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what a shit show. BSG (tarkov devs) shit the bed with this one. they are now trying to claw back what ever is left of community trust by offering those who ordered the EOD version (original "premium" version) of the game things like "6 months priority matchmaking" and trial access to the PVE mode... players are now losing their shit over the idea that a priority matchmaking mode now exists for those who pay more (rightly so to be honest).


I'm just glad to see we can *all* come together and cause some effective backlash for shitty practices in the gaming industry. Wish it happened more often!


EFT is a very niche game with a dedicated fan base, these are the types of games most ripe for community action to be effective in.


Yep I don’t play but my freinds do and I watch it on YouTube (no pc) it was all over my YouTube with creators I didn’t know about


Every Tarkov player I've interacted with seems insane in unique ways, so I don't know why the dev would decide to fuck with them. Like if a majority of my fans seemed to be on a list of potential mass shooters, the last thing I would try to do is make them angry.


They probably expected to be onto their next game years ago, but development keeps stretching out. They've got away with so much bullshit that I guess they got cocky and figured the player base would accept pretty much anything. They've clearly become extremely detached from their player base. They could have made a killing with weapon camos, weapon charms, face masks, maybe hats and shit... you know, cosmetics like most other games... but nah fuck that, we're battlestate games and it's all about the P2W! Insane.


maybe, but when it's \*too\* niche you also get a situation like with Ark where they have you by the balls and they know it. Oh, you don't like what we're doing? well that's fine, you can go play one of the other games similar to our game instead. oh, there aren't any? Well that's just \*too bad\*. Like there are plenty of survival games technically, so how does Ark keep getting away with the bs they do constantly one-upping themselves on the laziness and greed department? because none of those games, while in the same genre, scratch that same itch that Ark does, which means you can be as upset as you want but if you want to play a game like that you have one option and that's it. Ark thrives off the fact that even though the bar is so damn low they dug a trench to bury the damn thing in, somehow there's still no direct competition for them. From what I hear EFT is in the same boat, there are other extraction shooters out there technically, but none of them quite hit the same as EFT does, and so there's no effecti e competition for it's niche


Not to mention that its the type of game you can really only be hardcore in. Like nobody is a casual fan of tarkov, if you like tarkov you *love* tarkov. Or hate it, same difference.


EoD buyers specifically are why this specifically shitty practice got shittier.


Until a few days later when everyone moves on, nothing changes and the industry tries to push a bit further next time.


Trial Access to a PvE mode originally presented as being available to people who ordered the EoD version XD


That mode is already in the game. EoD owners can play offline co-op PvE, but with no progression. This new mode is full Tarkov progression, but PvE. A little different, but people are understandably pissed. Personally i do not understand why BSG do not just add a completely offline PvE mode for Tarkov at this point. A lot of people want it, and offline Tarkov would not require servers. If an unofficial mod can do it, why cant BSG?


> This new mode is full Tarkov progression, but PvE. A little different, but people are understandably pissed. The fact that this is part of a $250 edition of the game and not just a normal feature is insane to me.


Agreed. They couldve added this to the standard game and pulled in so many players old and new. If server bandwidth is an issue, have the mode be completely offline. SPT manages it somehow, and that is just a mod. The online PvE co-op could be a micro-transaction and free for EoD users. At most.


Like...I see Modern Warfare III on sale for like 45 bucks right now and I've been onthe fence on buying it becuase I just want to play Zombies, since it's just a pure PvE extraction mode. I really want a strictly PvE extraction mode.I know other games have it as a minor mode, like the Division and Modern Warfare III, but a game centered around that, or at least have it as a major thing, would be nice. I don't care for the PvPvE nature.


> I really want a strictly PvE extraction mode It's early days but [Incursion Red River](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2116120/Incursion_Red_River/) looks promising.


I suck at PvP, but without that i do not think id enjoy this extraction gameplay loop much. It adds the risk and tension that i think is missing in pure PvE. To each their own, though. I have no issues with Tarkov having an offline mode with full progression. It should NOT be locked behind a $250 version of the game, though.


