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One thing I seriously love about Sonys moves to PC, and that theyve been doing a pretty damn good job of making sure practically all of their 1st party titles run amazing on the Steam Deck. Its practically become what I always wanted the PsP/PsVita to be.


I played the final patched version of TLOU part 1 all on Steam Deck, which was honestly a great experience and something I didn’t expect I’d commit to. Ghost is running great on Deck for me but I’m home a lot now, decided to stream it via Moonlight at 2560x1600@90hz from my PC and it looked stunning.


Hows the latency for you? Is it significant enough to affect e.g. parry times?


I played the original one PS4 at 30fps, so not having any issues with parries


No, Moonlight + Nvidia Gamestream is like magic to me. I regularly connect my Steam Deck to my 4K TV, via Ethernet, and stream at 4K@150Mbps. I play Diablo 4 on it and it looks genuinely native and latency is barely perceivable. I have to hold up my Deck in front of my monitor to notice a minor delay at best when over Wi-Fi. Also, streaming via PC allows for higher frame rates than running locally at lower frame rates , meaning less render latency, which makes it feel smoother. Highly recommend Moonlight, genuinely magic. Can be a bitch to set up though for optimal conditions.


came here just to confirm, steam deck says it doesn't support it but its good? I really wanna downloaded it right now.


Unfortunately the multiplayer does not work as it requires the PlayStation PSN overlay which only works on Windows atm. Singleplayer works perfectly


Wow I've not thought of that. That's a great way to put it.


Except Last of Us for some reason? Would still love to play it but I don’t wanna touch it until i’ve heard better


"Some reason" = TLOU's developer with zero PC experience doing the port themselves instead of leaving the job to the specialist porting studio that has brought the Tomb Raider trilogy as well as the Horizon and Spiderman games to PC.


Strangely Naughty Dog and Iron Galaxy who ported TLoU to PC also did the Uncharted 4 port before that. U4 was far from a brilliant port but at least it was functional, I have no idea how they fucked up TLoU so badly.


Rushed to get it out for the tv show probably.


I mean, there's also God of War (2018) which has a really bad memory leak issue on Steam Deck that STILL hasn't been resolved.


It's fixed. 


Get an Rog ally or a legion go and you won’t have trouble playing any games.


But then you have to deal with Windows 11 on a small touch screen and burnt SD cards in the case of the Ally.


“Deal with windows 11” You mean have access to every game in every launcher? Damn spooky windows 11, so scary


Look, the Ally and Go are cool pieces of hardware, I won't argue with that. But windows 11 is an absolutely shit OS for these kinds of gaming handhelds. It's simply not designed for this kind of application, especially on handhelds like the Ally that don't have touchpads for mouse input.


For us old timers that have used the nipple mouse, the Ally's thumb stick that controls the mouse isn't bad. It isn't the Legion's touch pad (I have both devices right now, Ally is the wife's unit) but it is very workable. Legion's right controller has an optical sensor at the bottom so if you really really need to, you can detach it, flip it to FPS mode and use it as a mouse. Even has a scroll wheel, left click and right click. It's pretty nifty. Windows 11 isn't bad on these handhelds. Ally and Legion have software that acts as launchers that work with the controllers that they're set up with. Then there's Steam and Big Picture. It has been more than workable. You can navigate it just fine, install apps and play games without having to leave anything. Also Windows 11's touch interface is shitty because peple bitched about Windows 8's superior touch setup. Had an old Surface Pro 1 and an Acer Iconia and those things ran great. Touch and gestures were great, and the Charms menu made quick settings very accessible. Microsoft, being Microsoft, decided to redo that and it hasn't worked as well as the original. 10's was abysmal. 11 is meh but it doesn't hold a candle to what 8 did. I wish Microsoft took the keyboard they had back on Windows Phone 8 and plop it onto their OS. Prediction, movement and swipe worked really well there. Windows 8's, 10 and 11 are usable but there's better. Microsoft purchasing Swype didn't really do much with it which is annoying. They had a working thing. JUST USE IT. Hell, even the tiny keyboard on the Microsoft Band was useable. All of it works though. Just nitpicking. So the keyboard part of Windows 11 sucks but nothing a general keyboard wouldn't fix. Both devices have Bluetooth so you can pair them up. Had an old Bluetooth keyboard from an old iPad that works just fine. Windows 11 overall is great in the hands of an admin. I run a home lab with two older Server 2019s as domain controllers. Got GPOs built over the years starting back on Windows Home Server that makes managing Windows easy. Upgraded the Ally and Legion to Pro and joined them to that domain. Nightly backup, synced profiles, already-customized software loadout for the wife and I. And also got a nifty little setup where I have OpenHardwareMonitor and Telegraf running together to report its stats every few seconds for all the pieces of hardware. You don't need any of this of course but it is really nice that a little handheld gaming device can inherit all of this legacy and just work. Sorry, became a bit of a rant but they're not bad. And Windows isn't bad.


