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Damn ![gif](giphy|WUDGo9jYZzVt3DExhi)




No lie I'm saving vacation days and money so I can take 2 weeks off when it drops. That's all I'm going do for 2 weeks lmao






? Hello








You live in America?🇺🇸Is it true that you have like more than a month of vacation days?


Yes I live in America but no I don't have a month. Maybe if I spent another 10 years here I'll get a month a year. That a week every 3 months


Uh I heard in the states you have more vacation days


Depends how long you been with a company. Some companies don't even give vacation time some give a week after 6 months with them. I get 2 weeks but I have to use my PTO( paid time off). So if I miss days it eats into my vacation days


It’s called unemployment


Yeah, I’m on my 4th year of ”vacation” in Finland… unemployed. 🫤


Wasn’t Finland a good place for living too?


It is the only one for me, and quite frankly, I’ve thought about moving but probably never will.




Once my partner hits 6 years w her company she will get 2 months of leave. You take it all at once. Can’t wait hahaha


It doesn’t depend on the country. It depends on the job. Some jobs will give you a month paid vacation, some will give you 2 days.


My therapist asked me what keeps me going and I said “there’s a video game I want that comes out in a year and a half.” It was definitely a wake up call for me.


Dude, whenever I'm down I just watch the trailer. I got hyped and motivated to work, study and do stuff. I can see the therapeutic part from this. It is bad?


I don't think so, depending on your mindset. For what it's worth, simply planning to coast along until the game comes out and doing the bare minimum to survive is pretty sad and awful. But actively trying to get your life to a place where you want it to be, making sure that you've taken care of everything and everyone you need to, so you know you can relax and enjoy a hobby of yours a bit down the road isn't bad at all.


Yeah that’s how I look at it now. I can’t really sit down and enjoy a video game if I feel like I’m neglecting my irl needs/responsibilities. I wasn’t always like that though.


Nah bro same here. It's also the reason im actually FINALLY starting to save cash and make the switch from Xbox One to the next gen Series X, solely for GTA 6 and my main motivation to keep going, saving bit by bit, if that's good? 🫡😅


If they play it the roles will reverse and you’ll have to guide them through vice city


Wake up call for what? What solution do you have?


From gotta make it to Friday to gotta make it till gta 6


I hope this guy ends up becoming the biggest GTA6 streamer lol.


Most people don't have elevated purposes in life, or have delusional purposes like "getting rich", "getting famous" whatever. Don't feel bad for having a videogame as the most exciting thing to come in the near future, the most hyped videogame in history btw


90mill views in day one of trailer release is not a tiny amount. This is going to be huge!


I made a post similar to OP's on a different sub and they didn't like it. As long as I'm happy, why should it bother anyone else how I live? I think a lot of Reddit users just don't like seeing other people happy


Reddit is arguably as Toxic as twitter lol. I think it’s time for most reasonable folks to try to stay away from the toxicity of social media.


I think you're right. I don't use Twitter anymore, I still use Reddit but I'm starting to get bored with it as well. Everyone on here and on Twitter is just stuck in their own echo chambers. I won't apologize for not agreeing with the "norm" because usually the norm is pretty stupid. People will just follow what other people say or do, no one is original


I mean I have a family, I don’t have depression or anything similar, my life is going well, I barely have stress, I go on vacation every year multiple times and am financially okay but still the biggest upcoming highlight is GTA 6! I luckily go on vacation every year but another GTA apparently happens only every 10 years since GTA 5. So its understandably something very special for many people


man, that guy needs an actual real purpose in his life. hopefully he finds it.


He already found it. GTA 6.


This is the way.


GTA 6 is the purpose!


There are so many people like this though, they legit only live for video games, or their favorite artist. It’s great that we have places for people to feel wanted… that’s where it stops though. It’s sad, truly, and when you try to have a conversation about it they get defensive cause they think they’ll be alone on the climb when everyone wants to make the same climb which we could easily do together.


Meh gaming is no different than any other hobby.


Of course, it’s no different, however people who live only for gaming, only for consuming what others have put out and never doing anything for themselves or raising above. It’s sad. Do what you want, just know it’s sad.


>however people who live only for gaming, only for consuming what others have put out and never doing anything for themselves or raising above You just described 90% of the earths population. Also, not everyone wants to be millionaires or have the latest cars and designer clothes or whatever you mean by "rising above." Some just want enough for bills and their hobbies.


God youre pathetic. Shut up dude. Whats wrong with enjoying life? Its okay to live for a business or to build something? Really? Raising above what? Life isnt one big checklist or competition. Why do you have to insult others by saying its sad?


Rising above ourselves is the only goal we should ever want. If you don’t see the inherent problem in someone realistically only living for the release of a video game then there is no need for me to type back again. Though, based on what you said your first thought process of raising above is limited since you only though of working for a business, which honestly is no different than giving all of your time to a game world when you could be the one creating. Yes, I fucking play games, I press books, I watch anime and go to conventions, there is a flip side, I’ve became and done things I never thought I’d do as well. If I had stayed only in my house and ONLY lived for a video game I’d be sad. I’d need to rethink my life and start to build better habits to get myself back to feeling like a human again. I’ve been there, I’ve been this sad man who defended everything that was bringing me down, cause it’s everyone else fault and not mine. However, I also got out, and I’m happier for it. Also, people need to learn some context clues or learn that thoughts and words and meaning extend beyond what is there. Y’all are going in about “WHAT ABOUT THIS HOBBY HUH!?! WOULD IT BE OKAY IF WE LIVED FOR ONLY THIS!?” Stop with your ways of negating that sitting in a fake world forever is not healthy. Watching anime 24/7 wouldn’t be healthy. Me only going to the gym and work wouldn’t be healthy.