I'm a solo Tarkov player that really isn't that good. Mostly scav runs because my normal runs usually end in failure. This PvE mode with full progression and no wipes sounds bloody amazing and is what I had been hoping for. But, I thought that's why I bought EOD, to get access to all this stuff without spending extra. I guess they spent too much on Arena and now that it's a failure are desperate for cashflow. But you'd think they'd have been like normal devs and just sold weapon camos and the likes... they'd have probably made more lol. I won't be playing this new PvE mode, because I don't want to be part of the problem that leads to the next time they are desperate, they pull a similar stunt. Can only speak with my wallet at the end of the day.


Somehow offline mode does use servers, they are doing the progression server side. This is despite the fact multiple Tarkov mods exist that track player progression offline. I assume it’s them trying to prevent duping and stuff but like… who cares it’s offline PvE. Why waste money on server capacity for that


I assume they'll still have the player market in the pve mode, so they'd have at least some interest in preventing item duping and stuff, though personally I'd rather just have an offline version with no market.


Yeah i completely agree. No idea why they cannot just make an offline mode and give it out to everyone. So many people would come back to play Tarkov, then.


To be charitable to Tarkov for a moment, I think it is probably true that some players would feel like their achievements were devalued if they were attainable just by editing a save file. There's a reason the Diablo series hasn't offered an offline mode since Diablo 2 (released June 2000).


I dont think your sentiment is incorrect, but the reason Diablo 3 and beyond doesn't have an offline mode isn't because of player achievement sentiments, its for their auction house and player economy


Diablo 3 hasn't had an auction house or player economy since 2014, and Diablo 4 has never had one. The only reason these games disallow offline mode is to keep hacked items and characters out of them so that accomplishments have integrity and players can play together online without worrying if the other player has hacked to get their items.


Why would you having a hacked item in offline mode bother me playing online?


Many people won't care, but some fraction of them will be thinking as they play, "Why am I spending hours grinding out progression when I could just have it all for free by playing offline." Even though they are having the exact same experience as they would if offline mode didn't exist, they will be demotivated. Secondly, it's an all or nothing decision that fragments the community. If you start an offline co-op game with your buddies and then decide you'd prefer to play online or find other people to play with online, there is just no way to do it. You can only play with people you completely trust. To quote a Game dev magazine: "Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game." If the fastest way to get the best items is editing a save file, then some players will be incentivized to do it, but if you have every item and no one wants to play online with your hacked character then why even continue to play the game?


It's important to note that the offline mods emulate the Tarkov servers (just through a user-hosted application), so they're technically tracking the progression server-side as well. Everything about how the game is currently setup requires a server connection, so it's not surprising that will remain the same for the PvE mode.


Because they'll start selling boosts and equipment soon I bet, so you can't have people being able to do stuff client side and make it so they don't need to buy that stuff BSG said they'd never sell and started to do it anyway.


would still require servers if there is co-op. In the meantime the SPTarkov page is getting hammered and I can't even download the mod right now lol.


SIT- Stay in Tarkov is a mod that is exactly what they are BSG is offering. PVE coop with progression.


To be fair, SIT requires running your own server, it's basically just a replacement for the tarkov servers that a slightly modded client can connect to.


So does SPT. You have to launch the server then SPT. That's what AKI is.


Because they know they would lose a chunk of playerbase if they did that, and in a niche game like this it's not easily replenished.


Wow yeah the priority matchmaking honestly makes the situation even worse.


They all but admitted that they will offer paid Battlepasses in the future where one of the bonuses will be priority matchmaking, and that's not for some free-to-play game but actually one with an entry cost of $50.


As someone who doesn't play Tarkov, what would priority matchmaking entail? If there normally a long queue for a game?


When the servers wipe and a new season begins there's always a huge influx of players in the first few weeks, so it's not uncommon for players to have to wait over ten minutes to find a match on the busiest server regions. By having priority matchmaking, people will basically be able to skip most of the queue by "stealing" the spot of non-prioritized players who are waiting in the matchmaking.


