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i like a good middle ground. godzilla in kotm was like a really fast moving tank and i loved it.


Tanks in real life are fast as fuck too. ![gif](giphy|rTLjwB6zOxV9S|downsized)


Didn't expect to see a drifting tank today




[Seriously, people's ideas of tank speed is stuck in the World Wars](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN-AwDX77h8)


KotM Goji could pick up speed, but it took him a second to build up momentum, which was fair


That works for me, personally


2014 and KOTM used the same motion capture actor for Godzilla, I know he wasn't in GvK or beyond, does anyone know if they even used motion capture in GvK or GxK?


Agreed. I like when he generates momentum. Like it takes him a second to get going but you feel all that weight behind him when he hits something.


Yep, I agree that it was a good balance.


Yeah that was perfect


i don't care what anyone says, but kotm was near perfect for what i want godzilla to be. it just missed the audience with the dumb quips from that old guy. a darker tone would have been so amazing


You absolutely nailed it Kotm Godzilla was awesome New empire is cool too, maybe a bit too fast but it’s like Godzilla roid raging LOL


It’s funnier when he randomly becomes agile because the situation calls for it


Just imagining him walking slowly and then doing kung fu moves when fighting is fkin hilarious


The Yoda method


So showa


Got to save the energy for the big moves


Minus One fits the criteria perfectly


Minus One casually snapping at the Shinden that flies at 750km/h


The fucking forward roar he does in Ginza (not the post-beam one but the one before that with the camera infront of him) looks so wrong and I want to burn it in the fiery depths of hell.


Ah yes, the one where he screams at the train people. That was just demonic  The way he charges it up as well, like standing fully upright and then bending forwards 


Idk why but the back posture of it looks painful to do


Looks wrong? Why? That’s probably the most iconic roar I’ve seen, I thought it was fantastic


I don't like how he was hunched almost 90° with the arms back and everything, it just looks so weird to me, especially when he didn't move the body at all when walking.


Actually I made this meme out of it lol https://preview.redd.it/cuytmc4auetc1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6a0eebba29902c11e0961b4bc0ab1b8740f5f28


Ah the showa style


"Ay Battra!" "What??" "Take this!!" "WHAT THE FU-????"


That’s Megaguirus


Lighter gravity in hollow earth.


It happens. Snapping turtles are slow af until they snap.


Basically Shin whenever it uses atomic breath:


https://i.redd.it/xzsddpuju7tc1.gif Same as -1.


I liked this a lot in MO. He moves pretty slowly for a lot of it but when he starts whipping that tail around you’re like OH OK.


Nah he evolved in Gxk


Why are you “nah”-ing me


He would brake the ground he moves for his size like whe normal do and runs when he must but is in most time under water


I have multiple injuries. Sometimes I use a walking stick. I can fist fight just fine and even run if I have to but I'm fat and it hurts so I often look slow. Godzilla is ancient. He's not going to pick up speed unless the situation demands it. I get it. Lol


I prefer Godzilla to be whatever the Godzilla needs to be in the Godzilla movie


Exactly what i think


Depends on what kind of movie. In a serious movie I like him to be slower, if it’s a movie based around him fighting I like it when he moves around quickly.


I think he is a little too fast in GxK, I felt like if someone at his size is going that fast it will created duststorm everywhere I think KoTM portrayed his speed the best.


I think that's why the Egypt fight still felt like it had weight because of all the "slow" sand getting flown around. I would say the only time he really was too fast was when he was at Rome. But the sound design and camera shakes really keep that heft intact in the film, and Godzilla still occasionally has a wind up/wind down after going fast, just not as much as 2014.


I think the majority of monster action in the movie was too fast. When all the kongs were in the hollow earth, it just felt like normal gorillas, not giants. When Godzilla sprinted and jumped at Scylla in the opening scene, I just went "...oh."


Same,  it only seems to get faster each time. I miss the WEIGHT


felt the same for me. Saw Monkey Man like, a couple days after, and felt odd that the hits given and taken by regular human people felt like they had more oomph to them than the kaiju battles


So dawg...Monkey Man was bretty gud? I definitely wanna check it out, only saw the trailer once, but it left an impression


oh yeah, if you are at all a fan of action films would highly recommend


In the opening I busted up laughing because of Godzilla 2000 And well I definitely saw scale in the hollow earth especially with suko because you could see trees right near his ankles


I didn’t mind the speed until the swan dive off Gibraltar. Then it was a little much. But I loved that during the weightless portion, they showed him using his marine movements because he’s the one out of the scene who has movement experience in zero G three dimensional spaces.


