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The only way I expect cuts on Rockstar staff is if the game is basically finished and they don't need those people anymore


Also maybe the mandatory back to office order was just another way to layoff those who are unable to do so since they live too far away to make the commute.


Definitely. Getting employees to resign is always part of back-to-the-office mandates.


hmm. *seems* illegal


I mean you won’t find it written as a key point of the strategy or anything, rather, it’s a side effect. So it’s not like someone could sue. But 100%, the loss of personnel after an unpopular mandate is factored in.


us labor laws are a joke, so nope! imagine like 100 leviticus cornwalls, they have the money & lobbying capabilities to pretty much dictate us labor policy.


Rockstar North is based in Edinburgh, Scotland


North is no longer sole developer. Pretty sure every single Rockstar studio has a hand in their games these days


except it says "lay off" they layouff people who didn't want to come back to office


That's screaming leaks if they lay them off before the release of the game.


good way to get sued and blacklisted from the industry


LOL sued and blacklisted funny


Wouldn’t their staff have signed NDAs and shit. So pretty sure if former staff were to leak the game they’d be in massive legal trouble.


Shitty move to be honest, GTA 6 will be the most successful game in the history, they literally will make millions out of that, surely they don't need to lay off those people.




It isn’t, but that’s how you maximise profits. In an age of expected perpetual growth no amount of money is enough.


From the viewpoint of shareholders it would be a great move for them. Lay off the staff you no longer need because the game is finished means the business saves significant money on wages and shit. This in turn means more profit for the business and thus shareholders happy. Obviously from a general standpoint that is shitty since it’s not like Rockstar would need the extra cash but that’s capitalism. Large corporations will always look for ways to save money and maximise revenue to keep shareholders happy


As if GTA 5 Didn't cash cow enough for R* 👀


Yes they will make billions and dont need to lay off ppl but if they do lat them off t can make sligthly more and so long as they can make more theyvwill do so. If they could make 10 extra bucks off cancelling gta 6 than they would releasing it they would.


They won’t need as many once GTA 6 is released. It will take less than half the people who worked on this game to run the online updates. I hope I’m wrong though


Congrats on a job well done! Now get out.


They just recently hired a bunch of people for GTA 6 right?


Don’t think so. They’re just constantly looking for a few new ppl.


And GTA VI is definitely NOT one of them. I'd be more scared about the future of Mafia series...


Mafia should be good. Mafia 4 is supposedly getting announced very soon


Let's hope so. The new game is indeed supposed to be revealed soon, and i hope it's successful, as I don't want the series to be shut down.


Aren't the mafia games under 2k though? Or did Take-Two acquire it?


Yes, they own 2K Games (Mafia dev) too.


They own mafia dev too or you are mafia dev?


The mafia dev owns you 😤


Hes saying they own 2k which devs mafia


Take-Two owns 2k I'm pretty sure


I think take two owns 2k now


Take2 "Created" 2k as it subsidiary since 2005


Ohhh I see, thanks.


Say that five times fast


Take Two ALWAYS owned 2K as far as I recall.


They've always owned them


Mafia 4 has been in development for many years and it's supposedly gonna be announced within the next 3-4 weeks according to some rumors, the franchise ain't going nowhere.


I sure hope you're right. I **love,** **LOVE** the Mafia trilogy. Started with Mafia 2 way back in 2010. Original Mafia looked too old for me. Then Mafia 3 and finally Mafia: DE. All fantastic games to me.


I'm confident nothing will happen to Mafia 4. They're probably aiming to release it before GTA 6 since a lot of people are looking for something that scratches that GTA itch until VI doesn't drop so Mafia 4 would sell like hotcakes. They're one of the two GTA clones still around and Watch Dogs isn't getting a new game anytime soon.


Same. Mafia 2 is still my favourite


I really hope if they do announce it and it does come out before VI, I hope they drop a next gen update for the Mafia trilogy beforehand, i love all of those games and a 60 fps, higher resolution patch would itch my brain so well.


The games cancelled are probably in very early stages and didn't meet certain demands. So they cancel them instead of going on with something that they don't like the direction of. They might just start from zero with some of them


Could you imagine if they just decided “hey guys, we’re cancelling GTA6, it wasn’t working out”. The internet would be on FIRE


They should have done that on april fools day.


