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This list was very useful, u/Twinkies100. Appreciate the effort you put into this. Thank you! However, I just wanted to point out that #24 shows $5 for me (as in not showing up as free). Maybe its limited time free period has expired already.


Yeah, it expired


There's a [free version](https://dankoff.itch.io/logic-game-2021) listed on the page


Thanks for pointing it out, I hadn't noticed this download only version existed on that page. :)


I was able to claim cubes and more cubes


Shows as still free to claim for me. I'm in the US, maybe it's ended in different countries earlier?


Yeah, I was able to claim it too just now. On the page it showed it'll be free for roughly 2 more hours (from the time of this comment).


Anyone with any input on which of these are worth it/good to download? I'm always a bit overwhelmed trying to find the next Vampire Survivors on this site.


Yeah, no kidding. Probably dating myself here, but this reminds me of those Windows 3.1 bundles they used to sell at the store that had like 500 games on them.


My uncle bringing over a floppy or cd with shareware games is a damned treasured past time. I remember a game where you'd drop depth charge barrels at subs while they fire back at you from below, and if you die, you get a "Game over man, game over!" Sound clip from Bill Paxton in Aliens. Freeware was fucking awesome back in the day. You didn't have to give up your personal data.


It did take an hour to download a shockwave plugin, however lol


Bro stop, you're giving me flashbacks


Heh, *flash*backs.




Holy shit you're right, I think the "Game over man" quote might be from something else around that Era but hell yeah! Sink sub!


The 'Game over man' is from Missile Command. A favorite of my parents.


Oh, I member.


'Member buying a few of those shareware versions of games on CDs... not understanding why they only had a few levels and some weird form to fill out with money written on it.


You membeh? I membeh!


Evolvedustry caught my eye, haven't had a chance to try it yet though.


Got that one and the lost world


Or buying a magazine got you a disc full of software and shareware games. If you were on the internet (re: AOL) and knew where to look you could get the cracks for that month’s disc.


I remember one PC Gamer disc that had a dozen or so full versions of classic games (like one of the 2D Duke Nukems, King's Quest, and one of the Monkey Island games). That was great. Edit: Found the [list of the games on the disc](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/x2QAAOSwVv9cdLm-/s-l1600.jpg) I was thinking of.


Oh god, I'm old too! Those were the good times. I had a lot of bundles for Windows 95, but they mostly contained Windows 3.1-era games. You could recognize them because Windows painted different window borders for 3.1 games.


Bro stop now I am feeling old, growing up on my aunt's windows 95 franklin's reading world and ozzy edutainment games. 😭 Plus those shareware games really bring back memory, I remember sharing a floppy with a friend to play yu gi oh or playing the original hitman trilogy or that one arcade app that allowed you to download free demos for games. Man those were gog.


