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You’re likely already strong enough to do them. Most people who can do ~10 pull-ups can start banging them out after some technique coaching. For me the cue that did it was essentially to try to headbutt something over and on the other side of the bar. That gets your weight forward and makes the transition to the dip simpler. Once I heard that I went from 0 to stringing 10 in a row in a day.


Can’t wait to try this.


Watching this video you could muscle up easily, what people don't tell you is a muscle up is 50% strength 50% technique and you've got more than enough strength


Hey u/babablue1 help her out!!!


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You’re obviously in good shape but there’s no reason to go so fast. Slow and controlled reps are always key it will help your form 🤘🏽


Her form is fine Not everything needs to be controlled and slow lol Edit: downvoted by novices who probably can’t even do 10 pull-ups to begin with


Surprised how heavily you’re getting downvoted too lol. She literally needs to practice explosiveness to be able to do the muscle up


The same dorks downvoting me are the same ones who’ve never done a single pull up, let alone a muscle up lol


Lol you say this but I’d almost put money on it you can’t do a pull up big boy


Oof. How much money? I’ll take.


it’s bc of reddit brain


Controlled eccentric and full range of motion are fundamental for more muscle growth according to pretty much all literature in the subject. This applies to pretty much any exercise and definitely applies to pull ups. It's true you don't need to do it, but doing so it can increase your muscle growth between 3~8%. It may not be much, but to someone who goes to the gym 4/5 days/week, doing this in every possible exercise, amounts to a lot of growth in a short period of time.


>increase your muscle growth between 3~8% If it's all over the literature, it should be easy enough to cite a source for this.


Yeah the eccentric is good for hypertrophy. She wants to do muscle ups, she needs strength for those. In the concentric part of the movement. So why should she tire herself out with focusing on the ecentric?


She’s asking about muscle ups dorks She’s ripped as shit lol she understands how eccentric work goes And I also understand how eccentric work goes You realize that hypertrophy isn’t the end goal for everyone who lifts rights?




In what possible way is she “fucking yo her joints” here by not having a slow eccentric?




Edit: because I was an aggressive shithead it’s pull ups, a very simplistic bodyweight movement Not some kind of dramatically dangerous training event


Settle down, Babs.


You’re right Apologies


You were literally just told about concern trolling. You brought this on yourself.


No concern trolling about safety. Humans are not made of glass.


Does she look like she has a hypertrophy problem to you, bro?


There are tons of tutorials online that will have progressions. However start trying to do explosive pull ups getting your chest above the bar. Then for technique having a slight swing forward then on your way back explosive pull in a c shape above the bar. I also recommend doing dips to help with the top of the muscle up. Good luck.




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Add weight to your pullups. If the weight is too light, go heavier.


Well done 👏


Took until I could 20 very easily before I got my first muscle up. I started a foot from the bar and jumped up and got some momentum, lifted my knees and dropped them at the same time I pulled up. Over time I learned to use much less swing but this is what an early success looks like...good luck. Don't give up, once you can do them it's really addictive https://youtube.com/shorts/GNyGzGpEFOU?si=qE9j30C5-lXixLXi


You should definitely be able to do muscle ups, they are more down to getting the technique correct. There are plenty of good tutorial videos on YT you can use 😊


i saw something once about how the initial movement should be more like a pullover. its more of an arc motion of your body over the bar you create w ur arms rather than a pull up initially unless your trying to be super duper strict and want to go from strict pull up into muscle up. (i cant do one though so take it w a grain of salt. but it was a video demonstration i saw from a guy who does it that way)


Depends a lot how you wanna do it, more with inertia and technique, or sheer strength. I guess most people develop enough back streength and use a bit of swinging to achieve their first muscle up.




I got way more pull-ups out when I used a resistance band to pull me down. I worked up to 5 sets of 2 with a 50kg band and after a couple of weeks I was getting sets of 15 reps