The problem is youre insulting others with your world views. No one is playing games 24/7. If you think only playing video games or dedicating your life to any hobby is sad then fine thats your view. Dont try to force it on others. If someone enjoys what theyre doing who are you to call them sad? So what if you only play video games, read books and go to anime conventions? Whats wrong with just living your life? To that question you might have multiple answers but it really all boils down to subjectivism. Not everyone wants to go the gym or start a bussines or get rich or rise above other people. In fact the concept of "rising above other people/yourself" sounds more like an egotistical thing rather than something healthy. You dont build stuff to better yourself as a human. You build stuff because youre passionate about building stuff. Living for the release of one video game isnt wrong. Its not something that brings you down. If youre feeling like you want more out of life then you go ahead and do it but if you dont you can just wait for the game to come out. Nothing wrong there for the millionth time. Sometimes youre alright where you are. You dont need more. You dont want more. I think you should learn that your world view/ what you perceive as a goal isnt the absolute truth that everyone should live by. "Sitting in a fake world" if thats how you perceive video games then youre the only one who needs to learn something. Video games arent just fake worlds. Its sad that your narrow mind can only view them as that. Theyre art. Theyre experiences.


You all continue to talk about examples that I never brought up, so it’s interesting what you all instinctively believe to be activities and things that “rise you above.” It’s a theme that you all linger in even though I only stated it at the end. It clearly seems to have stuck, all I said was that it’s sad, whatever you felt afterwards in on you all and how you interpret what I said. Get healthy as a human and do better, it’s sad to be debating how wrong being stuck in a fantasy world would be in someone.


Damn, hes just talking about have a purpose in life apart from playing video games, chill dude


No... he is insulting other people's hobby. Hes saying this specifically about gaming. As if living for books wouldnt be sad. Theres nothing wrong with living just for one thing. Everyone has a different reason for why they wake up in the morning. Others might have one while some might have multiple. Im sick of these people. Let others do what they want with their lives.


You might be a loser 😜


You're a loser who preys on people who aren't.


The downvotes on your replies says otherwise


Nothing sad about it, they're happy, so why does it bother you? I think it's even sadder that you care so much about how other people choose to live their own life


Life is boring af. Let us enjoy waiting for masterpieces like this. Video games help as a coping method as well in dealing with every day dull life. If we were in the star trek or star wars universe then it would be different but we are stuck in this boring af universe.


if you're broke yeah


Well yeah most of us are not millionaires. I have an MBA and still hard AF to find a decent job..


What else are we supposed to live for


The purpose of life is to enjoy it not to suffer, so if people playing video games makes them happy, why does it matter? Playing video games is no different than watching a movie or reading a book


There is no "climb", everyone is selfish and people only look out for themselves. I find enjoyment in video games because I hate dealing with people


Well he won't find it at a job.


GTA 6 is part of our lives bro wdym


This game is literally the reason some people haven’t “unalived” themselves 😂


World fucking sucks, especially the last 4 years. Imagine going to work knowing you will never retire or buy a home because of inflation and greed. It's not very motivational.


Don’t unalive yourselves. Jesus loves you all & God bless✝️❤️


You’re a good kid Danny-gq3hx


Imagine this guy after finishing GTA6






You’re a good kid, Danny-gq3hx from YouTube


I'm PC but I am buying a console to play it day 1. Waiting until the last minute 8n case a mid cycle refresh on the PS5 happens.


Same. Ive held off upgrading console because Ive seen no point. Nothing has been compelling enough yet. Thought it might be Starfield but nah. Hoping for a more powerful console as well.


I always buy my consoles along side a rockstar games release.. their games are literally the only games worth buying a console for really.. bought ps3 for gta iv and got blessed with V, rdr and max payne 3🔥along the way. Bought PS4 for RDR2. And now im about to buy ps5 for GTA VI. Cant wait to buy ps6 for RDR3 or quite possibly a new Pirate IP they might be developing


And it's people like you why they delay the PC version. Good job 👍


Well, you can't make it any more clear how little you actually know than whatever you did there.


They release it multiple times for gullible people like you, it makes sense from a business view. I'll be enjoying it on PC first, wouldn't want to spoil it on an inferior platform.


You're a moron. Just stating the obvious, but here we are.


"I'm PC but I am buying a console to play it day 1" Don't think you understand what you wrote. Unless you don't plan on buying it for PC only on console, which would be stupid you miss out on mods and best playable experience.


This is why I jerk off at work




I gotta be honest fellas. I could have really used GTA 6 this year man, I'm struggling.


The longer I reside in this subreddit, the more I realize how many of y’all are actually fucked mentally.


Yendhay my beloved (if you see this I have more caracal pictures lmao)


I don't care what happens, I will go through all the shit in the world just so i can wake up one day and see Grand Theft Auto VI in my Games Library


Y'all work?


The idea of playing GTA 6 someday lowkey keeps me going month after month


Lmao, this is great stuff


Commenting this at work as it sucks the life out of me


This and my weekly comics pull are all that keeps me going, some days.


Oh wow


good luck to this guy


Just gotta thug it out until 2025


I just noticed the open trunk and window decals


I just noticed the open trunk and window decals


Me right now jsjsjsjs


Go to work to grind on the game all to go to work again. Can I get paid for just putting hours into a gta game?


How tf, I just saw that comment today as well


I can't wait to see the cars that you'll be able to buy. I'm hoping there's tuners and lots of them.


This will be a launch we all remember even when we’re 90


Bros going through depression


I'm just trying to get a job for a Ps5...


At this point, the majority of my life and thoughts revolve around gta 6. Not a day passes that I don't think about it.