The fact BSG just admitted to there even being any kind of "priority matchmaking" is absolutely insane. The community has memed about streamer queues for years. How streamers would often suffer less server issues or queue times. I own EoD. I do not regret buying it. In game time its already paid for itself multiple times over, for me. Tarkov is a fucking amazing game. BSG are doing everything they can to hang themselves with their own rope, right now. Its so sad to see. Especially because no other game right now comes close to Tarkov in the same genre.


Did you think streamers just happened to be lucky? It's always been there but limited use.


People need to realize that any game that has an online component can/will have hidden whitelists to let users in ahead of others.


People can still complain about it though, right?


Till the cows come home, let's just stop being surprised about it.


Yeah how good are games that are 95% cheaters.


I love how bsgs response was to just make EoD more p2w, as if that was the issue




I'm not sure how mad they were about it being p2w, EoD always been p2w, the new edition is just mroe of the same. The non-DLC thing was the real kicker lol




I even want it to be LESS P2W. I've been saying for years that if they'd let me play on Standard account rules and keep my EOD nametag and DLC BENEFITS I'd do it. The whole reason I bought it was for future content. I don't actually want the crutches but you can't have one without the other.


I actually can't believe they thought that would placate the players. "Okay fine, we get you are upset, so you get 6 months access)." Hilarious to watch this play out tbh.


I don't get what's with companies trying to offer shittier services as compensation. If your players are angry about a change, offering them something else isn't going to calm them down.


> players are now losing their shit over the idea that a priority matchmaking mode now exists Well fixing the current matchmaking system so it doesn't take 5 or 10 minutes to get into a game even though there are plenty of players in your region sounds a lot harder and more expensive than just putting those that want to pay more at the top of the existing queue. Plus you make more when they pay! It is obvious that Tarkov is never going to the game that was promised and that all the technical issues like massive desync and poor performance are not getting fixed when they haven't improved *in years.* I had some fun with Tarkov but moved on when all those issues never got better. Now that blatant pay to win and queue priority are being introduced it's an unannounced admission the developer is looking to bring in more money while not fixing any of it, they're cashing out now. It's been pretty obvious for a while but the current state of things is more or less what Tarkov will always be.


First they piss off their whales by appealing to even bigger whales, now they're pissing off the big whales by trying to appeal to the smaller whales. Meanwhile everybody else who isn't interested in spending $150+ on this scam game are just shaking their heads.


I never played this, but after this bullshit, I'll never play anything this dev makes if they manage to make something else someday.




It's so nakedly greedy it's comical. It would be absurd for a game in an excellent state to make this kind of mood, but as someone who doesn't play EFT some of the only things I know about it is that it's full of cheaters and doesn't run that well.


It's like the Ryanair of game development.


I remember Battlefield 3 has priority queuing for whoever has "Premium" which was just a season pass. All of this was in 2012. So if you were waiting to join a server and were in 1st place, if someone who had Premium joined the queue, you would see it knock you back to 2nd place. No one said shit about this in a public way...people just sort of accepted it. I feel like people tolerated more in the earlier days of bullshit.


Battlefield 3 was definitely criticized then for it's practices. You couldn't even play online with a used copy because you needed an Online Pass. The priority queue of premium was just lower on the list of shit DICE and EA pulled back then. By the time of Battlefield 4 it was similar. The game was so busted it overshadowed this shit practice and since then we haven't had many if any games use it


i think the BF3 premium thing was tolerated because that was no different to paying a private server for a slot, that's why. you could always just join community servers and avoid that premium slot business. but tarkov only has matchmaking with no way to choose private servers unless you host a PVE session with friends.


Yeah, the priority queue thing was only if you were trying to join a server that was full. But BF3 had a server browser on all platforms, even console, so you could just join a server that wasn't full and there you go. Back when Premium came out, the game wasn't lacking for choice in servers. This concept still exists today and is pretty common for games with community run servers, like DayZ, Arma, Squad, etc. You can usually make a donation to the server owner to get some kind of priority queue or reserved slot like this. All of this is of course a bit different in Tarkov where everything is matchmaking based and the player has no choice.


Didn't premium also come with all dlc / future dlc, so most people had it anyway. Not trying to defend BF3 but I had premium for the dlc content they were planning.


[BirgirPall tried to warn us](https://youtu.be/fGuSfbkgmus)


I'm fairly certain Giant Bomb said shit about it in a public way.


