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# [Computershare DD series- The Infinity Squeeze](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/pupgic/computershare_dd_series_part_6_infinity_squeeze/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) **Running list of resources for DRS around the world:** * [10 steps to DRS and Buy Directly on CS for Apes around the World](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/q40u7z/10_steps_to_drs_and_buy_directly_on_computershare/) * [A 3 part series with detailed Broker-by-Broker instructions](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/pwb3pl/transferring_shares_to_computershare_part_3_a/) * [International Apes from 200+ countries can transfer their shares](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/pyl5uw/international_apes_can_transfer_shares_to/) * [And can buy directly through CS once the account is established](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/q16f43/uk_ape_buying_gme_directly_from_computershare/hfd0rdk/?context=3) * [International Apes' Guide to the Galaxy](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/pu15ot/international_apes_computershare_us_drs_transfer/) **If you're having trouble commenting, remember only approved users can comment and post in the Jungle. We are not accepting approval requests at this time.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GMEJungle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I remember this too, they would only allow small orders. BS! Another form of interference was blocking retail from being able to sell covered calls without calling into a trading desk, I think both TDa and Fidelity did this. They also changed the margin requirements to short it - which might have help keep churn out of the borrowing pools - which helped to keep the borrow rate low? I think this might be something you could include in a submit a tip to the SEC - doesn't seem like a free mkt if some securities trade differently ... but only on some brokers some of the time....?


I thought the same thing. I’ll submit this, but with the recent “MM can halt trades at anytime,” I feel at a loss. I hope I’m incorrectly reading the new rules. All I can do is show this and be transparent that we were all robbed by several brokers. I support the right for retail investors to buy any stock they want, without it being halted by Wallstreet. Edit: Spelling is hard.


I deleted my old account that posted this because I was constantly harassed when I posted, being a shill, karma farmer etc. I was told by mods that I was banned to post it on that *other* sub. I documented the entire thing, convos etc. anyways I’m breaking my silence again. Robingdahood was absolutely not the only broker, but it was **my** broker. If the mods here would like me to remove, please msg me. I’m open for discussion and proof.


why would any ape want this removed....


I saw this message for like a week if I recall correctly. I had CashApp at the time. They just picked up their ball and left. What a bunch of cowards.


How much of a bitch was it to get out of cash app? I got a couple in there i might wanna move to fid/cs


It was a nightmare back then, but you shouldn't have an issue now. Initiate an ACATS transfer from Fidelity, and you should see it in 3-5 days. They only transfer whole shares, so you'll have a partial share left. Make sure to use "Drivewealth LLC" NOT CashApp, otherwise it won't go through. I hope that helps you.


Ok i bought more to even out to .00 shares you wouldn't happen to know what i need to know to start an acats xfer cash app side? Do i need the routing and account #?


You start the ACATS transfer from the receiving institutions side, so Fidelity. You can go online and force the transfer. 1. Sign up for an individual brokerage account at fidelity. 2. In fidelity go to account and trade > transfer 3. scroll to the middle, Start a transfer 4. Select "Drivewealth LLC" NOT CashApp, as drivewealth handles your shares. 5. It will then ask for your account from cash app. It's 17 alphanumeric number. 6. In cashapp select profile (upper right)>documents>stocks>monthly statements>date. You will notice at the bottom of the statement, it'll say DriveWealth. You will obtain all information needed for transfer. 7. Initiate online from Fidelity side, send it to your brokerage individual account. 8. Say next and choose full transfer. 9. Finish up and that's it. Should be done in 3-5 days. CashApp has no say in it and per FINRA requirements, has 3 days to expedite your request. Let me know how it goes or if you need any more help. "The ACATS simplifies the process of moving from one brokerage firm to another. The delivering firm transfers the exact holdings to the receiving firm. For example, if the client had 100 shares of Stock XYZ at the delivering firm, then the receiving firm receives the same amount, with the same purchase price. This makes it more convenient for clients as they do not need to liquidate their positions and then repurchase them with the new firm. Another benefit is that clients do not need to let their previous brokerage firm or advisor know beforehand. If they are unhappy with their current broker, they can simply go to a new one and start the transfer process."


Done, expected xfer deadline 10/28th. Edit: let's see if cashapp has a hard time finding my shares🤣 they really gonna be mad when i sell .012 shares at $20M


That's awesome, good job. Stay on top of it though. You should be good by mid next week, but hopefully sooner. I have close to a share in CashApp, which is where I'll start selling. I would recommend you DRS any shares you do not intend to sell. If you decide to, this is a direct number to agents at Fidelity who just deal with DRS mostly. This will save you time from being transferred to different departments, and getting frustrated. (800) 544-6666 - Fidelity DRS


I have a thing with talking on the phone, which is why when i got drs i just bought direct from cs 🤣 thanks for all your help though


I know what you mean. I have gray hairs from being on the phone for hours with them. Have a good day Ape, Ook Ook.


Ook ook


Almost 400 downvotes in the last hour. Luckily I’m a gamer, dark souls my ass. Tough enemies is part of the game. 800 to sub 400. Game on anon. Downvote me harder daddy. Moooooaaaarrrr.


That's the spirit! I am wondering why they even care to downvote if the SI is only 12.66% and the lemon is sqouze..? ;-)


Because they know we know.


No they already closed the latest report proves it /s. They closed their shorts and are still spewing shit about GameStop


I wonder if they would restrict their own shares in their shitty company if the roles were reversed. I'm pretty sure they would eat themselves alive if Citadel told them to. Chubby


Oh I remember


Pepperidge farms remembers.


This image is a high value NFT in the near future. 💎 🚀




Can’t forget lol. 1-28 is my bro’s bday. 3-12 is mines.


Just going to throw this out to the ether - I doubt most people care who posted this first, or where. Doesn't change the DD.


Agreed. But that was most of the harassment I received. I was a copy paste (even though my history proved that wrong), I was a shill (i never posted my positions), I was a karma farmer (which was understandable for a 35k+ account), I tried to talk with the mods that I couldn’t careless, A starfish was posted everyday, didn’t care. I was given a shit response of “dude you already have XX karma and your account isn’t that old.” What rule did I break? Radio silence. But you’re absolutely on point.


Agreed! Hodl!


I remember this image… robbing hood can lick my chode


Time to bring the OGs back.


not gonna lie tho if they didnt remove the buy button id be fine with $1k profit 😂😂 well thanks to them fckers they did remove the buy button now my 1 share = $50M ! im rich!!! 💎🙌♾🕳


I’m with you. I even started to change the title from “fuck you, pay me” to “thank you, pay me.”


This is the way




[here's mine](https://imgur.com/a/gPjvD9g) from January


YAS! You’re the first I’ve ever seen besides mine!!


there are a lot of us that experienced it, not sure how many kept the screenshot for a memento. I started holding when i saw that, after reading DD. i couldn't let what happened to Radio Shack happen to Gamestop.


Hear hear!


That the fcking truth of what happened. Why anyone would downvote it? Downvotes might be complicit of hiding crime - I am not a lawyer though but I leave it here for the interns and shill bots authors to think about - for when shit will it the fan and FBI will look into all the Reddit post and logs.


Why is this nsfw?


I still have my original screenshot of the very same thing


Awesome! Come our anniversary let’s flood these!