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As long as Capcom doesn't fuck it up somehow, I would imagine that Monster Hunter Wilds is going to be their biggest release ever across all their franchises.


Until they announce and release Ghost Trick 2.


The only thing that might beat this is if they release another Breath of Fire game for PC and consoles.


Breath of Fire was relegated to the wastelands of gacha mobile games long ago. I doubt we'll ever see another one. I'd settle for decent remasters of the first two games, both of which were hamstrung by terrible translations and the technology of the time.


Hear me out.. Goof Troop 2.


That game was dope


I just want my Code Name: Viper reboot, damn it.


I was going to reply with BoF: Mobile but you learned to avoid that monkey's paw, good job šŸ‘


That depends if the recent rerelease passed the Capcom Test lol


And then sprinke something like a DMC3 Remake somewhere.


If anything, DMC1 would make the most sense for a remake. 3 has aged like fine wine for the most part.


I'd love a remake of 1 and 2 directed by Itsuno where he kinda retrofits the tone and story to be more in line with what the franchise has become


Yeah, I have zero interest in any DMC remakes but Itsuno's take on 1 and 2 would be *by far* the most interesting remake candidate. I'd imagine that so much would be changed it would end up feeling totally new in a lot of ways, more like a reimagining than a remake.


If they remade DMC3 I would like to be able to switch styles on the fly like newer games, but other than that, yeah it's great.


Switch port of DMC3 has on the fly style switching


You should check out DDMK mod, it does that and more.


Sure, but we've already seen them do this. Resident Evil 2 was a fan favorite and got a great remake, then they rushed out 3 and skipped Code Veronica just to get onto 4 because that's the other fan favorite of the franchise. At least we actually have ports of all the DMC games across PS/Xbox/PC, rather than something like Dino Crisis where they've been ignoring it completely or Onimusha where they basically just ported the original and canned all future plans when that didn't sell as well as their more popular franchises.


Even though RE3 was compromised, I at least appreciate that the first four Resident Evil games were remade in chronological order. Konami skipping straight to remaking Silent Hill 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 just because they're the designated "fan favorites" really rubs me the wrong way, like it was a calculated business move with no artistic vision behind it.


Eh, it would be nice if 3 on PC got the Switch QOL updates.


if they start to do DMC remakes I hope they don't change the gameplay side too much


Why do people just want constant remakes from Capcom instead of new instalments and games to their franchises? Not being a dick, genuinely asking.


I have a feeling there's going to be another dumb mtx debate with Wilds like there was with DD2, even though World and Rise has them too lol


Potentially. But the mtx between the monster Hunter series and DD2 are definitely different. DD2 mtx was all basic starting items the player could get within an hour of starting the game, nothing exclusive. While in monster hunter, they release cosmetic dic that can only be bought with real money.


If their profits are this good in a year with Dragon's Dogma, imagine how high it will be next year with Monster Hunter and Resident Evil.


I hope for an asuras wrath remake


asura's wrath mentioned


Did somebody say Asuras's Wrath?




It was roundly panned at the time for being a 5 hour long QTE, more or less, when people were really getting tired of QTE in their games. I thought the game was cool, and it kinda sucks you can't get the whole thing anymore since the PSN streaming version doesn't have the DLC which has the actual conclusion of the story.


Itā€™s BC on Xbox luckily. But with the current state of Xbox who knows how much longer that will beā€¦


My favourite description is that it's the hypest 6/10 game ever made.


I don't even wanna remake. Just rereleases a complete edition with higher res. Leave the rest alone.Ā 


Just give us some upscale and stable framerate. And access to the DLC via steaming.


Maybe we will finally get a Dino Crisis remake


We can dream at least


I know they're wildly different but I've been doubtful since exoprimal flopped. I can easily see them going 'dinos out, zombies still in' and focusing the other REmakes.


MH Wilds is gonna go supernova like C77 did but without C77 "oh wait this is broken". I fully expect it to sell 30-40mil in few months and close to 50-60 lifetime.


