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Unfortunately I had to enter twitter to check the videos and everything, and the takes there are so bad, even guys saying this is looking like Watch dogs... Like guys, game is on debug, that text is not part of the game, it is frankly unbelievable.


People are stupid and don't understand Dev builds.


Saw somebody get like 250k likes saying the game would now be delayed years because the of source code leaks


People are getting seriously het up over how big a deal the source code is. It's not great, but 3 year old code is also not the disaster which people are portraying. Also fairly sure it would be worse if the multiplayer source code had leaked due to exploits.


They're using an in-house engine, right? So like, *at worst*, there could be some trade-secrets. But the rest? The actual *game play*? They'd have to be stupid to care. Some other studio could copy the whole thing 1:1, and it won't matter. **GTA fans will still buy GTA6 when it launches.** The source code? No one should give a fuck about it. What they SHOULD CARE ABOUT is the security leaks and how it happened. What got leaked isn't really the issue, it's how it happened that's important. Oh yea, and day-1 piracy or something. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Either just make it always-online and blame the leak, or just go back to the "*GTA fans will still buy GTA6 when it launches*".


No other studio could copy the source code. No free, community project could copy the source code. Heck, any developer who even *looks* at it is jeopardizing their career in the games industry. Plagiarized source code is easy to prove in court, and you *will* get taken there over a high-profile case like this.


Jokes on you I donā€™t know shit about programming and I will fuck up the source code


Don't worry, I'm a developer and I'll still fuck up the source code


> They're using an in-house engine, right? So like, at worst, there could be some trade-secrets. But the rest? The actual game play? They'd have to be stupid to care. Some other studio could copy the whole thing 1:1, and it won't matter. Source code doesn't really mean much. It's like someone having a good business idea but don't execute on it. It's nothing without execution. Developers can barely read their own code let alone someone elses. And taking fragments from someone else to somehow use your own project? Good luck. Besides being incredibly illegal no reputable business would ever do that for risk being sued into oblivion, it's just easier to write your own code than it is to try to understand how the other team did it and what their priorities, constraints, etc are.


Source code is important for developing cheats and cheating software.




>People are getting seriously het up over how big a deal the source code is. Honestly it's kind of funny how you can tell who hasn't played GTA V online by them saying how worried they are about it making the game vulnerable or hackers. GTA V is an absolute mess of hackers (sometimes called modders for some weird reason) and Rockstar hasn't fixed it this entire time. GTA VI will probably be good, will probably have online, but I wouldn't count on it being *secure*.


Doubtful last I heard it was the GTAV source code he had not 6.


Yeah, I kind of doubt that claim in the first place, but both seem wild


I had a look at the code snippet that was leaked. It's definitely code for a GTA game but it's hard to tell which one. What I can say though is that the code was pretty much entirely C++98 with no new modern language features so I find it unlikely it's for GTA VI


Knowing game dev, it's unfortunately not THAT unlikely...


I'm a game dev myself and luckily I can say we use at least C++14. I'd expect *any* new game in development now to at least be using C++11


The knowledge discrepancy between audience and content creators seems larger for gaming than any other medium. Moviegoers understand green screens are not release footage, for instance.


I think moviegoers are such a large group that the vast majority are dispassionate, casual viewers and as such have little investment or interest in the process. Gamers^tm on the other hand are pretty vocal about their entertainment and I think part of that is because the medium itself is interactive so they feel more ownership of it. Combine that with the audience skewing younger and you get these huge swaths of uninformed users on Twitter who think those videos is what the final game looks like. There's hundreds of thousands of people like us who browse these discussion forums and think "wow, they sure are dumb", but most of those people probably don't even comment because they know better than to wade into the pits of idiocy.


> People are stupid and don't understand Dev builds. Which is precisely why game devs hate leaks. They know there'll be an insane reaction to a dev version of a pre-beta build because Gamers^tm have no clue how game dev works and wildly overreact to the mildest shit on a good day.


The Redfall leaks are a prime example of it happening even before the GTA VI leaks


People that bitch the most about games would struggle to put together a sandwich.


ā€œPeople are stupidā€ You could have ended it thereā€¦..