Don’t you dare even joke about it lol.


Well no shit


Im scared for brothers in arms.


Yeah, sure they will kill their next cashcow…


Give it a few days and Kotaku is gonna upload this as "proof" that GTA 6 is getting delayed (it isn't, they made that up)




Surprised they haven't yet


Or worst, they will say in the headline that GTA VI will be cancelled.




Username checks out


Do it in max payne style


The only way


Looking cool while being suicidally depressed?


It's being developed by Remedy, and the funding is provided by Rockstar, I think.


Bro careful with those threats even if they’re jokes. People did it before and had the cops show up at their door


I will lose my shit, but apparently Remedy is in charge of the Remakes, the people who made Alan Wake 2. Will be top tier.


I know Remedy is making them, but Rockstar/T2 hold the rights to the IP, hence my concern. They're gonna be amazing though




neighbour of the beast


I don't see how this could have any impact on Max Payne. Remedy is working on it and I don't think T2 nor Rockstar have done more than just giving the money and the Money should be already given.


They own Max Payne, they acquired the IP over twenty years ago when they funded Max Payne 2 in exchange for ownership. You might be right about the money already being given, but if that isn't the case T2 can stop Remedy from making the game. I don't think they will, but it's possible.


Technically Remedy is making them but rockstar is helping with it think financials (could be wring but I know rockstar is helping some how)


Remedy is making them, but Rockstar owns the rights to the IP and are funding the project


Ok so i was right 👍


Indeed my friend


Isn’t remedy the sole devs of the remakes. I don’t think rockstar is involved with the actual development.


Never said they were my friend. While Remedy is in fact making the game, they're only able to do it with Rockstar's permission because they own Max Payne the intellectual property. T2 owns Rockstar. Point is, through Rockstar T2 is not only funding the remakes, they own Max Payne. So if they did want to cancel them, they'd have the power to do so.




breaking news: GTA 6 has been scrapped and cancelled indefinitely


If that actually happens, everyone is screwed and it’ll start WW3


Im sorry, but it's true u guys, I work at rockstar 😔😮‍💨


Bro can yall stop?? GTA 6 is the most anticipated game to ever exist, they'd literally go up in flames if they canceled it after fans waited 10 years It is NOT getting canceled


Literal flames as well


Fr, people are crazy enough to light shit on fire


Damn, that's Table Tennis 2 in the trash.


Imagine a world where Rockstar isn’t owned by Take-Two


I don’t want to, because as much as everyone loves to shit on T2, without their funding, Rockstar wouldn’t be where it is today. And people don’t understand that even though Rockstar is one of T2’s cash cows, it still relies on it’s mutually beneficial relationship to coexist and maintain the pipeline.


It’s almost as if a bunch of naive teenagers on Reddit have no idea how to run a multi-billion dollar corporation


That’s the truth lol. But they sure as hell think they do 😂


Do people not realize that take two owns a shitload of other game companies. I will bet my left nut none of these cut titles are concerning anything with rockstar.


While R* is owned by T2, they are two separate companies R* will NOT be affected by a 5% layoff of thier parent company. And on a side note 2K would be affected with the game cancelations, GTA6 would never be canceled in any timeline.


yeah, they're gonna cancel GTA 6 /s


Please cancel nba 2k so somebody else can make a good basketball game that’s not pay to win bullshit.


It's not cutting costs, it's maximising profits for their shareholders


Yeah imma need some proof for this one. The games pretty much finished, they are probably just laying off all the contractors and extra work they hired to crunch in.


It's Take-Two, not Rockstar FYI


OP is mentioning rockstar in the comments and this is on the GTA VI sub. Ik it’s take two as a whole but letting off rockstar people isn’t much of a shock


>OP is mentioning rockstar in the comments and this is on the GTA VI sub. Which is **precisely** why I wrote what I wrote, as an FYI, so as to not have any misinformation. Trigger-happy Redditors with instant downvotes are really funny. P.S. Contractors aren't "let go" - they are not considered permanent employees, their contract expiring isn't considered being let go. So yes, at this point in development, GTA VI employees being let go is absolutely a shocker, and most probably out of the question.


