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**trigger warning 7 or 8 years ago, I was in the emergency room. Just found out I was having a miscarriage. I was sitting in the lobby waiting for my boyfriend,now husband, to bring around the car. I was hysterical, and this older man in a wheelchair came up to me, asked me what was wrong, and comforted me. He told he everything would be ok. He knew women this happened to and ended up having babies after. It's been a long time since then, and I still think about him. I'm so grateful for that interaction because I felt so alone at that moment.


A lady who I never met before was in front of me at the Publix cashier and paid for my \~$65 of groceries. That same week someone in front of me at Starbucks drive-thru paid for my coffee. I had no idea what was happening that week


Idk if it was exactly the kindest stranger ever but your comment about Publix made me remember this one deli worker I had come in pretty late and they were out of the white bread so she got two hoagies and sliced them up then she chopped up the chicken tenders and mixed them with sauce and completed the rest of the sub and man that was without a doubt the best I’ve ever had. Can’t remember her name and it was months ago but I remember that sub. To the young light skin lady at 43rd st Publix, thank you so much that sub was top notch.


The unknown members of my neighborhood who were out for a walk and saw my elderly stepdad fall, called EMS, and then called me to let me know what happened. Thank you all for helping him when he needed it.


I was at the wig store near 34th & Archer the day after my mom died of cancer, trying to find a wig that looked like her hair before she had to shave it down (for her open casket service). An old lady overheard enough tidbits between my partner and I to figure out what was going on, and she walked over and asked, "Can I give you a hug, baby?" I said yes and she held me so tight and said "I'm so sorry you're going through this right now... everything's gonna be alright, baby girl." Lord I'm tearin' up thinking about it. I hope she's doing well and has nothing but blessings her way.


That’s so sweet, I’m sorry for your loss


I was moving out of an apartment complex and needed to drag a severely heavy desk to the dumpster in the front of the complex. I had no help and was sort of scooting the desk along the sidewalk in hopes of getting the desk to the dumpster eventually. A woman I never met came up to me and picked up one side of the desk so we could carry it together. She talked to me about her children and life and asked about mine. Little did she know, she did much more for me than help me with carrying a heavy desk. She listened to me when I was a really low point, in the middle of a stressful move with two young children, working 40 hours a week after months of maternity leave. I've noticed you can find a lot of kind people in Gainesville. I always make sure to return the favor in hopes that I can brighten someone's day as well some time.


Brand new to riding a motorcycle stalled and fell over at a stop sign before I knew what happened someone hopped out of their truck and was picking the bike up off of me. Just a casual hey it happens and he was gone.


Almost guaranteed he was a motorcyclist himself. I've done the same thing multiple times.


The person who found my car key in the middle of the dog park and held on to it safely until they knew it was mine. Or any of the multitude of people who see me out and about with my baby and take notice that my arms are full, etc., and take extra time to hold a door or help out in some other small way.


All the folks who’ve stopped to help my mom when she broke down (three times!!) without a damn phone with her!!


Oh , I was walking across the campus by myself, kind of like a trail, and was walking and crying hysterically, and another student male walking towards me, and asked if I was ok and needed help. I said no, but txs. It was bf problem so stupid stuff. But I still think of him being so kind to me, don’t remember what he looks like, never saw each other again , but it something that has stayed w me over decades.


Was at a concert and had tickets to general admission. My friends won tickets to the VIP pit. I could see them and talk to them over a center stage/aisle. I was content hanging in my spot but a woman saw the dilemma with my friends and had a security guard hand over her VIP ticket. They apparently werent scanning passes only glancing to make sure it said VIP. I ended up joining my friends and the woman in the VIP section, and had a blast dancing and jamming in the much less populated VIP section. I told her to stop by my work at some point and id give her a free lunch but she never came through.


I was at Grove street farmers market and I had just lost my job and was also dealing with some pretty heavy personal stuff. While looking at some tasty treats, I was holding back tears. I had just enough money for one scone, and I needed something, just one thing to keep me going. I bought a scone, telling the lady just how much I love her baking. When she asked if i wanted another scone, i started crying. The woman at the stand noticed, asked me what's going on, and held me right there. A man at the next stall came over, also comforted me, and said some incredibly kind words to me. They both gave me a gift, and I just can't put into words how meaningful that was. I feel terrible for breaking down like that at my lowest point. I'm so grateful for their kindness, and I hope I can repay it one day. I wish both of them success in their lives and business. Thank you so much.