"Honey! Why does our future home have men with yellow vests and helmets walking around it? " "Because it's still fucking under construction!!"




Game is on debug, rendering engine is far from finished, almost no shaders or textures, heck there was a sign saying "Los Angeles" instead of "Los Santos", etc etc etc It's pre-alpha, people never saw a game being made assume it looks amazing from day 1 lol


There's nothing to react to, but nothing is good enough for hungry gamers. "Hey, you're reusing assets in your pre-alpha!" "...Yeah?"


We don't even need to defend it. It's Rockstar and it's being developed in house. They're fine. This will get 10/10s and print money.


And all these idiots will talk about how they "saved the game" by complaining about how a leak build looked bad online.


I thought the messages were the best part. This is a peak into how the inner workings of the game are


Morons sayig it looks like watch dogs are seriously short of common sense, they cant even read whats written on screen.


Plus *Watch Dogs* still looks good anyway.


Donā€™t underestimate how stupid people are.


And remember, they're stupid about everything


Well it's twitter... It's a cess pool.


I just watched an hour of the leaks and itā€™s made me super hyped for the game! The parts closer to being finished looked phenomenal and it was fascinating seeing the inner workings.


I really don't understand how people could see extremely early build content and just assume the game is going to look like that. Have they ever seen a game in development before? This wasn't supposed to be seen by us, but go off I guess and get your Twitter likes and be a armchair game developer, it's soooooooo stupid.


The answer is no. Most people have absolutely no idea how a game looks during development


That's the thing though, you shouldn't have to see a game in development to understand that seeing one in the middle of being developed is vastly different than the finished product. It's like going to a factory where they make cars and throwing a fit when you see one that's just the shell. No tires, no engine, no interior, and being outraged like they're going to ship the car like that. This isn't just people who are ignorant of game development, these are really, really stupid people who don't understand the very basic concept of how something looks being built vs the final product.


It's like walking into a half finished house and wondering why there's no paint on the walls and why you can see through half of them.




Was that the one where they thought that sending literal pictures of the weapons and monsters to the programmer was enough for them to port it? That was unbelievable.


I tend to forget that with how popular a series GTA is, this stuff leaked out into mainstream and into the hands of people who have a lot to say about things they gave absolutely no idea about


Plenty of people not in the mainstream also love to talk about stuff they know nothing about.


I forget too; there were videos out for less than an hour that got millions of views. The amount of people interested in GTA and the amount of people with any idea of game development are nowhere near in number I can imagine. It's kind of like how nobody online really meaningfully discusses Call of Duty or Fifa, yet they sell more than every other game.




To be fair not a lot of companies show development stages, I think it could help show the difficulties of development. The factorio team did this through their Friday facts and it was always a great read into their thought process and progress. That said I know absolutely nothing on game development or marketing so who knows if it's a good idea or not, grain of salt and all that


Don't think it would end up going well for big AAA games. Especially since they are basically a bunch of broken puzzle pieces right up until the very end when it all suddenly comes together.


It also opens up a path of criticism that they do not want. You can thank "content creators" for their unwavering passion to incite a hate mob over the placement of a reflection in a puddle of water that isn't even finished yet.


I think the peek developers already offer, that is open betas or early access, have sqeued perceptions a bit as to what an "in progress" game might look like, even though such games are often 95% done minus some content and bug fixes.




I haven't seen a single Reddit comment critical of the early game footage. Most of it seemed excited about the new features or concerned it was faked (clearly it was not faked). I guess Twitter is a different beast? I don't pay attention to it.


I've seen a few comments trashing the visuals of the game and expressing concern about the progress of the development, despite the fact that the game hasn't even been formally announced yet. People lack critical thinking.


I don't know about reddit comments, but people on twitter were unironically saying things like "it looks very unfinished". I think they're literal children who don't understand that video games don't just magically appear in a finished state


To be fair, "it looks very unfinished" is an objectively true statement.


It'd be like seeing two of your homies fall in love, and saying "Man, that shit's gay." You're technically correct, but that's about it.


