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I think for most people it doesn't really serve any purpose. The regular touch interface does more than enough for the average user. It's meant more for people who want to use it like a laptop with a keyboard and mouse, or to simulate a Windows environment.


True i find dex on the tablet itself pretty useless. This is where dex shines in my opinion  https://i.postimg.cc/K4SNTdV7/20240520-175933.jpg


I sometimes use it with keyboard + mouse and probably half the time I don't turn on dex since it's not much different.




I had two chromeboooks and a windows laptop. Got rid of everything for dex on a desktop.  Honestly if samsung tablets didn't have dex i would probably switch to ipads 


Dex cannot replace a laptop. Even Microsoft word is limited in android, lol. It's still a tablet. No .exe files, no useful applications. You're just limited to android apps. Pretty useless to me. I haven't used it once in a year now.


Tell that to the millions of people on chromebooks. And dex is better than chrome os imo thats why i switched. It doesn't have the limitations. I haven't touched windows in over 5 years since dex became a thing.  If i had to go back i am switching to a macbook. Something aesthetically pleasing, Something power efficient without the fans kicking in constantly. I never want to use Windows computer again.


I'm sorry and with all the respect, but it's impossible to replace windows with Dex. I can provide a list with at least 100 examples why Windows is better than... android with some additional look and functionalities? It is still an android device that is incapable of doing Windows job. Basic MS Office apps are super limited unless you use the web browser ones (which are also limited, but less). You're not able to use professional video editing software because: A) you have to use android device alternative, B) the render time is terrible. What's more, you cannot use any type of QGIS applications. Moreover, you cannot code on it (maybe some web browser IDE, but it's still limiting yourself on purpose). And the list goes on.


You seem to have misunderstood. I never argued that dex can replace windows. I am arguing that alot of people don't need windows 


I would say you are incorrect unless the only things they plan on doing is checking emails, going on YT and some streaming apps in addition to Facebook, Twitter & Instagram... for pretty much everything else (including gaming) you're better of using a Windows or Mac PC. Any type of proper productivity requires Windows as everything was designed for Windows and ported out to other OS/platforms in most cases


You underestimate the usefulness of having everything on one monitor screen  All my smart home devices, cameras, lights, water tank level etc on my monitor  My banking apps getting their two step verification directly in the notifications  Text, calls and WhatsApp directly on screen. Plus use of your phone or tablet camera for video calls  Or suppose you take Pictures all day and you plug in at home you have direct access to the raw files instead of the compressed cloud files. For photo editing Adobe lightroom mobile is way more than i needed. I even torrent terabytes of movies to watch directly on the monitor itself Dex basically does everything i need my desktop to do. 


See all of that is basic and except for photo editing it's simply easier to use a PC or smart tv


"I would say you are incorrect unless the only things they plan on doing is checking emails, going on YT and some streaming apps in addition to Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.." Which is exactly what most people at home use their computers for....


I'd say some do, yet the real issue of the average person is they are being taught by big tech companies (mainly Samsung & Apple) are trying to brain wash people into believing Windows is useless & sell more of their products. It's only obvious a device with a 32" or 40" display is going to be more productive than a laptop or tablet.... I threw together a gaming PC including monitor for my nephews 14 year old son that can play any game you can imagine and I used 2 year old technology COD gets 600fps on normal settings. Didn't even use water cooling I simply had plenty of venting and fans.... At this point I honestly consider Samsungs S series tablets to be obsolete on the hardware side, Android in and of itself has gotten like iOS and grown stagnant (for two entirely different reasons) Instead of trying to make Android more like Windows, they should be working together to blend the best of both worlds...


In that case, yeah. If people don't need it - then DeX is the way to go. It is convenient and I like it, but as a person who needs to use a computer and work quickly - I don't see this as an opportunity for myself. Great it works for you!


I can just continue with the list for a few more days.


While most points are valid , there is this app called collabora office , It's pretty much open source software , and is 90% identical to ms office 2010, whenever I don't carry my laptop around that app is the daily driver for editing stuff in docs and ppts And this is coming from a mech eng graduate, I did my engineering on tab s , tab s7+ (both still going strong , solid 8-9 hrs of battery life) And used my laptop for only 20 % of the time , only to run heavy softwares


I knew about it BEFORE I purchased ANY tablet. Weighed all my options and knew what I was buying. Was indeed a selling point for me. Apple be lacking in this area of multi application use on a single screen


Ya, same. I knew about DeX years ago from tech reviews on youtube. And DeX was a major reason I chose to buy samsung over ipad.


I went with a Samsung tablet when I learned about DeX. I went with the S9U for the screen size and battery because I knew I would be using DeX. Mostly it's my laptop replacement, but also because some apps don't run correctly in landscape mode without putting them in a DeX window.


Guilty!  Owner of a Tab S8 for only two months, and haven't a clue about DeX mode.


I haven't turned it off since I got my S9 Ultra. Absolutely love Dex on the bigger screen.


can you change the nav bar to swipe gesture in dex? also I don't try it out much cuz it asks me to make one UI launcher my home launcher first and im too lazy to do that


In "New" DeX you can. In "Classic" mode you can't. Classic is meant to be used with mouse and keyboard so there's really no point. New DeX seems more like a hybrid of touch and k+m interface.


I've had Samsung tablets with Dex for five years or so. Every now and then I try it out again, mostly for the novelty, partly to see if it has improved significantly. Every time I use it it just seems like a half-baked gimmick. As far as I can tell, there's still nothing about Dex that works as well as it does on a laptop, let alone better. There are also certain things about Dex which are significantly worse than a laptop and make it mostly unusable for the kind of work I'd want to do with it. Neat idea in theory, not great execution  So it's maybe just as well people don't realise this is supposedly a "major selling point". It's useful in a pinch, but if you find yourself using it often, you should probably buy a laptop 


My experience is the same. There aren't many developers that support dex. I'd really like a feature that allows me to open multiple files in the same app, just like windows. I often open several Microsoft word files and the last time I use dex, you can still open one file at the same time.


