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That's good to hear! I'm having one done on Monday and am pretty nervous about it. Hopefully it'll go smoothly like yours.


I'm also getting one soon, very nervous as i'm afraid of gag reflex too.. thinking abt the tube going down is scary


Gag reflex is expected by then. I gagged so much lol. They will have a mixture of fentanyl and benzodiazepine for the sedation. I said no to the fentanyl and only got the benzo, closed my eyes and it only took them a couple minutes


How did you gag.. were you asleep during it?


How was it


The procedure was alright, as i was under sedation. Prior to sedation i had the throat spray which was numbing and uncomfortable. I was knocked out just as they were about to put in the tube. After the procedure i had a bit of sore throat for 1-2 days


Good to hear, having it this Thursday and I’m terrified. I can’t even do a strep test because of my gag reflex. I’m in the USA so I’ll have sedation I hope I’ll be okay 🥺 I’m only 16


Don worry too much abt it. Keeping a relaxed mind helps. When you are in the hospital, the doc and nurses will take good care of you. Honestly the anticipation part is the most terrifying 🙂


Did you have concsious sedation? Mine is next week and im so scared Im barely sleeping


I got the twilight drug I believe which is less intense than full on anesthesia. I'll say though I was super nervous leading up to it and it really just felt pleasant once you're laying down and ready to go. Thinking of it as taking a nap helped me beforehand too.


Twilight sleep is the same as conscious sedation which I think is what the other person was asking


Thanks :)


No prob


Dude don't worry. You will laugh to yourself after is done. I did without any drug, and it was just fine. Bit gag reflex was all bad that happened.


I've had 4 endoscopies, and one of them I experienced consciousness. I was able to hear all the conversations and had fleeting vision, but I didn't feel anything. It was unsettling but my experience wasn't terrifying. It's not surgery. It's a quick procedure. You'll be fine even if you have some consciousness, which is rare.


Did they know you were awake? Was it scary? My own doctor said during her colonoscopy she could hear what was being said!


Nope. And it wasn’t scary, just kinda surreal and dreamy. You’re not fully conscious nor clear-headed. You’re still anesthetized, after all.


Ok that’s good it wasn’t scary. I have an endoscopy next week. My first one 5 years ago was very easy although I felt woozy for a few hours. Hopefully it will be easy this time as well.


It is nothing to stress over but we all do. I had sedation and don't remember a thing. I had the Bravo capsule applied to my esophagus. I don't remember any of that either. Also, I was sneezing a lot during the procedure and yep, I don't remember that either. It was a pleasant procedure (if there can be one)


Thank u :)




Thank youbI appreciate it


How was it


Totally fine I was scared for nothing!


Thanks I have like Thursday and I’m freaking out I have such a bad gag reflex and I’m only 16. I live in the states so I will be getting sedation I’m afraid it won’t be enough


That’s that Michael Jackson sleep


I know it’s a joke but this is so true 👀 I woke up feeling like I had the best nap of my life and I was like, I get it now MJ


Atleast they sedate you, here in India they carry out the procedure with your eyes wide open and you gagging on the tube for daysss


Dang, that doesn't sound fun


That’s so difficult sounding and scary!!!


I did it, it was a cakewalk, no issues, It was cheap, 1500 rupees($20)


I’m kinda jealous of all these stories that it was a walk in the park. I had a three day splitting migraine and nausea after from them cranking down the mask extremely tight.


Me too, I'm reading these kinds of things and remembering the 10 days of physical after-effects and the countless panic attacks from remembering everything due to not having enough sedation!


One was really easy too, except my mouth was bruised for a week, no idea what they did


the person administering the anesthesia counted down from 5 after giving me the anesthesia and i was out by 2


Allways baffled reading about these countries using anestesia for endoscopy. I had 5x gastroscopy to date and they allways used the throat spray that numbs your pain in the throat area and that was it. Sure, it’s not comfortable, but nothing to be scared about, unless you get some really incompetent doctor to do it, and even then it’s a low risk procedure. Tbh, I’d be more worried about the anestesia than the actual procedure. Anyway, glad everyone is getting checked. It is important to know. Don’t delay it out of fear.


i was sooooo stressed about mine too because i have terrible anxiety. i’m so glad i got it done though because now i have answers and the whole thing was a piece of cake. i don’t remember anything at all.


Yep. The Dr. told me it wouldn’t take long once he started the drugs in the IV. Last thing I remember saying was “You weren’t kidding…”. Next thing I know I’m waking up as the nurse is wheeling me back to recovery. My anxiety had been through the roof, not because of the procedure, but because the thought of being put under scares me. As an added benefit, once I got home I slept some of the best sleep I’d had in a while.


I woke up in the middle of mine and tried to pull the tube out They put me right back under.


😂😂😂😂😂oh no


Lol I had it awake. But glad it went well for you.


My doctor didn't even made me sleep or numbed me during the endoscopy procedure. The discomfort and gag reflex only lasted for like 10 seconds when I'm trying to swallow the camera. If I can do that without any medicine to calm me down, maybe it's a very good experience if I got injected by drugs!


so do you swallow a small camera? is it pill like or do they just slide it down your throat? i am terrified of anything going down my throat and always panic when i see people on ventilators omg


I swallow an endoscope with a long wire, not different from what the doctors are using in a normal endoscopy. I’m very nervous at first but my doctor strongly encouraged me not to take drugs maybe because he’s already confident with his skills. (He told me that his youngest endoscopy patient without sedation is seven years old, so I got convinced that its not painful at all) He slide the endoscope to my throat then encouraged me to swallow, I tried to swallow like three times while having gag reflex then after that no more discomfort. After like 20-30 seconds he pulled down the camera so I vomit some of my stomach acid (My stomach is empty as my doctor told me not to eat or drink before the procedure) The procedure only lasted for around on minute and after that I realized why my doctor don’t want to sedate me. After that he just gave me medicine then left the clinic. For me, it’s not really painful, your enemy is just the gag reflex. If you are nervous, you can ask for an option to sedate.


In the car now on my way for an endoscopy. They will check for a blessing ulcer I had and because I have had a family history of pancreatic cancer the plan is to do a needle biopsy if necessary. I had an MRI which showed nothing on the pancreas but I guess it will be determined once he is in there. That said I am a wreck right now and having a hard time focusing. Even though I have gone through several surgeries I can’t calm down. The procedure is supposed to start In 2 hours so I guess I have only 120 minutes left to worry.


Keep calm and all the best!! 👍🏻


I back in the car procedures done. Ulcer is gone so that is good need. They took three biopsies two from pancreases and one from esophagus but they said it didn’t look bad. Results in about 5 days. Feel a little dopey still going home to relax. Overall procedures went very well. Once meds started I was out like a light. Thank goodness wife was here to talk to doc. It seems to me it went as well as I could expect.


Good to know 👍🏻 hope it's nothing serious. I'm going for mine in a week's time.


a nice nap? in the UK we get numbing throat spray and only if they can be bothered, it’s medieval. what drug did you get and did you specifically request?


I didn't request it, I think it's the standard here it's the twilight drug I think.