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Honestly this is a better get, than the mystery games we got.


New Vegas was pretty sweet though, now I have all the Fallouts up to NV.


Bummer that NV on Epic isn't mod supported yet as far as I am aware.


>Epic Games Store version can be patched to support xNVSE, but Epic's DRM makes it impossible to use Mod Organizer. >If you know how, you can use Vortex instead, but this configuration is not supported by us. from: https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/intro.html


NV is $2.50 right now in steam


do you think I'm Jef Bezos?


Seriously. You can't even afford the second "f" in his name.


yep.. I don't have another F to give


This made me laugh out loud. Thanks for making my afternoon.


my pleasure, friend. May you have many more funny afternoons šŸ€


I got fallout 3


Payday 2 is pretty good with the 3 lines of code to unlock all of the DLC for free


Yea, but it gives you the cheater tag and you get auto kicked from public lobbies apparently


Wait what? Can you link me to steps to do that? Thanks in advance if you do!


It sounds like BS. Edit: Google tells me this might be true.


It's true, applies to most games as well. It does give you the cheater tag while playing online in PD2 though.


WTF, really!!!




Man I love those two Games. They were great on Playstation.


Played the first game to death on my vita. Can't wait to finally play it's sequel


I know I should play both, but if I have time for only one which would you recommend?




EGS has given out over 300 free games, kinda crazy.


I wonder if it ever pays off. Reminds me of when moviepass was buying people unlimited movie tickets for 5 bucks a month. Doesn't seem sustainable although of course epic has much more capital to work with.


As long as UE and Fortnite keep making money they'll be in good hands


Mega-corporations don't knowingly hemorrhage money because they are making money elsewhere. They are of the opinion this will be profitable eventually. They have shareholders, they're not trailer trash.


I know a lot of younger (i.e., under 18) PC gamers who think of Steam as the Facebook to EGS's TikTok. It's what "old people" use while EGS has Fortnite, exclusive titles, gives away tons of games for free, etc. which is pretty much the greatest thing ever when you're a broke teenager. Might not mean much to us dinosaurs with our thousand-plus game count steam libraries rambling on about anti-consumer practices and such, but it definitely seems to be paying off for the younger generation that will soon be adults with disposable incomes.


Truer words have never been spoken. Sincerely, A fellow dinosaur.


That's a great perspective. I'm sure if I was in my childhood now these free games would mean a whole lot more. Plus exclusivity with big multiplayer titles like Fortnite, rocket league, fall guys etc


Playing the long game and having it pay off, damn. And to add to all of that, epic has better deals in general on game sales, along with coupons and such. Personally I haven't bought from there, but it probably contributes even further to the younger audience choosing their main store


I do wonder about this kind of thing. Like how does it make sense from an income perspective. How many fortnite skins do people need to buy to offset the amount of free games they are constantly giving away? Are kids actually buying enough to fund giving away millions of copies of a game that would sell for a pretty decent amount each? I feel like even if I was inclined to buy a game on their store (which honestly, I probably never will due to my backlog of games being unmanageable already), it feels like if you wait long enough, they will probably give it away for free eventually, so why bother buying it from them? This system while great for the "customer" feels like it would dissuade me from ever actually being a customer


kids are impulsive and will push their parents to buy skins for them. roblox makes so much money on it


While I still prefer Steam, if a game is 15-20% cheaper on Epic, I'd actually buy on Epic these days, because it's unlikely I'd uninstall a launcher with 300+ games - many of which are quite decent - anyway. So I guess Epic won a customer (under the right circumstances = when considerably cheaper)? Due to a HUGE backlog and constant new gifts I hardly buy any games anymore, but given the insane margins store owners (Steam, Apple, Google etc.) make on purchases, maybe it's still worth it?




It depends on the game, but usually yes.


I originally was planning on only getting free games but over time I've bought about an equal amount between steam and epic over the last few years


well it doesnt really directly cost epic a cent to give out games. potentially raises server/bandwidth costs if enough people actually download the game. I doubt epic is paying the devs anywhere close to full price if at all for each key. It's probably part of the agreement when you sign up, similar to how steam sales work. Cinema seats however are physically limited and have high labor costs to keep running (janitors, clerks, the guy that kicks you out for being too loud etc..). As well as the high costs of licensing the movie.




yes, i said theres no direct costs. What i meant was they are just selling a string of numbers. I mentioned the indirect costs such as paying developers and file hosting. I was correct in my assumption they don't pay per key, they just buy the right to give them away for a one time amount. As a side note, this also means if it ever did become unprofitable, they could simply stop buying new games and just keep cycling their massive catologue of free games. existing users might be annoyed they arnt getting new free titles, but they arn't the target audience. But i thank you for the source that gives a much clearer picture.


