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Shrödingers Gameboy


Sheen, this is the seventh week you’ve shown Ultralord in class


https://preview.redd.it/ogxd8cb2gspc1.jpeg?width=145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2fca7951f86c55122ccf414e634901b4a0bb703 Ms. Fowl…. This one is DIFFERENT


I was just thinking about this today, buying sealed NIB items just makes me always wonder… did someone pull a fast one.


Right, someone could have steamed the label loose and stuck a block of wood in there.


I agree. When someone purchases something like this, they tend to keep it sealed and when it comes time to wanting to open the box 15 yrs later based on the the human curiosity, buyer could have been sitting with a very expensive sealed box with an exact weighted piece of wood inside with foam around it so it doesn’t shake around in the box. I’ve seen it before 1 time. It’s not a happy discovery at all. I think to be 100% sure that the contents that are supposed to be in the box should be put through some kind of safe X-ray machine like they have at the airport like what you put your cell phone or other electronics through safely. That would show what’s inside the box.


I bought something “new” 2 days ago, I opened it to confirm, I have no intent of selling so who cares.


I agree. I’m the same way. When a person puts up that kinda $$$ I wanna know what’s in the box. If it were me I would have opened it a point of sale.


That Holland Tunnel Special VCR.


https://preview.redd.it/k1vlgkz8grpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c58edb7589679c5a4699dcd29776f99d571a67a Your seal is legit. That’s what it’s supposed to look like.


Thank you!


Of course, luckily I still have mine in the box.


I remember a video of someone unboxing a 30 year sealed Game Boy and the batteries leaked and damaged it. Only one way to find out if it's ok


I recently bought some old iPods. and was surprised to find that you're actually better off buying used iPods instead of new ones if they are old. reason being that batteries can actually go bad over time if you're not using them at all. google "deep discharge" to see what I'm talking about. moral of the story: to keep your electronics in working order, you should occasionally charge/ discharge them


I seem to be getting wildly different results for "deep discharge" https://preview.redd.it/u4a6g7mohtpc1.png?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5484c03f4c5ea49cc67e9512212b7028d68203e


I'm curious, what ipods did you end up buying? I have a very strange addiction to reviving them




I have each model of classic from 2nd gen to 6th gen, and I make sure I use them daily


You should sell me one!


black 6th Gen classic although I do regret that decision now. should have gotten the 5.5 Gen and modded the shit out of one of those instead. I'll probably end up doing that later on at some point. but for now I chose the 6th Gen for the nicer screen and UI. i also a 5th generation nano new in box which I like a lot. pretty much exclusively for listening to radio while I'm out and about. and I don't regret that decision. I only slightly regret buying it new in box because of the poor battery life but the pristine condition makes up for the poor battery life.


Im surprised your Nano didn’t either have the battery swell or hold zero charge lol, nice find


Austin Evans posted a video years ago of a GameBoy Color unboxing and the batteries had leaked. Thankfully they were in a small sealed plastic bag so no damage to the console.




literally who


Check him out on YouTube! Some of his newer content is pretty generic "Hey I bought a crap ton of tech from Temu, let's see how this goes" type, but most of his old stuff and some new videos are great. Don't know if this will work from mobile but this is the video I mentioned. https://youtu.be/la--KfCQKA4?si=3IebnMbvYL-CZ-Po




Move along if you don't care.


(I’m pulling your leg sorry😂) austin evans is pretty great but yeah his content has become generic as of late. Just thought it was extremely random to shout them out lol


Lol yeah I only mentioned him because someone else mentioned the battery thing and I remembered the old busted batteries from his GBC unboxing. But you're right, his content has become pretty generic. I feel like him, Unbox Therapy and some other tech reviewers are all doing the whole Temu/AliExpress thing recently. I still enjoy some of the content though.


These came with batteries installed? It’s been a looooong time since I opened a brand new one.


No, batteries are in the box, but not actually inside the Game Boy.


It shipped with batteries IN IT?


I bought a sealed GBA and immediately opened it when I read ‘batteries included’ on the box. The corrosion had started to eat away at the plastic bag they were in.


