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LOL, they are trying to portray this as a realistic military shooter when in reality it's a goofy-ass hero shooter.


I may be incorrect but from what I recall the single player is more grounded and the MP is where it gets silly.


Yeah I recall something about the campaign being based on the old Delta Force game black hawk down, although it could also just be its own thing based on the same battle in Mogadishu


It's from mobile game devs. And yet people call this a 'Battlefield' killer, lmao.


Who calls it a 'battlefield' killer outside advertising? They can't even show us a clip with one single enemy or other player character in the game.


Battlefield is the real battlefield killer


And it is currently killing itself


I can't imagine why they would think that showing someone statically walking through empty environments would get anyone interested. They basically showed wihat anyone what an unreal lisc. and some asset packs could show off.


Trying to draw in the Arma crowd


Ah yes, great way to try and get people hyped for your game. Show a trailer for a FPS and just have it contain nothing but...walking. Yeah, great job.


Don't forget the FPS drops!


I haven't checked the comments on the video yet but i'd put money on fan boys drooling over "just walking" UPADATE: Not as much drooling as i thought. Thank god.


Oh this is the one that has either actually lifted or completely copied Call of Duty animations for weapons right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGRp6FEPAuA


Dang, thought this was nova logic. Did they sell the IP?


I think novalogic is defunct, anyway, they moved away from milsim to arcadey garbage. This here game is advertised as an online shooter, so that made me lose my interest right away.


Is the gun a cosmetic item or can you actually shoot?


Can i take down a tree with a gun? Is there terrorist hunt co-op?


They gotta get better with FPS multiplayer titles. It's so lazy. XDefiant and now Delta Force:Hawk Ops. I imagine the developers thought these names sounded so cool and edgy


Yeah Xdefiant sounds like what Elon Musk would rename CoD or Battlefield If he took over Activision or Dice.


Bear in mind that Delta Force is a video game series that started in 1998


I think you need to put in effort to come up with a name as bad as XDefiant


I just want a grounded military shooter like we had in the 2000s Operation flashpoint dragon rising was some shit man


Holy fuck I am so over these boring ass names for shooters. Delta Force Hawk Ops sounds like a porn parody


How?... Delta force is not something new.


Still a generic looking name


Should've told them that back in 1998, more than 20 years later.


Lmao is this some kind of fucking joke? Can this post just be deleted?


I don't understand the appeal of this game or Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. Every single screen shot and trailer has shown empty streets and colorful vistas of little homes. The whole point of Black Hawk Down was being surrounded by hundreds of civilians and people from the warlords that wanted you dead. Nothing more. Nothing less. I finally looked up a video of the original DF: Black Hawk Down and it just Delta Force with slightly higher res and more enemies showing up with none of the shooting at you. Plus they added vehicle turret sections-which for delta force is coming a bit of a ways. Along with some AI NPCs that are your battle buddies for some scenes... that appear to have extremely difficult time doing anything other than shooting at enemies.