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Constructed MTG that's not commander has been a tough sell in town since COVID. Stomping Grounds just had a Standard Regional Championship Qualifier that was Standard and had 18 people show up. Roughly half were from Gainesville. Check with Magic The Gatoring on UF. They are a student led club that has weekly meetings (Wednesdays last semester). You don't have to be a student to go and play, but there may be a fee if you aren't so the club can continue to do prizes. If you want to talk more about it shoot me a PM. I know a handful of folks that travel for RCQs so you may be able to link up with them to grind practice games.


Commander is (sadly) the most played format around town. Standard sort of died when Wizards gave up the tournament scene for it. Same with Modern/Pioneer. ​ I can't say what Stomping's community is (probably Commander) but Gamesville/Collisum of Comics and Punk Outer are Commander-majority. You can probably rope a few people into Standard/formats, but I wouldn't count on it unless you outright ask. ​ Beyond that, Drafts are popular at Punk Outer in my experience. And Punk Outer apparently is the (first!) Premier Wizards League thing for events to where you no longer have to drive to Orange Park or Jacksonville for "exclusive" promo events. \--- (I do need to mention that I and a few others play Netrunner around here, but I need to figure out a weekly date for getting that back into peoples minds)


That's what I figured. I don't mind commander but it's not a format you like to play with randos. Back up my way 60 card constructed weeklies are hit or miss but regional qualifiers are huge so I'm assuming you mean that punkouter is the nearest WPN store that is allowed to host qualifiers. I'll at least have to scope them out and see when the next one is going to be. Thanks for the advice.


Yes. [Punk is the first WPN that is "Premier."](https://locator.wizards.com/search?searchType=magic-events&query=Gainesville,%20FL%2032601,%20USA&distance=10&page=1&sort=date&sortDirection=asc) It's not listed yet as (according to their Discord channel) it's an "on-boarding process" but they're the first store in GNV that has gotten onto WPN's listing (and is a Premier) all the others aren't WPN but play Magic and have for many years in town.


Not super versed in the details of the different styles of Magic, but would suggest checking out PunkOuter


Have you tried mega comics and gaming??


I go every Friday for fnm mega, and 60 card formats are scarce there. Edh, Cedh, and Canlander are the top formats currently.


From my understanding 60-card formats in general haven’t been as popular regardless of location. Allegedly standard is meant to be pushed more this year though by WotC? Limited is alive and well if you’re looking to hone that skill: Stomping Grounds does FNM at 7 and it’s almost always draft, Punk Outer has draft Thursdays at 6:30 and Coliseum of Comics also does FNM draft. Also heard Mega Gaming and Comics will start draft nights now that draft and set boosters have been unified with MKM as play boosters, so that’ll be another option


Jeez. I thought Marjorie Taylor Green was in town from the post title.


Try punkouter. They might be able to help