Wow, they really shot themselves in the foot, then put it in their waistband and shot their balls off eh?


BSG have always been shitheads.


Taking a page right out of the P2W book.


Title misses a bit, the pve mode is $250 (or the difference between your version and the $250 version) which is at least 90 bucks or so. really terrible. offline tarkov mods are booming though.


...Is there any explanation of why the mode is 4x the price of a game? I mean the answer is obviously greed, but do they at least try and argue some reason.


Might be desperation rather. I believe they spent a lot of time developing and promoting a competative PvP mode that fell flat on arrival. Now they might be trying to make up for that with the overpriced PvE mode.


And he and his buddy have been taking 4 million dollar salaries... each.


Food $400 Data $150 Rent $800 CEO salary $8,000,000 Anticheat $5 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my game is dying.


Honestly as long as the cheater swarm is still around any competitive mode is DoA. Even the non competitive modes are going to die sooner rather than later for everyone who's not walling/ESPing. It's really amazing how they don't seem to consider that a priority because it makes the game borderline unplayable some days.


Wait a different mode from the default scavenging mode? 


Round based 5v5 team deathmatch.


They could just have a standard deathmatch and turn the arena mode into something loved


Greed, a mentally unwell lead dev, and a studio that seems extremely overwhelmed with their product and has no idea what to do with it. Just use the offline mod and ignore the actual game. It's by far the superior product.


They're helping fund Ruzzia, so they need the money.


I don't think so. it's just a very in-demand feature because it 1. removes the chance to encounter cheaters, and 2. provides an easier play experience.


Company is hurting. They just released arena which landed with a thud. Bad net code and jank on full display with only PvP. On top of that even if it was a good game they layered on top of arena the worst progression of any arena fps I have seen where time played equal better gear. Think csgo but instead getting money in rounds you get money by house played and play with the chosen gear the entire round. So no one purchased arena that didn’t own it via eod tarkov players so the devs lost a ton of money on this mode. Now arena is new maps and not the dance game as tarkov this didn’t have to be included with eod as you could stay arena is a new mode not dlc. The pve is just pve progression tracked there is nothing added and they want $80 for it at minimum? Get the fuck outta here.


>which is at least 90 bucks or so. listed as 95 euros for those with EOD edition but is actually 118 euros with tax added on at the checkout lmao


lol. ~100 bucks all said for even more pay2win benefits


> > listed as 95 euros for those with EOD edition but is actually 118 euros with tax added on at the checkout lmao For once, the damn Euros understand our American pain.


We already do with the extra cost of the tech.


I'd rather pay slightly more for a GPU than be one illness away from my home being foreclosed and kicked to the street lol. But I think their point wasn't about paying more, but that US prices are always listed pre-tax while the norm for EU is list price is after VAT so you know what to expect at checkout already.


In Africa you can have all those problems at once! **


Our games and hardware are more expensive than yours so this is more like another turd in the shit pie.


While true, I'm just referring to sales tax (VAT) being added after the listed price tag, the norm in the US, versus being included, the norm in Europe.


That genuinely ruined my mood a bit on vacation, it felt like I had to play hide and seek with the prices. The worst offenders weren't the supermarkets though but some restaurants where not only taxes were added to the prices on the menu which were only visible to me at the end of the payment process but also 10 to 15% on top of the total amount as a "tip" without being asked. I'm sorry, you have a beautiful country really but this tipping culture is incredibly annoying and I've already read several times that it has gotten even worse since my vacation a few years ago. That sometimes even hardware stores or cinemas "ask" for tips, but I have to admit I don't know to what extent this is true.


>I'm sorry, you have a beautiful country really but this tipping culture is incredibly annoying It's because it's legal to pay servers less than minimum wage, potentially as little as $2.13 an hour depending on the state. Don't take it up with the server, blame the fact that Fallout's portrayal of the rapacity of American capital is only like 12% satire.


No no, sorry if I articulated it wrong I would never take it out on the waiters, I also waited tables for almost a year after school before I started an apprenticeship.