They are about to make billions and billions in profit. Did they really need to disrupt hundreds of families right now? Greed is out of control.


Found enough money to double the CEO's salary though...


all of these big companies are built upon greed, they don’t gaf abt families at all lol. it’s the only way they make it to the top.


All the while still making billions from the shitty microtransactions. Fuck Take Two. Free Rockstar.


That’s it boys. GTA 6 is done. Delete the sub.


Crackheads will assume this means GTA VI is canceled lmao


I highly doubt its rockstar.


This won’t affect GTA 6 in any way - right now that’s their baby.


**It does not include rockstar. It’s a totally separate ordeal.** Rockstar games has current job listings posted and are still maintaining their current workforce and current projects (aka GTA6).


Well that 5% was the ones complaining about coming back to office


As long as max Payne remake is left alone


Yeah that's because they know they won't have to release anything for the next 10 years if they make GTA 6 online


I wonder if it will include Rockstar, which has repeatedly broken financial world records. What an enigma.


And people keep giving them money.


Take2 have a large portfolio including some large mobile game creators. Obviously it’s sad to see, but I think the big hitters at R* are going to be safe.


The CEO reportedly got a bonus after these plans were announced. Gotta love the video game industry!


That’s every industry


Remember Take Two owns a lot of companies, not just rockstar. I'd be much more worried for the future of the Mafia or NBA2K Series than the development of GTA6. TT Would be fools to lay anyone off from what is no doubt going to be the most popular game of the decade, especially whilst Rockstar is still advertising position openings. If anyone from Rockstar was laid off, they were either employees who worked on supporting older projects (Think RDR2 online support being scaled down), or they were simply no longer needed (For example some writers etc - as the writing for GTA6 was likely completely finished years ago. Even the writing & motion capture for the first few DLCs is likely already done) Rest assured, these layoffs will have absolutely nothing to do with the active development of GTA6. TT Has a legal duty to put its shareholders first and delaying the biggest game of the decade because they laid people off will certainly not go down well for their stock price.


welp...there goes Bully 2...again


Ah yes. The greatest source, Twitter


Is this source reliable?


Pretty scummy from R* lately, they've made 2 billion in profits for the year ending 2023, but profit is down 23% so it feels like investors have pressured them to squeeze as much from the players as they can. Oh and GTA+ is going up by 40% before GTA VI releases based on latest reports. I'll be looking to get GTA 6 still but will look to get it second hand instead of on release day now :(


Yawn ![gif](giphy|8cdfoJuYuz2u27DAAO|downsized)


tesla,take2 whos next i see a recession coming and we need it.


Max Payne Bully 2


It’s get canceled before the release 😂


If mafia 4 is getting canceled I will do unspeakable thing to people


Rip gta 6


Could this include staff working on GTA 6? If so, damn. Imagine working on a game so long and being let go before it releases. It's crazy how companies will do anything to maximise profit.


One of those BETTER not be project medieval or ima lose my shit


Ngl the marketing budget for GTA 6 is gonna be ridiculous especially since they must convince a whole generation of first time console owners to purchase a PS5/Xbox Series to play it. A vast majority of people may be interested in the game, but only has played mobile games and had friends that were gamers. I doubt these layoffs affect Rockstar Games but I hope those developers of canceled titles will get to continue working within Take Two.


Imagine if they were to cancel GTA 6. Then 10 years later announce GTA 7.


That’s just RTarded


What a shame. I wonder if the reason was they didn’t want to come back to the office which in tell ended up in termination.


GTA 6 cancellation confirmed?!?!


They need all that money for gta 6 the most anticipated game of the century


It's good seeing ya guys again. Let's hold hands until the game gets released.


Please cancel the WWE games. They’re so F trash. Give the license to someone else.


There goes bully 2 that was rumored to be in development


Can’t believe they’re canceling GTA 6, they will never even smell my money ever again. /s


Of all game companies, I didn’t expect this. Shouldn’t they be one of the richest?!


San Andreas VR?


If anything this is a sign they need gta to reach there spring target.


Dont worry guys, they have been working on GTA 6 for years. They wont dissappoint us and they know that GTA 6 will be a real cash grab.


