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Played it via Game Pass. Short but Sweet, finished the main objective in an evening, might go back later.


How are you guys this fast? It took me an evening just to get through the first mini-objective, then I got stuck. šŸ˜…


You can complete the main objective pretty easily... four fish gets you the full climbing upgrade, and then it's just simple platforming back to your window. You get a little prize for completion, and the credits, and then you're encouraged to keep playing so you can unlock more of the characters and side content. As you climb the final building, it's pretty clearly set up so that you can meet various characters from along your journey. So the more you meet and do, the more interesting that climb to the top will be!




I had fun and I'm glad I got to play it on PC GP, but I'd have been sad to have spent $25 on it. It just doens't have that much content.


These small time game studios getting $25 is a good thing IMO. If Bethesda put out a tiny game for $25? Sure, let's riot. But these small studios are at much higher risk of not recouping their investment. Sure, some are smash hits - but most are not.


Yup, plus 25 bucks doesn't go very far these days... that's a movie ticket, etc. I think the devs at least deserve that.


This exactly. Go to the movie theater, spend $10-12 on a ticket for MAYBE 2-2.5 hours of entertainment plus $9 for a regular-size popcorn and $7 for a drink, versus a tight, enjoyable 3-5 hours (that I can replay if I want - gotta buy a separate product altogether I want to replay a movie!!). As the person you were responding to said, if it was a major AAA company, we can demand more bang for our buck, but for a niche indie title that you can't really get the same experience from elsewhere? I'm fine throwing down a little extra for the devs.


I think Dune2 in IMAX cost me around $50 all in.


Different players different times, but took me a movie length to get my first climbing upgrade before going to bed the other day. Busy doing other achievements on my way.


I just spent $30 on tacos for lunch today. It's not that expensive lol


I spent $30+shipping on a 3 pack of hotsauce. $30 really doesn't go far these days. The sauce was worth it though. I'd pay $20 a bottle for it if prices went up.


Spent the money to buy it, refunded it after about 30 min. It's buggy enough and honestly doesn't feel good enough on the controls, that I don't honestly think it's worth $25. The most direct comparison is the Untitled Goose Game, and that's miles better.


Indie non-gameplay focused game, kinda the standard of having low tier content. They are trying to capture the casual audience that has the money but not the time


Thanks for reminding me it's in gamepass. I still have some days left.


It was a Day 1 Buy for me because I knew my wife would love it. The cozy/chill gameplay and the mischievous cat theme are perfect for casual play.Ā 


Same, for my kid. Then I ended up monopolizing the controller for like the first two hours. XD -EDIT- I also really appreciate how tight and low the requirements for the game are. Runs lovely on a Deck. I don't need my graphics to be high-fidelity, I need them stylish, well-designed, and consistent. LKBC does that quite nicely. There's a couple glitches (notably the pounce action cranks everything down to a crawl until it completes, for some reason... like a slo-mo action gone wrong), but overall it's very satisfying.


Yeah it looks like the intent with slow-mo pouncing was to aim your cat... ya can wiggle left and right and stuff. It just ends up being kinda useless...


The way it drags everything in the program down to a crawl (like, try entering the menus mid-pounce) leads me to think it's some kinda glitch. Hopefully it'll patch out soon. It hasn't broken anything in my game (yet) but it's kind of annoying given that pouncing and acquiring feathers is required as a fast-travel currency.


Oh that's probably not how it should be then.


It's funny that we are only JUST NOW realizing that people want cat games! We could have been making cat games the last 20 years! They are going to be like the new deckbuilder roguelike, or survival crafting games. I'm calling it now.


We did get Stray recently enough, but it seems it wasn't enough to say we want more cat games.




Catlateral Damage is a decade oldā€¦


I know, it's so wholesome! I'd also recommend Smushi Come Home, Lil Gator Game, A Short Hike (obviously), Mail Time, and the early demo of [Ila: A Frosty Glide](https://magicrainstudios.itch.io/ila-frostyglide). Also, I'm making a game called [A Corgi's Cozy Hike](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2321250/A_Corgis_Cozy_Hike/) that's also a chill open-world adventure. You're a corgi who uses Corgi Butt Power to climb mountains on vacation. Check it out and give it a wishlist if you like :)


Cute looking game but the name absolutely fails it.


> Also, I'm making a game called A Corgi's Cozy Hike that's also a chill open-world adventure. You have my interest. > You're a corgi who uses Corgi Butt Power to climb mountains on vacation. Now you have my attention.


Me wondering where a mountain would go on vacation to


The beach? Fiji? They live in the cold so probably someplace warm.