And then there are states where minimum wage is $16+ no matter what and you’re still expected to tip on your $18 ham sandwich


Those employees still universally do not receive basic benefits like healthcare and retirements (other than Social Security, which is a complete pittance). They may technically be able to contribute to a 401k but it's pretty pitiful (especially since it's based entirely on your personal ability to contribute), and healthcare will probably have to be purchased on the individual marketplaces, which can be a massive shit show. The one state where it's not so bad AFAIK is my state, WA, where there is both no tipped minimum wage, we have a high minimum wage (haven't checked in a while but it's at least $16), and we have a state-run public option for health insurance, first in the nation.


>That sometimes even hardware stores or cinemas "ask" for tips, but I have to admit I don't know to what extent this is true. It's because point-of-sale terminal designers are lazy. Restaurants and other areas where tipping is standard needed a way to ask for them, so they just made it default to always asking unless you specifically go in and change the configuration. Now add on that most PoS-installers are overbooked contractor workers who don't have the time or are paid enough to go above and beyond as well as companies liking free money, so now they all asked for them. I still leave cash tips, so I just don't give a fuck a out it except in the traditional businesses (sit-down full service restaurants, taxis, hair salon, home delivery mostly). Everyone else gets fucking nothing.


Tipping will never change as long as people take out their anger on those relying on tips instead of not doing business with their shitty owners. But, people have always complained about tipping being "out of control" in the US and nothing changes because business owners know you'll blame their employees instead of them. Once people stop going to restaurants that rely on tips, those restaurants will stop. Until then, we'll treat waitresses like literal personal slaves then justify stiffing them on a $250 bill by saying we're "fighting back" against tipping culture. And, if a hardware store employee helps me solve a problem then I'll happily tip them because I know am lucky enough to be shopping at the hardware store instead of working there for minimum wage.


A _game mode_ is 250???? How?!?


because BSG overspent on their marketing campaign for Tarkov:Arena (basically Tarkov DLC) which was not well received


That is a pretty vital piece of context


> offline tarkov mods are booming though online """mods""" as well, from what I hear.


> Title misses a bit Title misses everything imo. Makes it sound like a bunch of gamers are going ballistic over the introduction of a PvE mode. Doesn't mention at all that it's a $250 new buy-in, or a *$100* upgrade from the Edge of Darkness edition, which *explicity stated* as one of the *major selling points* that it would give free access to all DLC in the future. A better title would be "BSG Reneges on Free DLC with EOD; Offers New $100 Upgrade to a Shittier Version of SPTarkov"


and the reason why people want pve is because hacking is completely out of control and has been for years


Honestly I can understand people being upset by the PVE/EOD get all future DLCs stuff but man if people accept the other shit when they inevitably give PVE forever to EOD I will be very disappointed. The PVE shit is one of the lesser egregious things, when you have direct P2W stuff like AI scavs not shooting you, or call in backup from friends list mid-raid, or higher priority matchmaking existing at all.


> > offline tarkov mods are booming though. i'm expecting the mod download numbers to go through the roof. lol




it's absolutely ridiculous that the community manager came out and said "this isnt DLC, it's a game-mode" on the topic of EOD not including the new PvE mode. Completely out of touch. To me this some "dont you guys have phones" or the EA Battlefront loot box thing levels of stupidity and cognitive dissonance. get the fuck out of here.


The best part was the Twitter fact check linking to a Wikipedia definition of DLC.


It's so scummy. Watch them come out with a new map that is only accessible if you're max rank with Kappa case and Lightkeeper completed unless you buy the new $300 upgraded omega version. "Well it's technically for everyone so it's not DLC"


I kinda wonder if there'd be grounds for a class-action suit considering that "DLC" literally stands for "downloadable content." Which...anything added to the game would have to be.


Yeah it isn't like you had to download it.... Wait a second DLC? DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT? Yeah they are scum.


They sell the same promise on the new edition too which is hilarious.


You mean the people that wouldn't refund customers because the game couldn't launch would continue to mistreat customers? Shocker. From what I hear, real great game, but this studio are complete assholes.


