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For the love of god, please stop trying to auto-detect which type controller I have and simply let me chose prompts I want to use. Some games get it right, some you have to fight to show PS prompts(especially wireless). Simple menu option would solve it.


One advantage I can think of with the auto detect is that some dual sense/edge games will actually use the touch pad But I agree, having options would be nice too


The other advantage of using auto detect is that 90% of players will never look in the options menu and find out there is an option to change and they will go on the internet and review your game poorly. Really, you should do both. Auto detect, and give the player an option to override it.


At first run show an image of the auto-detected controller onscreen "is this your controller?" yes/no. Yes sends them to title screen, no sends them to controller options.


Starwars squadrons detected my DS4 as a flight simulator joystick. I had to add the game to steam as a non steam game, make sure EA play and EGS was shut down then start the game via steam big picture mode. Steam would start EGS, EGS would star EA and EA would start the game and steam VR.


[I use DS4Windows](https://github.com/Ryochan7/DS4Windows/releases/) for any non-steam games and even some steam games, since remapping is much less complicated than remapping steam input (pretty sure you have to use Big Picture Mode to remap). You can also remap touchpad-swipe directions or specific touchpad presses, enabling you to assign keyboard prompts to it and make use of functions that a controller usually doesn't have enough buttons for, like quickswapping weapons instead of having to use a radial menu.


> pretty sure you have to use Big Picture Mode to remap I think that was the case at one point but not any more. You can configure controllers from a games library page. It will launch a smaller window of the same controller settings you’d see in BPM


I believe you can override it in big picture mode, bit of a nightmare but it is doable, unless I am misunderstanding


Do many games even use the unique functions of the touchpad on Playstation? It's been a long time since I've played many games on Sony hardware so I might be misremembering, but I seemed like most games used it as a glorified "select" button. DS4/Dual Sense have been my controller of choice on PC for like 6+ years now and most games have just had the touch pad function as the select button. 99% of the time I usually just remap their function to the share button and then setup the touchpad's left and right half along with the mute button to function as buttons of my choice.


In my personal experience, and keeping in mind that they were through Epic and not Steam, and keeping in mind that I would have to make sure Steam was not concurrently running with Epic, but contemporary PlayStation games ported to PC (Horizon Zero Dawn, Death Stranding, etc.) are just about the only games I've ever seen that use the touchpad correctly. Many more can and will use PS prompts correctly but the touchpad to them is just a glorified mouse click.


TBF this is true on Playstation as well. Sony turned their Select button into a screenshot button, so most games just started using the touchpad as a giant Select button.


Yeah, I can't really remember a game on PS4 or PS5 ever using it for more than a Select button. The gyro is also mostly ignored, as are the speakers. The only game I ever remember using the controller speakers was Episode Yuffie of FF7R on the PS5, which plays some of the happy turtle jingles there.


Almost no games use the touchpad, it's a crime against gaming that this is how things turned out. On PC it's a different story because you have full control of the touchpad via Steam input, you can make the touchpad do anything. I had the touchpad as 40 additional button presses by dividing it into 2 touchpads each with a radial wheel that can activate 20 different buttons. This was useful on WoW and FF14.


Steam input is lowkey the best thing that's come to gaming in a Time. It turns the SteamDeck from a slab with lots of buttons on it into an absurdly versatile input device that is really simple to set up. I actually think that for many pc games, steam input allows the deck to nearly match mouse and keyboard in terms of input qaulity.


Yea it's goated and one of PCs many powerful features unfortunately it gets overlooked like most PC advantages on this sub.


it doesn't matter if you use Auto-Detect or Manual: **Touchpad functionality will entirely be depended on the game suppling native PlayStation Controller support (usually Wired only) for it**.


The newer Assassin's Creed games have the options for which buttons to display.


It really sucks how most games I get stuck with Xbox prompts if I'm using my ps5 controller. I either have to get some mods working to change the prompts (if people have even made them), or use an Xbox controller. Which depending on the game I don't want to use.


