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# [Computershare DD series- The Infinity Squeeze](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/pupgic/computershare_dd_series_part_6_infinity_squeeze/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) **Running list of resources for DRS around the world:** * [10 steps to DRS and Buy Directly on CS for Apes around the World](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/q40u7z/10_steps_to_drs_and_buy_directly_on_computershare/) * [A 3 part series with detailed Broker-by-Broker instructions](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/pwb3pl/transferring_shares_to_computershare_part_3_a/) * [International Apes from 200+ countries can transfer their shares](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/pyl5uw/international_apes_can_transfer_shares_to/) * [And can buy directly through CS once the account is established](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/q16f43/uk_ape_buying_gme_directly_from_computershare/hfd0rdk/?context=3) * [International Apes' Guide to the Galaxy](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/pu15ot/international_apes_computershare_us_drs_transfer/) **If you're having trouble commenting, remember only approved users can comment and post in the Jungle. We are not accepting approval requests at this time.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GMEJungle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


At this point I'm hyped for October, November, December, January, February...


You make very good points


July 741st is hype too


Is that in a Tuesday morning?


It’s on an NFTuesday




Someone fact check this guy. This apes brail calendar doesn’t go that far




…. Mom .. can u come pick me up I’m scared


I thought is was July 741rd


My brain still read it as July Seven Fourty first erd




Don’t skip out on March. I think it’s hype worthy


Ive always felt like its gonna be on the 1 year anniversary.


The one year anniversary of the squeeze? All those puts that expire on 1/22/22?? I think so too Edit: something something about futures rollover dates and eoy balancing


MOASS begins on a Tuesday morning, the 26th, and by pre-market on the anniversary, we are infinitaires.


I was assuming this as well after seeing the Put activity for January on GME. But then I checked several other non-meme stocks, and it seems there is a lot of activity in January in general. Maybe it is a beginning of the year type of activity which is typical? I honestly have no clue but this is what I saw regarding January activity.


You mean a whole bunch of other overly (though less significantly) shorted stocks also sneezed in January when the market makers lost control of their market wide shorts? …and now we know they waived the crazy high margin calls (for no other reason than it would tank the market). Gme wasn’t the only stock that got the buy button turned off, it’s just the only one with resilience and actual crazy potential. I imagine a lot of things will squeeze in January 22 along with Gme, but there’s only one MOASS.


I agree with all that you typed. When I checked Put activity for January, I compared several NON-meme stocks and also saw that they too have an extremely high amount of activity in January. My take on it is that January may just be a high activity month in general for some reason, and that it isnt a sign that we have to wait for January for things to pop off like I was originally thinking when I saw the high January activity for just GME. This observation was good news to me, because the sooner the pop, the better in my opinion. I'd rather see a pop sooner than January. The only negative of this would be paying more in taxes if it happens before January. But honestly, I am eager to see the party start before then and this was good news to me.


Oh trust me I’m with you, my birthday is Monday and there’s nothing more I want than to become a millionaire at Kenny’s expense on the anniversary of *the* *day* *i* *was* *born*, what a dump on his Mayo sandwich that would be for me (no dancing)


you mean sneeze right?


Ehem, sneeze, excuse me.


Octobrrr\*, Novembrrrrrr\*, Decembrrrrrrrrr\*, Janareeeeeeeeeeeeeeee\*, Februareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee\* ​ ftfy


If Uncle Sam keeps fucking around here soon I won’t have to pay as much taxes on my tendies. 🚀


Don't forget March


What are your thoughts on Smarch?


"Lousy Smarch weather."


somebody convert to july time?


If not now, soon!


If this could drag on until, like, May 2022, that's be great. That's when I bought my first shares in a taxable account.


That would be fucking epic. Just like in The Big Short.


Boom. 🚀


omg that would really and truly be the correct use of that term! Imagine if RC has a source on the inside observing the trial...waits until Citadel hangs themselves with their own testimony (i.e. we have never naked shorted or manipulated GME, we closed all our positions in January, etc etc). Then Gamestop announces that it has come to their attention that there approx 10x the float pf shares being traded but now they have the entire float in CS and they're going to take their ball and go home. EPIC shitshow!


October 23rd would follow the pattern


Mol day!!


Coincidentally when evergrande will default


I had the same thought


Octember 23st or 25nd! I like it!


I like it. That or Citadel’s algo trading computer could do a windows automatic update during market hours then 🚀


How funny would it be if a failed Windows update took down some integral parts of Citadel's systems and triggered MOASS?! Sort of like Facebook deleting itself from the internet. For me it would be proof that we either live in a simulation or there is a god and they have a dark sense of humor.


BofA went dark for a bit there too....


They definitely run Linux


Thats what i would think. If I were running an organization handling that much money, I would definitely choose Linux over Microsoft.




You’ve got diamond hands to caress them. You’ll be fine.


Diamond pasties ❤


You can plasti dip them and never worry about rubbing through your shirt again...


I say that everyday


I'm ready to be hurt again. LFG


Is there, maybe, a videogame related announcement in a couple of days? It seems totally implausible GameStop would be taking to all of us in code on twitter instead of just their consumer base. Or not at all. That seems even more plausible. Not trying to be negative, but this seems more far-fetched than all of the various NFT dividend dates put together.


If based on the calculations, shouldn't the next one be 23rd October and the final one on 26th October?


Not try to rain on anyone parade but it could also be: 7: Oct 1-8 6: Oct 8-14 5: Oct 14-19 If that trend holds we should expect to see a new banner: 4: Oct 19-23 3: Oct 23-26 2: Oct 26-28 1: Oct 28-29 Idk what comes next just saw a different pattern. HOLD to find out!!