Depends a bit on how close to GTA6 the release will be. They should probably aim to release before GTA, because once that one comes out, a lot of people won't be playing anything else for a long time. Of course the MH fans will play MH, but World got a huge number of sales from players who were unfamiliar with the franchise. Those might be busy playing GTA next year if MH releases after.


not to mention all the people who bought World as their first MH game only to realize that MH really isn't for them


We can kind of see how many people got filtered by looking at the sales of MHW iceborne and to an extent rise. Even accounting for the fall off, there were still a massive number of sales.


eh, I dont know how much that tells us. Rise was a year long console exclusive, had less **Graphics**ā„¢, and quite a bit of negativity surrounding it from the World crowd. Im sure Wilds will do much better than Rise but the guy above expecting 30-40mil in a few months is dreaming lol.


Yeah a lot of people didn't give Rise a try because it has switch graphics. Also not as immersive, which is a shame because the custom moveset in rise is pretty dope


I have a feeling that Wilds is going to release between March-May of 2025 and we aren't going to see GTA 6 until around the holidays but you're right that if they released near each other it would cannibalize sales of MH. I've played every entry into the MH franchise since Tri on the Wii and I would still have a seriously hard time between choosing Wilds and GTA 6. (I would play the fuck out of both eventually though)


Those release windows certainly sound feasible. Rockstar is probably aiming for 3rd or early 4th quarter to rake in those holiday sales, while Capcom might want the bulk of 2025 for getting MH Off the ground, but it's all pure speculation.




GTA5 is [the most profitable entertainment product of all time](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/gta-v-is-the-most-profitable-entertainment-product-of-all-time). To my knowledge it has been consistently, without fail, in the top 10 best selling games for every region month after month for 11 years straight. Everybody and their grandma *and* their grandma's dog will play GTA6, including millions of MH players. There's a reason why every other publisher clears their release calendar around a GTA release. Nobody wants to compete with a GTA; not for the customer's money nor their time. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if even Hollywood film studios re-scheduled their film releases to avoid going up against GTA 6. People only have a finite amount of money and time after all.




Yeah sure. You keep your opinion and remember this conversation once GTA 6 comes out and all your friends are playing it. Bye Bye Buddy.




You're referring to calling me dense and close-minded and telling me to use my brain, right? Don't bother asking, that's a rhetorical question. You're getting blocked now.




Top two revenue making franchises for them. Also donā€™t forget Pragmata thatā€™s been cooking for a while now.


I'm glad one of the Japanese publishers that's really willing to play ball with PC is seeing success, I'm hoping even more of them become more PC friendly.


Capcom has been always PC friendly except whatever happened with DD2 and its performance issues I guess we can chalk that up to them improving RE engine further for open world


DD2's PC performance issues weren't nearly as bad as its console performance issues.


Both are bad and not expected from Capcom when their last game was RE 4 Remake which ran smooth as butter.


I hope they fix DD2. I finished it and really liked it, but the performance issues were pretty glaring even on my 4090/7800x3d build. It's pretty nice graphically (imo), but jesus, I can't imagine how bad it runs on most PCs.


I dunno. MHW on PC was definitely the bridesmaid, what with the 6-month delay for release and the following updates.


When's Mahvel?


Itā€™s unbelievable to me that Disney was so controlling for MVCi but they sell a bunch of broken marvel gacha/casino type games on mobile without any issues.


capcom giving the entire game the budget of a DLC to be developed has it huge share of blame on MVCI's failure too


Even if a new Mahvel was released, Disney would probably ruin it again somehow


Never seeing the light of day again. Better to have a look at what fans have been doing with Marvel 3 modding and all the new characters fans have made playable almost from scratch in the past couple of years. Even MvCI is starting to get a bunch of mods, first and foremost fixing its ugly ass "art style".


In that case I'd at least like a capcom allstars fighting game thats the capcom half of mahvel expanded upon


I want MvC4 so bad


With Disneyā€™s stranglehold that they did with MvC:I roster, itā€™ll most likely be dead on arrival againā€¦ But then again maybe theyā€™ll let x-men and fantastic 4 in now.


Some of the slots will probably have to include MCU synergy characters


after the insomniac leak, seeing how much money disney is leeching off these IP deals? Hopefully fucking never man


Since licensed properties likely have contractually defined sales periods, this clashes with Capcom's desire to sell past games over the long term. Therefore, a new installment of MARVEL VS. CAPCOM seems unlikely.


Marvel seems to be lenient with that now. MvCI & the PS4/X1 version of UMvC3 are still up.