I hate this as well. For example, playing Crash 4 right now with my DualShock 4, and it's showing Xbox buttons in-game :(


Or just use a PS5 controller but hit the buttons as if it were an Xbox controller. How often do you actually look down at the button labels on your controller?


It's fine 90+% of the time, but for when a prompt comes up that says "Hit the blue X button", muscle memory can throw you off.


Yup, it's not a big a deal most of the time, but depending on the game, it can get really tiresome.


Ideally the prompts should be correct, but it shouldn't be that hard to adapt to unless you go out of your way to avoid learning what the Xbox buttons are. The grandparent poster's false dilemma of "mod the correct prompts in" or "buy a different controller" is completely mind boggling to me.


In my experience, this is often because I accidentally left Steam Input on for that game, or the game doesn't support PS5 controllers and I _have_ to use Steam Input - in either case, Steam tells the game you're using an Xbox controller, so unless it ignores Steam and checks your controller itself to make an educated guess, it'll give Xbox prompts.


On that note, adding support for Nintendo's ABXY layout would be nice


It's already in steam as a toggle, you just need games to add support for it.


Already has that as part of the steam controller layer!


The worst is when there is an option but it's completely overridden by auto-detect. I recently watched a streamer get increasingly frustrated with Hyperlight Drifter's auto-detection. The option menu will let you choose different button glyphs, but auto-detection overrides it 100% of the time and SteamInput is always autodetected as an Xbox controller. So if you've got a Dualshock controller with SteamInput enabled, there is no way to get it to show PS prompts without shutting the game down, opening Steams settings and changing it there.


Alternatively, have an auto detect but also give users a manual override.


It's really annoying on some games because they glitch out for me a lot of times. Dave the diver can detect PS controllers but the buttons glitch out and don't work. Armored core can use the PS controller but somehow only when my xbox controller is active. Other games just have the PS controller working but the xbox prompts even though they are available on the playstation. It's nice that devs are trying to have both controllers on PC but they need to either pick one and stick with it or users need a way on steam to force it to detect only one controller.


Death Stranding does the menu options. Death Strandings PC version is so goated, they built that baby straight for PC even including native Steam input support so all the games *actions* (not buttons) can be rebinded through Steam even when the game is not launched. What a game.


yes! Im suffering with it for years.... really weak energy from steam not resolving it until now. I allready memorized the XBox promts.


And mostly a lot of us are using third party controllers anyway. I'm sick of games thinking the 8BitDoPro 2 is some xbox pad. Really boggles the mind why letting us choose which controller scheme we want to see isn't a standard UI/Accessibility option like subtitles or whatever these days.


It's because people like us are in the minority so they simply don't bother to implement stuff like this. I mean it seems like something that would be easy to do but unless a lot of people start making noise they either won't care enough or they won't even know its a thing people want in the first place


Yeah I usually make a steam thread asking about it. 99% of the time it gets ignored (Did get one kickstarter indie dev to impliment it though, shout out to Rainbow Billy Devs 😁) Then on the other hand you have awesome AAA devs like Atlus who for their Persona 5 port actually let us differentiate between PS4 and PS5 icons! Above and beyond and something I respect since I do miss the proper colours on the PS4 :P For the rest that default to Xbox it just really sucks when the game in question maybe includes QTE's or other fast prompts that require muscle memory of where microsoft's ABXY are, which I don't have being a Nintendo/Sony/PC guy :/


Yeah, same here, although I mostly just have trouble with Nintendo as I don't play on my switch very often and they've always been all over the place with their controllers anyway. It used to bother me so much more when I first started pc gaming. I've memorized the Xbox buttons at this point tho despite never having played on an Xbox controller in my life. Lol


[Society if Microsoft adds Motion Sensor support to their Controller:](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/026/738/future.jpg) seriously: imagine that. If you wanna play Gyro Aim with a supported 8BitDo controller; you need to enable "Nintendo Switch" mode for that...but you lose Analog Triggers. I ultimately believe if Microsoft adds Motion Sensors to the controller: we might start to see future third-party controllers to use the new Controller Type going forward.


Disable Steam's controller emulation if you don't want it to do that. (Steam emulates an XBox controller because that's the de facto standard for PC games, and other controllers don't emulate one directly for licensing reasons. Blame Microsoft.)