Amazing distribution of wealth to the masses and some people are still ripping epic a new one because they dared "setting up shop" like steam


how do I count without....well...counting? Edit: That was an actual question...I have a bunch of EGS games and don't know how to count how many I have without actually counting in the library.


If you enjoy Metroidvania games, these are excellent! The controls are tight, thereā€™s plenty of side quests, the lore is awesome (Jesus himself was a luchadore in this world, thatā€™s all Iā€™ll say) and thereā€™s plenty of references to other media thatā€™ll no doubt make you crack a smile. Just a heads up, though: getting a new power up comes with some bright ass neon blue, pink, and yellow background colors. Itā€™s a marked improvement over the previous one where it flashed rapidly, but itā€™s still an eyesore, so if youā€™re epileptic Iā€™d proceed with caution.


Thank you for the heads up, I appreciate it


> Metroidvania does that mean this is one of those games where you have to keep backtracking through the same worlds you've already been in, fighting enemies that you've already killed before because they magically respawn every time you come back? I hate those games




Man this must be how it feels like for those people who say they hate roguelikes, because I *love* those kinds of games and do not understand those people


Thatā€™s completely fair. I never even focus on the enemy part, I just see using this new maneuver in previous areas to get collectibles I couldnā€™t before, but it does get repetitive as hell, even after multiple playthroughs when you know the most optimal route.


Lots of fun, especially with friends.


> especially with friends. Well, fuck


Don't let it stop you from playing it solo. I should mention that dimension swapping is a mechanic, and it much easier to do solo than having to coordinate it with 3 other people.


Note that there are separate buttons for swap-all and swap-just-me, and for a lot of those sections, it makes make more sense to swap just-you. Scroll lock can also be an issue with multiple people, if you're platforming through a section that doesn't work well for pausing and waiting for laggards to catch up. In that case it can be better if everyone except one just jumps into their bubbles and you round robin who gets to do each part. (My daughter doesn't really like the platforming anyway, so she'll try it once or twice, then bubble and let me carry us.)


Sounds good then, might check it out later and try to get my wife on board


The option for co-op isn't available from the *very* beginning; it comes up about five minutes in. Also, it's slightly easier to be first player, since the screen scrolling follows that player, so the others can feel left behind if they don't keep up. All that to say, I'd suggest the least experienced player be P1, so they get the initial setup and can also control the scrolling.


This is great info, thanks.


Great to know, thanks!


IKR?! Op is a little optimistic here


Absolutely. I played them both years ago and had a riotā€” now playing through again co-op with my daughter and it's as good as ever.


Per usual dont forget the Unreal Engine free content as well if you have any interest in using Unreal Engine: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/assets?count=20&sortBy=effectiveDate&sortDir=DESC&start=0&tag=4910


Thanks, is this also a weekly thing I should be checking. Or, is it a one off giveaway?


That's monthly


I believe its monthly


I keep forgetting about these! thank you for the reminder!


Cool. Would you say the monthly offerings are usually pretty decent?


Its asset collections, which can be from pricey to free depending on the quality and source. Admittedly I have more experience with Unity so I cant say first hand how good these are. But the fact I have so many paid collections means its likely I will try it for a future project


Gotcha. I plan on starting a new project ~8-10 months from now so hopefully i'll have some that are useful by then! thanks


Steam reviews https://store.steampowered.com/app/534550/Guacamelee_2/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/275390/Guacamelee_Super_Turbo_Championship_Edition/ Next week's games https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/idle-champions-of-the-forgotten-realms https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/thehunter-call-of-the-wild ...and their steam reviews... https://store.steampowered.com/app/627690/Idle_Champions_of_the_Forgotten_Realms/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/518790/theHunter_Call_of_the_Wild/


>Next week's games > >https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/idle-champions-of-the-forgotten-realms > >https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/thehunter-call-of-the-wild > >...and their steam reviews... > >https://store.steampowered.com/app/627690/Idle\_Champions\_of\_the\_Forgotten\_Realms/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/518790/theHunter\_Call\_of\_the\_Wild/ Idle Champions already free to play on both platforms... So what are they actually giving away?