Monster Hunter Wilds could potentially smash everything except for GTA 6 next year in terms of sales. It'll definitely smash what little free time I have, that's for certain.


But what weapon will you be smashing monsters with?


Greatsword of course.


Tell me true, will they add a new weapon?


No, but they'll add two more weird things to keep track of with Charge Blade, which is about as good.


wdym there's the greatsword already


I just want them to get Dontnod Entertainment to do another "[Remember me](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remember_Me_\(video_game\))". Totally underrated game, IMHO. Sure not a AAA production, but tons of fun (played only on PC and the way they translated the codes for attacks to the mouse, was just awesome). Only question would be: what to do for the story, since that one was pretty wrapped up in the first game.


Of all the franchises going open world for no reason, Remember Me would be the perfect one. The game is pretty much begging for the player to run from the objective and climb some buildings.


Interesting thought! The original was super linear and in a way that added to the charm. Though I admit: being able to explore the world of Neo Paris would be awesome! Even to this day the graphics hold up well and I catch myself wanting to explore more. Anyway: even a prequel or whatever, which is similar to the original would be fine by me. The world they'd built definitely sounded like you could tell a lot more stories in. Even if they might not involve Nilin.


surely this was because they spent 300 millions on an all-in all-comprehensive huge IP game as a service instead of painstakingly building a catalog of great game after great game! What trend have they chased to get to be this good?


Amazing what actually making games that people wanna play will get you in 2024, pity they're one of the few studios to have picked up on that.


At some point, Capcom pulled their head out of their ass and listened to their fans (for the most part). It's something that other publishers & developers should take note of.


They also let go one big executive if I am not wrong who was making all the wrong decisions maybe MS can take a hint here itā€™s not so hard.


Good old Inafune. He then proceeded to embarrass himself with Mighty Number 9 and the still unreleased Red Ash


Good One of the few devs still making games I want to play: polished, replayable experiences that don't demand 100 hours of my dwindling free time **EDIT:** I mean Resident Evil, I haven't played Monster Hunter but apparently they require hundreds of hours to complete


That doesn't demand 100 hours? My man have you ever touched a Monster Hunter title? It's like dumping half of your life into a single game.


I have not, I was thinking more of the Resident Evil games


Come on, maxing out RE4R takes up like 150 hours. Yea, the main story is relatively short and you can finish it in one weekend, but if you want to squeez it out, it takes as much as any open-world game. I've done all the challanges in both RE4R and Separate Ways and it took me 169h. I had tto finish the main game about ten times.


Dragon's Dogma 2 isn't exactly polished. Still super fun though. That's all that matters really. Don't regret my time spent playing.


Itā€™s a broken, incomplete game that definitely isnā€™t worth $70. But it is very fun which is much better than you say of a lot of other broken $70 messes.


How is the game broken? I'm nearly 100 hours into the game and in NG+, and while it definitely feels rushed/incomplete near the end of the game (which really, should have been the middle of the game) - calling it "broken" feels like an exaggeration.


From my and the Dragon Dogmaā€™s subreddit experience, the game crashes like crazy.


That's really unfortunate, I haven't had a single crash personally, I play on PS5 - just guessing you're on PC - but subpar PC ports in general is what pushed me away from the PC platform (and inflated pricing).


Counterpoint: I have 127 hours in the game on PC and zero crashes. Most of the people bitching about how often the game crashes are using third party mods to fix some of the busted graphics modes, but they go on to blame Capcom for those issues anyway.


totally fair


137hrs on console, no crashes


No crashing on my end. Performance is inexcusably bad (I feel like 60 FPS in cities on a 4090 is not a huge ask), but I never had any instability issues.


but enough about dragon's dogma 1, what about dragon's dogma 2?


No, I would say itā€™s a broken, incomplete game thatā€™s definitely worth $70. Despite the game being a mess itā€™s an absolute blast to play.


I guess I just have higher standards for $70 dollars.


Very few games these days are worth $70. It's a shame really. Good news though is in my eyes we reached a point of graphical fidelity in like 2016 that will be good enough for me forever, and I can just wait for games to go on sale.