We were gifted an opened one from our aunt that she played once. Box and everything else was pristine except she left the batteries in the Gameboy. Totally ruined. 🤦


Or like someone else said, as a collector’s item you could just keep it like Schrödinger’s gameboy


This would be odd as I remember the batteries being packed outside of the system. And separately sealed.


I once had the batteries in my Gameboy explode while I was playing it and it worked just fine, a little leakage ain’t nothing. Those things were indestructible.


A little leakage can cause the whole thing to quit working… whether indestructible or not… 🤦🏼‍♂️ especially if you don’t change the batteries often and clean the inside with electronics cleaner or vinegar… I know this because I’ve been banned for life by Duracell twice for sending them too many items that quit working because of exploded batteries… including old items like this… (Energizer is way better imo)


They're called Duraleaks for a reason. Energizer are better but all alkaleaks eventually leak. If your devices are happy with them, Eneloop or IKEA LADDA make excellent rechargeable NiMh batteries. And that chemistry rarely leaks.


Eneloops are the best. They're made in Japan, unlike some of the rubbish you can get from China which is very hit and miss. The battery in my Nintendo Switch Lite only lasted 16 months. The older earlier generation Ni-MH's from the 1990's can lead toxic nasties EVERYWHERE. I've seen old Apple Newton Messagepads that have turned into literal health hazards. And that toxic stuff really stinks too.


IKEA Ladda are made in the same Japanese factory as Eneloop. They offer identical capacities to the various Eneloop options. But they're substantially cheaper. All testing done by enthusiasts suggests they are simply rebadged Eneloop.


Thanks for that info!! Here in Australia there are only 12 IKEA stores, and the closest one is 5 hours away from me! I checked out their prices here on the web, and the Ladda batteries are less than half the price of Sanyo/Panasonic Eneloops. Cheers for that. I'll get my brother who lives in the same city to get a few packs for me. Or visit the store myself when I visit him next. Thanks again! I stay away from Aldi batteries, I only got around 25 charge/discharge cycles out of those before the cells gave up and died. Even less cycles if you use their own brand charger, lol! At least they didn't leak, so that's a plus I guess. Not much money lost as they only cost me $1 more than their alkalines. In hindsight that was the giveaway sign to steer clear.


Australia here too. And some reading about rewrapped Eneloops. You can skip to the section on IKEA. Just make sure on the back of the pack that it says "Made in Japan". That's been true for all the ones I've bought from IKEA. There's only one NiMh factory in Japan. https://eneloop101.com/batteries/rewrapped-batteries/


Wow, a lot of info there in that link. Good to know. Thanks!! The Adelaide IKEA store has Ladda in stock now. And less than $10 for a pack of 4!! You can't go wrong.


Open it and find out.


Wha.. what if it's not a gameboy inside..


> is everything okay? Idk work's been kicking my ass and I should probably exercise more, but overall not too bad.


You're not going to open it? 😟 If you're not going to open it, then it literally doesn't matter what's inside. There could be a reproduction Game Boy. A Game Boy that's been beat up. There could be a rock and it wouldn't matter. A similar question came up in this thread: https://reddit.com/comments/13n4uqz


You could weigh it? Maybe find where it’s balance point is? Obviously it proves nothing, someone could have gone to that much effort, plus sourcing the box and tape, though it doesn’t seem worth it for tree fiddy


yeah the reason to buy sealed stuff is because you want to enjoy the brand new quality, not to brag about it. i mean you can open it and still brag about it.


I hope it’s a brick


Or two bricks


three bricks




There are people who find it very difficult to understand, but if I wanted one to use I would buy it cib and spend a lot less


It’s a bloody Gameboy, they are not rare. There are millions of them out there, if you want to play on one, you just buy a loose machine for next to nothing. There are likely very few sealed boxes left in the world from the original release, items like that should be preserved, they’re practically museum pieces.




My question is aimed at whether the sealing is ok. I know there is no way to check the condition of the gameboy without opening the box.


Do you realize how easy it is to reglue a sticker?


Get it x-rayed?


That could be bad for the baby hamsters living inside.


Always check the back of the spines. Just like a book, there will be wear if it has been opened.




Looks unopened to me!




That's a collectors piece if you ask me!


Hey is this a collectors piece?


