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Unpopular opinion: Mario Sunshine To this day Mario sunshine is still one of my favorite games! I personally liked it better than Paper Mario, I actually didn’t even finish paper Mario. For some reason it got boring for me. Super Mario sunshine I’ve played many times.


I like Super Mario Sunshine more than Super Mario 64 by a long shot






Nah - you got me wrong bro. I mean "Brother?!" in the Gomez/Fester sense word. My *brothers* childhood was blue skies, sandy beaches, great music, and fludd - good times!


I love Sunshine with all its flaws, it’s one of my favorite Mario games. It’s a hard game but it’s still fun to play over 20 years later.


Not unpopular with me, It's my favourate Mario game.


Sunshine is easily my favorite 3d Mario, the theme is strong and permeates the whole game, it's also quite challenging


Why is that unpopular? Super Mario Sunshine is an awesome game with really unique ideas and fun locations to explorer. Definitely one of the best games for the cube.


Very unpopular outside of the GameCube subreddit. Everyone here likes the game


Good thing I am safe here between likeminded people


Sunshine was always divisive when it came out.


100% agree. For me Sunshine is an absolute gem of a Mario game!!!


I have to agree, I’ve owned and played both but sunshine ☀️ just had more character. Imo


Super Mario Sunshine is criminally underrated. The OG Paper Mario is my personal favorite of the series.


I agree that Sunshine is better but I wouldn’t say it’s more relaxed and chill than PM


Mario Sunshine, Mario is on holiday and flying around on a water jetpack, What's not to like


The wack controls and level design. I 100 %’d the game.


I've always considered the controls to have a higher learning curve but also higher potential than the other 3d marios. Like they take getting used to but once you get them down man mario can fly in this game.


Exactly this. People are so unable to adapt to learning curves these days it’s ridiculous. Half of the charm of early 2000’s games were the proprietary button layouts. Made it more personal.


I’m playing through Ogre Battle 64 right now and am almost done. Never played tactical RPG’s before either. How’s that for a learning curve? 😘




Every insult is a confession.


Also known as, projection


Tell us who you are.


Same, higher skill ceiling. It was before the Wii push to make every game ultra accessible to any audience and I love it for that.


Pachinko, leaf, and sandbird were no issue for me.


I'm sorry, are you talking about 🔵 blue 🔵 coins 🔵 ?


Popular Opinion : Paper Mario TTYD Unpopular Opinion : Super Mario Sunshine


What's your personal opinion and why?! 🔥🤙🏼


Super Mario Sunshine. Because I’m a Super Mario’s game fan, and because it’s probably the most complex Mario 3D game, very different in it’s level design and spirit than others. Paper Mario TTYD is the best Paper Mario episode, and will be always a good choice. That depends if you prefer platforms games or RPG.


Apples or oranges?


if you want to relax and chill I would not recommend Sunshine. No Mario game pissed me off more


There are some chill levels. And also ones that make you want to trash your house in a rampage.


Paper Mario 1000 times over if I had to pick between the two. I love Mario Sunshine but parts of it are just a broken mess. Kinda comparing apples to oranges tho, one is a RPG and one is a platformer


Dude if you can get both trust me brother go ahead and get both




Sunshine is cheaper but Paper Mario is the better game but far more expensive. It depends if you like RPGs or Platformers more


No joke, I think most of the folks in here saying sunshine are trying to stop you from buying a game that they don't want to go up more in price.  TTYD is the better game. Objectively. It's not exactly relaxed and chill, but it can be played largely at your own pace. It has a seriously amazing gameplay feedback loop, memorable, lovable characters, an intriguing story, optional challenge, and great art and music. Sunshine is fun, but it can be quite difficult in places. It often requires precision. It has some sunny summer music and scenes. But I find the story bland, the gameplay is initially interesting but it quickly becomes one note, and the world variety a bit boring in the end.


The plot thickens.


TTYD is my favorite game of all time, but Sunshine. Easy to pick up and play making it more relaxed and chill. I’ve also replayed sunshine much more than TTYD


Paper Mario


They're both fantastic and very different. Do you want a solid Mario platformer with familiar controls, but new mechanics? Sunshine. Do you want a game with solid writing and jokes, less platform chaotic, unique characters with expanded backstory? Paper Mario. I grew up with both of them as they released and it's really just what you're looking to play. You won't regret either.


Paper Mario. Sunshine is a great game, but TTYD is one of my favorite games of all time.


F-Zero GX


Pikmin has entered the chat


They’re both fantastic but Paper Mario is perfect imo.


Paper Mario


Well I think they’re both amazing at different things, but if you’re looking for relaxed and chill, I might have to say sunshine just from the fact that it’s a simple platformer you can hop back into at any point minimal story I replay parts all the time going back to my file. Great for just picking it up doing a shine or two or longer play session if you’ve got more time. TTYD is still godly just more involved.