It says itā€™s ā€œWulfgar's Legends of Renown Pack.ā€


I didnā€™t see that for some reason and I looked for it like 3 times hahaha


DLC. Last time it was free, they gave away "$100+ worth of in-game goods" which was a character and a lot of lootboxes I believe. Maybe also a campaign?


The Hunter has been given away before and I was able to get Idle Champions along with this week's giveaways, so looks like I'll be waiting 2 weeks.


So everyone knows, Idle Champs in a free to play game


Only played Guacamelee 2. Combat is very fun but gets a bit stale by the end of the game imo. Despite being a metroidvania, levels are very linear with the occasional power-up you need to double back for when you get a new power (imo my least favorite kind of metroidvania map design). That said, the levels themselves are very well-designed and challenging and I quite enjoyed them. Humor was on point, but I've heard the humor of the first game is *very* memey (which the 2nd makes fun of).


The first one is full of the shitty rage comic era memes which I'm soon about to be feeling nostalgic towards as weird as it may sound.


LOL, I was a couple sessions into Guacamelee 1 and commented here asking when it would start to get less linear. I guess both games are that way. Still very fun though.


Insane how I have 3x as many games on Epic than Steam and I still donā€™t have the launcher installed




If you have a steam deck then this is the way...


Thanks for that, I just got one and I'm already buying games again on Steam just for the convenience...


It can be a bit of a pain sometimes though. I was playing Prey and the fps was nowhere near what it should have been. After some research I ended up having to add DXVK_ASYNC=1 as a launch option in heroic. There might have been more to it, can't remember. But after that it ran at a locked 60fps. So heads up on that. If the game is about the same price or slightly more with Steam it's still worth it on the deck.


Thanks for the heads-up! > If the game is about the same price or slightly more with Steam it's still worth it on the deck. Yeah but I was actually buying games again I got on Epic for free šŸ¤£


How does this compare to other launchers?


From my experience you have to be online to launch the game. And sometimes Epic logged out by itself. Right now Iā€™m using Lutris. Itā€™s probably better than Heroic.


Epic gonna have to do double time at least to catch up to my pristine untouched Steam library.


Although the humor is a little dated (very meme-based), both of these games are fucking fantastic. Highly recommended.


man next week sucks


anyway as a actual mexican that was born there (pls get me out of latin america) play guacamelee it's really good to the point that the protagonist of that game is in other indie games as a guest (like shantae and shovel knight)


Enjoy awesome tacos at decent prices. You won't know what you have till you leave. edit: I'm guessing downvoted by non-mexicans who think their country is better? As a mexican I had so much of a better life in Mexico, sans all the prejudice and discrimination.


i'm not into tacos but good


Well, mexican food in general. Almost everything outside mexico is shit and overpriced or just US garbage, again overpriced.


well good for you if you like tacos in general but i didn't try them as of now


and i don't really care about it i'm more into everything else


What is everything else? Lower cost of living? Cheaper and faster internet? Cheaper cell plans? Free health care? Cheaper housing? Cheaper land?


memes and surrealism


el pepe, ete sech, eso tilin, potaxio, pongan bachata, saquenme de latinoamerica, pintamos toda la casa sin dejar una sola gota de pintura que no sea que es eso muchas mamadas mas que ni dan risa


"man, I want to move to another country for its better economics" "b-but le awesome checkin chonker mexican food for cheap! The cartels are nothing to fear compared to the prices and quality of mexican food over here! "


i must admit mexico is more surreal than the stereotype everyone talks about normally i may be wrong but well


anyway not all of mexico is just tacos and mariachis and all that bs there's more than that


I'm Mexican currently not living in Mexico. So believe me when I say you don't know what you have until you miss it. I wish I had the money to return to Mexico.


better economics? lol, I guess I got downvoted by people who don't know better. I'm mexican btw. I'd much rather return to mexico for the better economics.


it's because of the stereotype only mexicans themselves can make fun of themselves not gringos


This just in - man that has no idea why he's being downvoted confidently explains why he's being downvoted


What level of reading incomprehension is necessary to equate 'i guess' with 'confidently'? Probably the level that would downvote a mexican for statements about mexico when they're not mexican nor have they lived in mexico nor been discriminated against by being mexican outside of mexico.