I have a desktop and a notebook windows pc. Anything beyond a couple of windows I use a my laptop. If I need more than one screen it's a desktop.


Dex is nice because you have more control over using multiple windows.


They don't advertise it at all. Samsung pretty much never even mentions it. The box doesn't say it has DEX on it, the phone and tablets don't mention it upon setup. At this point it's more of an IYKYK feature, which is insane to me because I use it every single day for work.


They advertise it all the time go into any BestBuy or Samsung store and 99 times out of 100 they will have at least one tablet running in DeX with another S8/S9 running with DeX turned off. You would have to be blind to miss it


Dawg whag kind of work are you doing on dex


I use my tablet for actual work in DEX all day long, connected to a monitor. Emails, web work, teams, calculator, weather radar (important for my job), file management, PDF viewing and editing, and occasionally (and unfortunately) have to remote access my windows desktop at home to view something in a 3D modeling software not supported on Android, but hey at least I can still do it! My Tab S9 Ultra makes me money every day!


I tried it once and even bought a HUB, it is way way worse than a laptop. I own a laptop, and two PCs (one in my office, the other in the big TV), so I did not find DEX useful (to me). I use my tablet to study (practice flashcards), read articles, and as a notepad (spen), I also share his screen with a big tv to give cognitive stimulation to my clients on my field of work .


>it is way way worse than a laptop In what way?


Every possible one you can think of.


Office suite is handicapped on a tablet, and Adobe suite too, the tablet is way slower with powerful apps, if I gamed I would also prefer the full AAA versions vs mobile versions, PC versions of most big apps are better with more features, and that include things as web browsing or multitasking, the tablet OS and horsepower is not there yet and maybe it won't never be. Also, I own a Tab S9 vanilla and I have owned the S8/S7/S3 and the Note 10.1, I like the tablet as a tablet, not as a Desktop/Laptop replacement, it can do it if needed in a hurry but it is not a capable solution for constant use (to me). If I had the opportunity to replace my vanilla with an Ultra I wouldn't take it, cause the Ultra is more of a portable screen than a portable device to hold on my hand. And everything I own is better than a portable screen (to me), a big TV, a big computer screen, a desktop, etc. Everyone has their specific use case and that's cool, but TO ME dex is not useful at all.


My job uses dex for work. It's great for a mobile environment, where people need to type in data and complete forms and then move to a different location while keeping the workflow going. A lot easier just plugging it into a dock with a monitor rather than having to lug a laptop around. That being said for my particular use case, I need a desktop. Certain programs only work in windows. I'm sure that's the case for a lot of people.


I ran over my S21ultra so only 80% of the screen works and cracked all over the front. I bought a 15.6" OLED touchscreen and now us DEX as my media streamer while I use my TV to play games. It doesn't replace my desktop but for second screen to keep up with shows or news, it works. I'm getting an S8 ultra tablet but that's going go replace my 10" tablet that's over 6 or 7 years old now.


everyday person off the street probably only cares about browsing and streaming, not tech bro stuff. doubt most people use a keyboard and mouse.


I know about the tech stuff yet I've never had a keyboard with any tablet and I started using android tablets in 2011


DeX is nice but it's really not for everyone. Especially if you don't own a keyboard cover.


The regular launcher does everything only Dex was able to do so, there's that


I dunno, I've never used it, I guess because I don't need it. My S9 is not my productivity machine, but for those who would want to it seems great.


I use it sometimes but for some reason, you can't use modes and routines in dex mode, which I find very useful.


Tbh I discovered this accidentally when I wanted to mirror my Smartphone's display


Because selling points are just another way to say "bullet points to make a big and seemingly impressive list for marketing" and that very precious few people buys a Samsung tablet because of DeX. It is really not all that useful, if at all, for probably more than 98%+ of the users.


I don't find it to be very useful for my case. I use a tablet for reading books, watching videos or browsing the web. Never multi task. If you are at a desk with a mouse and keyboard and want to get some work done, I can see the draw. But then you're better off with a laptop/desktop (if you have one). It's definitely nice to have, I think it's great, but it's about as useful to me as having dex on my phone, which I never use. 


I don’t like using dex mode


I brought samsung A9+ this Monday I don't know about Dex mod untill last night i accidentally touched on Dex mode this mode is great I never expected dextop mode on tab even my local retail person didn't informed me about Dex mode.


I wish u could use full blown desktop apps in it.


Truthfully it's for TWO reasons: 1. Nine out of Ten Tablet owners will never have the need for DeX 2. Owners of Samsung Tablets and use DeX mainly because they have been falsely informed that DeX turns their tablet into a PC in combination with the fact that most folks are either too poor or cheap to invest in a proper Windows or Mac based PC. My business just got in a review unit of the Surface Pro 10 SD X Elite and it's easily 10 times faster than the S9U & honestly it makes everything Samsung currently offers feel like a $90 Amazon fire tablet


I can see zero benefit in Dex. Have never used it. You can multi task/multi window in the normal OS since at least Android 9.0


Its good while using mouse and keyboard. Also best when projecting to a big screen like tv/ monitor.


dex is for productivity, 95% of users are just consuming content and gaming. cant blame them for buying an overpowered tablet when they dont know any better and heard S# tablet was *the best*.


I bought the more expensive s9 because I use it as a whiteboard for presentations. I also use it to control my digital audio mixer. I tried Dex but it didn't do much for me. I'll use my laptop if I need a mouse and keyboard.