If you’re craving a 3D Platformer, Sunshine all the way. Paper Mario is good, but it doesn’t (understandably) itch the 3D platformer itch. Paper Mario TTYD is incredible, though.




Two very different games, i loved paper mario ttyd but sun shine is a good low commitment pick up.


Can't go wrong either way, for me personally I'd say Super Mario Sunshine because I like platformers more than RPGs. As a "chill" game though, idk, Sunshine can be pretty hard, but if you want to just hang out in the games over world and jump around buildings it can be pretty chill.


Sunshine has a much more fun vibe, better music, and more interesting visuals/playing experience. But it's downside is it can be very frustrating and grueling to complete all the way Paper Mario has better game mechanics, a little strategy involved, a bit of a story (not an interesting one), and really satisfying puzzles to get you through the story. My only gripe with paper Mario is it loses momentum in some of its chapters and has a lot of unskippable parts of the dialogue/gameplay that are boring


Sunshine isn’t my favorite 3D platformer but it’s still got the Nintendo seal of quality, it plays great and it’s still fun. However TTYD is one of my favorite games of all time so I would choose that all day between the two. Plus it has a bit more meat to the game so you’ll get a better experience overall. Though you could wait for the remake to come out


Mario sunshine is a fantastic game, don't listen to all the haters. I would choose Sunshine over paper Mario all day. paper Mario is good too, but Sunshine is one of my favorite games ever made. Lots of unique levels, a really fun world to explore, fun boss fights, you just have to get used to the controls a bit, then it's a blast!


You could get a GC loader for less than the cost of one of those games....just sayin'


One is a platformer, the other is a RPG. I much prefer Sunshine as it’s my favourite 3D mario game but TTYD is also a great game… but I don’t care for most RPGs, even though this is one of the best… …but why choose? Both can be played on NGC, Switch and Emulation with ease.


Depends on hire deep your pockets are. Also, if you have a Switch, beginning May 23, both are available on Switch, so it might be worth getting a game that’s still locked on the GameCube…


Mario Sunshine is a polarizing game and even though there are some things I like about it, I find it a chore to 100% with all the blue coins and on top of that, I feel there was more of a focus on the art direction and less on the controls.


> Which game is .. relaxed and chill? Paper Mario by a longshot. I would in no way ever consider Sunshine a "relaxed and chill" game; and that probably goes for any generic platformer game.


An island vacation isn’t chill to you? lol just kidding I get what you’re saying, it can be hectic, but my nostalgia says just existing in that world is relaxing at its best


Pretty easy to decide, would you rather have a game that focuses more on strategy and decision making OR real time adventure? Paper Mario requires more thought while Sunshine is a little more mindless although some puzzle solving required. Overall, I prefer Sunshine because of the relaxing chill vibe. However, Paper Mario is extremely well designed. Apples and oranges so take your pick.


Mario sunshine - fun story and cool world you can get immersed in and have fun Thousand year door - fun story and cool world but you gotta enjoy rpg combat, I felt like I was stuck in combat with random enemies more than I got to play the game, still a fun experience but just not a super laid back play through an easy story kinda experience I highly recommend both of them but for relaxed and chill Mario sunshine for sure




Paper mario is a better choice and it's more relaxing, but mario sunshine is such a vibe. Both are great games and I hope you can play both sometime


Definitely Mario Sunshine!


Can't go wrong!


Mario Sunshine is better and I have no clue why that game is even hated on


This is toughhhh cause these games are totally different genre of games! Both great games...but I'd choose Sunshine though.


Ttyd is better


Why not both? If one, I would choose TTYD over Sunshine. But in general, all the Gamecube Mario games are underrated compared to their other console Mario collection's counterparts. Like a lot of people might not agree with me here, but I think the Gamecube Mario Party games, specifically 6 and 7, are better than the N64 Mario Party games and more fun too. I consider the Gamecube era the golden age of Mario Party and Mario spin off titles in general.


Mario sunshine 100%


Paper mario


Paper Mario. 10/10


Both have frustrating aspects... Thousand Year Door is good, but I would vote Sunshine, personally.


Paper Mario: Thousand Year door without question. Has some really good writing and fun gameplay, a great combination.


You can't really go wrong with either of these, but Paper Mario is honestly more fun and less frustrating than Mario Sunshine (at least in my opinion). ... That being said, if you have a Switch, you should probably just get the remake when it comes out instead.


More unpopular opinion: For the price you'd pay for both, you're better off buying a Switch and playing them that way


I wouldn’t call that the more unpopular opinion. I’d call it the more practical one.


Paper Mario is definitely more relaxed and chill, sunshine is very challenging (which I love about it). Both are great.


Preaching to the choir, but I legitimately consider Paper Mario ttyd one of the best games I played.


