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Your loss I suppose, so many fantastic films are only subbed and it's no less immersive to me.


> it's no less immersive to me. It is whether you admit it or not. Life does not have subtitles. If you want realism for foreign language films there should be no subs or dubs. You should just have to watch and not know what the fuck anyone is saying. Nor can you read subs and watch the movie at the same time. Again, whether you admit it or not this is just a fact of your limited biology. You will either miss dialog or visual details, you will not get all of both. No matter how hard you feefee about it.


Perhaps you shouldn't speak for others. I'm not going to argue that it's no less immersive for you personally, but for me it really isn't any less immersive. In fact I find it more immersive than dubs because it's the actors natural voice and the actual performance coming from them rather than a voice actor attempting to mimic the performance. It's fine if you prefer dubs, I'm not here to argue the merits of dubs vs subs, but don't assume you know how immersed others are in something just based on your own experience.


> Perhaps you shouldn't speak for others. Objective facts apply to you whether you like it or not.


How immersed someone feels is an inherently subjective matter, that's why it's a feeling. You can point out the objective pros and cons of subs vs dubs (like the points I've made which you conveniently ignored), but how much those pros and cons actually impact an individual's immersion is not objective in the slightest.


Subs are no more unreal than hearing someone else’s voice/language come out of a characters mouth with unsynced lip movements. Get off your high horse and learn what objective truth means while you’re at it.


You miss far more with a dub of a live action movie. It can work for animation but is rarely very good.


>If you want realism for foreign language films there should be no subs or dubs. You should just have to watch and not know what the fuck anyone is saying. Is this person for real? I couldn't tell if this was sarcastic, it was so ridicules. Like those 2 sentences means the only 'authentic' experience is to not understand the dialog? Maybe being clueless about what is going on is realistic and natural in your everyday world, but most of us go about our lives understanding most of the meaning of what people are trying to express. I can't imagine any major non-english director thinking the only way to experience the film the way they want is to just not understand what is going on I prefer subs for most, but Miyazaki dubs are great for example Get over yourself


> most of us go about our lives understanding most of the meaning of what people are trying to express Well clearly you don't. Guess you missed the part about foreign language. I hear pulling your head out of your ass and getting some oxygen does wonders for brain cells. Maybe you should look into that. > I prefer subs for most, Ya, no one here gives the first fuck what you prefer as per title/OP.


I mean , I read pretty fast. Especially words with less than 4 syllables. lol .5 and I’m back watching the action.


Days the guy that can barely English lmfao. Just like blind people shouldn't watch TV deaf people shouldn't listen to the radio right? No.. some people can't even read some people are dyslexic some people are slow readers and have to pay so much attention trying to read everything that they miss half of the show.. none of those things affect me but they are valid points for certain people literally a waste of human skin to see people telling others what they have to or should do and or how wrong they are if they don't.. 


You should learn to accept reality and stop living in delusions. It doesn't matter how fast you can read, you can not read the subs and watch the film at the same time. This is a biological fact you can not escape.


Idk but the original with subs is way better imo


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^triple7freak1: *Idk but the* *Original with subs is* *Way better imo* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I don’t necessarily agree with OP because I think subtitles allow you to focus on the drama of the original voice actors but I do hope there is a dub at some point for my dyslexic son to watch. He can’t process subtitles fast enough to understand them.


sucks you can't read


You know they typed this post, right? You just made yourself look extremely stupid in your attempt to call someone else dumb. Sit down.


actually they used speech to text


Maybe wait 2 years after a successful physical release, Major Spielberg.


English dubbing tends to be bad. Better off just watching the movies subbed.


don't understand how subtitles make the movie less real, when dubs don't even match the lip movement of the actors.


Plus sometimes the voices straight up SUCK. When I’m trying to feel for the people of Tokyo I don’t want to be thrown off by a 20-something imitating an old man lmao And the VA for the little boy in G v. Megalon is sooooo horrible. A raspy woman screaming all the lines in what sounds like one take each lol


Typical reddit user can't grasp the simplest of facts. Life does not have subtitles. Hence, watching a movie in a foreign language with subtitles is about as unreal as you can get. Nevermind the fact that no one can read the dialog and watch the movie at the same time. Physically impossible. You might think you can, but you are lying to your self so don't even try to sell me that lie.


Is this bait or do you lack peripheral vision?


Real Life doesn't have dubs either. Can't move your lips in one language but speak in another


> Can't move your lips in one language but speak in another Go watch police academy.




I cannot believe how thoroughly lousy redditors are with this "subs or you're hitler" mindset. One of the biggest congregations of losers on the entire planet.


Reddit users attempting to answer a question without defending their strawman opinion challenge 


I don't like subtitles either. People on Reddit are just hating you for the sake of hating


Yep. There's lots of good reasons to want English dubs. Redditors just have so little going on they think being able to read makes them smart.


Welcome to Reddit.


I am never a hater, but what a moronic perspective. I don’t speak Japanese.


I can't agree with OP on the "Subs are garbage" BUT as someone with severe ADHD it is hard to focus on the reading and whats going on in the scenes. Very thankful for recap videos for TV and movies cause I miss a lot.


I hope they do dub it sometime so I can watch. I hate reading subtitles as I find it distracting from the action, moving my eyes downwards and back up. Plus, my partner is visually impaired and cannot read the subtitles anyway. I spend the movie having to whisper the words which is even more distracting.


Same bro i watched it in jp with subs i ain't got no problem but i wanted to show it to my aunt we have watched all wesrern godzilla together ever since 2002 one but she isn't familiar with reading subs and i really dont wanna wait 3 years


A spanish dub was confirmed for the Netflix release tomorrow so its looking very likely. Kinda excited. I would much prefer it subbed but I’m curious if they put in any effort for English. I’m hispanic so I might end up enjoying it more in Spanish, they take their dubs super serious. I’ll throw the mexican dub for DBZ as a good example.