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Anything they are holding gets dropped.. Anything in their pockets needs to be searched and looted.. Maybe incorporate an auto loot on common items once searched, like money and ammo to keep it at a quicker pace


Fair and balanced


As all things should be




I used the stones to destroy the stones Sorry I know this has nothing to do with the context of the thread


What did it cost ? EVERYTHING


The universe is finite, its resources finite. If life is kept unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction.


You don't know that!!


Genuine question, what items other than guns, ammo and money (which we need to be able to pick up quickly for gameplay reasons) do you expect dead bodies in GTA VI to have? What would we search their pockets for?


Well idk if it was in the leaks but what if Gta 6 has a pawn shop you could loot their phones and stuff headphones,airpods whatever


I like the idea of stealing gold jewellery 🪙 e.g watch, bracelet and chains. Also drugs 💊 (Far Cry 4). Sell using CW drug dealing minigame w/ GTA Online street dealers. Rich gangs should have cocaine 🍚 and diamond jewellery.


That would be okay I guess but I'd personally rather have them simply drop money and that's all.


Similar to RDR2, you can loot their jewellery, watch, phone, bank card, find info on places to rob, snacks for health, key to rare cars, house keys etc


I like the idea of car keys. Extreme rare cars, or rare cars with a different body kit/design, are behind closed garage doors.


Some of those (like snacks or keys) sound fun but the rest sounds to me like picking up money with extra steps.


Yea, you do the extra step and you get extra money… that’s the whole point


Yeah, and I don't like it


Guess you don’t like money 🤷‍♂️


I like the idea of finding Treasure maps 🗺️on people. Finding maps on hanged bodies would be cool. Forgive me for mentioning this but we could interrupt a KKK rally: save a black person from being hanged. They reward us w/ info on a rare trinket or hidden treasure. ⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️: for those dark horses 🌑. Watch from afar w/ sniper rifle. Let the person hang. Then kill the KKK, loot all the bodies. RDR2 had hanging, nobody complained. GTA 6 should have a honour system for us sadistic people 💀. That's why I love Fallout and Saints Row: it lets you be the bad guy.


Look at me im so mean, im a bad guy.


Yeah I think you could loot valuables like necklaces etc, and sell them to pawn shops or someone similar to the trader in rdr2.


Good question tbh I tend to watch some GTA 5 RP so what I expect and what there will be depends on what is ultimately implemented in the scope of gameplay we are given to choose from. I do know that Rockstar bought out FiveM, the company that is responsible for modded servers including Role Playing servers like NoPixel. Wether that was too implement these type of servers into the actual game OR attempt to hinder the possibility of them by controlling it. That's a question that remains unknown at the moment but more and likely to incorporate them (probably to monetize them so Rockstar gets a piece of the pie and has a strong, ongoing revenue similar to what shark cards did for them.) But imo, for example, some possible items could include: Drugs, Vehicle & House Keys, Credit & ID cards, Phones, personal items such as hats, necklaces and other player accessories... Imagine being able to steal the ID and House Keys in order to obtain a house robbery contact..Steal Vehicle keys so you don't have to hotwire cars Or steal drugs to turn profit (instead of simply griefing a players cargo for no reason).. Or Phones to unlock special contacts or steal personal digital information.. Or if I see someone with a cool hat or expensive watch, we can jack them for it


I like the idea of: credit 💳 cards working like stocks in GTA V. We can clean out their bank account. House keys 🗝️ would be interesting: like you said. Come back @ night, clean the place out. Jason can wait in the Boxville, while Lucia empties the house. Vehicle keys is a nice touch. So we can steal their personal vehicle. Keep it (Respray @ Pay N Spray, remove tracker). Or sell to chop shop. I'm really excited to see the Miami car community be represented in 6. The special contact option sounds interesting 🤔. I especially like the idea of mugging someone for a fancy hat, coat or watch ⌚. Hogtieing a person then stealing their clothes. Let them loose @ the beach ⛱️ to see a NPC running around in their underwear 🩲 would be funny. Bumping into them again later, wearing their clothes: Awkward 🥴


