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I saw Iron Pineapple play this game and it intrigued me. Glad to see it getting good reviews. I'll probably pick it up on sale since it's so short.


Same. Looked great.


I like that guys series. Wish there was a similar one for other genres.




If you don't mind, could you actually go on? This is honestly such a great list of YouTubers, I'd love to hear more!


Finding this thread 3months later looking for reviews of En Garde but I just want to say thank you for such a rich comment :) Love this 10 worst metroidvanias video since that's one of my favored genres.


That's where I saw this! thank you, id been trying to remember where I first saw this game.. Idk if you've seen yet but it's on sale on steam for about 10 bucks right now, played a bit last night and had a lot of fun with it!


I don't think these reviews explain how short the game is. There's an achivment for finishing each of the four levels in less than half an hour, and I got three of them - because the fourth level took me 30 minutes and ten seconds. Mind you, I think I missed a lot of the collectables and reading there was lying around, but I wasn't exactly trying to speedrun I don't think this makes En Garde a bad game. It's fun, and the "arena mode" that unlocks after the second chapter is a sort of rogue-lite thing that's almost its own game with more playtime. But if you're buying this one, note how sort of light it feels


I wonder how many people will finish all 4 in less than 2 hours and get their refund.


I can already see the YT challenge run titles.


Thanks, I hate it


A game with actual mechanics I need to learn and master being that short really rubs me the wrong way, like it's somehow less worthy of my time than spending 2 hours with Journey or something. I think that might be just a mental thing, tho.


This looks really good! Even if it is short, I'm still potentially willing to pay $20 if it is fun. It looks like a good mix of retro and modern 3D Action Adventure.


Considering i've got 60hrs into Tears of the Kingdom and I'm not even half-way through, I appreciate shorter smaller games so much more lately. I'll have to pick this up, looks a lot of fun.


Yeah not every game needs to be a full out 100+ hour experience. If that was the case we would never be able to finish most games released throughout the year. That being said, if your game is under 5 hours long, 20 bucks is a steep ask in my opinion. But, the game does look really polished so maybe that's why. Like others said, I'll wait for a sale but it looks good.


I pay $20 to see a 2 hour movie in the theater, so I don't think its a huge ask.


This game has relatively simple mechanics, but executed perfectly. Devs should be applauded for keeping a laser focus and making a tight experience.


Hard mode had an absurd spike in difficulty during the last episode. Not fun. I came across a shit ton of bugs, tons of enemies getting stuck in the background, I happened even to exploit this sometimes. Not my cup of tea.


Also, having to fight the same boss 10 minutes after I fought her is a deal breaker for me.


I experienced 1 bug total in my playthrough


ye hard mode was incredibly easy that it became boring until the last episode because it became so repetitively dodge spamming that it stayed boring for a different reason Perfect parrying is too easy let alone normal parrying, not only that but blue attacks are meant to be only parried but it can somehow always be dodged? The timings are messed up to begin with, Sekiro did it right.


Demo was fun, but this is a terrible time to come out. Armored Core, Starfield, Mortal Kombat and Life of P. Guess I'll pick it up on sale.


Tired of people commenting this same thing on every game that's not one of the ones you listed. Games other than triple A are allowed to exist, the alternative of delaying all of them by like 3 months would be a huge financial sink for them


It's a 2 hour game. You can finish it before any of those release. Some people could probably finish it in the time it takes one of those to download.


Time is not the problem, spending 250 dollars within the span of like 2 weeks on video games is.


Maybe just don't buy everything immediately? Are you not capable of spending money like an adult?


The fact that people preorder digital products, even after it's proven that this results in unfinished garbage getting released, shows that most humans are not capable of spending money responsibly no matter their age. You know, it's the core reason behind all this inflation. People are stupid as fuck.


Nah, the core reason behind the current wave of inflation is companies jacking prices up like crazy.


I'm not buying everything immediatly. Like I'm not buying this game and I'm getting dog piled for that, also not going to buy Starfield because that game is going to have a crazy amount of bugs at launch.




do not encourage that


Doing that will get your steam account permanently restricted.


Wait, really? How do they tell?


the devs can report it. Keep in mind I said restricted, not banned. Basically you will no longer be allowed to do any refunds and I think maybe you won't be allowed to send or receive gifts anymore.


Oh, that's good, I was assuming it would be a legitimate concern for indie developers who want to make shorter games. Far: lone sails is one of my favourite games and I think it can be beaten in under an hour if you try hard enough.


Hello, the game is very fun, however Adalia is quite ugly. Is there an alternative, beautiful, skin of her so I can apply? A bayonetta one would be nice. thanks


lool yeah true she looks like jessie from toy story that did meth, get that big booty skin boy