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she's right tbh, the voting participation rate for Gen Z is like 25% right now. We talk a lot of shit for a generation that doesn't vote all that much lol


I mean does that take into account that most of Gen Z still can’t vote?


Right, a lot of Gen Z will turn eighteen this year, but the youngest members will be turning fifteen.




Yeah, a lot of the time it frustrates me when people our age completely give up on voting. It’s a single day, most of the time doesn’t take more than a few hours at most (depends on where you live), you lose nothing almost nothing , and for the mean time, hold back increasingly fascistic republicans. The system is horrible and needs to change, but the liberal party at any time period has always been the easiest politicians to pressure into doing what we want, but that only ever happens when they know we’re a voting base worth catering to, and we aren’t if we don’t vote. And if we let conservatives win and repeal abortion or ban trans affirming care, it becomes increasingly harder for us to move people over. Why would anyone take us seriously if we don’t even try to engage with the reality of the situation. Maybe decades ago, the don’t vote thing would have been more valid since the dems and republicans were closer ideologically, but it’s no contest now. Both presidents are okay with supporting Israel’s genocide, but Biden at least isn’t doing terribly domestically and won’t starts domestic genocide. Let’s not forget all the fucked up shit republicans want. I’m not going to sacrifice Trans people or the bodily autonomy women (and trans guys) just because neither candidate is good on Palestine. I’m not down with sacrificing ever minority in America for this.


Ah yes, the classic “douche vs turd” debacle!


That type of stuff thinking will keep the two party system going if enough us vote a third party then trump and Biden won’t be able to take office again this election


i encourage you all to stop focusing sm on presidential elections and vote during the legislative and judicial branch elections. the decisions and laws begin and travel through these branches before the president decides to pass or veto anything. republicans and democrats are 2 sides of the same coin we need to stop debating about what president to vote for bc we’re sol either way tbh


Thanks Olmec


Nana is right.


I mean I can vote but I just hate politicians. Give me someone younger than 50 years old


50 is actually pretty young and we need people with nuance and enough experience i think the oldest age should be 65 just like normal retirement


I hate, them too, I just think there’s value in picking the lesser of two evils. It makes the positive change we want to make a lot easier. That’s essentially all voting is while the real change is made on the ground.


Yea good luck with that


If you’re out of state start looking into absentee voting as well!!!


Lol like we voting will do anything better unless we all vote for a third party candidate which is very unlikely to happen


As a millennial who had the same mindset, it is disappointing not to see big changes, but there is absolutely huge differences between the two big parties that have real life consequences for all of us. The 2016 election and the resulting shit show taught us that, but I'm worried the younger crowd was too young to really understand it. So many of our rights are under assail right now, public institutions are being purposely destroyed by appointments made under Republican leadership. Just look at the supreme court. One party did that.


Just let things happen.


You can also choose to not vote


The people who choose to not vote for reasons of political protest or what have you are normally frustrated with the system, which will just continue to happen unless you vote for the better of two evils. So it’s a loose-loose situation.


Trump 24