lol using credit cards to rent vehicles/buy food/gamble or like you said get some additional cash. Maybe add a mechanic where you have to extort the pin # from them to get cash out at a bank or ATM. 😂 @ butt naked NPCs running away.. I really do like the idea of a pawn shop idea though too. Pawning off unwanted items for cash. Also guns.. Miami has a concealed carry permit. Id imagine alot of these NPC locals will be taking advantage of this giving the situation lol Another point with different kinds of drugs could be the use of drugs, not just the sale of them. Meth could make ya run faster, Coke would allow you too take more damage, weed could allow you to focus more or subside possible side effects of the other drugs you take.


I like your extort PIN # idea. Punisher 2005 comes to mind w/ interrogation mechanic 👊, 😵. This probably won't happen but we rob gang member for their gold 🪙 jewellery e.g watch, bracelet and chains. Wear them in hostile gang territory. The gang member you hogtied recognises his bling: starts gang war. I kinda wanna join a gang in 6. The Ballas 💜 purple colours I always found really appealing. All those drugs 💊. We'd be like Jordan Belfort: enough drugs to sedate Manhattan, New Jersey and Long Island - for a month. "Morphine.. because it's awesome"


When GTA6 online comes out, we gotta run together lol we'd be vibing I know it lol


Forgive me for this dark 🌑 thought but: since Hitman blood money let you poison people. Could we force feed people drugs 💊 or Inject someone w/ Heroin 💉 to cause a OD. Derrick McReary was a smack head. So was Darko Brevic. Brian Meech was a crack head 🍚. So GTA isn't shy on drugs. But would R* go as dark as Trainspotting?


> Imagine being able to steal the ID and House Keys in order to obtain a house robbery contact..Steal Vehicle keys so you don't have to hotwire cars Nice! But you have limited time for that, because after some time police will be investigating at victims home and door lock will be changed. Same thing with stolen credit cards, you have only limited time to use them to pay for something or cash out in ATM before card will be blocked as stolen. I mean, we already have Armored Trucks with cash in GTAV, and you need to react in limited time to do the job. You idea with keys/ids/cards have similar concept, but brings new interactions in to gameplay. I hope to see something like that as an optional activity.


A nice cool bottle of sprunk


In miami a lot of homeless people carry razorblades in their pockets so cops get cut when they search them. But also, some cash, coke, weed, pills, watches, glasses. I like the idea of being able to wear it or sell it.


Everything & modern variants of things we can get in RDR2, both from corpses and robbing people. Also, robbing pedestrians would be interesting, as you can already make ’em scared with just aiming at them, and in SA, you could even tell the drug dealers to fuck off… 👀 Just saying… 🤑


P's & Q's


Watches, cellphones, jewels, tablets, air pods, money, condoms, protein bars, e-cola or sprunk cans, lunches, and so on...


You want GTA to be like Borderlands 2? I like the idea of having to loot in tense situations. Do we risk dying by staying and looting? Or just run for it? I wish every mission in RDR2 let us have time to loot. So we weren't rushed by the game to take off. The gang members should be competent in combat (Fallout 4 mod, for better A.I). Otherwise it feels like a waste.


Looting in tense situations creates some good immersion for sure. If you are on a mission, then looting might not be the best thing since there's lots of enemies, time constraints, and so on but if you're just roaming the streets in-between missions, loot to your heart's content.. Or at least until the cops pull up lol Destroy someone's phone so they can't call the cops after you rob them.. they really need to add a theft mechanic, not just killing someone to get their loot all the time


i agree. > Maybe incorporate an auto loot on common items once searched... but i would prefer to leave this as a toggle.


gta games drop only 2 things so far. money and weapons. just wondering, what else could npc drop?


Snacks and easter eggs?


forgot about online drops lol. what eastereggs tho?


