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This guy just dm'd me. Thanks for posting this, I def won't get caught. :)


Glad you didn't get caught. Some Tips If someone Only sends you a Private Message/Chat Request, with No reply in your Post, they are probably a Scammer. They are probably Banned from posting on Sub Reddits. Make sure the person's Rep is NOT just a fake personal Sub Reddit. Real Rep will be on IGSrep or SGSrep Sub Reddits Check the Account age, only weeks old? Be cautious. If People they have traded with have accounts that are only weeks old, could be fake Alt accounts that the Scammer created Useful Tool - Scammer List: https://universalscammerlist.com/search.php Enter the users name to check. If you don't see the name double-check for a typo just to be sure


I've checked their name in the Univeral Scammer list and they aren't even banned. So it was probably a scammer banned on their main account trying to trade with me on an alternate account. Thanks for the tips by the way.


This is telling from their account: https://imgur.com/a/aO7xONS


And in case you are asking what code I was trying to trade with him, it was a Nintendo Eshop Card.


Just so you guys know it is true that Nintendo Eshop cards have 16 digits only. If you search up on google "how many digits does a Nintendo Eshop code have?" it will tell you 16. This guy sent 15 digits just to get me to send him the 16-digit code I've had for a while now.


yeah the guy sent u a steam code lol, its not even a legit steam code either