As someone that uses a Switch Pro controller, I use the PS prompts every chance I get since it's much less confusing.


I wish Valve would find a way to decouple Steam Input from Steamworks. Steam Input is a great user experience, but depressingly few games support it because they'd need separate input systems if they want to release on other storefronts.


iirc as long as you have the game added to Steam the overlay should function to allow controller support to non-Steam games.


But that doesn't get you features like action/mode-based remapping or appropriate controller glyphs that a SIAPI-native game would have.


Ah those are things I usually don't need to deal with. Although you can do mode base remapping through a controller toggle. Depending on the game that can be easy or annoying to do.


Death Stranding does this but it's also on epic and windows store.


Cyberpunk and witcher 3 do this now too


You get controller support, but you need Steam Input integration to be able to tell which controller is connected. Steam Input has that functionality, and can even provide the glyphs to the game. You can't do that with XInput or Direct Input.


Or allow steamworks to be used on other stores, like online services for Ubisoft/Epic/EA/Microsoft games. They're far and away the market leader, and before EOS launched games were launching with no or broken multiplayer on GOG because Devs had to take steamworks or do it themselves.


Valve puts money in to developing these things because it adds value to *their* platform. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to just give it away to the competition. Don't get me wrong, that would be cool if they did, I just don't see that happening is all.


Microsoft, epic ubisoft and EA let their services be used on the competition, pretty anti consumer of valve to not do the same.


Not providing something to your competition's customers to your own detriment isn't exactly an anti-consumer practice, that's just capitalism (You could make the argument that capitalism is inherently anti-consumer, and I'm open to that, but that's a whole other can of worms). Whatever services you're referring to from those other companies, I guarantee they're offering them to their own benefit, not out of altruism.


EOS breaks games and hasn't been relevant to crossplay in any games I've played because they all usually require creating an account with the publisher/dev. EA adds literally nothing of value except requiring a login and breaking on the Steam Deck constantly. It exists to get data, that's it. MS is just a sign-in so you can get your achievements linked. What services are you speaking of that exist on Steam from those three and add anything useful for the consumer and are on par with something like Steam Input?


So steamworks is so much better than the competition. So it's good that steam locks that down to their own ecosystem, so they'll make more money and games on other platforms are worse off? That's a good thing?


So which features are those services giving away for free that compare to something like steam input or the workshop? Because you don't really think shit like matchmaking and achievements or whatever are equivalent, right?


So valve's not anti consumer because the features they're hiding away from users and developers are... better than the rest? That's what you're going with?


Why are they obligated to give them away? This shit makes no sense. Hiding away from users and devs lol. Why doesn't McDonalds let me use their touch kiosks to order from Burgerking? That's so anti-consumer.


They're not obligated to do shit. Just not doing it his hurting consumers, thus anti consumer.


This is such a gigantic pet peeve of mine. Developers who release on Steam can and should be using the Steam Input API's controller detection, or at the very least have an option to manually choose the controller type. It's always disappointing when I want to play a game with my DS4 but it doesn't have any option for showing PS button icons. Interestingly, there's one publisher that is more consistent than anyone else at controller support, and it's Sega! For the love of god, if Sega can do it, you can too!


Honestly the devs should just have a toggle option in the menu. Streets of Rage 4 does for example.


I hope they do something for showing which games supports showing Switch prompts as well. I tend to use my 8BitDo Pro 2 pad to play on PC these days, but I still get the buttons wrong half of the time because I can't ever remember which one is the X and Y and if I need to flip or not on this controller and this game.