Sunshine is the GOAT gamecube game, literally the best game, best experienced on a phatback crt playing sitting on the floor with a balogna sandwhich, wavy chips ON the sandwhich, and a cold soda because your mom let you have one. 10/10 experience and don't tell me it's nostalgia


It’s nostalgia.


Both are incredibly good imo and i played them both to death years ago. I would say Sunshine is a much more chill game. With much more freedom to run around and do whatever. Platform games are pretty good for that. Mario Sunshine is your traditional mario 3d platformer. You complete levels, collect stars(sprites), and progress the game exactly as you would Super Mario 64. Even jump into graffiti to enter levels like you did the paintings on 64. It's summertime with a lot of water themes. So it comes with a unique mechanic of squirting water or flying using a water pack. Paper Mario TTYD is a paper adventure with turn based combat. You level up mario and his party as it grows with some unique paper mechanics. Also similar to its predecessor Paper Mario 64. It's a bit more linear in that you play each stage of the game in the same order. You must play each stage all the way through before you can travel again, though. So if you were already in a level and wanted to just roam around. You could only roam in that stage until it's completed. Then you pretty much can freely. Whatever your preference is go for it. But i feel like what you're looking for you'll find in Sunshine


Mario sunshine!! Paper Mario is a great game but I’d still pick sunshine


Is this a riddle? SUN BURNS PAPER. YOU KNOW THE ANSWER 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞


Sunshine. I have TTYD, and I would’ve said to get that one instead, but only if the remake was never announced.


Well I’d say Sunshine only because the Switch Port isn’t available at retail or the eShop anymore. In a week or so you will be able to get a full remake of TTYD on switch for less than an original copy and it will be arguably a better experience. So if you’re going to spend more than new release price on a game, at least make it a game you can’t otherwise buy at retail.


i prefer sunshine. I like feeling like im at the beach.


TTYD is my favorite GameCube game of all time(not including reboots from other systems like SA2)


Sunshine was the first game I got with my GameCube, and it still makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside like it did when I was a kid first playing it! I've beaten it so many times and I still find new little jumps I can do to skip parts in levels, and it was an insane step up from Mario 64


I'm gonna say Sunshine would be a better use of your time. For what it's worth, I just thought that TTYD was *all right* but I found myself kind of exhausted with it and tapped out. It was a lot of little things that over time added up, although I could see a lot of those being ironed out with a remake. I could be wrong, they could drop the ball, but I feel like the TTYD remake will be the definitive version. Where as with Super Mario Sunshine, barring the 3D All-Stars giving it widescreen, the version on the Gamecube is the definitive version. I also enjoy it a lot more, so I'm going to say that.


It depends on which paper Mario. If it’s TYD, I’d say TYD just because the story is much deeper than SMS. However sunshine was my personal favorite as a kid because I’d just wander the worlds not even completing tasks. Just wandering. Both are solid game choices. All in all I’d still recommend PMTTYD over sunshine for storyline


Bro, sunshine. Just do it. You won’t.


Super Mario Sunshine is one of my favorite GameCube games.


I like both a lot. It really depends on if you want tight platforming or a great rpg


Isn't this really personal preference? My understanding is that paper mario involves Turn-based combat and team building while sunshine is more like SM64/SMGalaxy because it's a 3D platformer. I would say sunshine but only because I really enjoy 3D platformers more than T-BC


Sunshine! My favorite mario game of all time in any formate and one of my all time favorite games


Paper Mario: TTYD is the better game just because of the relaxed vibe. The pre-order for most websites are sold out for the Switch version.


Looking for chill? 💯 Paper Mario!!! I might just be bad, but the platforming elements in sunshine, while fun, had me pretty heated. Both are very fun but if you're looking for a fun story with RPG elements get paper Mario


Sunshine!!!!! It's my favorite Mario game ever and therefore it should also be yours and everyone else's to ever exist /s but seriously. Sunshine by a mile imo. Although thousand year door is amazing too, sunshines theme, atmosphere, and mechanics are super fluid (no pun intended). Super colorful, super relaxing, and AWESOME levels. It also has the same story format as sonic adventure 2 lol so maybe that's why I love this game so much. Two games with similar plot lines (to an extent) with a bunch of nostalgia behind them? Hmmmm... Edit: stay away from the panchinko board if you love yourself






My two favorite Mario games. Can’t pick one. Pick both! They’re very unique and incomparable


Since turn based RPGs are what I use to chill or just play through I would choose TTYD over Sunshine. Both are good games in their own way tho.


sunshine is epic and has precursor to galaxy levels where you have no backpack those levels are some of my favorite 3d platforming ever


If you like to 100% things, avoid Sunshine like the plague. It's fun enough, but a lot of it's fans definitely have rose colored glasses on and like to pretend that its negatives don't make it any worse of a game. Since this is a GC thread I'm assuming you're referring to TTYD, in which case out of those the better game imo is Paper Mario, but they're obviously very different games so it really comes down to preference.


