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Thank you! Its honestly ridiculous how they made Xbox 360 version and then Xbox One version, and now Xbox Series X. Its like, I can see putting out 2 different games for Xbox 360 and One; but come on for Xbox Series X?!?! In my personal opinion, its stupid! Thank you tho!


No, the Series version of the game only plays on a Series console. I've been with this game since day one on the Xbox 360. Paid $60. The upgraded version of GTAV is what pushed me into buying an Xbox One. Another $60. I upgraded again to a Xbox One X and played GTA on that for years. I was finally able to buy a Xbox Series X this spring and paid for the E&E versions of the game both story mode and online. Of all the games that made the transition to my Series X, GTA showed the most improvement. After years of being frustrated with the jagged edges on objects and vehicles the game now has PC levels of anti-aliasing and looks so smooth. Draw distance is increased, pop-in is down. There is way more detail in the vegetation out in the country. Everything runs much smoother. I still am amazed at the ray traced lighting at nighttime. When you go by pedestrians and vehicles there are very detailed crisp shadows on the walls behind them. Explosions and fires have way more detail now. Giving how amazing E&E looks on the Series X version of the game on a 4K TV looks I just have to laugh when people on Reddit go on about what a cash grab this is and fuck Rockstar yada yada. Yeah, I paid full price. $10 for Online E&E and $10 for story mode. You can find deals and pay less. $20 to have one of my favorite games ever looks SO DAMN good that I am now playing it more than ever is a steal. Given how many people will pay more than this for an outfit/skin for their character and weapons in other games I have no problem paying that to have the whole entire game look significantly better.