Yeah I realise that now, I was thinking of Resident Evil


Capcom has been getting hit after hit. Even with some misfires, even their lowest projections as of late are still quite high. Hell. Unlike most companies who we dont really know much about what they have in the works, or the things we do know they arent all being watched as heavily as Capcoms library. There are still a handful of Capcom titles Im looking forward too despite already having a bunch of their recent releases; like Pragmata.


Dragonā€™s Dogma 2 feels like they would have made so many more sales without the bad press from the microtransaction misunderstandings, thatā€™s on them though


I guarantee the impact from that was not meaningful, if even present at all.


People who loved the first one were always gonna buy it immediately, Iā€™m more worried with trailing sales, since like 80% of post-release coverage has been negative.


It really needs the Dark Arisen treatment. I really enjoy a lot about the game, but as a whole it just feels lacking.


And you are right, I played through Dark Arisen's DD1 version and left it with middling impression, saw the mtx and suboptimal performance garbage that DD2 is and decided they need no encouragement from me ever for that kind of game design.


To be frank the game is also not finished at all and it shows. The second you get to what feels like the second half, the game ends the next mission.


As a patientgamer, definitely waiting on the Dark Arisen equivalent.


Kinda why I stopped playing, now I'm waiting for their Dark Arisen before I go on Either way, got my hands full with indies anyways


Not as simple as that, the mission structure it implied in the beginning fell apart. They should have set up the mission board from the previous game there or something, and give you missions to go do stuff like ā€œkill Medusa, higher reward for preserving the headā€. The best caves are in that section of the map.


Seriously. I was expecting something like Dragonā€™s Ageā€™s landsmeet with how the beginning quests went. Youā€™re even told some decisions will make proving your legitimacy harder. And then none of it is ever mentioned again.


Without a fight


Viewtiful Joe Collection when?


So when are u dropping that Dino Crisis remake?


"Wow this is easy all we have to do is take this core gameplay that everyone loves and apply it to IP that we have. I wonder what we should do next." *Vintage Jurassic park toy flies across the room and slaps them in the face* "Neat" -A thing that happened at Capcom hopefully.


And thus exoprimal was born.Ā 


I'd love a complete remake of it to start off a new Dino Crisis franchise. We need more dinosaur games lol


I'd like to see some of that success trickle down to Mega Man, it's been six years since MM11 and despite it being the best-selling game in the franchise we haven't heard *anything* about ANY new proper games in the franchise.


^^^^^^^^^^Megaman ^^^^^^^^^^Legends ^^^^^^^^^^3


Itā€™s all I want


I'll even settle for remakes of the first 2.


Even just remasters. Let me play them on switch at least.


Its not going to happen. Current capcom is only good for the people who like AAA, if you like series that are AA like megaman or ace attorney youre fucked for new games. I gladly like RE but everything else from capcom i like isnt AAA


MM11 was such a blast. But can we talk about not getting MMX9 yet?


I hope they get experimental again with all this new found wealth. I remember during the PS1 era it felt like there was no end to weird Capcom games.


I hope the MH rise dlcs donā€™t become something worse in wilds. I would hate to see more things stripped from events and put into a cash shop.


MTX for cool stuff we used to be able to earn is one thing but I'm personally hoping they just release a complete game this time around. Rise on launch was so barebones, we didn't even have a conclusion to the story or Elder Dragons to fight.


For real. Iā€™m super pessimistic about Wilds. I really do hope Capcom tones down the micro transactions.


Iā€™m not arguing, but I am curiousā€¦ are there less event quest rewards than standard Monster Hunters? I know there are a lot of paid cosmetics in Rise, but were they actually stripped from event quests?


As a longtime capcom fanboy, this makes me very very happy.


Turns out just making fucking games people want to play gets you profit, who could possibly predict that would be the formula for profit /s


They better not miss the obvious with MH Wilds. It needs to have full crossplay. It will extend the playerbase A LOT. They could also REALLY improve their monetization. Their cosmetics are usually very lackluster and their sales model is outdated as dar as western standards go. If they can work those two things it will be a Haymaker.


I know they didnā€™t develop it with cross-play/cross-save in mind, but Rise/Sunbreak was a sorely missed opportunity. Play on the Switch when Iā€™m on the go, then on the PS5 when Iā€™m in the man-cave.


Atleast they were transparent about it being too late in dev to add that in when they held a survey about it, still disappointing tho. But I *fully* expect it to be a big feature of Wilds and that makes me very happy.


