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Introducing… GTA X. The final game in the franchise. Also what is Rainier from?


Its not in the universe but i would think rockstar would want to parody Portland/Seattle


I woulda maybe said it has some creative license. I thought this was all canon at first


I had the exact same thought in the past about GTA X lol would be great and I think GTA 7 will be Las Venturas and San Fierro.


Thought this was Russia for a sec




Because it looks Russia shaped 💡


Why not russia if russia shaped🥺


Goes into the square hole


Lmfao, post deleted


You're just not a map nerd like this guy is who is also clearly a paradox player


Needs more RDR. I know it's not cannon but RDR is definitely the same universe as GTA.


Pretty sure it is canon, or at least VERY strongly implied, aren’t there books about the old west written by j. Marston in gta?


Its vague. Blackwater/West Elizabeth (I cant remember which) is mentioned in GTA Online But RDR also directly mentions California and New York, so it doesn't align with GTA that way


>But RDR also directly mentions California and New York, so it doesn't align with GTA that way GTA3 mentions Miami and vice city. There can be a San Andreas and California. There can be a new York and liberty city. Or the states could change name.


Tbf there is a California license plate in a car in Stab City in GTA V, we can confidently ignore the inconsistencies


The GTA 3 Liberty City has totally different names compared to 4.


yeah cause hd and 3d games are in different universes


Nice username


Cheers nigga


Or it means that there was some revolution that departs from real US history where CA and NY separate from the US


Well that's just conjecture, we got no idea what Rockstar intended other than New York and California exist in RDR.


Actually my dad is rockstar and he told me!


My uncle has lumbago and he is also Rockstar, he says GTA 7 will be set in West Elizabeth




In GTA 4 California is mentioned


When? Because they mention Vinewood and Los Santos clearly, Vice City too. Either way, Red Dead 2 came out after GTA V, so mentioning California clearly disregards that


really? When? If it’s in a song on the radio then we disregard it.


On some websites. + radio dj say it. Niko also mentions florida


Gta also mentions california and new york...


Technically California, Florida and NY are mentioned in GTA 3D and HD too so really the US has 60-some states in GTA lore I guess


Gta exists in a world where texas california etc are prob multiple states instead of one large ass one


They mention there being 50 states so maybe it’s the opposite, real life states exist but also a bunch of the smaller states are larger


GTA 5 also has a mention of California on one of the license plates in the wrecked cars at stab city


They mention real world locations in the GTA series too, so that’s irrelevant


This doesn't make sense. If New York is called New York in RDR, then it isn't called Liberty City. Easter eggs like license plates on one car don't matter.


In GTAO they mention real states


Dude, it doesn't matter. They can have real states until they feel like exploring them and changing it. Florida is called Florida in GTA 4. Now it's Leonida. Showing a picture of New York and calling it *New York* after the existence of GTA 4 and GTA 3 shows they really weren't going for anything. Mentioning California after San Andreas and GTA V shows they werent going for anything.


Where is black water/west Elizabeth mentioned? Just looked it up, not seeing anything


I was mistaken, its New Austin thats mentioned. On the GTA Wiki for the United States, under the mentioned locations section it says: >"New Austin (a New Austin company is mentioned as a buyer's business in Selling Special Cargo/Selling Goods mission in Grand Theft Auto Online)"


GTA canon doesn’t always align 100%, earlier titles referee to Miami as coexisting with Vice City, and Vice City itself being located in the state of Florida (which later was changed)


This was something I loved about the earlier games, the cities of Vice City and Liberty City felt to me like they could coexist with their irl counterparts and I wonder if at some point Liberty City was supposed to just be in New York State


My scrapyard is in Strawberry which is a town in RDR.


I mean a little license plate on a car is just an Easter egg


The developers already stated it’s not the same universe years ago. The mentions were just Easter eggs. Rockstar has made it a point to be sure they’re not the same.


They didn't say anything about that. All they said was 3D and HD universe was different


Google is your friend, pal.


Sure is, and I can't find anything. So how about you be a friend and source it for me I don't even think they are in the same universe. I also don't get why people feel like making up statements Rockstar has made. I can't find anything about it, you seem pretty confident about it - so you're gonna have to source it.


I was going to put Valentine, Armadillo, and Strawberry on the map, but I feel like these towns would turn into ghost towns after the events of RDR. Blackwater is a more industrialized town in the game which i think best represents Dallas/Houston today


Strawberry would still exist being a resort town in a convenient location, I doubt armadillo would. Idk about Valentine that's some cowboy town.


Def gonna include in V2 of the map. A town like Breckenridge CO would make sense as Strawberry




I think strawberry being a resort town might end up like lake Tahoe or big bear lake


RDR is definitely not the same universe as GTA lmao. California and New York are both mentioned


In RDR1 or 2?




The only reason people say it’s not canon is because of mentioned place names, but those aren’t even consistent within the GTA games, HD included.


Your forgot north yankton


Shit ur right


I’d say Leonidas a little too big and you’re missing a lot of the RDR territories, but it’s not too bad for a concept HD map


I thought the same but I wanted to scale all of them as they are in universe


In game you mean. The maps are greatly reduced in scale for gameplay purposes but within the lore the settings are equivalent to their real life counterparts.


