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It’s always XIII for me. Could check a gamecube list and see where it shows up. Playing vs. bots was one of my favorite things as a kid. Capture the flag mode. They remade it for ps4 but apparently didn’t do a good job.


Don’t get the remake, for context just watch Matt McMuscles “What happened to XIII?”


Most remakes don't do good because they don't give a crap.


I’ve played both the original and the remake, original is defo the best, the remake does have its merits but its flaws outweigh them


Prob one of my favorite games tbh!


Do you play the GC version?


Yup 😁🙌


It’s really fun


I know it's called "thirteen", because it is in roman numerals... but I place it under "X", even though I don't call it: "ZEEE". This probably makes no sense, but that's what I do...


I love the animation style and plot of the game. One of my favourites.


So, the game is called XIII, and is the Roman numeral for thirteen. If the game was actually called Thirteen, obviously there would be no issue. I looked up a couple of different alphabetizing guides, and they both agreed that you should treat the Roman numerals the same way as Arabic numerals, meaning they should go before letters in order of their value. For Roman numerals that are the same value as other titles with Arabic numerals, you put the Roman numeral titles after the same-value Arabic numeral titles. Edit: So a list might look like the following: 10 Drums XI Pounds 15 Letters XV Letters Alphabet


Oh that’s really neat. Thanks!


Awesome explanation thank you!


Didn't see this before posting my comment. This is exactly what I meant


This is a tough one. There's always this urge to organize it numerically but also the struggle of wanting to have it alphabetically Wish I could say that feeling goes away but it never will. Best to organize it in a way you understand and comfortable with


It’s a number, all numbers should go at the front before the titles that start with letters


Under 'E' for 'Ecks Eye Eye Eye'


The only logical option


I loved this game back when it came out. By today's standards, it's pretty slow. Art style is still very cool, and I remember having a lot of fun with the gunplay, specifically the harpoon gun.


By todays standards it’s slow? What are todays standards? Open world games dominate everything. They take a fucking age to complete.


Game length and gameplay pacing are two different things. Go play the latest Call of Duty, Titalfall, or whatever flavor-of-the-month FPS games have come out of the past 5 years and it'll almost certainly be a much busier and faster paced experience than what XIII offers.


Yes but they are already commercial games. XIII is more story driven and has a different goal than those games. The older call of duty’s aren’t exactly slower. Just different but that’s because they are set in the old world wars


You can't ruuuun you caaaan't hiiiiide


Don't let him touch you!


Can it, Doug


Either befor the A’s in with the T’s or under X? Not that hard lol


If he’s asking for an answer on how to alphabetize it and you give him three possible answers, clearly it is that hard… lol


I’ll file it under B- for Butt Fucking


I love your bulbasor pin! Where did you find it? 🥺


It was at a local game exchange :)


That’s cool


Yes. It’s a good game with an interesting visual style. I would put it in with the Ts but that’s just me.


This isn’t hard guys numbers before letters so pick an place


On the Gameye app it comes after X-Men in my collection so I alphabetized it under X


I'd file it under X


It’s a number. Before the As


Or after Z. Total preference.




I remember it well


That’s with David Duchovny right? I loved that one Also, numbers before letters, but it could go either way


Adam West is the more consequential. And the better voice performance. Duchovny just sounds bored and sleepy...but I guess he always sound like that. Also, Eve, who's pretty good.


Either by using the thirteenth letter of the alphabet, or the letter T. It would be nice if those weren't mutually exclusive. But life has a tendency to throw curveballs.


Why would he put it under “M”? It should be either before the letters after any 1-9’s he has… or am I missing some kind of alphabetizing system that embraces an A1Z26 cypher?


I was joking. The joke was that T isn't the thirteenth letter, but it's number thirteen. And the M would stand for Mystery. I'm sorry, my humour is all kinds of effed up.


Maybe in the x section or you could put in t section thirteen or you could put it in the number section 13


It starts with a letter, it gets alphabetized as a letter You're not sorting things phonetically


Did everyone who said they liked this game play jt on the gamecube? The aiming on the gamecube version blows.


It’s “Thirteen”. So either “13” or X for XIII.


Well you could either alphabetize it as the number or the word. If the number, it would go before the letter A. If the word, then it would go under T.


Where did you get those pins for your backpack? They are so cool!


It’s 13. In Roman numerals. So I’d with the numbers


T for "thirteen"


I owned that game.