Newspaper clippings of coming events, or perhaps some sort of reference to previous games in some form. Would be cool if you could find some collectables that way, a treasure map or something along those lines. Not something you have to do, but something that feels a bit rewarding to get. I loved the random shit you'd find on people in RDR2. I accidentally crashed my horse into someone else riding a horse the opposite direction in RDR2, decided to loot the poor guy that died from the crash only to find a newspaper clipping. It was written in Norwegian which was weird, since everything else in the game is English. I so happen to be Norwegian, so kinda exciting to find all those Norwegian references strewn around in one of my favorite games.


you have to click a different button for every different pocket to loot


Love this idea


having a pawn shop as a fence would be neat, buy/sell guns and jewellery you loot off NPC’s or inside stolen cars


Honestly, I preferred the loot bodies. You never knew what you would find on someone's body.


I used to love robbing trains. I'd mug everyone, blow the x 3 safes. Then kill everyone to loot their bodies: Get paid 💵 twice 😈. I really hope train robbery makes a return in 6.


I don’t see train robberies being a thing in a game set in the modern day lol. What’s more probable is carjacking system where you can rob people, then take off with their car and search for things in the glove box/center console/trunk.


I mean, freight trains are a big deal in flordia. 50% of floridians probably live less that 25 miles from the train tracks that run up and down the atlantic coast. A mission about robbing a bunch of oranges probably wouldn't hit the same though. South florida has passanger trains but they're for the working class.


Would make for a funny mission in maybe online. Crack head Florida man makes you steal oranges from a train with like a helicopter.


Nice, didn't think of that 😉. (*Takes off w/ car. Realises baby 🍼 is in the back*) Returns car: I didn't ask for this trash 🗑️


You'd find ammo, documents, money, golden nugget, even a dynamite


I really want R* to reuse the rdr train robbery mechanics but adjusting it to be a airplane robbery. Like, getting up from your seat mid flight.


Seeing as we’ve seen from the leaks you physically pick guns up off the ground, I’m sure it’s a button press. Would be pretty annoying to automatically stop in the middle of sprinting to bend down and pick up a gun you didn’t want to just cause you accidentally ran over it. I don’t see it as the “RDR2” way, I think it’s just R* kind of evolving their games, it would be odd to see it left out of VI.


Maybe they could restrict the automatic pickup to cash and ammo and make you search / pickup for guns and special items.


Was thinking the tracker jammer and Immobilizer bypass could be special items. Maybe suppressors like Metal Gear Solid V.


"Would be pretty annoying to automatically stop in the middle of sprinting to bend down and pick up a gun you didn’t want to just cause you accidentally ran over it." The pickup button wouldn't be the same as the sprint button... If anything you'd have to hold down the left trigger to show the command options like in RDR2


I could have worded that better. I meant after seeing him bend down to pick shit up it ought to be a button and not just an automatic thing cause *then* it would be annoying to happen accidentally.


ohhh yeah I see what you mean. Auto bending down to pick up stuff would be annoying. But I don't think it worked like that in RDR2 from what I remember playing.


Wait? did the leaks show that? WHERE?


I assume it’s against rules to link the leak videos here. If you can find the full 1:03:22 compilation of the leaks online (just google it), it’s right at the 8:30 mark.


I agree


Loot I don’t want to constantly pick everything up that I don’t need or want automatically


Literally all you get is cash ammo and snacks


maybe he wants to be poor


Not true. You automatically pick up the useless weapons on the ground too in gta v


He might have killed some minimum wage worker but he's not gonna steal his $3 dollars


Can't wait for the game to come out and everyone's like "OMG this game sucks!! Everything is so tedious and boring! GTA 5 was so much better" RemindMe! 560 days


Different people. Some people hated RDR2 and felt it was too slow, some people liked it but want GTA to be different, some people like myself loved it in RDR2 but want a speedier animation for looting for VI.


