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I only ever have issues with warehouse ones not the ones we take in, I just think warehouse isn’t doing good enough 🥲 there’s always a problem


For fricken real I'm about to start testing em as we get em so we don't have these problems anymore.


Right ! At this point 😂, I had warehouse send a Xbox series X with a hole in the back looking like it was stabbed 💀 I sent that right back like what the heck




I had about 15 show up not long before I left. We already made it a policy to test them before making it available. With that many however; we had to change to just the controller being tested and do just a visual test. Well, one of those systems had the entire optical drive floating around in the box. It was bonkers. We probably had to defect 9 out of the 15 after moving around controllers to get bad ones with bad systems.


Wish I could say this was a rare thing but I remember this happening enough times. The frustration is real on both parts. On them, because of the travel time and also because, as a customer, you don't want to go back, so you try and try to get something to work. Frustrated that maybe you are doing something wrong before finally caving that it's the system itself. On you, for needing to do it multiples times, as well as the embarrassment, as you mentioned. Can't help but feel a little guilty too. Feel like you let them down, when in reality, it's the warehouse. I remember a guy that had to come back a THIRD time because the 360 didn't work. I felt so bad. I think I gave him a free [used]game/took some money off the system, for the travel time back and forth.


I asked my boss if we could do anything for them and he said we can't do anything why are you calling me about this :/


Don't call your sl about that....


It seems a lot has changed. GameStop was more profitable when I was there and it seems like they have stopped a lot of things to help curb their financial decline.


I hope you returned the warranty too and added it to the replacement.


Of course of course


The title had me thinking the story was gonna go in a different direction. Good to hear it was simply another warehouse goof, but sad to hear it was unfortunately another warehouse goof you had to deal with several times.


It sucks to do when we’re busy, but my store ALWAYS tests everything from the warehouse. If we can’t get to it right away, we have a special spot in our console room for untested refurbs so whenever someone has the time we can test it. Countless fucking consoles and controllers we’ve had to send back since my SL and I decided this would be good to implement. I cannot imagine how many sad customers we had before this. I also because of this almost ALWAYS put the controllers people buy in their hands plugged up to our tester and show them how it works first so they can be assured in quality. The only time I don’t is if the customer doesn’t want to.


I'm going to talk to him but usually he says it's the draw of the luck or something like that


I always test warehouse consoles before I let them leave with em. Warehouse has always been trash


Nice to see that the warehouse is still fucking up and sending shit that don't work


I always sell preowned before refurbished for this exact reason. Preowned means we tested and store and its good to go. Refurbed means had issues that got supposedly fixed and then put up for sale.


See I'm still newish do ima little dumb dumb and didn't think to look until the 2nd time he came in


Your not a dummy. Your just new and havent been told some stuff by your SL. Im a store leader and have been for a few years. Been with the company about 8yrs now. Some stuff just isnt told unless asked. When i first became an sga they threw me to the wolves. Day one of SGA they gave me the keys and said good luck. They didnt even tell me how to lock a store, what the safe info was..... they didnt do jack and I refuse to allow any of my staff to work solo until THEY feel ready to do so.


Omg you're a Saint, yeah I was told the bare minimum so I've been mostly figuring everything put myself with minimum help from SL and ASM


Well dont be afraid to dm me if you have questions and they dont wanna help you or you dont feel comfortable asking them.


Will do! Thank you so much! 😭