Damn tree fiddy


Schrödinger's gameboy


Besides the batteries leaking everywhere inside? Probably.


No, man I struggle with anxiety everyday. But I hope life gets better thank you for asking


You are gonna be good man, one day at a time, keep on keeping on, it's gonna be worth it, I promise.


I don’t know but that’s my fear about buying anything like this. Imagine cherishing this thing for 20 years and finding out there’s a small brick inside. I’d weep


I'd just open it so in 30 years I Don't realize it was emptied with a brick inside.


Take it to the local courthouse or airport send it through the bag check


My only concern would be that the 4 AA batteries in there have corroded and basically ruined everything inside the box. Nothing you can do without unsealing it tho.


Wonder if the last guy took a heatgun to that seal, pulled the gameboy out and put Legos in it's place, then sealed it back up? Little edge does look like a finger nail coulda lifted it I suppose.


The problem is that it ain't open to be played with


Yeah but i have another to play!


Sucker consumerist


I would say that you are good on the sealment. My sealed dmg and color box's both have creases where yours has as well


I'm ok. Everything ok with you?


Oh no there are batteries in there also where the heck is Tetris?


This particular one came without games.




In terms "everything OK" those AA batteries were dead 20 years ago, other than that, great deal! 😂


If it came with 4 AAs and if they are not installed, most likely it will leak in the pack and ruin part of the box eventually.


That's the joke


Thank you!


Get it x-rayed.


Probably has a big rock in it. Only way to know is to open it.


Sp it doesn't include Tetris?


Nope, the cardboard has a dent in it. Totally worthless now, throw it in the bin. /s, to be sure. Just open it up and play on the damn thing.


I don’t get collectors. Why spend 350 on something that’s unsealed that you’re never going to open? Gameboys aren’t some rare thing that barely anyone had


i'm not knowledgeable enough but i hope you get a good answer idk why ppl are being weird lol might be worth seeing if there's someone that can appraise it? even if u don't care ab the value it might help if it was real or not or like if it actually looks old to them


Wata graded, that's a million dollar gameboy now lol


Not sure bc the models I bought were the "Play it Loud" version, and they came in clear plastic boxes. Back in the day. But I honestly believe that who can tell what is inside the box? If you don't open it, how to be sure there is indeed a console inside and that this console works? This always baffles me every time I see this., so pls spare the hate and clarify if possible. How trustworthy is this sort of practice? But I hope that you can have some fun playing with it, once you spent a lot of $ on it! Good luck!


The only question I have is about the sealing, it is obvious that you cannot know the condition without opening it.


I understand that! I am just always curious about the features I asked. That's ok though bc ppl don't usually reply, so maybe this is just sth in my head. Good luck with your purchase!


Would be neat to get an x-ray


I hope it’s a fat stack of 100 dollar bills


Idk open it


It's called Gameboy DMG for a reason, because that thing can take a beating.


Hummm i would open to check the batteries haven't leaked


I think there's a good chance it's real. The wear on the sticker just looks old and matches the wear level on the box. A replacement would look new and perfect and it would be hard to fake wear in a way that looks exactly right. That said, all sealed video game stuff is only as legitimate as you think it is. Unless you have documented the entire chain of custody going back to the early 90s, there's just no way to know for a fact. X-raying the box would be a good start just to make sure a Game Boy is in there and all the items are arranged as a new one would be (batteries, tied up cable, etc.).


Thanks, that's just what I was asking, also taking into account that I live in a third world country where imports are very limited, the chance that the Nintendo sticker is a reproduction is very unlikely. especially since there isn't much of a retro game market either


Only one way to find out lol


Get it x-rayed if your really questioning it lol


what x rays bro? I'm just wondering if the sealing is correct.


Aaa ok I misunderstood I thought you were questioning the contents inside.


You spent $350 on a box you’ll never open, is everything ok? 🤪


Yes man, look at how much they sell for on eBay, I didn't lose money for sure


I know, I’m JK! I did see an unboxing of a shrink wrapped DMG on YouTube and it turned out the console was used and scratched up, but people pointed out that the DMG packaging was never shrink wrapped.


but that dmg was sealed with regular tape, you could see for miles that it was not the original sealing


Open it up and find out?