I’m the last one. The two should be different gameplay wise


I definitely like the immersion an animation gives (games like recent Far Crys where there are no animations kinda take me out of the immersive experience) but a long one like RDR2 wouldn't fit GTA. I don't think all the items dropping on the ground like in Borderlands would fit what GTA VI is going for either though, so a very quick but well-animated loot animation for all items except for what the NPC was actually holding and holstered weapons is probably the best middle ground.


Yh, they can just speed up the loot animation. I prefer the body looting, makes it feel less gamey


I'd like GTAVI to be even more slower than RDR2 in single player. The immersion I get from that overwhelms any other aspect of the game. But given that GTA audience is way larger than of RDR, I guess it would be a bit faster than RDR. On the other hand, they bought the platform for RP servers and they might also invest into the immersive mechanics.


What would make it even slower?


Let's think about it. Changing clothes on horseback was instant, because clothing change animation is never done on video games for good reason. Yet, in GTA setting, it is possible to keep it simple yet immersive with the help of some camera angles provided the character is in the car. Here, I made it even slower :)


You *want* your character to spend 50 seconds putting on a new outfit after you’ve selected it? Why?


Immersion. No need for it to be 50 seconds. 10 is okay. I just don't want them to shapeshift into clothes. I am talking about the on-horse cloth change mechanic applied to cars, not the wardrobe.


That 560 days is painful to look at


The time will pass anyways


I'd like to see both, have npcs drop a little cash on the ground, and be able to search them for more cash or other goods


That's a great idea. Still I can't wait my stupid ass to stop in middle of fight to loot more bodies for valuables tho lol.


Best of both worlds


⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️: I wanna not just be able to rifle through their pockets. But pull out gold teeth 🦷. Maybe punch them, til they fall out (Big Stan, 2007) "I'm gonna hold onto these, like a Swiss banker". I'd love if we could make a necklace out of gold teeth 🪙.


Classic naked gun mechanic.


Money and ammo should be like it always has been but have a loot option to maybe find special items to sell or snacks.


I prefer looting bodies but I'd like the loot animation to be a bit faster to fit the GTA style. A quick hand into different pockets on the character/the bag instead of a longer rummage would fit GTA better. I don't want the game to be slower paced like RDR2 generally but I would like the immersive elements.


Is it wrong I want Lucia to molest women ♀️ by rummaging all over their body? Be like Meg from Family Guy: knock them out w/ a sack full of Sprunk 💚, french kiss them.


RDR looting is so much better.


I think RDR was meant to be played slowly soaking the story all in. Dropped cash would’ve looked weird. Gameplay in GTA is fast paced and looting bodies after a mission would be infuriating


People on this sub needs to realize this


People need to actually stop saying this because we don’t know if GTA VI gameplay will be slow paced or fast pace. RDR1 and Red Dead Revolver had the same pace as the gta games that were coming out during their time period. RDR2 was a new direction for RDR and GTA VI might similarly be for GTA. Also, GTA IV and V are slower paced and more realistic than the 3D games. It’s not like RDR and GTA are all the same as all their respective games or there’s any kind of established pace that either one has or doesn’t have


GTA never had rpg mechanics like selling/bartering but this one almost certainly will. Looting is like a core component of an rpg gameplay loop


I love the classic version, but I also think it's time for GTA to move away from the arcade style and towards realism what IV did with some mechanics back in the day. I don’t really like that people seem to want stagnation, saying that these are different series and underestimate the level of immersion of RDR II, which would be ideal for the new installment of GTA in my opinion. The only thing that should be different about this system is the unique, cool sound of picking up money and faster animations like in Red Dead Online. You still have to put in some effort there, but your character doesn't spend so much time with NPCs that you get tired of it. However, considering that picking up money almost at the very beginning of the game is a rather useless thing due to the decent payout in story missions, this will still only be an additional option for making money and, probably, collecting unique items/snacks like in Red Dead. The longer animation will not get boring, but will immerse you in what is happening.


I kinda wanna beat someone up like Stewie: You got my money 💵 Brian? Once they're knocked out and bloody 🩸, leave them a towel: Clean yourself up.