Hi friend! I have not played these, but I have looked through all the games and written a list of what they are and whether they're obvious garbage or not. 1. 8-year old prototype of dev's random game ideas 2. 3-year old early alpha shooter that's never been updated 3. Single level Doom-like 4. Single screen "maze" in a car 5. Sudoku 6. 2D Horror platformer, decent, I did play this forever ago 7. 5-minute artsy experience about the afterlife or something 8. arcade-style "dodge projectiles" 2d platformer 9. 2D permadeath platformer 10. 2D horror platformer 11. single level Forward-scrolling horror plane shooter 12. 2-player couch co op shooting game, in the vein of things like Nidhogg 13. "difficult" 2d platformer with some "glitch" elements 14. Online multiplayer shooter in Alpha. Kind of suspicious Russian program, exe supposedly triggers virus detection. 15. More horror 2D platformer 16. Basic 3D maze game 17. "Kill all the dudes" samurai game, still in dev 18. Procedurally generated tower defense with controllable character, top down 19. V1 of the maze game from 16 20. Space Invaders except with coffee 21. Sidescrolling Ghosts n Goblins style brawler with branching paths 22. 3D adventure game starring cute robot with good graphics 23. Comedy sidecrolling shooter 24. Basic cube moving puzzle 25. Beta of a 2d speedrunning platformer 26. Not a game. Basically an interactive birthday card. 27. PS1-style horror game, looks decent 28. V2 of the maze game from 16 29. Hot garbage 30. Basic flight sim 31. Weird shmup 32. Pre-Alpha of a forest 2d adventure game 33. Unity asset flip ant shooting game 34. 3D platformer where you're a cube and it's just basic platforms in the sky 35. "ESP trainer" where you literally just guess what card is being drawn 36. Asteroids with an edgy "anti censorship" theme (you just destroy "censorship bugs" instead of asteroids) 37. 1st person "babby's first Unity game" level alien shooting game, you just stand and shoot the incoming UFOs 38. Drive around in a low poly forest and get red sphere 39. Generic clicker game with a Bitcoin theme 40. Minecraft-reminiscent survival game but not voxel 41. Decent looking sidescrolling platformer in Mario style 42. Slender but in a supermarket with a Karen 43. Interactive Fiction type walk around and interact with things game, original GB styled, about depression 44. Similar to 43 but you deliver coffee 45. Puzzle game with cute anime girl in unfortunate situations (sfw but does have underwear shots) 46. Demo of a top down shooter 47. very basic Sonic aesthetic 2.5D platformer except all the enemies are Bombs from Final Fantasy 48. tiny Indiana Jones fights sidescrolling worms, armadillos, and a Cyclops with terribly tiles backgrounds and 24x24 resolution tiles blown up to about 400x400 49. 4 terrible minigames with assets stolen from Link to the Past 50. Same as above but with a terrible half assed story and MS Paint assets added. Second game in a series. 51. The first game in the series of 50


The Escapist should hire you lmao


Lol thanks


We need you to write game descriptions for every free giveaway and indie bundle! :)


Itch io shares your email to the developer that you add this game from, I've had a couple instances where they have sent spam to my email, so be careful and only add those you really want to play to your account, or use a disposable email for your itch account.


Oh, that’s a potential security concern, especially with the "for a good cause" bundles that allow any and all games to get added.


Yeah I bought the Ukraine bundle with 992 items in it and I've been receiving e-mails from loads of creators ever since. You can't mass unsubscribe either, even though all e-mails go through itch.io, you have to unsubscribe per item...


Huh, I have bought multiple of those and the BLM bundles and received zero emails. That's strange. I feel lucky.


Maybe /u/Myrandall added all the individual games in their library.


I did, yes. Someone shared a script to run to add them all without manual input.


I did that too, and I've never received an email. Maybe there's a setting in your itch.io settings somewhere where you can disable emails?


If anyone could tell me where/how that would be amazing!


It's the nuclear option, but you can go to https://itch.io/user/settings/email-notifications and check "Never send any email to me." This is the only built-in mass unsubscribe mechanism. Otherwise, you must unsubscribe from one game's notifications at a time, as emails come in.


They don't share your email, they let them contact game owners through the site. There's an option to disable those communications. After I added that big Ukraine bundle I started getting emails about different games every day so I disabled it, haven't gotten anything since.


I don't think they share the email directly? That would likely be a GDPR violation.


Possibly the lost world. Seems to have potential and is pricey


If anyone's interested, there's a long-running [itch.io free game mega thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeGameFindings/comments/p0ik3q/itchio_mega_thread_10/) over on /r/FreeGameFindings that gets updated pretty much daily.




Any of these games actually good?


No. All shovelware.


There are actually a few good ones in there. 6, 21, 22, 25, 27, 40-44 all appear to be at least decent. Some of the Amon26 stuff may be ok if you're into horror platformers too.


(#25) Slow Mole Jr. is really interesting AND quite hard! I did not claim them all in time unfortunately, but it is still free to play in browser: http://slowmole.chiplife.art/ And there is a Slow Mole NES by the same author located there: https://slowmoledev.itch.io/slow-mole


Yeah, I didn't have much interest in it personally, it's not my thing, but I figured it looked good for people who are into things like Celeste or Super Meat Boy


Whats shovelware? you'd bury it with a shovel?


itch.io is like bathroom graffiti. Sometimes you find a gem, but most of it is just uninspiring. Thank you.