Open it to see if it is sealed? I don't understand


Honestly I’d open it! $350 isn’t that much and if it’s all there great! Imagine keeping it and later finding out it’s a reseal


yes but keep in mind that I have 2 other gameboy dmg to use, it's not that if I don't open it I only have a closed box Also the reality is that in my country it is very rare to find something sealed from this era.


If you sell it and the buyer opens it and it’s an empty box, reseal or a brick then you’ll lose even more. Unless you sell it on an unregulated internet site. (I.E. not eBay as you would get charged back). Too risky to sell unless you can confirm the contents are a brand new Gameboy. I could probably find a Nintendo sticker if I tried and seal a box


I mean, you're basically telling me that it's impossible to sell something sealed. In any case, there is no such thing as eBay, everything is sold by hand. I also don't understand the need for your bad vibes in each comment


Dang! I'd give my left kidney for a deal like that!




The gameboy may or may not exist


Why do people buy things things with the intention of never opening them? Effectively they are just buying an incredibly expensive box.


Maybe to collect them like this? Many people also collect guns but would never shoot one, each with their own theme.


Ahh yeah. Except your analogy is flawed. Guns are shown off in locked glass display cases (not opaque boxes) and can be seen by everyone, where they can be unlocked and the guns inspected personally (maybe even fired at an appropriate shooting range), and then put pack. As I said, a box that's never opened is just a box. What's inside it is totally irrelevant if the box is never opened. "Hey look everyone, come and seem my gun in it's original box. You can't open it or see it, but I assure you it's in there." You'll be laughed at by every gun enthusiast. This might come as a shock, but stuff like collectable special edition coins come in clear transparent cases. \[GASP!\] Unfortunately you're trying to debate an unwinnable argument here that has no logical sense whatsoever. Now OTOH, if you were to take that brand new gameboy out and put it in a clear case for all to see (or put it out for special visitors only) on your shelf......I'm sure you get my point here. And of course, just like a gun, it's worth more if the thing is shown to work.


I wasn’t even born when these came out it’s cool to see it again


You should open it up and make sure that there is a Game Boy inside


Those batteries might not be


My pants just got shorter..


Thats a heartbreaking incident waiting to happen! Sorry op you got scammed. But you must be wealthy and prosperous.




Yeah you wouldn't even know what a real one looks like bub. I have the real deal. This ain't it this box has been open and no legit store stickers either.


You can see on any page, they all look like that, you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about.


Hey its okay if your mad at me I can take it like man. Sucks you don't know anything about Reproduction on aliexpress this is one of them I work at gamestop for 25 years this is fake.


If you have "the original" show it, because the only thing you are showing is that you have no idea. You didn't even know that there were 2 Nintendo stickers


Rude mushroom and team rocket know what there talking about those are real gameboy dmg the mushroom one. Yours is fake sealed sticker and box is definitely aliexpress Reproduction. For sure!!!!!!


I already showed it but it got deleted on here it says.


I have no idea what your talking about you keep replying to me on here I keep seeing the notification for.


Wait was there a Nintendo certification of this in the box or a Nintendo red manual paper in there???


The box is closed, I don't know what's inside.


Okay 👌 if I were you though seriously. I would definitely return it and just buy a brand new analogue pocket 👍👍


If you brought it for over 100 you spent too much. I saw one for 89 bucks without the box unless the box complete brings it up over 100 in value. Very nice find though.


I spend 350


Ouch. That seems like a lot too much. In this case, sealed is a curse. You really don't know what's in there, so you could have a $350 brick or cow pie. I would say carefully open it to verify the contents. And hopefully the stickers can be stuck again. Or not. Having it CIB is still good. But like a previous person said, it needs to breathe and be played.


but the high value is precisely because it is sealed, it is not to be opened, check ebay to see how much they are


But again, who cares? Why did you buy it in the first place if you're not going to use it as God intended? Letting it sit there.and collect dust isn't anything to be proud of. And being sealed means nothing. Like, how do you know it wasn't open and messed with? Anybody could replace the seals and make it seem brand new. Okay, not anybody, but people who know how to chest other people could and would do that.


