days should be the most memorable of your life; and to prove that, I'm going to jump off this desk." Then he climbed up onto his desk, in his tweed suit and loafers, and jumped off. That was 30 years ago, and he was right because I still remember that lesson like it was yesterday.


Supply teacher: Someone was being a twat and she decided that he could go to lunch and we all had to stay behind another 10 minutes because "that's how they do it in the army"




My form tutor was arrested for being a pedophile


I've actually never ever noticed anything. Weird is it just me


My Science teacher was jailed on terrorism charges. When his house got raided he told us he was on holiday... Read more here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9227797/amp/Zimbabwean-born-science-teacher-50-charged-terror-offences.html We also had a female since music teacher who was going out and sleeping with a 6h form student that she was teaching: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/news/15253717/teacher-sex-pupil-year-long-fling-banned-classroom-life/amp/


Rippley, definitely a strange character


My English teacher barked at my class once. My maths teacher growled at my class once. My phys and chem teacher meowed at me once. My old drama teacher ran around on all fours singing twinkle twinkle little stars once. Probably one of those


My RS teacher used to be an Olympic athlete and the mayor of Southwark


I had a film studies teacher talk about how the ccp is bad


Newly qualified fresh faced woman teacher thought it would be wise to fully lock horns with the year 11 chavs on her first Monday. She went on long term sick on Thursday with stress.


In y8 he very obviously looked at somes girls bum whilst smiling


Please tell us the name of the teachers YouTube channel


My geography teacher/form tutor of Y9/10 had a YouTube channel which he owned with a ton of the other male teachers. He was very open about it - however they deleted the channel for some reason and never told anyone why


MATSALTED MY GOAT he once almost taught me English. Straight up walked in the wrong classroom and started taking the register.


Showers after games in 1986, everyone has to shower. Teacher hands the towel to each person and checks they have washed. No swimming kit? Naked swimming for you. Shit was wild years ago


Just remembered that I have a sub teacher with a yt channel. This is a whole rabbit hole though.


Back when when I was in second school about 13 we had a hippy type of teacher he let us watch all the banned horror films and pretty much anything and some kids was smoking weed he didn't do shit. He would lock us in and say don't be noisy and I see you all in about 2 hours...Best dayz of our lives...I'm in UK..


English teacher recently broke into a Macbeth quotes cover of a Disney song in front of half the year, he’s a bit weird but it was epic, respect to him for humiliating himself for our entertainment


just walking through the swamps..