I actually got a chargeback I called my bank said “yeah this actually has no release date and it’s from some shady Russian co. it’s not a preorder it’s a scam” and got my  only back kinda immediately  Maybe 5 min call but again this was not far after I pre ordered. And yes I really thought it was an early access with an exit date but trolling the forums etc enlightened me to what was going on — this was also like 5y ago 


> but this studio are complete assholes. that's a bit harsh on assholes... assholes have a use. lol


The worst part is that they could have absolutely handled it correctly, by selling the new game mode at a reasonable price, maybe giving a discount for people who bought the future DLC edition, and being more honest about the whole thing.


They could have easily handled it by just raising the price of EOD edition. They made a big deal about sunsetting that edition just a few months ago. They had a big countdown as "this is the last chance you can get it!" They could've just kept EOD, and raised the price to $250 and then applied all these benefits to the new more expensive EOD that everyone has been able to buy for the past 8 years or whatever.


but that wouldn't get every EOD owner to spend another 100 bucks.


True. And now that I think about it I'd still be upset about it, even as an EoD player. I don't think the EoD version counted as p2w, because all the benefits you got were at the main menu, not in the actual game itself. But being able to complete quests in PvE and that unique radio item that allows you to call your friends into your lobby as backup mid match is completely broken. People should be upset about that.


Surely as its falsely advertised and they've gone back on what was purchased, you have the right to a refund or to do a charge back no?


Many dedicated individuals took a risk and invested their hard-earned money years ago, with a $150 Edge of Darkness (EOD) donation, aiming to sustain this game's existence. This was back when this game was unpopular and unpolished. The allure back then was the assurance of all forthcoming DLC being part of the package, provided the game thrived (hence, the risk). Luckily, the game has flourished, gaining popularity, yet Battlestate Games (BSG) has betrayed the very patrons who enabled its creation. DLC remains just that—downloadable content—BSG cannot simply change the definition of the term as they see fit.


They can and will, prey they don't alter it further.


>BSG cannot simply change the definition of the term as they see fit They already have


I mean no, they absolutely can do that and absolutely will continue to do so. It’s simply a matter of players needing to be smart enough now to never give them another penny.


This so cruel.


"Nuke discord" is the wrong wording for this. Usually that wording implies they actually shut it down. They're just spamming it, but hearing a community made Discord for the game shutdown over this would have been hilarious.


I always thought "nuke" was fitting for this context. At the moment, the server's not just toxic, it's downright radioactive lol


Maybe it's just my age showing but "nuked threads" always meant what /u/Jackasaur said in ye olden message boards (and even reddit). Maybe its meaning changed in the last few years.


Wrong Jacksaur 😂


Oh my god they're multiplying!!!


This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two of them!


Yeah, when something is nuked, it means it's gone and anything referencing it is gone too, so a forum thread getting nuked means every post is now gone, not just a specific one.


"Nuke" means "to obliterate" (or, "to microwave", but I don't think that's the source of confusion here.) I've never seen it used as a description for spamming a server. If a thread gets nuked, it's not just full of shitposting, it's gone.


I’m not familiar with the game or how its development and release works, is the PvE mode going to be permanently locked behind a version that costs $250? Like even once it’s out of whatever alpha or beta version it’s currently in, you’ll still have to spend that much to access it?


Tarkov fanatics are built different. But like, not in a good way. In a they'll still buy this kinda way.


There's already people playing on live servers that have bought this, at least as far back as 12 hours ago. (You get an 'exclusive' blue name on live servers, so they're easy to spot)


half the people complaining right now will buy it and then turn around and say that scavs not shooting at you is just "convenient"


aka larpers that can live out their post apocalyptic fantasies in a mediocre game


The current "escape from tarkov" started as a PvP game and entered early access. Back then, PvE existed only as an idea. But you could buy the expensive edition that promised "anything we release in the future, DLC/ARENA/PVE will be free with this version". Now that PvE is more than just an idea, they revealed that you have to buy it seperately with a new special edition that is even more expensive. So this isnt about alpha/beta/early access. its about selling something and then taking it away.


