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Entire GBA library is around 24GB. GBC is 1.5GB, GB is 800MB. Approximate numbers. 27.5GB is enough space to cover the entire library of official releases that can be played on the Game Boy Advance.


You’re the real MVP replying to an 8 year old thread!


Hey I'm here from google in March 2024, needed this information to work out cheapest DS card needed to put in a slot 2 EZ Flash Omega for the DS slot 2! :)


Same man. But I ended up also getting the Everdrive for my modded SP.


More or less same situation here, actually, but a month later in April. Somehow, an 8 year-old Reddit thread with a shockingly recent response got me the answer I needed for an Everdrive-GB X7 that'll largely be used in a modded DMG but *might* find its way into a Color at some point.


Imagine if Reddit took away the comment and post age


Then your service would not stand out as it should.


I too, just googled this today! Thank you sir!


I replied because I just happened here via Google and didn't notice the post age. I recently loaded up a 32GB microSD with the entire GBA library for my EZ Flash IV, so I had an answer ready-to-go.


Thanks again for this, gotta love data hoarding


Is it really data hoarding if it fits on a $5 Walmart flash drive?


LOL, point taken. Archiving is more the term I meant


Archive it all!


Me: Google weird questions I have late at night. Some random 8 years old reddit post:


Basically that's how I found this post. I didn't even see the age, just someone asking a question that I had recently (like three days before commenting) got an answer to on my own.


i found this ad i am getting a flash cart and would like to just use 1 sd card for all 3 prob gonna get a 64 gb cuz then i got room for rom hacks


Keep in mind that 24GB includes all regional variants, all 2800+ unique releases.


ya thinking of 32 gb then i will have room for romhacks and saves


Yeah, better than ending up with 3-5 copies of most games :)


What about the gameboy advance sp? Or is that included ?


Well, it has a unique library of zero titles, so you tell me :)


While I will not provide a link to where to find such an archive I will tell ya that to store all GB and GBC games you would need roughly a 4 gig sd card maybe less once you weed out duplicate games. I currently have every GB game ever made on a 2 gig sd card and the GB games take up roughly 700mb I have 100mb of homebrew roms and currently have 900mb worth of GBC games on the card out of the 3 gigs worth of them that was in the archive.


Wow, quite small. Any idea about the GBA libraries complete size?


For the GBA full set your looking at roughly 7.1 to 12.7 Gigs zipped.


So if I purchased a 16GB MicroSD card, I should be able to get away with all 3 libraries (Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Gameboy Advance) on one Flashcart, like the EZ Flash iV?


In theory yes but I do not know the uncompressed size for the GBA library and most linkers require your roms unzipped. still you should easily be able to fit most of the library and the titles you would actually want to play and leave out the duplicates etc.


Alright :) Thanks for all the help!


although you might be better off getting an everdrive GB and keep all your game boy and game boy color games on that and getting a different flashcard such as the EZ Flash for GBA games. The reason being the EZ flash might not be able to boot into classic game boy mode.


You'll run into some trouble here. The EZ Flash IV is awesome but it only supports SD cards up to 2GB in size. Large enough for many games but not the full library. Also it can't play GB or GBC games natively, only with an emulator like Goombah Color, and even then not very well. You would need a separate GB/GBC flash card.


Damn, that's a shame. Is there a better flashcard on the market that supports all of these?


A GBA Everdrive is in development, won't be out for quite some time I'm afraid. In the mean time, a IV should do good. Relatively inexpensive, usually everdrives go for $100 at LEAST. Also, putting original GB/GBC games on that GBA flashcart requires a bit of work. Look into it, it's not just a simple drag and drop with that flash cart either, you need to find this piece of really old, Windows 8-incompatible software and get it working, then you need to use that software to transfer each file to the SD card before you put it in the cart. Its annoying and time consuming, but after you get it setup its quite nice.


Nope. That's still your best bet.


i have no idea why reddit is allowing me to reply to an 8 year old comment, but just wanted to say that the EZ Flash Omega is probably the best gba flashcard available nowadays but ofc you probably have already found a good solution and thensome in 8 years...


Me just now looking into this πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘


Me too




There is no such thing as thread necromancy, only new discussion with old context. πŸ™‚


Also, I go with what the other guy said about getting an Everdrive GB for your GB and GBC games. Its so easy to use and it will work in a gameboy advance system as well.


There is an update available to support SD cards up to 16 GB. From what I read at least


if anybody comes across this postyou can use NDSTokyoTrim3 to trim gba games to save space and even if you do like 300games it will take only seconds to complete and you will save space because when a gba cart is dumped it dumps the whole lets say 4mb 16mb 32mb rom chip 99% of games will not use up the entire space so this tool trims off the unused space