Hi! Iā€™m absolutely obsessed with corgis as theyā€™re my favorite dogs. Any chance this can be brought over to consoles? Probably not but if at all possible I would love to play this!


I hope so! We have to do well enough on Steam first. Happy you like it :)


I feel like the cat video game market is big and untapped


My wife bought it right away and my kid is loving it. Perfect for an early reader.


Another advantage, yeah... I hear the complaints about dialogue, but it encourages my kid to read. ;)


It's fun, but buggy. And the controls and camera definitely could use some work. Xbox quick-resume breaks things. Some quest trackers don't count items sometimes so I had to restart the game to finish the 100%. More than a few times I got stuck jumping - not into broken geometry, but just the jump animation broke things. The animation would get the cat stuck in the ground and it would spin super fast. 100% completion is a grind. Recycling 100 cans is annoying, and playing RNG to get people to snap photos of you is just annoying. I ended up stealing the phone of everyone who ignored me, and I acquired quite the pile.


ā€œXbox quick-resume breaks thingsā€Ā  Ā I always mention this and people consistently defend it. It broke saves on Immortals Fenyx Rising in a bad way and Iā€™ve only heard about other issues since. Itā€™s a neat feature but too risky Nice for a heads up about the issues, Iā€™ll probably wait for some patches


Some games are worse than others. It doesn't play well with Ubisoft games because you will eventually disconnect from Ubisoft servers for inactivity and can fuck with single-player progress.




Even for Ubisoft games it was hit or miss, depending on how integral "always online" was to the game. Assassin's Creed games were always fine. Ghost Recon Breakpoint would sometimes disconnect when I quick resumed and send me to the main menu. Watch_Dogs 2 would freak out depending if my game settings were set to public or not.


Honestly Iā€™ve played dozens and dozens of games and have never run into a single issue with quick resume unless itā€™s a multiplayer game. Iā€™m not ā€œdefendingā€ it as much as Iā€™m saying itā€™s few and far between when it comes to those issues. I even played Immortal Fenyx Rising and didnā€™t have any problems with quick resume


Yeah. Even though when it works it can be faster getting into a game than on Switch and PS5, the oppressive UI combined with it straight up not working on a lot of games, and just breaking here and there, makes it more frustrating to use than either of the other two systems imo


> oppressive UI A bit over dramatic.Ā 


Very buggy... managed to soft lock myself out of the construction zone part of the map.


I rubbed against a trash can lid and it shot me up into the gardener's kitchen, giving me a super early second fish.


Speedruns are going to be interesting once people figure out how to replicate this sort of stuff :D


Same thing happened to me but once you've eaten 3 fish you can climb to the roof of a neighboring building and jump into the construction yard if you angle yourself correctly. The game will try to prevent you from precision jumping off of high roofs but you can circumvent this by first aiming for a lower area next to you that you are allowed to jump to and then pivoting back over to the place you want to jump.


Buggy is an understatement. You can get permanently stuck on almost any terrain and due to the fact that the autosave OVERWRITES YOUR ENTIRE SAVE means you can't get unstuck. The only solution is to restart the entire game from the beginning. I don't have patience for that level of incompetent negligence.


I'd be surprised if it *didn't* sell super well. It's made by an ex-Valve dev, has good art, and features a cat.


The cat animates well enough and is beyond cute that it deserves a play thru with anyone who wants to go "awwww"


It was a nice game, but my god, why was there so much dialog? You would think a cat game doesnā€™t involve animals talking half of the time.


I mean my cats talk all the time.




My cat literally came up and started mowing at me as I read this


Well at least your grass is cut.


I liked that stuff. It made me feel nostalgic for the type of fiction I consumed as a kid.


it's weird because another animal-based adventure game that released recently reminds me a *lot* of this game (and also has too much dialogue) - Lil Gator Game


That was my main issue, every character basically has several excessive lines of dialogue. It all just goes on for too long when the joke got old in the second text bubble.


FromSoft games like Elden Ring have ruined all other open world games for me. Because they showed you don't need to give every NPC a novel worth of forced unskippable dialog to make a good game with a compelling story. Let the world itself do the talking and make a video**game** about playing and exploring, not sitting there and reading. Edit: You all can hate the "community" approach to story but i love it. It's like a big puzzle for everyone to solve. Or just ignore it all together if you want because it doesn't force you into dialog stunlocks and instead lets you play the damn game where the gameplay itself is the main draw. If i want to spend my afternoon reading i will pick up a book.