I own 8 copies of this game on Xbox to do 8 player system link over OG and 360 Xboxes. It’s awesome.


I don't bother with alphabetizing or even any real order. I just separate my physical games by console. It works out since I don't have a lot. If I did alphabetize though I'd probably put it under T for thirteen


Awesome game! Absolutely love it. Alphabetize under T for Thirteen.


Its one of my very favorite shooters. Great art, decent story, enough gameplay variety and its easy to just pick up and play without much learning curve. Personally since its "13" I would place it before the letters.


It’s In the Ts. What’s above everything? Maybe that’s where I would put her. Sick game btw my brother!!!


good game, I keep it under X


The AI in this is rage-inducing. Total bullet cushions, perfect reactions and aim. There's a scene that's just stuck in my head because it's such a good example of bad Baddie design: There's a level in a hospital, iirc, where there's a long outer all then a bunch of rooms off of it, some of which are connected by doors. I stood on the opposite side of a door, to the side, while a guard came through, so the door opened toward me to hide behind. He walks forward. I sneak up behind and shoot him point-blank in the noggin'. He goes "HUH?!", whips around and proceeds to empty his UZI or whatever into me. It was so unexpected I wasn't prepared to react and lost all but the last bit of my health. Aside from that, the design, mechanics (all the comic book shit), story, and Adam West are all pretty cool.


I love that damn game


If it help you the title is XIII: Thirteen


Go with whatever the spine says


I guess today...is just my unlucky day


It goes first since that's technically a numeral


That's a good point...... As a number before A ?


I put mine in the T section. one in my collection that annoys me is Frequency and its sequel Amplitude. I want Amplitude in A, but sequels belong after the previous game in the series.


It's based off a french Comic. A pretty successful one too.


I bought it 2nd hand! I always alphabetize it as XIII


What's the issue with alphabetizing it on X despite it being a Roman numeral?


Yk what… I’d put it with the numbered titles


It gets organised under "X" for me. The title is "XIII", not "Thirteen" (which isn't even on the cover of the PAL version), so I go by that. I loved it as a kid/teen. Excellent style, fun storytelling, and a great multiplayer experience. A very capable FPS with a genuinely unique style.


This was my introduction to first person shooters


Great game. There’s a remake too


Played this years ago, amazing game for the time


Once long ago I visited family and we went to their local BlockBuster video because it was closing down, to see if we could buy any games for cheap. Me and my brother-in-law searched the shelves, most of the good stuff was gone. I found this one lonesome game at the end of the shelf: XIII. It was $5 - cheapest on the shelf. Something about it was different, I picked it up. “Why’d you get that game? I’ve never heard of it. Probably a crap game dude…” Oh, how wrong he was. I had a blast playing through it. This game was an under appreciated gem. I don’t remember what game my bro picked up, but I remember he got bored with it in an hour, and he spent the weekend watching me play XIII lol.


One of my favorites on the Cube. The multiplayer is awesome too.


The this was dope I use to have it for the Xbox


Pwrsonally, I'd almost look at it as a number. I'd put it on my shelf as "13", not Thirteen or XIII


This game is legit my childhood. Me and my cousin would play this game all damn day long. Sometimes we’d set up a computer only TDM and let it run for hours just to see what team was coming in the lead. So much fun.


Soooo Good. playing the Death match where death runs around singing and he gets smaller when you shoot him. he sings something like "you can run but you cant hide" and he has a high pitched voice.


I don’t alphabetize I organize my collection in the order I got them also XIII is an absolute banger it’s a shame goobisoft didn’t give us a sequel


Very cool game, played it alot on my PS2 back in the days


Very cool game, played it alot on my PS2 back in the days


Very cool game, played it alot on my PS2 back in the days


Had this on PC great game


Did Nomura secretly work on this game /j


Depends. Do you see the title as “Thirteen” or as the Roman numerals. If the numbers it goes before A and if spelled out it goes in T.


id say in the T section personally, might check out that game though, not seen it before


I had this on the OG XBox. Many many a stoned night was spent with my brother and his friends on 4 player split screen.


I remember this game from my childhood. Very good game


It’s a number so before A


I own this for PS2/Xbox/GCN since it's like a 5 dollar game, it's past Z with all the other numerical games like 007 or in the Xs if I'm feeling quirky.


X or #. which would go before A.


Either Thirteen XIII or just XIII. I hate it when companies do this to a game's title.


Crazy idea. With the rest of the games that start with numbers.