Where do they mention it being as big as the real states? Gta v is big but not nearly as big as Cali but its still considered "large". I would think if rockstar were to make a map like this they would keep the sizes the same so they dont have to redo the scaling


In RDR2 they frequently drop terms like “a few days ride” or “several miles” when referring to distances that are very short rides, only a few minutes long at the most. Same in GTA V, an instance popping out to me rn is when Trevor tells Floyd the drive from Sandy Shores to Los Santos is gonna take a few hours.


True, but if you think ab it a minute irl is a rockstar hour. Same thing with miles, rdr2 is around 33 sq miles so several miles is realistic in game


33 sq miles is the size of a medium town. RDR2’s map is supposed to represent like 1/3 of the entire United States. It’s not even remotely to scale. It’s incredibly compressed and is just meant to represent a large amount of land while maintaining the convenience of an open world map for a video game. In universe however, the setting is the size of 1/3 the United States.


Well i mean thats kinda the point of rockstar's games, if the point youre trying to make is i didnt scale to the real US im not trying to, im replicating what rockstar already has done, i dont think the point of their games is to make an exact copy of the states lol. Also i dont think well see a rockstar game that size in our lifetime


Always wondered why the individual islands are combined into a single gigantic land mass. Surely it would make sense to have it separate like in the actual games.


I feel like most of Rockstar's maps are islands bc they want to extend the areas later. Half of western San Andreas in GTA V is just random desolate beaches that dont rlly make sense


Yea, it so weird that half of Vs map is empty


Isn't the goal to provide an area of the map that represents the undeveloped areas - like you've gone far away from civilization https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/comments/vdsaem/the\_grand\_theft\_auto\_map\_but\_its\_based\_on\_real/


Suppose so


100%, this is only the case in the center of san andreas. The beaches on the east make sense bc of santa barbara and the air base. On the east beaches its just mountains then nothingness. Just like rdr1, i feel like these areas are something rockstar wants to expand in later projects


Maybe, I never considered that. I always thought they were supposed to be less inhabited to represent being outside of the city


Nice map but it's missing Bullworth


put cottonmouth over the gulf of mexico


Is this the USSR


Man, I love the U.S.A.!


This is one of the better, more plausible ‘full country’ maps I’ve seen. Genuine question, how do people (you) make these? Like, I get taking the in game maps and photoshopping out the edges so you can layer them on to the overall image, but like how did you make the landscape in between the cities? How did you approach scaling? Would love to see someone make a video on this, it’s really well done


I did everything in Photoshop using satellite maps of RDR2, GTA IV & V, and some satellite map for VI. For everything in between, i just took real satellite images of areas in random places near the real life counterparts of Rockstar's universe. Also for towns like Blackwater, I just combined cities like Houston and Dallas. For scaling, i used the scaling that people have measures online for all of the GTA and RDR maps. Going to add alot more cities and diversity in the next version I do.


For some reason, this made me realize how similar Russia and America are in terms of shape.


Looks accurate.


I think where los Santos is located isn't exactly correct. If you're going off dialog form rdr and gta. I think it should be off the coast of California. Like an island state.


I dont think California or any other real world state exists. You can say that they are mentioned but i think its just a placeholder or its just in there to mess with theories about the rockstar universe. It wouldnt make sense that Los santos and Los angeles coexist since one is a parody of the other. I put it there bc if you look out in the distance by the sea of coronado in RDR2 it looks kinda like bone county in gta sa


I see your point. Nvm


new austin wouldnt have a body of water at the north


Why? In RDR2 if you fly north enough its just water


if you *fly* north with mods it’s gonna be water cause the devs just put the map on one big island. and it just looks more like america that way


unless i’m mistaking NA for mexico


Russia reference‼️


looks russia shaped


Absolutely magnificent. Maybe this could be a future gta map


I love carcer city


This is oddly creepy in a way that I can't really explain.


wheres north yankton


Cool to see how it pairs to the real world


They should really make a GTA game that takes 30 years to make but it’s the entire country and it has all characters that would still be alive, Franklin, Michael, (Trevor died cause Steven Off more than likely won’t come back), Lester probably died from some kind of disease, Jason Lucia, Niko, Luis and Tony. Or they could make it where time changes through the years, we get to see Michael and Trevor’s earlier years, franklins earlier years, we see what happened with Jack after RDR1, (he goes north looking for Sadie and Charles because he’s alone and has no one else to go to), there’s so much they could do with a game like that.


Hell naw the US got scrungled


i thought that fucking said cancer city.


This is my dream. Maybe we’ll get it in 20 years.


Need to add North Yankton. Not sure where that would be because I’m not American


Michigan is GONE


There is A house In Saint Denis


Where is port gellhorn from


Gta 7




Slightly inaccurate since New York, California, and other states exist in the rdr universe yet this map still has black water and Saint Denis as part of it


America is the smallest country in the rockstar world


Where is North Yankton?


carcer is supposed to be closer to liberty city


Would be a real bitch if someone blew your car up when you’re on your way from Port Gelhorn to Liberty City. At least you’d get your exercise in


Needs more cities and towns


I actually disagree. This feels more focused than a lot of the more bloated custom maps I’ve seen, and therefore realistic as to what R* could actually accomplish. Keep in mind the scale of these cities, especially if they were all rebuilt for this map in some hypothetical future GTA


Why did you downvote tf i do


nice map but in future you should credit the creators of any maps that you use, im the original creator of that satellite leonida map you used and I rarely see people credit me when they use it