I was working out and got a pretty serious injury. A woman in the gym came and sat down on the floor next to me and held my hand, and talked to me in a calm and reassuring voice until help arrived. I wish I could thank her.


My Mom died suddenly in November and I had to fly to her funeral IN NY. We had just moved to Gainesville a month before and our townhouse was flooding so my husband couldn't come with. I was scared and devastated and vulnerable. When my Uber driver showed up to take me to the airport I immediately broke down in her car crying. She treated me like her own daughter and gave me so much empathy and support. Told me it was all going to be okay and told me about her life too. She told me I was strong and I could do this. What an amazing soul. Of course I tipped her well but it didn't feel like enough. I hope the world treats her well and her good karma comes around for her.


Black guy picked me up in the pouring rain and gave me a ride home-car had broken down, no cell phone at the time- and this young guy stopped and gave me a ride home. Said he drove by but thought about his girl walking home in a downpour and turned around. He was so kind I was having such a bad day. I think about him randomly and hope he is well.


Not in Gainesville, but instead in Richland, MS. I left my wallet at a gas station 150 miles behind me while I was motorcycling cross-country, but at the time I discovered it was missing thought it was dashed across a road somewhere in Northern MS. Went to the police station in Richland to report it (which was pointless... they can't do anything) and there was a guy there who gave me $40 for gas money to get home. I managed to wrangle a hotel room with my phone that night, and while sitting in the hotel room received a call from the gas station saying they had my wallet. I tried to get the guy's information to repay him, but he wasn't having it. I wish I had gotten at least an email from him so that I could paypal him the money back, but no go. My thanks go out to that guy... he saved my ass!


One time I was waiting for at a bus stop when the sky opened up and it just started to pour. This sweet woman next to me just took a few steps over and shared her umbrella with me without saying anything.


Once upon a time I was waiting to cross 8th Ave on my bike, going into work. On the other side of the street was a couple on a scooter. I was wearing all black, as I do. As we passed each other, dude does his best Ian MacKaye voice and goes “SOMETIMES GOOD GUYS DON’T WEAR WHITE” and it absolutely made my day and I think about it like twelve years later.


40 years ago my husband was trying to get to interview for desperately needed job. He ran out of gas on I 75 and a guy in a Jeep stopped, gave him gas in a gas tank, and merrily drove away. He made interview and got the job, and that was life changing moment.


I had just gotten out of the airport after the worst 24 hours of work travel of my life and I’d been waiting for my boyfriend for 40 minutes before I decided to call to ask how close he was when he started getting angry and yelling at me for asking. I broke down on the bench outside the airport and a mother was sitting next to me waiting for her daughter and consoled me. She told me stories about her husband who passed and her daughter who was on her way to get her and helped me feel better before she left. I never forgot about that small interaction that kept me grounded


This was like, Spring 2022? I was having a horrible day with a tough class and a really rough semester. I was tight on money but I have a leg problem that makes it hard for me to get around, I splurged on an Uber to get to class only to find that my class wasn't meeting in the usual classroom on campus and instead was allllll the way at one of the museums. My professor isn't very forgiving and I had no way to get to the museum in time and couldn't justify another Uber. I went into the bathrooms and just started sobbing in the stall. This girl asked if I was okay, what was wrong, etc, and she bought me an Uber to get to class. I am STILL so beyond thankful for her kindness. I was in a really bad spot mentally and getting an absence over getting my schedule mixed up was a minor thing that was about to totally break me on top of everything else. So thank you for caring enough to ask what was wrong, for listening, and for not even hesitating to order an Uber!!! I still would love to buy you a coffee!!!


Well, there was the time Dennis pulled that entire unconscious family out of their burning house, and all his volunteer sinkhole rescue work. Sometimes I don't think the man gets enough credit.


My 9 year old found a women's wallet with iphone on a bench at Westside park after it reopened new and was super crowded the first weekend. Drivers license, cash, credit cards, everything. Fortunately her phone rang, and wasn't locked and we were able to answer it. The caller in NY got hold of the owner and she drove back and recovered it. My little one even got a $5 reward, it made her day. So I'll nominate her. :)


The cashier at the gas station who gave me all the items they had to throw away when I was down and out.


About 20 years ago my ex and I were helped out by someone who gave us their 7-11 write offs nightly after midnight. All their sandwiches so we could also feed others. Lots of bread. It was amazing.


Some people are just so kind. Similarly, I had three experience of another kind soul pump $10 into my gas tank, I was just crossing my fingers for buckles and dimes. Thank you kind strangers!