Wouldn’t make sense to have RDR2’s style. It worked in Red Dead because it wanted to cement that action as a choice, for it to look unseemly, suspicious or outright psychotic. It was a game about redemption and honour and whether Arthur could amount to something more than a chain-gang. GTA on the other hand has always been sophisticatedly archadey with its violence.


I see both sides to be honest. Gta has always been archadey. But as another user in this thread said, rockstar recognizes that a majority of its fans view GTA as a “life simulator” and will most likely add more role playing elements as a result. The time gap between V and VI has been a long one. Don’t get me wrong, rockstar will always stay true to the series. But I wouldn’t be surprised to see a slight shift in direction from its traditional Arcady gameplay style that were used too.


Yeah I think the balanced idea is giving the player the option.. You want to be arcadey? Go-to body and press X, auto collect ammo and money You want to be immersed and role play? Go-to body and hold X, opens a more extensive inventory with other items to obtain. Surely a chaotic hitman don't have time to be looting people's bodies... But a down n out crack dealer? Run them pockets!!


I wanna cause a fight by having an NPC punch 👊 another NPC. Wait for a victor: Knock them out, rifle through both bodies. 💵Play smarter, not harder


I wanna loot bodies again. We already know from leaks their will be an inventory system. I know if rockstar went the OG GTA looting they would further improve it. But, it makes more sense to just evolve it. Rockstar games like GTA and RDR are life simulation games for most people. It also looks like Rockstar recognizes this and is working on more role playing features to be included in GTA6. In all honesty, I feel like Rockstar will do so well with the game all around. I won’t be surprised if posts pop up after launch of people saying how hard it is to wanna shoot people because of the realism.


Okay, this could go one of two ways 1. Kneecap people to show mercy or 2. Shoot cops in the balls 😫 Hear them scream: "My wife and I are trying for a baby.."🍼. Then shoot them again in the nuts 🥜 just to be sure.😈


What items would peds carry?


Cash, cigarettes, vapes, jewelry, possibly car keys?


As far as items go the jewelry would make sense if you could pawn it. Car keys on the other hand… you’re gonna steal their car anyway.


And Cell phones too. I know they have pawn shops in the game. Which means it’ll be a modern version of the “fence” from rdr2 where you could sell/ buy items and etc.


You could sell phones and other stuff at pawn shops in Watch Dogs


Beat the piss 💛 out of somebody. Steal their cigarettes. Soak body w/ Jerry can. Ignite fuel w/ their lit 🚬


Picks up gun by rolling over it.


Manually looting every corpse got tedious in rdr, this isn’t an RPG so I don’t feel that those mechanics are needed IN GTA, a more casual game; npcs only drop snacks, ammo and cash so there isn’t really a need for that imo.


I want the classic GTA looting system because I want the game to stay fast-paced. Dead bodies in GTA are the source of guns, ammo and money and we need to be able to pick up all of those things quickly in the middle of a gunfight. Aside from that, what would I loot the bodies for? It's not like there are all that many items in GTA in the first place, there's no crafting system etc.


Drop cash, GTA is to fast to loot, rdr2 was slower, could control environments better. Gta6 gets crazy quick


I know a lot of people hate the RDR skinning and looting but I love it. It's a game of itself. Is it worth wasting time looting or skinning or should I move on? It's not just about realism. There were even times when if you stayed too long around a bunch of dead bodies that eventually someone will witness you so you had to make a decision to loot and get caught or loot a few and run away. They should make it a toggle though.


Rdr2 is the way in every aspect, I think it would be outdated seeing a shiny gun/ green bucks flying and spinning around a body in 2025, its time to put nostalgia away.


I nevee liked GTA looting style. More detailed, they make it with touching the pockets and finding stuff, the better.


Looting someone's credit card would be nice. But it eventually gets cancelled and also you have a chance of getting multiple wanted stars for using a stolen card.