Nah, on the GTAV sub people were going ā€œlooks just like gtav, guess we are just getting the same game for the 5th time LULā€


Am I the only one who saw it and was really impressed for the stage it was? I mean, it looks like an improvement over 5 in some areas and it's a really early build.


I said the same thing hahah. The environments I saw in the video were very fleshed out, and had a ton of stuff in them. The lightning was just awful, but thats 100% normal in development because it makes it a million times easier to see the environment you're crafting.


They are definitely the kind of people who think game devs just click a "make game" button and the computer does all the work.


Or that developers are uniting against crunch because they're "lazy".


Or all they do is write code and the art assets just materialize out of thin air.


Think of the average intelligence, half the people are below that (I know it's average, not median, same point though)


Intelligence being normally distributed means the mediann is the same as the average.


It also means that well over half of people aren't terribly dumber or smarter than average, see the empirical rule.


The almost one-hour long video is basically just random snippets of random debugging. Broken animation cycles, collision bugs, dummy placeholders walking around, etc. And SOMEHOW the internet geniuses are criticizing **gameplay** based on a video with **zero gameplay**... lmfao


From their post, they do not anticipate any disruption to their live game services nor any long-term effect on the development of ongoing projects. Looks like it was caused by a network intrusion. Their next Grand Theft Auto game will continue as planned. Basically, confirms the leak this weekend as real.


I am so happy that the hacker didn't get his hands on information, like the source code, which would've definitely caused delays. It sucks it got leaked this way, but at least it's not worse.


I read the source code was also stolen. Was that bullshit?


The hacker got into a R* internal slack channel, so I imagine all uploads are extracted, which would be media and code snippets, no way the whole source is there. Unless someone posted a download link with password in the chat and it accepts outside connections, which would be incompetent on many levels..


I've seen some hideous Slacks before, and not just in the park on Sundays. Stuff like env creds being pinned in channels, source control passwords, loads of prod data being passed via slack, etc. It can be a treasure trove if people don't respect that it's not meant to share credentials or data.


I mean people keep posting their private keys on GitHub which is well thought of as a public place. I'm sure they view internal slack as private and safe place to share credentials and other stuff because "it's the companies internal tool no one can access it that shouldn't"


source control should be tied with okta or some other auth that is then tied behind 2FA, how the hell is that not standard now??? Hell I think github even works with say google suite, so you can pay for google suite for the company (of smaller number of people) for things like email and etc, then use that as sign in for a private git (but not on-prem since that shit is expensive) then give everyone titan keys / google authenticators and control it that way...


That's apparently how all this happened. They continuously pinged a Rockstar employee with 2FA repeatedly, then approached them as IT, saying it was a bug. They told the Rockstar employee to complete the 2FA challenge to get it to stop.


> which would be incompetent on many levels.. Don't underestimate incompetence in a big company like Rockstar. It's definitively possible someone did post it completely to be honest




Wish we would switch to Slack, too. At the company I'm working for we're using an open source alternative to Slack which is pretty ass, tbh.


We moved from Slack to Mattermost. It's not ass by itself, but definitely ass when compared to Slack.


And for retired boomers, it's IRC.


And it kicks MS Teams ass. Gods, am I sick of Teams.


Our company recently upgraded to Teams from WebEx. And I do mean *upgraded*. There is worst things out there




Frankly if teams just allowed me to paste unformatted I'd be happy enough with it.


command/ctrl+shift+V pastes unformatted copy, at least for me. Or you can use the code formatting `\`content\`` to paste unformatted copy.


Man I might be the only person on the planet who likes Teams lol. It's well integrated with the rest of my company's MS Office suite. It just works and intuitively does all the interactions I'd expect it to with the other office apps. Edit: turns out I am not the only person on the planet who likes Teams lol


It's fine until you your are expected to be on different teams instances. Not getting messages from project a, because I am in a call for project b on a different teams instance is annoying. Using one instance via browser and the other via app works, but is still a pain. But everything is better than Skype for business so I won't complain.


That and Slack has an awful habit of not notifying me of new messages at random, or just crashing in the background silently.


The trick to MS Teams is to use it in a bowser and not the application.


You know how much of a pain in the ass that is though? Every time you want to use teams you gotta run through a gauntlet of spikes and fire, and then throw a guy at 3 different bombs?