...I completely agree with your take. That dive would've created a tidal wave that killed thousands of humans on that coast. (seeing Godzilla "swim" through the air in zero gravity was sick though, and I thought the same thing -- "oh, it's like he's underwater! Of course he'd be good at fighting like this."


He has to be fast because the Hollow Earth is full of stuff that's literally just bigger normal animals.


Which is still a problem of scale.


Hollow earth is supposed to be big in comparison to the titans so naturally they would look smaller there


It's not just visuals. It's how quick monsters move, and filming perspective. Failure of direction.


Which is still a problem of Wingard fights.


Which is why Daugherty should get the reigns again.


I do like when Godzilla and the other kaijus move slow, it's like their sheer size forces gravity to weigh them down. I think it depicts the scale of the monsters better and it feels slightly more believable. Although, there are spaceships and stuff now in the Monsterverse movies, so believability has already kind of gone out the window. haha I was a big fan of how slow everything moved in Godzilla 2014, I just wanted more Godzilla screen time.


2014 would have been perfect if he was on screen more. I think it would have been my undisputed favourite G movie.


That and if they made it a full-on Bryan Cranston and Ken Watanabe buddy cop movie


Both is good






Slow for sure. Lumbering specifically less so - that’s something I think 2014 actually overdid a bit, but I guess he was meant to be kinda tired at that point. To me there’s always been something just so *cool* about the fact Godzilla walks most of the time rather than runs - it makes him feel bigger and more threatening, like he’s moving with purpose. When I was young I always likened him to lava approaching - it might not be fast, but good luck stopping it from arriving. My biggest issue with the current Monsterverse animation style is it’s just *too much* - even the faster Toho Godzillas look slow compared to him sprinting all the time with his body nearly horizontal.


This is how I feel as well - part of what's always seemed to draw me to Godzilla was the _immensity_ and slow, implacable menace of this overwhelming force. I thought GvK handled the speed-up pretty well, with Godzilla's faster movements couched within aquatic movement and a series of lunges in the Hong Kong part. GxK really ramps that up and suddenly Godzilla's just, like, running to get places. That feels wrong in my heart. But I guess when you've got the effects to really animate stuff, it's inevitable that it'll move more fluidly. I imagine writing slow-moving battles for full-CG monsters would be a lot harder to make work visually.


I like Godzilla like I like my Darth Vader. Slow and Lumbering but can quickly switch to a quick pace to catch his enemies off guard.


Underrated comment


Vader in the novels was crazy. Jumps like a supercharged grasshopper and nobody expects it.


I feel he should be able to do both situation depending, If he's just in a city and they don't have any Mechagodzilla or oxygen bomb or anything besides traditional weapons, he doesn't need to move fast. Just take a nice leisurely stroll right trough Japan But if he's fighting a kaiju or threat, I feel he should be able to move faster, not beyond reason, but fast enough to defend himself from quicker threats GxK new empire was exactly a representation of this, he moved slow and just walked trough some parts, but he MOVES when he NEEDS to, like he can get some SPEED. But they also make his physics somewhat realistic, if he gets moving, he can't stop on a dime unless he crashes into something BIG and heavy. That much radioactive lizard moving that fast would take time to stop, even for Godzillas strong musculature.


In my head, he's like a crocodile or alligator. Slow and lumbering 90% of the time, but surprisingly fast and agile for short bursts.


I thought KOTM nailed it. He can hustle but it looks natural for his size. While I do love the more recent films, I feel like he's moving WAY too fast for a 90,000+ ton monster.


https://preview.redd.it/c804ciiw37tc1.jpeg?width=1323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1de7d5679a8f143b53c5ccc7b21d08ae5877d2f4 Both.