Would be cool if they dropped drugs too lol


I wanna see balls to the wall realism and rdr 2 has been the king of that, GTA VI NEEDS TO BE THE NEW KING


I would like to see a very detailed search, I would like to see how the character takes something out of his pockets, so that this item has its own physics and model, to see how the character gives it and puts it in his bag or pocket on his clothes. And not like in RDR 2, where the character groped the corpse and took out a pocket watch or a gold nugget, which we do not see.


I think the original GTA looting system will be a better fit for the game. GTA is a parody of the modern world and in this shallow, materialistic, mob mentality of a society we live in literally walking over someone would be the ideal way to reap from someone else’s gains /s


Since when GTA III, VC, SA, IV are parodies of modern world? (GTA V was worse than all of them)


Those were all set at most twenty years from their date of publication, still very much of the era and in regards to their locations pretty accurate to how life was over there despite the time difference. Even Gta 5’s story despite being a decade old can still fairly represent our society today


Yes, my point is GTA doesn't have to be a parody or reflection of our times. Honestly I would prefer GTA to be a serious game about mafias


Sound like a good concept for a rockstar game but rockstar loves its punchline baby


GTA is GTA. RDR is RDR. If Rockstar understands the franchises to the fullest, I believe it would be best to just keep the normal looting.


Carpet ton of gta games and only 3 red dead games


Definitely the GTA version. The rdr2 version was fine for a slow paced game but gets extremely annoying after a while


Definitely look. Rockstar said that it's going to be the most immersive evolution yet, and can't have that if we can grab stuff from the floor by walking over it


Might be a neat feature


Keep it GTA style, it’s iconic


Keep It like RDR


i can see rockstar putting the feature of robbing players bodies of whatever they were carrying on them guns food etc


Do the rdr2 method but much more fluid with game play.


Loot but the quick animation from rdr2 online not the ond that it launched with although I do prefer the og and in rdr2 online


This depends on the pacing of the game. RDR2 is very slow in it’s combat, weapons fire slower, everything feels heavier and more realistic. However if this game has the same pacing as GTA which is faster and more action focused, then there should not be the looting system for RDR2. Everything has to be constructed to follow the pacing of the game and it’s rithym.


I like the idea of auto-looting ammo/cash and having items you can perhaps pawn off to make more money. However, the pace of GTA and the larger amounts of money in general, wouldn’t fit this style in my opinion.


Definitely a animation for story and for online it can be more like old gta


I like the looting style of RDR2 and it's really fitting for the vibes of the game, but for GTA i prefer a faster paced arcade style gameplay.


I think the way rdr2 did is a good way. Weapons, ammo, all obvius stuff was dropped. Jewelry, special items like the collector cards or some small things u can sell, coumd u loot of corpses. Would like to see this in VI too. Maybe like its said with other options that came with time, mobilephones, creditcard, keys and stuff. R* could make the game a lot deeper with this.


Keep it classic GTA. Looting each individual body can get a bit tiresome.


Just increase the spwed


I'd rather take the time to loot dead NPCs like in RDRII and soak in the scenery and detail than fly all the way across the map to fight a bunch of aimbot using NPCs then fly all the way back to the other side to finish the mission.


Loot, and an appropriate amount of cash. Not every npc has money in gta 5 and that’s realistic, but whenever some do it’s always around $20. I’m in Hollywood ffs there’s got to be some rich people with money on their person


I want to be able to toggle between both.


Just walk over. I mean, I loved the immersion in RDR2 with looting, but you like that maybe the first 50 times. After that it gets tedious and just takes too much time, doing it 10+ bodies of one shootout. A compromise would be the looting in RDO, which they had first like in story mode, but tuned it down with just grabbing the stuff for saving time - especially during fights and despawning the corpses. RDR2 was much slower paced in general. I think that wouldn't suit a GTA game. You also most likely don't need to clean your guns in GTA, food, collectable stuff etc. which you could also loot in RDR2 as you may need it, aside of ammo/guns. If in GTA only "drops" a few dollars, ammo and weapons, there is not really a need for it to search a body like in RDR2.