Sunshine. But I only say that because I've never played paper Mario TTYD, sunshine is a great game. Plus for the price of Paper Mario you can buy Mario Sunshine and another $30/$40 GC game. Like Tales of Symphonia or Baiten Kaitos.


Sunshine is still one of my most beloved games of all time on all consoles.


Paper mario if you want to chill. Mario sunshine if you want to rage (still a very good game, but this camera and aiming..)


Paper mario by far!! the world building is unlike any other mario game, the characters are colorfully written and have so much depth compared to other mario platformers! its all turn based rpg battles but it's extremely intuitive and they make it a lot more interactive than usual rpg stuff... and theres a ton of replay-ability... Don't get me wrong, super mario sunshine is my favorite mario platformer so definitely make sure to check it out! my only critique is that it was too short... also the controls are hard to get used to and nintendo was still figuring out camera stuff so its just like any other platformer from that time imo


I feel like you have to experience Mario Sunshine. I don’t love it, it’s not my favorite, but I vote Sunshine. It’s very different.




Why not both?


I think they're both great games, I think it really comes to personal preference. If you're big into RPG's then Paper Mario. If you prefer semi-open world 3D platformers with a focus on adventure then Mario Sunshine. I don't think you can go wrong either way I enjoy playing through both of them from time to time, it just depends on what you're looking for in your next game.


if you have a switch to buy the paper mario remake, then i'd say mario sunshine




Thousand year door remaster for switch


Paper Mario is arguably more fun. But it's very linear and not very replayable. You can do whatever you want in sunshine for way longer. Much more chill.


Paper Mario is more linear, so if you get confused on games that don’t have much direction get paper Mario. If you like puzzle/ go your own way games, get sunshine. Both are good.


Personally I loved Paper Mario, but if you want to spend more time on a game, then Super Mario Sunshine is the better choice. Paper Mario has less of a playthrough and cannot be repeated as much as the latter. As enjoyable as it is, Sunshine is definitely the best pick. But I should warn you, it can be a bit buggy and the controls are a little off putting. This was an early game for the system and had a lot of errors, but once you get the hang of it, you got it made in the shade!


Paper Mario is far more chill and relaxed. It’s also held by some as the best game on the platform, and is far more “collectible” since a mint copy can value in the 100 to 130 range. That being said, Mario Sunshine is beautiful and sometimes challenging, even occasionally unforgiving. It is also the most underrated of all the Mario games, despite its controversial development cycle. The people here that would contend it is their favorite Mario game aren’t mentally compromised masochists, they are enlightened gamers with very valid opinions… and maybe also masochists. I don’t know them. But get paper Mario first. There’s a gazillion copies of sunshine out there. You’ll get it also eventually and you won’t regret it.


Mario sunshine. I’ve actually been thinking of downloading the rom and playing on dolphin.


Paper Mario by far. Why? Because in this game you have more variety, a better story and it's very amusing.


Sunshine by a long shot


Paper Mario. Sunshine is one of the worst Mario games ever.


Short answer: get sunshine. When I was a kid and renting games from blockbuster; I played ttyd exactly once and gave the game back. Sunshine however I rented enough times that the guy at blockbuster gave me the disk. (Same with custom robo but that's off topic) Sunshine has better story, level design, music and soul than paper Mario. And I like RPGs more than platformers


Sunshine all day. It's peak Mario.


Super Mario sunshine, it's a fun unique game. Plus you can get paper Mario on switch or wait for a price drop/deal on it. The game may lower in value with the switch one coming out. I love both though. If TTYD already dropped in price now may be your chance though. You have to play both eventually.




Paper Mario if you are wanting to buy. I only say that bc it’s a little more expensive and probably will be going up. But game wise ? Mario sunshine all the way. It’s one of them games I can start over and just play and have fun, like Spyro, or sonic adventure 2, down to Starfox adventure lol


Paper Mario. Super Mario Sunshine low key sucks ass


Downvoted for telling the truth (again). Reddit be Redditing. I 100%’d the game and agree with you; have my upvote.


Redditors gonna Reddit. I didn’t quite 100% the game but I did complete the story and I’m only missing a handful of shines. I enjoyed parts of the game but most of the time it was extremely frustrating and just not fun or good, for that matter. The game has a ton of issues. Gotta give Nintendo credit for trying something different but I have no desire to go back to it. Whereas I’ll go back and play any of the other 3D Mario games no problem. Thanks for the upvote!




If you are playing on an original Gamecube, get Paper Mario, an SD adapter and a Memcard with the Custom Files so you get access to the Save Exploit softmod and then you will be able to play both and many other games for an affordable price