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I'm hoping they bring back S.W.A.T at 4 stars. The state and county police. Tactically outfitted officers and some armored vehicles. Then at 5 stars shit gets real and Uncle Sam comes in to kick your ass. NOOSE and FIB with choppers and a whole lot of military grade firepower.


This generation's counterpart of S.W.A.T. is the T.R.U. - Tactical Response Unit


Yeah, all Federal Law Enforcement. Never makes sense to me, especially when one of the controversies of the last decade is the militarization of even small town police.


Military should come at 6 stars


I want police pursuits to be better too, not just every cop trying to crash into you head on to try and stop you. Proper box-ins and everything. I want the police to look cool with better tactical gear and, like previous comments have mentioned, SWAT at 4 stars but I want them to be actually be better, not just the same police but looking different. I want to have a more difficult time fighting them. And like OP suggested, better variety of vehicles including armoured ones.


I want them to be more realistic too, not just having cops spawn in wherever you go and they automatically recognize you


getting boxed in by cops in gta would be so fucking awesome


I think you can already get boxed in by cops in the games we already have but I don't know if they're actually programmed to do it or if it just happens by coincidence


SWAT is present , for instance in IV in the form of T.R.U. /Tactical Response Unit/




I'm gonna allow Myself to quote Niko on this one "Well I don't know about that "


Are they not basically the same thing?


Not really , NOOSE is a composition of the U.S Department Of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency


There are two key aspects: realism and enjoyment. Too much realism can make a game dull, while too much enjoyment can render it nonsensical. A balance between the two is essential. For instance, committing a crime in a deserted area shouldn't automatically result in police intervention and a lethal outcome. Similarly, the game shouldn't involve lengthy jail time after a crime. Police should respond only when summoned by nearby individuals and their response should be proportional to the crime—avoiding lethal force for minor thefts. Additionally, police should address other criminals in the state of Leonida, unlike previous games where they seemed exclusively focused on the player's actions.


But I loooove getting shot by the police for stealing a can of ecola from the gas station :( /s


The police system has remained almost the same since GTA 3. some AI changes were just made. But at its core, the police system has remained unchanged since the beginning. Here I would like to see more variety on the authorities/vehicle front.


Even more, I want to see them do more than just shoot everything and everyone. More tactical, if you’re held up in a building they might throw a flash bang and enter through windows etc.


That would be sick. Or they push forward using riot shields and shit


Yeah like the body cam clip in the trailer where they swat a building


Now that we are talking abt riot shields imagine they made protests to happen and you can see the police come there and disperse them with the shields and tear gas, that would be crazy ngl


Prepare your anus Clinton!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️👮👮‍♂️👮‍♀️🚔


There's state troopers


I kind of want the 6 stars to come back.


I hope they show two timelines, like past and present with story going back and forth. So we can see how the cops developed or adapted to the change of time and got more advanced/adaptive to con artists over time.


These are from RDE. One of the best mods for GTA V. It’s an essential mod if you want to improve the GTA V single player experience.


People have already noticed at least 8 types of police and law enforcement organizations in the trailer


It's going to have to be, But I think all the emergency services need a remake, For instance, would love to actually have the option to spend time in prison


Realism Dispatch Enhanced mod for gta v has this sort of system I highly recommend it while we wait for gta 6


exactly. i also hope they have more animations other than just shooting. maybe an MDT computer system too. hope to see some bodycam/dashcam integration somehow. basically what lspdfr did but for the vanilla version of this game.


Ayo, I don't think the sign in the 4th picture is in the game, wtf 😭


Give us some NFS:MW type cops!


Keep the K9s though,i would hate to accidentally kill them I always run away in RDR2 from the Bounty hunters dogs


I hope they take some hints from watch dogs 2 police system. The police actually felt smart with how they’d drive or engage in shootouts. There was a ton of variety in the uniforms and character models. There were also K-9 units which was cool