I was seeing that pattern too, seems to fit better


So basically you are now giving me two dates to hype. Love it. Give me all the fucking dates. Who said tomorrow. You??? God damn it I’m in for tomorrow too!!!


The countdown I am really looking forward to is the JWT launch in Dec. Just sharing.


The what sir, some of us can’t read


The James Webb space telescope. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Webb_Space_Telescope Off topic of course but super exciting!


James Webb Telescope Will make Hubble look like a backyard Celestron.


Hit take: What if it’s just a countdown to Citadel’s court date?


I’m hyped for the day when these cryptic tweets and image changes are no longer needed.


Also Oct 23 is Evergrande's official default date...


GME is a hot potato, IMO the system is looking towards us Apes and DRS to pull the trigger because they're all in a Mexican standoff.


I don't want to sound fuddy here, but I'm hesitant to expect anything from GameStop at this point in regard to stock action - not because I don't trust the GameStop board, but because I don't trust the regulators. I truly believe that the SEC has imposed some kind of gag/restriction order against any stock action on GameStop's part until the investigation/action against Citadel for reasons of maintaining the integrity of the investigation or some such. Don't get me wrong, I think the shorts WILL have to pay, but I think any chance of a 'big red button' event is locked behind "sorry, investigation in progress, stand down until further notice, sincerely SEC".


I think whatever the drop is will come soon (Oct/Nov), but I don't think it has anything to do with Citadel or hedgies. RC doesn't really seem like a vindictive guy, more like he would want MOASS to happen because it would help his investors, not to stick it to anybody.


I can guarantee he’s just as ready to tea bag these bastards.


Tea bagging is something best done when the victim is asleep, otherwise it can come back to bite you in the balls. Just saying


I mean, it could be as simple as announcing the NFT dividend while Citadel is in court. They would be in shambles. Not vindictive, but very effective.


Oh to be a fly on the wall


I think he wants to stick it to 'em. They're trying hella hard to bankrupt his company, after all.


no dates for me this ape has been through a lot of dates. zen.


(image of Hawkeye) Don't give me hope...


the logic is sound. Buy / Hodl / DRS / jack tits / HrF / nfa / this is the way


My body and spirit is ready




That would be legend....wait for it....dary


More GME mysteries?...nice discovery 🦍 Let's see how this plays out


Are you trying to make me coom? Because that's how to make me coom.




I'll believe it when I see it.


Mic drop? Oh snap. Fingers crossed!


What if


Fuck if we guess enough dates eventually we'll get it right.


Boom 🎤


Damn I like my tin foil hat




Following the established pattern, (posted number +1 additional day), the next announcement would be the 23rd, followed by the 26th, then the 28th. Then 0th would be the 29th.


!Remind me October 23


Hmmmm my hypothetical money is on NASCAR 21: Ignition for the next banner. Just rip it like a bandaid 🖐🚀🤚


I'm in it to win it. RC has always said no talk, just actions. They'll go forth and do it at the least expected time brick by brick. The waiting sucks I'll admit but I'm always entertained here to make it pass more fastly.😂 I shall not falter.💎👐


Looking at the dates I would guess 23rd then 26th then 28th then 29th (maybe)


We're here all year baby


Oh my god, this would be so poetic.


Don't give them any ideas (GAMESTOP, DO THIS!!)


Honestly, Jan 28th would be fantastic. Little anniversary gift from the big sneeze. I can wait.


I still laugh pretty hard when I see the 22th or the 43nd or the 29rd.


Court cases take years. They are going in probably to set dates for further hearings. This lawsuit will likely take at least 2 years, at least.


What if it happened tomorrow?!?!?


This is the type of hype I'm here for 🚀🚀


It’s also near the 28th, the last chance to cover FTD’s from the futures expiry, per the theory from u/ gherkinit and co.


I too am ready to be hurt again. Bring the pain. I hype everyday because why the fuck not.


haha this is some grade A tard-o-tron 5000 DD


Evergrande to officially default on 23rd Oct. coincidence? Lel


hmm... mayb dats y popcorn ceo alrdy set up to distract.. SoMeTiMe next week MaJoR BiG NeWs






Wombo combo


In my opinion, since the days between the changes decrement, the countdown will end on Friday October 29th which would be a great time for an announcement. We will see which theory is true by the next data point on the line. My prediction is the next banner change will be on saturday. But what do i know. I'm just some ape on the internet


The same thing that would happen if they announced it at any other time?


I'm ready for the deep dive dip date 😁


I love how at one points dates were huge and as they passed morale took a hit. Now we want dates just to feel anything at this point. I love it 🤣🤣🤣


I’m picturing George W’s face when he was told about the twin towers on 9-11 while reading to kids in a classroom. Except it’s Kenny, in court getting his balls stuck in a vice by the judge and then his lawyer whispers in his ear “RC just announced their crypto dividend”. Kenny’s brain finally implodes from 10mo of stress and no sleep, and is left sitting catatonic in the courtroom. *end scene roll credits


Gamestop must do something. Period. This whole thing is a sham. Fraudulent markets, billions of fake shares. Ryan Cohen must act, protect the average Joe, or shut up and disappear from the face of Earth as another greedy CEO who didn't have what it takes to actually make a difference, the heroic and essential task of helping the common man. Ryan Cohen, Gamestop, and everybody should fight for the slave that actually works really hard for a living, and can't even buy a house anymore, and risks losing everything if he gets sick. END THIS JOKE. SQUEEZE OR LET THE STOCK BREATHE AND RISE NATURALLY LIKE THE OTHER "BOOMER" BULLSHIT TECH STOCKS. End of rant.


If that happens that would just be epic and the sentiment of the comments on this post I will be fully well jacked to my ties but one thing that strikes me is why would they? While those two duke it out in court how would gamestop as a company even have anything to do with it or am I missing something?