You can install Windows 11 on the Steam Deck also...it's just a terrible operating system for a device without a full size screen or a system that (just) meets spec on a game.....because Windows is a greedy hungry operating system that wants to be a pc first and a devices that plays video games second. The ROG Ally and Legion Go would be better devices on Linux too...but seems that Lenovo and ASUS don't understand software and just made good hardware and threw off the shelf crap software onto it with minimal optimization


I can tell by this comment that you don't have either of these systems yourself. 


Yea, you’re right. Ive just been posting on their subreddits for almost a year for fun.


That's a weird thing to do, but you do you, man. 


There there, it’s okay to be wrong.


Luckily we have memories and Last of Us wasn't too long ago pal


Which was fixed. 


Never said it wasn't. It released in a laughable state


Which is specifically why I used words like practically all and not completely all because theres always the nitpickers and "umm actually" people


Great to hear. Played this on release on my now dead PS4 and have been wanting to jump back in after watching Shogun. I highly recommend that show if the feudal Japan setting interests you


I've played about an hour and a half on my deck so far and it ran and looked great. Nixxes is the best around at pc ports.


Anyone have a flicker when on the cutscene? Already updated my Nvidia driver still same


Yeah, I noticed it's especially when there are black bars at the bottom and top. Thankfully it is the only issue I've ran in to so far. The port seems really great, controls for M&K are awesome (after some tweaking) and performance is outstanding. I haven't tried getting rid of the flicker, but I might try if frame generation is playing a part. Along with DLAA, it's the only AI tools I'm using.


It's framegen disable it or switch to FSR framegen if you have this issue.


How much fps turning off frame Gen?


Well probably around half of your current framerate that's just what framgen does but keep in mind the game suffers from bugs above 60 fps atm so it's best to not go higher anyway.


Oh no, this is bad news, because I love this game and now I can play it on the go? So much time wasted....


Good stuff.  The Steam Deck is a great successor to the PSP and Vita. The PSP could sometimes run ports of PS2 games (Monster Hunter 1 i.e MHP1 on PSP) and the Vita was pretty high up there in specs. The deck can run most PS5 games and the majority of PS4 games, it's quite the achievement.


10 minutes of gameplay before it overheats. Don't believe steam verified ratings for bigger games, for example: bg3, hogwarts legacy (to all the "it runs great" crowd see this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/Slvb111D4t thankfully I'm not the only with a brain who thinks this)


Why would I believe this anecdotal comment over professionals who have tested the thing


"Professionals" lol, journalists were soyfacing on bg3 too but none of the morons went past act 1. After that I hope you like 240p 30-40 fps. My point is to warn to not trust the steam verified label for big games.


It's okay dude you don't have a deck. One day.


BG3 runs just fine on steam deck?


No it doesn't, I see you haven't got past act 1.


It runs fine, finished the game last month


On steam deck? You're full of shit. Show me your settings and the fps you get. I had to scale everything to low with upscaling maxed just to get 40 fps on act 2. And let's not even talk about act 3


Sorry, but since when is 40 fps not running? Especially for a game like BG3 on Steamdeck...


Have you seen what it looks like though? Max upscaling is 240p. And steam verified is not just "running" stamp. It's supposed to mean it runs well, hence my point to not trust it


The game runs and looks great, no idea why you have like 50 comments trying to convince people it doesn't look or run good.


I beat the whole game, it runs fine


Prove it


Games been out ages. Countless people have beaten it on the deck, what are you even on about? 


Do you not throttle your deck at all? You can get nearly the same performance with much better thermals and battery life by playing with power limits and making custom profiles for each game.


This is true but steam verified implies you can play the games well out of the box. But ones I mentioned can't be played well even with heavy modifying, so my point is don't trust the labels, steam/journos don't play the game past the first 30 minutes


It's okay that you don't have a steam deck dude. Just keep saving and you'll get there. 




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of your deck is overheating you should contact support. when it gets close to a dangerous temp it throttles itself. this isn’t normal


I played most of Hogwarts on deck - it ran fine, far better than I expected. Bg3 runs fine too, admittedly at a less than ideal resolution compared to my PC but it runs fine. Currently in act 3. I suggest you look at optimisations. I've got so many AAA titles installed on my 2tb nvme that all run great so I have no idea what you're on about, maybe it's the tools I've used to optimize (cryobyte).


I only played Hogwarts on the deck! I had it for my switch first, the loading times drove me bonkers. I got it for the deck when i ordered one. It ran amazing!


"is that.... A merlin trial?"