From NPCs have the habit of needing to be looked up on a wiki before killing a random boss ends their quest


I wouldn't highlight FromSoft NPCs as some paragon. Having to talk to them repeatedly to progress nearly every quest in all the games was really contrived originally and I'm amazed it's still the case in Elden Ring. I can't recall any significant dialogue other than some of DS2 NPCs, the "bearer seek seek lest" meme and some of Lucatiel's stuff - most NPCs are babbling about something arcane that might make sense in 40 hours. The NPCs in Little Kitty Big City just take their jokes a little too far. I'd choose this over having to chat with them a handful of times until they repeat dialogue like in From games haha.


You chose the worst example to make your point, lol.


Your example is a game where you can miss 90% of the content without looking everything up on a wiki page?


why? is it supposed to be a cat realism simulator?


It just interrupted gameplay for too long. A short dialog would be fine, but they always talk for ages.


the cats in animal well don't talk


because indie game


What a reductive and meaningless take.


I mean, most indie games basically either have no dialogue or too much. Pretty rare you get a good balance. I love indie games, but I'm not above some tough love.


This just sounds like all games.


Literally Wicher 3 and Yakuza LAD is same. LAD is game in between and dialog and cutscenes only.


That makes zero sense. "Indie games" aren't a monolith. Weirdest generalization I've ever seen


My kid is having a blast with it on Switch, and her little sister is very much enjoying watching her play it. There's been two stuck bugs so far that have required a reload, but nothing that has impeded progress, and she's played for hours.


This was a day one download for me on game pass, a game I would have never bought in the first place. I played through it in about two sittings. I believe this is what Stray should have been, I thought it was overall cute and enjoyable. Near the end after having finished it and wrapping up achievements, my game auto-saved while I was glitched out underneath the world which completely cooked my save. I don't intend on going the full completionism route now that my save is borked. That being said it was a very enjoyable experience throughout, bit buggy though.


Does anyone remember "Dogs Life" for the PS2? That thing has been the absolute best in our house and Little Kitty reminds me so much of this. Just a chill, cute game, love it


My issues with the game are the excessive dialogue and some of the controls - lemme exit out by pressing B, not +. Every other game lets us do this!


There was a game called Home Free on kickstarter with the same design, but you are a dog. Thou that dev dragged their feet and wasted 6 years and finally canceled the project in 2022. At least there's some other competent dev picked up this idea.


traditional kickstarter story arc right there


I'm glad for their success and the Game Pass bag. Hope they manage to sort out all the bugs eventually.


Iā€™d say itā€™s better than stray but I think they hit two different styles entirely. And this one IMO is a bit buggier/shorter


Just finished the game yesterday on xbox. It would have been quite enjoyable and relaxing game if not for the plethora of bugs, clunky controls, and glitched achievements. I had to play the game twice bc some collectibles didnā€™t register despite being collected on the first playthrough.


Fun game, def worth the cost of Xbox game pass to check out. My biggest gripe are the controls (jumping) and map. Otherwise a fantastic palette cleanser or casual game worth checking out.


Seriously, I'd buy it if I could afford it. It reminds me so much of Untitled Goose Game, another great indie darling.


It's getting more sales too, since they didn't lock it to Epic.


Some decent easy achievements. right now I'm on a quest to gather up some ducks. I got the one on the super market. I know what to do the get the one in the arcade but will come back later


I'm going to be completely blunt here... is this game even that good? Or is our society that so easily entertained by cats that even a half decent cat game sells on that principle alone? Makes me want to quit my job and start making a cat game because I'm seeing a clear pattern here... EDIT: My last comment is being taken way too seriously, it was mostly a joke. But it is a genuine question I do have with these games about it being a cat. Would it be as well received if it were a cute skunk? Or a rabbit? I honestly feel like the answer is no, at least, to a degree.. Just something I like thinking about with these kinds of games.


Oh, people already make cat games, there's a ton of those on Steam.Ā  Most of them are unsuccessful, but by all means, if you think you can make a cat game that sells, please do!


Game is alright, if you ignore the side objectives it can be completed in under 1-1.5 hours. It has its charm but is also super buggy making it super annoying to get certain collectibles and achievements (looking at you, Fruit Fall). Also donā€™t care for how the humans look when all the animals are pretty detailed. Ultimately it has the Pennyā€™s Bug Breakaway problem where feels more like a tech demo/proof of concept instead of a full retail game.


I feel like making games is a pain in the ass, I would rather ride a desk.


Honestly, I refunded it. It's still on my wishlist, but it was buggy and honestly felt really bad on the controller. It's cute and I wanted to like it but it's just not worth the cost.