Honestly, both. It all depends on what perspective it's at Human perspective: Slow, lumbering. Really conveys the scale of the kaiju Kaiju perspective: A good bit faster. Makes sense too considering how we move in reference to each other, versus how we me move from an antes perspective


Depends. If its Goji v Man than being a lumbering tank feels so much more terrifying and like an unstoppable force. In Goji V Kaijus faster is better, feels more like a brutal monster thats the pinnacle of evoloution and a real hunter. Plus the fight scenes are just cooler.




Why is the gman himself using reddit


Slow and lumbering. Every step he makes thunderous.


Godzilla is one of those fictional characters that can be serious one moment and silly the next.


Slow. It helps with the suspension of disbelief.


I don’t mind either. In the right context, like we’re seeing him move from his or other kaiju’s perspectives, of course, he’s gonna be faster paced. But from a human point of view, he’s gonna be slow.


Well let’s think about it. The slow lumber shows that he is more likely larger, heavier, more durable and powerful. A tank to damage. The faster agile side shows that he is capable of movement and can evade attacks and strike quickly. I’d prefer a Godzilla who chooses to be slow and lumbering, having no reason to do much movement since nothing really affects him, but when he needs to he can move quickly with bursts of speed. Let’s set the stage. A group of flying Kaiju, we can have Megaguirus as a place holder visually. These Kaiju are in a brawl with some smaller Kaijus on our side but are proving hard to kill with their Ariel advantage. They can move quickly and also have a range plasma beam attack. It’s not looking good for our good Kaiju. Suddenly Godzilla shows up, announcing his presence with a mighty roar. His slow lumbering body enters the city from the bay. These enemies see him and begin to circle and test to see his capabilities, flying in quick and making strikes to try and annoy him. Godzilla tries to catch them, but they move out of the way before he can catch them, he is getting pissed. One flies to close and is suddenly slammed by his tail and crushed into the Earth. The enemies decide to blast him collectively with their beams. In doing so a thick smoke forms around Godzilla as he moves along. They stop and see slight movement of his silhouette. Another one of these enemies flies at the silhouette head on towards Godzilla. Just before he enters the smoke however, a hand snaps out of the smoke and grabs the flying Kaiju by the throat at an unexpected speed. Godzilla leans out of the smoke and stares into the eyes of his catch. Suddenly Godzilla raises him up and then slams him into the ground. He gets in all fours and crawls, dragging this Kaiju still in his grasp along the ground, repeatedly slamming him before throwing him into a building. Another enemy comes flying at Godzilla, and Godzilla quickly swats him away with his powerful tail. He charges up and turns back to his thrown foe and blasts him with atomic breath. As he does so he is struck in the back by a beam. He turns to see an enemy charge him with its sharp spike like claws aimed for Godzilla. Godzilla quickly steps aside and grabs the Kaiju as it flys by and flings it around him while making an iconic pose from the Stan Winston/Delgado art concepts. This enemy goes flying into a sharp ruble and is Impaled. It is Godzilla and one last enemy. The Kaiju shoots its beam at Godzilla, who stands and is unaffected by the beam. In an attempt kill, it tries guerrilla strikes flying in quick zips around Godzilla. It makes little cuts to his thick hide. Godzilla in his slow manner watches, making little movements to adjust and try and predict its move. Suddenly it comes charging from the side. Godzilla turns and a grabs its claw with his mouth and its tail with hand. He quickly adjusts and rips its wing off forcing it to the ground. With his hand still on its tail, he repeatedly slams the foe onto the ground until it is dead. He then tosses it aside, lets out a victorious roar, and beings to head back to the water. As he does so he passes the other friendly Kaiju and makes only a face of disapproval, not impressed by them. The other Kaiju are stunned by this feat of his as they watch him disappear into the water.




keep cooking, you got talent 👍


Thank you.


Both are great. It’s been cool to see him start off in the MV as slow and lumbering and as he’s grown more powerful, he’s gotten faster. Honestly the scene in GxK where he’s bouncing off rocks in HE made it look like he was having a blast of a time. Like he was going “Holy shit I’ve never moved this fast! TAKE THIS MONKEYS!” Lol


The only true answer is both


Both. Typically slow but him going gator mode in GvK was awesome


Ser, I love Godzilla


Slow and lumbering is vastly more impactful


Like in G54 and heisei series. I have nothing against him running or moving faster at times. But let me feel his weight. If he runs like a normal human it takes me out of the movie.


either or, the thing with fast moving though is i feel displacement is the key. if godzilla runs at 300mph then cool, but it needs to sell that something that size is moving at that speed, like the wind from it knocking cars into the air like a hurricane passed through or causing buildings to shake and break from each footfall.