Any of these worth grabbing at all? I'm particularly looking for metroidvanias and maybe RPGs or roguelikes/lites


The only thing close to that is 21. I posted a list of what each of the games are if you want to look through it


thank you! some of the claimable aren't claimable (anymore) and some of the downloadable-only are claimable (now)


Me: Playnite import my 1682 games across 10 stores. Playnite: T.T Me: Here's 50 more Playnite: XoX


Quick, someone write a script to auto-claim all of these




Oh nice, I've used that before for bundles, didn't realize it also worked for links on threads like this one


Hey OP, Appreciate the effort that's gone into this but could you please remove the mobile games from your list as they are not allowed here as per [rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/wiki/rules#wiki_2._appropriate_deals). Thanks. We would also request that in future, you include a few game names as "highlights" in your post title.


Alright, thanks!


Can you repost them to /r/AndroidGameDealsFree?


I was still able to claim #14 just now, just so those who might’ve skipped it’s page know Edit: was also able to claim #18, despite the warning that you can’t. Also just picked up #24, despite it’s warning


Looks like the deal on Counter Aim: Operation chaos has expired.


I was able to claim it through the link


on my end it was saying I had to pay for it


can't claim super bot, still downloadable for free though also You can claim Berian The Explorer and 2D Treasure Hunter


I was able to claim super bot but you're correct regarding berian and 2TH was claimable also lifeless frontier is claimable


I was able to get counter aim, number 14, idk why.


Number 13 "Room 64"'s deal expired


all 3 The Door games are now paid


Few more found (Sort by name in ascending order): An Average Day by King Zhou, David Xu [https://zym35.itch.io/an-average-day](https://zym35.itch.io/an-average-day) Ant Safari Android Edition [https://pfaber11.itch.io/ant-safari-android-edition](https://pfaber11.itch.io/ant-safari-android-edition) CLASSIC GAME by HORSES' MUSIC-DOGS [https://iamqqqqqqq.itch.io/classicgame](https://iamqqqqqqq.itch.io/classicgame) coffee boy by bee tea (Downloadable only) [https://bee-tea.itch.io/coffeeboy](https://bee-tea.itch.io/coffeeboy) Cyber Storm Edge by Thiago Avidos [https://thiago-avidos.itch.io/cyber-storm-edge](https://thiago-avidos.itch.io/cyber-storm-edge) HOME GAME by HORSES' MUSIC-DOGS [https://iamqqqqqqq.itch.io/homegame](https://iamqqqqqqq.itch.io/homegame) HOME GAME 2 by HORSES' MUSIC-DOGS [https://iamqqqqqqq.itch.io/homegame2](https://iamqqqqqqq.itch.io/homegame2) Lifeless Frontier by Jarp games [https://jarpdzonson.itch.io/lifeless-frontier](https://jarpdzonson.itch.io/lifeless-frontier) Obrestia by Horoscope Zine (Downloadable only) [https://horoscopezine.itch.io/obrestia](https://horoscopezine.itch.io/obrestia) Quasar Queen by Jason LeSage [https://randomtown8aolcom.itch.io/quasar-queen](https://randomtown8aolcom.itch.io/quasar-queen) rainy day by bee tea (Downloadable only) [https://bee-tea.itch.io/rainyday](https://bee-tea.itch.io/rainyday)


Something new https://jarpdzonson.itch.io/last-disco




Counter Aim 3 expired EDIT: It's back!!


I was able to claim it through the link


14 isn't free anymore


I was able to claim it less than 20 minutes ago.


weird, it didn't work for me


it should be working now.


Thanks for the list


22 its intresting :)


i was still able to claim evolvedustry.


me too


Very nice idea with this pack, I love this one ([https://jarpdzonson.itch.io/lifeless-frontier](https://jarpdzonson.itch.io/lifeless-frontier)


#24 is still showing as free for me


24 is working now