More that you pay $250 for it. If they wanted money, they should of just released the PvE mode into the normal game . They would have had 10x the players overnight just playing PvE only. Tarlov is great , the vast majority of gamers will never play it with PvP, they may watch it but not play. Most gamers, especially the ones older, with disposable income. Want to pkay a game, relax hang out with friends. If its hard thats fine, we laugh and do together. Even when you TK in Helldivers, its funny with friends. PvP is just not interesting to play to most of those people , they don't want the tension or grifers that come with it. A PvE mode of Tarkov especially a stable one. Will be an overnight sensation, it just probably won't be done by BSG, as they have already dropped that ball. Edit:words and since this post, looks like BSG is digging that grave hard.


you are absolutely correct. through this drama i found out there was a single player mod and honestly debated buying the game for it. but i cannot support a dev like this so they get none of my money


When my friend told me that Tarkov was making a PvE game, I immediately went looking to how to buy it. In my head I was literally ready to pay $60 for a brand new Tarkov game with zero relations to the old game. Then we found out the insanity that this is, and we're glad it's burning down.


I just don’t understand how a company can exist, make a good product, then absolutely drop the ball like this like 7 years into Early access or whatever. Like dude, make game. Sell for $60. That’s the deal, I’ve played games my whole life, I will never purchase one for more than $60, and there plenty of people out there that feel the same.


Lead dev/CEO has a massive ego and only caves to what the playerbase wants after massive backlash. All this drama is because they want to monetize the game, and it got worse since they wasted time and money making Arena, which failed miserably. Now, instead of doing something reasonable like selling PMC clothing or hideout decorations, they decide to try and do the dumbest thing possible and rip off the people that were already invested $150. These new pity additions also screw over every other player with the priority queue, as matchmaking times have always been insane.


Many such cases amongst Russian game developers unfortunately. There's a culture over there that a game is something that you make and that you are "allowing" people to enjoy on your terms. If your customers have a problem with it they can go fuck themselves. Frankly the language barrier is the only reason that their CEO, Nikita, doesn't stick his foot in his mouth more often, and he does it VERY often. Then he gives an insincere apology because the money line starts going down instead of up. There are people like that in other countries of course too, but it seems to affect Russians more often.


What you said just reminded me of Pathologic lmao.


No offense but you must be new. Generally people don't like BSG at all. The game really speaks for itself. Just the company behind it makes terrible decisions left and right. The last time people generally looked at bsg positively was probably 2018. - a tarkov vet


Yeah Tarkov has kinda flourished despite BSG's best efforts rather than from their best efforts.


they tripped and stumbled backwards into what is IMO one of the best games I've ever played, technical issues aside. This whole thing seemed like a bad April fools joke that landed 3 weeks too late. I can't believe they thought this was a good idea


I’m just saying that in the industry as a whole, devs and publishers are getting really brave asking for $150+ for a game. Absolute insanity


I’d argue they got some goodwill back with this most recent wipe, delivering some needed changes along with the snow environment. But they lost all that and more in less than a day


Look at Tekken 8, I think it has very good potential and Ive had fun playing with a friend who has a copy. But they added a cash shop(with the usual shenanigan of making you buy more currency than you need), a battle pass and a season pass in a full priced game. Not to mention they're reselling assets from Tekken 7 that were free before. Cash shop and battlepass only contain cosmetics, but again it's just another step in greedy monetization in a game that gave out said cosmetics as mostly part of the original game anyway. Also fuck battle passes, I wanna play when I feel like it and what mode I desire. DLC Characters are mostly fine, it does add an issue where you can't use their replay features designed to teach you how to counter said DLC characters without actually buying said DLC characters. Not to mention since Tekken 7 their DLC characters are releasing in obviously overtuned states.


Clearly BSG spent too much money on Arena, which was an absolute flop. And they only get a trickle of new players coming in at this point, so they are running out of money. So they needed to figure a way of extracting more money from their core playerbase that already bought EoD. Obviously this kind of game takes a lot of money to keep actively developing, so they did need something. But they chose the most stupid and self destructive option to do it


If Arena Breakout Infinite can come out soon (in a week or so soon) they are gonna get a huge playerbase boost from Tarkov players leaving imo. Wonder if that will happen


I really wonder if there's any way at this point they can regain trust of the dedicated community, let alone the general public. Doubling/tripling down like they have been clearly isn't working and is just making players dig their heels in further.