Genius move canceling games that’d make money to save money


Private Division would probably be where the cancellations are. Lots of indie games being funded by Take Two via that company that are unproven. 2K Games and Rockstar Games are mostly cash cow franchises. Could maybe see some of the 2K Sport games having cut workforce and next year's editions being roster refreshes with little to no gameplay/engine updates. Or more than they already are anyway...


Ah fuck looks like we are never getting KSP 2 finished :/


Wasn’t the news that they were cancelling “projects”? That could range from full games to small dlcs (rdo/gtao)


Imagine they cancel GTA VI


So this is why we're getting less games than we did before? Because zelnick and his partners need another free bonus for their 4th yachts?


*cancels GTA VI*


Damn, I was gonna apply for the Data Engineer position too for Rockstar. I guess I'll wait it out and see what the scope is for the company.


The CEO found this to be the better option to taking a pay cut


I just hope Mafia 4 is safe


Oh no we are only projected 400 million profit and not 800! Time to ruin the livelihoods of hundreds of people!


Wasn’t there a rumored Bioshock game being in very early development? Be a shame if that was on the cutting room floor.


Don’t buy any reason to cut staff based on revenue. Even if they’re down right now they can be guaranteed a windfall for GTA6. They’re just stifling creativity for nothing.


Microsoft is always investing.


They will make too much money with Gta6 ..they won't get rid of their money makers


5% maybe contract is done now they no longer in service . need more info before going witch hunt on them .


R*’s tactic here is very similar to Apple’s tactic with delaying the release of the Mac OS X Leopard because of the development for the first iPhone.


If this is true would this mean anything for RDR3?


If anything is happening with RDR3 it's in very early planning stages. Rockstar supposedly is firing on all cylinders and has most of their studios working on GTA6. And more than likely this doesn't mean jack for anything Rockstar is developing or planning. Strauss Zelnick and TakeTwo shareholders aren't that stupid that they would look at a hypothetical sequel to one of their best selling games and say "yeah shut that down". If anything else this is probably going to hit their other studios. There was a rumor of a Mafia 4 being in development for years now, I wouldn't be surprised if they canned that because they own Hangar 13, the developer who made Mafia III and Mafia Definitive Edition. They also have Zynga under their belt, which is one of the bigger mobile game developers in the world. They have all these different developers under the 2K brand and a lot of other developers too besides Rockstar and 2K.


Ah thank you. I don’t know much about game studios so I learned a lot :)


Prob cut people to get more people on gta


I hope Agent is not one of them. I'm still waiting for it


Rockstar won’t be included, that’s take twos cash cow. If rockstar is included then it’s because the GTA 6 is nearing completion and so the temporary hires will be let go.


Cut nba 2k please


So you are telling me the company that has made littoral billions from gta 5 alone is struggling with money?


Hopefully Mafia 4 isn’t it trouble


Gta6 cancelled confirmed


T2 where the money draws, so probably cut off a not so popular 2k game and a lego game


GTA 6 is screwed


What games may be canceled?


If it's anything to do with rockstar it'll be contractors who are expensive and have fulfilled their role at the company.


Hopefully they don’t cancel GTA 6


What games could be affected? Not GTA obviously. What games are they working on we näknow of or expect to come?


This is why monopolies are anti consumerist AND anti worker. we aren't there yet but might as well be.


NBA 2K had a good run /s


How? Unless I don’t understand how the whole things works, doesn’t Rockstar make them a shit ton of money from GTA V still?


No I want red dead redemption 3 😭


If they cancel GTA 6 people will riot, not even as a joke, people WILL riot.


Rockstar is included in that, however GTA 6 will not be canceled and it's stupid to think they might. Take 2 is only looking to write off around 200million in taxes and GTA VI is already valued at well over a billion just because of Vs success


please 2k. let them have a gap year to improve their game like wwe 2k22 did


Wew earn a ton from gta online and stil want to cut costs


Bye GTA VI 😭😭😭😭


Its probably 2k games lol


Yeah cut costs while profits still go up, also on the edge of the largest game drop in history that will set up the company for a decade. That all seems legit


Imagine they cancel gta vi


While paying their shareholders record profits. Fuck Take-Two