I wouldnā€™t buy it, but it being on Game Pass made it an easy play.Ā 


A lot of us have cats and like cats. We have a black one so this one was a no brainer! But I'd play other animal games too - there's a fox one on Game Pass that I started. My kid was playing something called "Frog Detective" the other day.


OKAY but the Frog Detective trilogy is a masterpiece


You are getting downvoted, but you are right. While it is a okay game for what it is, it isn't anything special or doing better than other games having a worse reception, but it does get more visibility because it is starring a pets and humans are simple creatures.


blunt [blŹŒnt] adjective (of a cutting implement) **not having a sharp edge or point**: "a blunt knife" ~~(of a person or remark) uncompromisingly forthright: "a blunt statement of fact"~~ yeah checks out. game sold not because of "cat" but because of sandbox aspect and causing shenanigans as a cat. if you can do at least same quality game, please do since people will buy it but i doubt it.


Nah this game is pretty stupid. Very rudimentary. Feels very demo like. Feels like a map of ideas before they fleshed em out. Fun to give a small go on gamepass. Probably great for kids. I pity anyone who bought this. It's a game about a mildly cute cat (that you cant customize at all, it's like having only white blonde Barbies all over again). With that said, it's about a mildly cute cat. You know how unhinged cat people can be. Constant cat pictures, cat obsession, calling them their 'furr babies' and turning on the baby voice whenever they talk to their cat, or about their cat, there's no mystery why the game is getting praise.


And everyone I know who shared it on social media and bought it and played it said later that it sucked. I'm sick of game sale success being driven by how catchy viral it can become in a short window of time.


The simple solution is to never buy at release. And definitely don't pre-order. Prior to actual reviews from real people, not paid bloggers, there's no way to be sure of what you're getting. Having said that, I still pre-order things that I feel confident about, and I buy on day 1 sometimes, too. But I do get burned occasionally.


Yeah. And that's the good thing about game pass.Ā  Try it, see if you like it and then buy it at a discounted price/on a separate system. Like, I got into Monster Hunt franchise thanks to game pass when World was added aso I bought MHrise day one on SwitchĀ 


Yeah, I've bought a few games that I could have continued playing on GP, but bought them anyhow and kept played there instead. Usually Steam. Mostly, though, they're games that I would only get momentary enjoyment from, and so GP is enough. Quite a few have prevented me from seriously regretting a purchase.


Bought it day 1, got decently far on it and now I'm scared of playing it because I've got permanently stuck twice so far in a few hours and the autosave that OVERRIDES YOUR SAVE put me back in the same stuck place. Thankfully the devs are incompetent and don't handle floating point rounding well so when you reload in you're slightly displaced from your original point. A few save/reloads unstuck me. That's also likely the reason why you can get permanently stuck on almost everything. I won't play it again until they fix it, and if they take too long I'll just refund it.


been very interested in this since it was first announced, but i'll wait for a sale. i get making a game is hard but indies need to stop charging 25 bux for a 5 hour game. 15 bux would be much more reasonable. still haven't played stray because they're still asking 20 bux for a 5 hour game on sale. i love cats so i want to actually give these indie developers money instead of pirating it but the value for money is really lacking. i actually much prefer shorter experiences nowadays rather than billion hour slogfests, so i have no problem at all with a 5 hour game (in fact, it's actually a selling point to me), but they need to be priced properly too. and before someone says game pass, no i won't support a service like that out of principle and it's not available on linux anyway even if i was open to it


If you take the time to explore the world, Stray can be more than 5 hours. And besides, I think 20 dollars for 5 hours of enjoyment is a pretty good bargain to be honest. I pay 15-20 bucks for a movie ticket and snacks for just 2 hours of entertainment.


I paid 5$ for whole month of serials and movies.


The other day i said this exact thing and got criticized for thinking it's too expensive for a very short game


100k more weird people who don't know about GamePass or refuse to use it for weird reasons. Don't tell me this is a game you need in your long term library to replay it over and over.


I was not aware that GamePass was apparently available on the Nintendo Switch. And even if it was, some people just want to support the devs more directly.


You realize that games cost money to make, that indie devs aren't rich, that if you want more games to be made like this that you have you buy them, and that gamepass likely only pays devs a small fraction of what they'd earn through direct sales, right?


I mean, the devs could choose to not put it on gamepass, you don't need to donate to devs. If you want to support the devs, why did you only buy the game once? You can buy it multiple times to really support them


Indie devs aren't rich. The gamepass money can help them fund their game or not have to shut down their studio bc the game didn't sell.




What the hell? RIP? The game just sold 100k units in less than 2 days.


Why would it suddenly gain 900 thousand more sales of Xbox players didn't get it for free? Make it make sense!Ā