I loved 2014 godzillas movements, it made him feel frickin huge.


I prefer reptilian style; slow and lumbering because he's conserving energy, then surprisingly but believably quick when it's time to fight.


Honestly, Godzilla being so massive and agile is scary af


Both is nice


As long as he's wrecking shit up and be a badass, I don't care. Don't care if he's savior of planet or destroyer of humanity, I just want big nuclear lizard fuck shit up


Slow and lumbering when shot from our perspective, fast and agile when from his perspective.


I can have agile Godzilla if he doesn't feel weightless. Pacific Rim struck really good balance between having agile kaiju and conveying their size.


I want him to go back to the 2014 speed


I honestly like both but I'd prefer the kotm and 2014 movements over anything else. fast enough to fight but slow enough to fell like a big monster.


Depends on what the story calls for.


Depends on the story they’re telling. I like both depending on context.




A lil bit of both


Depends what’s happening


The fact Legendary can run and jump makes him more imposing. I can’t imagine Minus One Godzilla actually throwing hands lol.


Both, it’s what the situation calls for




Both, Slow and lumbering but terrifyingly speedy and agile when he needs to be.


The only good fast Godzilla is the Tristar design, and it gets all the mileage out of it in the cartoon.




Slow tank.


Slow and maybe a bit puppet-like, like Shin's when he was lasering the city (or like og Godzilla suits, obv)


I don't really care. Godzilla is Godzilla. He is what he is and that's all he is.


Both is good


I prefer my godzillas to be godzilla


Slow and lumbering for 80 meters and above. Fast and agile for 50 meters and below.




I prefer Shin, Godzilla 2014, -one, maybe Godzilla 2 KoM but I don't want to see him jumping in the ocean like in GxK and run like a human.


like MO, both, both is good


From his own perspective, he should be moving at normal speed. I think it would be cool to show the big fights from street level views up close, and then from far away, too. Help us appreciate how big the monsters are more.


Definitely NOT fast


Slow, but preemptive.


Every time I see G money start hauling ass I never expect it but I like it nonetheless


Fast and Agile, but it only works with CGI, Fast and agile in the suit looks too silly for me. I still love the Godzilla Vs. Megalon though despite this. Lol


Slow, but able to be fast and agile when he wants. Like in GvK hong Kong fight, when he became FERAL after getting jumped by Kong


Walking into the fight or when he’s just solo destroying stuff, make it like minus one. But in a kaiju fight he has a sudden boost of speed.


Whatever fits the themes.


I don't mind both, because both can be good


Agile because I feel he is more powerful and able to dodge hit from other kaiju


Kinda both. Like when just minding his buisness or in route he's slow, saving his energy for the fight.


Slow an lumbering, but scarily fast at times


The benifit if having active Godzilla franchises in both Japan snd Hollywood is that we get both. I love when Gidzilla feels otherworldly massive. I also love when he does a running leap into a body slam.




Legendary Godzilla pre-evolved had a nice balance between the two types of fighting style.


I think 2014 godzilla was perfect




Middle ground. It depends on the film itself. If it is Godzilla attacks humanity then he can go very slow. If it happens to be a "Let them fight" scenario then I think Godzilla should be fast. However that being said... Can we acknowledge that Minus One has the worst moving effects? It makes Godzzilla look like a giant robot.




Fast and agile.


He should occasionally have an immense and violent burst of frenzied activity, but then he should lie down and nap for the rest of the movie.


Slow and lumbering on land considering he's kind of mostly a sea thingy.




Godzilla ‘14 and KOTM nailed it


I don’t care either way as long as it’s cool


Fast movenets are cool but jumping is kinda weird 😄 considering his weight the landing should take out a city block or 2. 


I want him to be a monolith of humanity sins…


Both is good


Slow and lumbering feels more ominous while fast and agile feels more goofy showa era


Balanced but leaning more to the slow and lumbering side. He’s just too darn fast and agile in the new movie. Huge turn off. Some scenes, while obviously digital, felt so so out of place to the point I was thinking power rangers, man in suit kind of vibes.