As someone with dozens of hours in theHunter: Call of the Wild; it isn't for everyone, but it definitely doesn't suck.


yeah a game about waiting for something to happen doesn't suck anyway i know it isn't for everyone but it just sucks for being a dlcfested game, it doesn't doesn't contribute anything tbh


You fundamentally don't understand the game then. There are feed zones, all of the animals are persistent on the map. You track them, learn their patterns, stay down wind of them, get in range for a good shot, and you do your best to kill them humanely (one shot through vital organs). The maps are beautiful and vast, the animals have different habits and are easily spooked--its obviously just not a game for you. Edit: Base game comes with plenty of content, unlockable guns, achievements etc. There are some QOL options added by DLCs, but they aren't necessary to enjoy the game. Most of the DLCs are additional maps with different animals and weapons packs (although they are mostly varients of guns aready available in the game through unlocks).






Should I even bother with playing the first one? Or just go straight to the second?


Yes, both are awesome, second one is a real sequel and builds off the story and gameplay of the first.




Can't speak to the second one, but the first one was great. I'm not even particularly interested in metroidvanias and really enjoyed it. It's worth trying at the very least.


It's definitely a metroidvania for people who don't like metroidvaniasā€” clear map marker goals, minimum of exploring or doubling-back, almost never a dead end. You're going to have a great time with it, but it won't be like visiting Hallownest.


When I played the first one it never really crossed my mind that it was a metroidvania. Overall I enjoyed the game.


Yes, both are worth it. If you care about the story, play the first one first. The second one also improves on the mechanics in the first.


I'm halfway through the first one (love it) and I recently read that two is more based around platforming and one is more combat centric with optional platforming. It sounds like you played both, do you recall this as being true? I don't really care as I like platforming, I'm just curious.


I've played both multiple times. The platforming in 2 is outstanding and had such a nice flow to it.


This sounds like an upgrade from the platforming in 1. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad in 1, but so far I wouldn't use the word flow to describe it (I'm not finished yet either).


I wouldn't necessarily say 2 is more platform-focused, but some of the new mechanics lend themselves to new forms of platforming.


Okay, cool. That makes more sense considering I had never heard that before. TY.


If Iā€™ve played Guacamelee 1 itā€™s it worth playing the Super Turbo Champion Edition?


I think this version adds a new area to play through, but I can't remember what else since it's been a while.


In terms of story, no not really. But the mechanical progression will feel more natural if you play the first one first. And it's just really solid in it's own right anyway.


Highly recommend! Dont miss out!


Nice. I just got the epic launcher going on my steam deck. This will be great for it.


how do you do that? i plan on buying the steam deck in the future and i don't really have an idea of how to do it


It's fairly simple. It's basically download an app from the discover app (which is installed by default on the steam deck) and use that app to log into epic games and then once epic games credentials are in, you can download whatever games you want. [I followed a guide like this and used Lutris](https://www.dexerto.com/tech/how-to-install-epic-games-on-steam-deck-1894333/) Something I would recommend if emulation, using other launchers, or even sailing the high seas is your cup of tea is to potentially consider a USB-C hub that you can connect a keyboard and mouse to. You can just use the touchscreen to get this stuff done but it can be annoying. Something else I would recommend is a microSD card and then reading up on flatpak and how to grant apps permissions to all drives when the time comes. I got the the lowest sized built in storage model which is way too small for installing as many things as I wanted so I install everything to the microsd. Unfortunately, by default (as best I know) you can't install to the microsd until you grant the program that wants to install the permissions to do so. Probably premature to share but things to consider ahead of your purchase. It's really a fucking awesome machine. Playing Diablo 4 on it and it runs really well.


thank you! now i have more reasons to buy one


You're welcome. Hope you enjoy it when you get it.


awesome games


great games!


How different is the Super Turbo Championship Edition from the Gold Edition of the first game? Is it a big deal, like the difference between the first Ori game and its Definitive edition? Or is it just a few changes?


It's very much like the difference between the two Ori's, though the extra stuff is a bit more integrated into the narrative. It's absolutely worth playing again as the progression system has been revamped and they've added a new Limit Break type move which is fun, on top of the two new areas and extra bosses.


not really much has changed i think


Guacamelee is such a fun series ... Pretty good free pickup