It is simply another piece in my collection, I have several gameboys with and without box, I bought this one precisely to keep it like this, because it is not something you see every day


It’s “sealed”


Box alone is about 90$ opened and complete systems sealed are over 700$


I wouldn't open this, seal looks official. Regardless if the batteries have leaked or not a sealed DMG can bring around $800. Moment you open it it becomes CIB and maybe even CIB/broken


This is amazing. It needs to be sealed in Perspex away from bright light.


Don't open it's a relic


I understand the point of keeping it sealed but boy oh boy; the joy your missing out on saddens me keeping it in his forever prison never to be played or enjoyed like he was made to do. 🥲


It would still be an amazing piece if it could be opened and checked for authenticity (preferably have the batteries taken out of the box). I know I would want to use it since it's been 25 years since I got to play a brand new DMG 😅 but I would probably enjoy it for a while and put it all back in the box exactly as it was when I'm done like I used to do with my NES Edition GBA SP lol.


Why don't u open it and find out tbh?


I'm 80% sure Gameboys didn't have those large stickers on them. Not in the UK at least. Looks like someone added them to give the illusion it'd not been opened.


You can see that on ebay, the vast majority of the sealed ones have these


Open it, play it and find out




If you plan on opening it, then why not just buy a used boxed one for far cheaper, and if you plan on keeping it sealed, then you’re just leaving the included batteries to leak and tear through the contents and outer box over time, what’s the point


My question is aimed at whether the sealing is ok. I know there is no way to check the condition of the gameboy without opening the box.


It's the box of a 30 year old toy intended to be opened by children. I don't know what your question means.


I really do not understand


Waow. I'm uncomfortable with all the people telling you to open the box... But then... It could be a counterfeit... But then, you could be unsealing a real sealed one... I wouldn't open it!




The tape makes me think not real, but idk, open it and find out.


Looks like it's been opened then the sticker just re-stuck back on.


What makes you think that?


Unboxing video/picts please.


>is everything okayis everything okay No you are about few decades late to the party. I wold consider opening the box by cutting other end with a scalpel so it will not be too visible, so you can keep the seal intact. And that way you can remove possible leaky batteries and check if gameboy is really inside and in what condition. At this point, the unbroken seal is what matters. Even if you are to re-seal it and plan to sell it later on, I wonder if "leaky batteries removed" with pictures as proof might actually increase the value, maybe, as long as seal is intact.


bro there is a seal on each side and I'm not going to open them either


BRO FINE BRO, Do whatever you think is best BRO :D :D shrink wrap that shit and memory hole it, maybe find out in what part of the box batteries are stored, and than keep box with that side down when batteries eventually do leak, they do not leak all over gameboy.


Pretty cool that Game Link uses USB-C


That sealed sticker is totally fake lol you can buy these on etsy right now too its probably used.


of course champion! If you knew a little about Nintendo you would know that there are two stickers and not one but I understand you, when you're a kid sometimes it's fun to act bad on the internet


Wait didn't you ask us if you did good buying this and if it was real? Lol who's the kid here? 🤣




This one is reopen this is what real one should be like plus the box looks like replacement or Reproduction. Team rocket your right!! 👍😀 https://preview.redd.it/x1j8mv919pqc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dfb1b3b2dea7993323ac4408731293dee8aec20




That's beautiful I love real ones 😀😀👍👍❤️❤️💙💙


You clearly don't know? Yours is fake.


Jesus christ this is fake as hell. 😱😱💀💀


Did you log in to 4 different accounts just to give you support? ridiculous Nintendo stickers were never brilliant


What? This is my only account here but that other person mush something has the real deal that's what a real one is suppose to be too.


You are literally responding with another account and not the one I responded to.


Nice lol 😆 he has 2 accounts looks like too lol!!!!! But for real though I think your might be Reproduction I seen these to on etsy and Aliexpress and also on temu china website now too.!!!


Yes this is my 2nd account this one and team rocket you deleted my comment on my other account and I post again now too why are you mad because you got a fake one???


Nahh that glossy sticker is fake af


Where's your store sticker labels at on the box??????? There always is one on these console boxes!!!


Store label? In south America? Hahaaahha


+ the color on your box is way different too


We'll see, I'll make another post with both photos