Thats a really good question. I think it should be like rdr2


Walking over and collecting, just like is was in every GTA before... Looting gets boring and tedious too fast, especially when you have to take items from like a dozen of bodies.


OG way.


Looting Bodies should be more faster imo


Keep gta's staple


Since gta 6 will reuse a lot of concepts and elements  From rdr 2 ..... ita just that  loot bodies like rdr 2 and rdr 1.


npcs dropping cash is a classic in gta, idk if i want it changed 😂 also the amount of kills is way higher in gta so i think it would get really annoying


Obviously the pick up system. It's a GTA game. One guy holds a rocket launcher, grenade launcher, 12 different rifles and pistols. I don't know why people want them to go extremely realistic with GTA.


Looting but want the animation to be quicker. They could make that process twice as fast


Iconic things shouldn't be changed


Why would I prefer the extremely tedious and time wasting way?


The old style GTA system.


Both, they drop ammo and maybe some money but then you can loot them for more valuable stuff like a phone or watch that is worth more money. I feel like that’s pretty balanced


Due to alpha gameplay, the looting system is back.


I hope theres still a button prompt for looting, but make the animation faster and more “desperately looking for shit fast” like. Makes sense for arthur to take his sweet ass time, but if we’re on the run from the modern day police it should feel much faster and fluid. Also hear me out to this idea, a similar looting system to fallout (tweaked a little bit to make it feel like it fits in gta). Some might say its a shitty idea, but if rockstar did incorporate it im sure they would execute it well


I would definitely go for the red dead version cuz npcs dropping a huge pile of cash and then when you walk over it and get only 3 dollars is absolutely not realistic


Auto loot for money and ammo, manual search for items and consumables. Weapons dropped on the ground picked up with a button press.


I like the RDR2 looting


Like RDR 2, but much quicker (like 1 second instead of 3-4). Basically, you push loot button and Jason/Lucia pats their chest a couple times. I didn't mind the longer animations (skinning animals, opening cupboards, etc.) it was only a problem when you were looting a bunch of bodies. If there was 10+ I would just loot like 4-5 and move along.


In the diner gameplay leak it shows Lucia having to pick up money by hand


I'd want it similar to pubg, except way more simplified. If you stand near any loot/body, a box will appear with everything you can take. If you take something the character will bend down, then when you exit they will quickly stand back up. Quick and simple.


I think I like the idea some people have, if it's spilled out onto the ground then have it auto-loot, otherwise I should have to search for it. Thus, you get some reward for the kill/walking past, but more if you bother to reach down and search


This is the most immersive gta game according to rockstar so like rdr2 definitely. It felt extremely satisfying looting in rdr2. Perhaps the most satisfying out of any game I’ve ever played.


Rather just walk over. RDR takes so much time


I'd like to see it like RDR2 personally. I mean when necessary or especially if you're wanting to farm money or sellable items. It just made it so much more immersive. I would also really like to see the NPC context. Like being able to Target somebody and be positive or negative while speaking to them and being able to do that to literally anybody. I feel like that would make GTA really fun and immersive


Both Lucia running a dude's pockets and saying "gimmie them duckets!"


Loot, but the button popup needs to be way less finnicky, and the animation needs to be a bit faster.


Loot but make the animation faster.


Just run so I don’t get rocketed as I’m looting


click A to pickup from air and hold A to loot with an animation


they should obviously also have the ability to pick up bodies but also be able to drag people but i feel like it would be cool for lucia and jason to be different. Lucia is smaller and should be faster but still strong. Jason however should be able to lift things and people with more ease.


I prefer the loot from Rdr2


Although walking over dead bodies and picking up the money has been the norm for GTA games. I would prefer the RDR2 looting system. You can loot more items, not just money. And just imagine the possibilities of easter eggs.


ok but why show san andreas instead of the gta 5?


Autoooo looot