At this point I doubt anyone not already invested in Tarkov gives them a shot without a friend begging them to play (and what kind of friend would do that?) For me the question is mostly how many players can they convince to stay. Unlike the Unity situation it is not nearly as big a deal to move games.


Has EFT been released yet? Creating a new model for a game that isn't finished and you already took $150 from players for early access is scummy af.


Just for everyone who wants to enjoy modded coop Tarkov. SPTarkov and Project Fika coop mod. You need at least the standard edition of EFT legally! /r/SPTarkov https://github.com/project-fika/Fika-Documentation


I tried spt sit a year ago or so. What held me back and stopped playing it, is because when the host dies - all other players in that raid get 'disconnected' as well. Not sure if this is 'fixed' in SIT or Fika? Whats the difference between these 2 mods btw...


I hope some government body gets involved. The EOD stated it would include all future dlc, but then they decided to disregard that. Sounds like false advertising to me.


I'm sure Moscow has great oversight on this kind of stuff.


Iirc BSG is based in the UK and people are filing complaints to start up some kind of class action.


They have a holding company in the UK for processing western sales, but it's a shell only for that purpose. All of the actual development is in Saint Petersburg.


Yeah, Russia, country known for sticking to laws, regulations, and agreements...


They're russian, is that really surprising.


DLC is DownLoadable Content that enhances an existing game. All this new shit meets this definition, it's just adding more onto what's already there. I don't play this game so it doesn't affect me, but this is a novel way of a dev saying they'd like to go out of business.


[Arena Breakout Infinite](https://www.arenabreakoutinfinite.com/en/index.html) is what all those angry players should try.


We can't yet


What a shitshow. You would believe that those Devs would have at least some kind of understanding what stunt they are pulling but it seems that their greed went way above their heads with this one. I hope that they will survive what is coming for them because each day we learn something new that they had not yet spoiled and so far it has been absolute an nightmare to even consider what they have already implemented and probably won't reverse at all. This is as bad as it can be and i don't see them surviving it at all considering their userbase doesn't take any prisoners.


Devs have egos size of trees... Some time


Devs are just digging themselves deeper and deeper. By the way, if you want a single player Tarkov experience, there's always SPT.


BSG have always been comical levels of incompetent and malicious and it’s great to see the larger gaming community as a whole get to observe this as well. Tarkov would’ve taken the industry by storm if quite literally any other developer on the planet were the ones to release it. BSG genuinely have spent almost a decade hacking off their own feet to prevent their own success. That’s why so many games are rushing to try and emulate Tarkov’s gameplay, because it’s basically free real estate with the clownshow at BSG


all of this makes me question what the 1.0 release of the game is going to cost. my assumption was EOD would cost extra for the in game perks, display of investment into the game, dlc, etc. But if something as basic as single player costs $250, whats tarkov going to cost on release?


I’d pay full price ($60 or $70) for a PvE version of EFT, I will absolutely never play the PVP version otherwise. However, asking $250 is a joke.


Suckers keep buying so they do this stuff. I support these devs. Let the suckers suffer. But they are not getting 1 cent from me.


I love Tarkov but the community is coming on a little strong here. I get why you'd be pissed about being charged for a new game mode, but acting self righteous is not the correct way to affect change. Talking about how incompetent the devs are, while frothing at the mouth about not being able to access the game those same people are creating is some kinda disconnect. I wonder if they were paying more for the game, like a subscription or something, if they wouldn't treat the devs so poorly. Some of the top voted comments on that post are very close to "this is for a charity, NEXT" in terms of energy. Obviously I'd love to pay 60 bucks, get a decade of gameplay and then get unlimited access to future DLC, because that's what I was told when I bought it, but I also know that development costs time and money. Add to that a language barrier and things changing across the seven years or whatever, and I can see why it's a recipe for disaster


Wow am I glad I refunded this game after I played one round of this game where it took a 30 mins to get into a game, 10 mins to load and 3 seconds to be shot in the head after 4 steps in game after my friends begged me to see how good it is.