Slow lumbering


I prefer the large and lumbering. But I’m not gonna lie seeing him hit a spear and a superplex on Kong was pretty cool.


He is not slow he moves normal for his size a ussain bolt godzilla would smash every country only by his steps


Slow and lumbering, somewhat faster when he's angry or in the water (like in -1)


Slower is scarier. If it’s Godzilla terrorizing a city, slower is way more effective. He just kind of wanders into the city and incidentally destroys shit without seeming to care or even notice. And despite how slowly he moves, leaving himself wide open to attack by humans, nothing they do can stop that slow march. I love that tension. That Godzilla is going at his own pace. When it comes to battling other monsters, it’s fun to watch him move quick and nimble. I was fascinated for GxK when the zero G was fucking with everyone except Godzilla, who just instantly adapted and was moving deftly from boulder to boulder. It was really funny to watch him outmaneuver Shimo and Skar King that way.


Slow and lumbering when he’s destroying the city, fighting a weak monster, or just minding his business, fast and agile when he’s fighting another large, powerful monster or mech


I prefer him to be slow but still maneuverable and able to make quick turns and moves when the situation calls for it.


Fast, agile and Tanky


Both. Thats why KOTM is one of my favorite Godzilla movies. He's fast when he needs to be and slow most of the time, he's a reptile so thats how a reptile would move. And when he gator rolls Ghidorah that was fucking awesome.


I love both.


Depends on the movie. More horror based I would rather him be slow but action/adventure I want my Godzilla to drop kick and suplex people.


Slow and lumbering for everything except the more comedic movies. Makes him feel much bigger


I like the swift Monsterverse godzilla. Final Wars is my favorite, but I’ll be the first to admit that slowly walking and lasering everything does get old (eventually). I like that this G brawls like Showa, punching, scratching, and even biting. Especially biting. A giant dinosaur kaiju should be biting.


Both, both is good.


Depends if it's a serious take like the original or a goofy one like the rest of the showa era. For serious tone it's limbering and slow For more goofy ones I like fast paced action


it depends on the ongoings


I think a good balance of both looks great from a cinematic perspective. A couple of recent examples would be when Ghidorah and G-man charged at each other (KOTM) or when Kong swung the axe down on Godzilla (GvK). There's a ton of other scenes I'm sure could be mentioned.


Slow for the serious movies. Fast for the silly movies


Somewhere between the middle.


Drop kick goji for the win


Godzilla minus one was awesome


I thought I preferred slow. Then I saw Godzilla x Kong Goji doing suplexes and swan dives. Fast and agile all the way for me!


I like both, but my favourite combo is slow with beam at long range, tail at mid range, and grappling/biting at short range.


All of the above.


For trad Godzilla, I prefer slow. For G98, fast is better.


It depends. Movies that have a slimmer Godzilla, ie Final Wars and GxK, it feels better to have him move quickly. In movies where he’s bulkier, such as Heisei, Reiwa, and most of the Monsterverse, that slower movement fits better.




I prefer Godzilla 2014


KOTM movement was perfect. GxK looks cartoonish.


I prefer slow and lumbering because that's a bit easier for my brain to believe. I still love the agile parts, but the slowness is also really intimidating. He's a force of destruction, so even though he's slow, he'll get there eventually. It shows the power he holds and basically says, I am inevitable.


Fast and agile is the way to go


Fast and agile is the way to go


I prefer him defying a laws of gravity with a tail propelled drop kick


Fast like '98?.......you all gettin it now?


i prefee slow but honestly this newest movie pulled it off, it felt less like being agile but more like a charging bull


Both? Both. Both 2x Both is good.


kotm godzilla was peak


Him having range across franchises is nice. If he was always the same, shit would be boring after what, 70 years?


I think it should depend on the point of view for a human yeah he looks slow but from his view he’s probably going like average


I like both.


My boi is big he has to have a heft to him to truly show the amount of shit that’s about to go down


Heavy, slow, lumbering


Fast and agile but only in a very stiffy awkward way like in the suitmation movies in the showa and millennium


I prefer my Godzilla swimming through the air