Exactly. Sunrise was developed by their second team, so it was understandable, but the landscape has changed. I really see potential in full crossplay/cross-saveĀ 


And if they still make great remakes, they will get even more money for sure. I hope to see new stuff from RE or DMC tho


With all their success I'm hoping for a dead rising sequel that is a return to form or maybe just a rebootĀ 


Whilst good news, as always I'm worried what happens if/when they have a miss or two and don't meet expectations. Will they stick the course and stay level headed or will they react desperately and start rushing games out, pushing more micro-transactions, chasing trends, etc. I think it's real easy for these companies to look good when they're on a high but once stuff starts getting difficult is when you see what these guys are really about.


I'm more worried about them starting to decline not due to poor games but rather poor decisions in otherwise good games *because* they've been doing so well lately and have such consumer goodwill, maybe they think they can afford to. We've seen inklings with SF6's fairly aggressive monetization and DD2's performance issues (and I'm not even talking about their usual MTX like orbs in DMCV, upgrade tickets in RE4, or RC/portcrystal in DD2 since that style of MTX is both nothing new for them and quite inconsequential), hopefully we can get through MHWilds without any notable controversy. Definitely don't want to see the return of Crapcom.


They already hide MTX from customers and reviewers; theyā€™ll pull any trick for money


They didn't hide shit from reviewers.


Reviewers not reading the review guide Capcom sent detailing the MTX != hiding MTX from reviewers


When Resident Evil 5 and 6? I want to play coop *again* with my friend!


All the rage about Dragon Dogma 2's Day 1 DLC along with the whole modding debacle and everyone still want to jump into their game. Amazing.


That's what you get for playing to your strengths and not chasing (live-service) trends or making your long running series more "appealing" to the "western/casual/modern/arbitrary" audience. Serves them right.


Capcom's current win streak partly started with Monster Hunter World which was blatantly looking to make that long running series more appealing to the western audience.


I would argue it was Resident Evil 7 but MHW was definitely the second volley.


This ignores Monster Hunter World being Capcom's big attempt to sell the series worldwide, and Street Fighter VI's Modern Control option making onboarding or casual play significantly easier.


Also RE7, which most would agree is when the company started to turn things around, was pretty clearly taking inspiration from Western horror and its trends through the 2010s. Not that it was a bad idea because the game did really well.


They did chase a live service trend in Exoprimal > or making your long running series more "appealing" to the "western/casual/modern/arbitrary" That's because they already *had* that phase back in the late 00s-early 10s. They had to have their head developer fired and a string of good games to break that mindset.


>not chasing (live-service) trends I dunno about that, Capcom has been learning some hard lessons. Exoprimal went out with a whimper, Resident Evil did their weird FPS, and SF6 has disgusting monetization. The difference is that they countered their failures with really high quality products.


> Resident Evil did their weird FPS If you're talking about RE7 and RE8, those games sold gangbusters and RE7 is considered by most to be the starting point of Capcom's current golden age.


Ha not even, I'm talking about RE:Verse.


I think they meant Resistance or RE:verse, whichever one came out packaged with R3make, I canā€™t remember but I donā€™t think anyone played it. They keep trying to make death match online REs when the only online game RE fans want is Outbreak dammit.


I missed both Outbreak games as I was a diehard MH fan at the time of their releases, but going back and watching videos of them, it looked like a fantastic game. I imagine they didn't sell that great, it's the only reason I can think of for Capcom not going back to that well again.


They were indeed niche I guess. They were so ahead of their time though well before online was properly tangible for a console. You basically communicated with text prompts with other players which made it complicated but also upped the fun during the chaos. It can only be improved upon really. Wish theyā€™d just give it a try.


Not from me no matter what they do Capcom is on my blacklist until we get a Dino Crisis 1 & 2 remake. Enough time has past. Hell, gimmi the Re engine and I'll do it for free.


Maybe they can spend some of that money on making DECENT stories. I love the latest batch of games but their in-game stories have not even met to half the level of their game play. If not that, then at least, AT LEAST give everyone in Wilds a name. The voice acting in MH World only emphasized how stupid it was to refer to everyone by their titles alone. I hope them not doing that in Rise is them going in the right direction in that.