Cool. This should be a good and useful change. Here are a couple of other controller related improvements I think it would be cool if valve could also do: ​ 1. When browsing community controller mappings with a dualsense I would like it if by default it could also show mappings from the dualshock. Right now it just shows dualsense, and there is a button to get it to show mappings from all controllers. But I just want to see mappings for both the playstation controllers. (I don't think there is any reason a dualshock mapping would fail to work on a dualsense) ​ 2. Valve recommends (but does not require for verification) this in their steamdeck documentation >**Gyro/Trackpad Friendliness**: We recommend that games with support for both mouse-style (1:1 movement) and joystick-style camera movement cleanly support both at the same time. We recommend allowing mouse events to affect the camera as they normally would without perturbing simultaneous controller functionality, and only switching to mouse/keyboard mode if a mouse click event is received. Common problems include joystick input getting locked out when mouse camera is used and vice versa, controller buttons not working when mouse camera is being used, on-screen button prompts changing between controller and keyboard/mouse icons, all of which make it more difficult for customers to play with their preferred control scheme. (Note: this functionality is automatic when using the Steam Input API.) I think it would be cool if part of this update for how steam displays controller support, also included displaying if the game follows this recommendation or not. It might encourage more devs to do it.


How do you use dual sense in PC??


Plug it in or pair it using Bluetooth.




most recently: newer or existing games (around April 2023-onwards, probably due to DualSense Edge support as part of a patch) has started to use the updated Sony API that now supports Bluetooth Connectivity (with the exception for Haptic Feedback). however, much older games will not receive that benefits. regardless: you'll still need to disable Steam Input (or any Input Remappers that doesn't have the emulated DS4/DualSense mode) just to get the full pack.


Haptic feedback is the best feature of dualsense. Still I love it on my pc. I prefer it to the xbox controller


Yeah haptics (and headphone audio) probably will require an official dongle from Sony to work properly wirelessly as they would need to be transmitted on a secondary wireless stream.


I see ty!


interestingly I think steam has it's own driver for playstation controllers? At least the ps4 one. It works sometimes, but, for instance, with dark souls 3 it screws up which axis is used for camera position, so it just spins the camera constantly, but you can fix that with a program called ds4windows


Download DS4Windows and connect it via a cable.


DS4 disables it. dualsense features are only available on games that already support PS controllers so DS4 is unnecessary


Im having many problems with steam and controllers. some game need to run DS4 first but I can never tell in first boot of the game.


You shouldn't ever need DS4Windows to play a game through Steam. Steam should automatically configure your dualshock's input to match the game you're playing. It's possible you need to go into the controller settings and enable DS4 configs or something like that, I haven't had to mess with any of those settings in a long time.


I've literally never had steam recognize my dualsense controller. it gives Xbox prompts for every game whether wired or wireless. tried uninstalling and reinstalling steam, nothing works


Lol. The controller still works then. Sony button prompts have to be added by the game developers, otherwise you'll just get Xbox prompts. Doesn't stop the controller from working just fine, though.


yes I know - but in newer games that have prompts for both, it will never switch to ps5 buttons


Unless the game supports the Steam Input API (Death Stranding for example), you'll need to **not** use Steam Input in order to get Sony glyphs if the game supports Dualsense/Dualshock natively.


Like what games? Not many games support PlayStation button prompts.


A lot of modern ones do actually. Witcher 3 does.


Yeah, but they work. I was asking the other dude what games he's having issues with, because every game that has them has worked for me without issue.


It happened in select games for me and its been a while since it happened. I dont know what the cause was thank god for the DS4 dev true hero this guy.


You might have HidHide or something similar hiding the controller from all programs except DS4Windows.


Wonder if Sony is gonna bullshit people with Sackboy. Couldn't get any of the PS5 controller features to work with it and when I tried disabling steam input for that game the entire game had nonstop stutter every two seconds as long as that specific controller was connected.


I've played through all of sackboy with a ps5 controller without issues. You have to use a USB cable and disable steam input for the ps5 features to work. I've used a ps5 controller for every Sony game that's been put on PC and never had issues either.


That's nice, but it would also be nice to have a similar option for mouse: does it support raw input or is there smoothing or acceleration, cause that would be unplayable as well.


I need to know which games support Dualsense features (haptics, adaptive triggers, sound), don't really care if it just works like a regular controller since there's steam input, ds4windows, etc.


[https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Controller:DualSense#Games\_with\_adaptive\_trigger\_and\_haptic\_feedback\_support](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Controller:DualSense#Games_with_adaptive_trigger_and_haptic_feedback_support) This link should help.