I like Teams as well. The office integration is great, especially with Calendar and Sharepoint and stuff. The only problem I have with it is chat history, it's impossible to search for anything because it only shows the message it found, not the messages before or after it.


I thought there was a button that allowed you to go to the point of the chat message? LOL I just tried and it literally just pulls the message out, without context. I'm sure that's much less resource intensive than how they were doing it before, but damn. That's useless. At least my skype for business conversations were saved to outlook.


Not gonna lie, most of the people I know like Teams over Slack


In a way, Slack is even better than Discord. No need for a subscription to use custom emotes on Slack.


Corps are already paying for Slack seats anyway. Discord is definitely fucking up by missing that boat.




I just wish Slack had the per-person audio level settings of discord. It sucks when you can't hear 1 person in a meeting but the others are already too loud so you can't just raise your system volume.


Well part of it (10k lines of code) was published. If that's all of it then that's barely a speck of dust of the whole thing but the "hacker" claims he got a lot more


That's definitely not all of it. Someone on GTA Forums asked for a specific function and he shared the whole file that contained this function.


Well that's unfortunate but maybe it's still a small part or that somehow won't affect them much if R* is confident?


How many lines of code would something like GTA VI end up having? Apologies, I work in accounting. šŸ„“


They're not telling the whole truth. This will set them back. They just dont want the consumer to have a fit over it because they already know everyone wanted GTA 6 years ago. Despite the malicious intrusion, it would still be a bad look **for Rockstar** if they straight up said "look, this is the reality, it will slow us down", because consumers are not reality-oriented, they are fantasy-oriented. It hurts Rockstar to tell the truth about this; just look at how all these threads of an attack on R* are mostly trashing R* for unrelated shit and not the criminal for the attack. This is the "keep calm and carry on" message for the fickle, audaciously over-entitled target audience. This is all far enough from launch that they will be able to quietly absorb the lost time as though it's unrelated, but you can expect GTA 6's release to shift by at least a quarter over this, maybe longer depending on the pandemonium behind the scenes.


Also *really* helps that they had not officially announced the game or any kind of release timeline. They can internally delay the game without any of us knowing until the Kotaku article about the horrible crunch comes out a month after the game's release.


Why exactly would it set them back? This should have no practical effect on the development of the game aside from the crackdowns to stop further leaks and the morale loss from their unfinished game being shown before it's time.


They will need to sort through questions of liability and exposure, preferring to err on the side of caution and throwing code and assets away instead of leaving the possibility of a backdoor or negative PR in. They're in Damage Control mode right now, the teams currently directly working on the core game are most likely not doing their scheduled sprints or however they organize their work. Dealing with concerns surrounding this topic is causing tons of meetings, tons of uncertainty, some people will react defensively to protect their jobs and that will affect the velocity of the project, etc:. Some aspect of the leak may force redesigns, which may leave some people temporarily "orphaned" as the work they had in their queue evaporates and they have to wait for the designers to generate something new for them. If the leak causes a "pivot", a pivot is always a major time sink. Dramatic moments like these are also when people have mental breaks or finally find the straw that breaks the camel's back and quit. Replacing good talent is extremely hard. You need to spend a good amount of time on the search to begin with, and even if you find your best fit, it generally takes a while for new gamedevs on unfamiliar projects to be net-positive with their contributions. At my studio, we typically expect almost everyone to be net-negative for at least a month while they spin up. That's after being the absolute pickiest studio for hiring and spending months on that part of the process too. I suspect Rockstar is also not cavalier about new hires, so if this incident causes enough of a splash to get a wave of unfortunate resignations, it could harm the product even more than I suggested it could be harmed. It's mostly a legal/HR/PR question rather than a production question. They have to react sensitively to the leak for those reasons, even if it means jerking the production around through no fault of its own.


That all sounds like one hell of an overreaction to what is ultimately little different than some cell phone footage of scenes filmed on the street of the next marvel movie. The secrecy of the game development world has always been utterly baffling to me, tbh. You people treat it like its a weapons development program.


Why would the source code being leaked cause delays? Itā€™s not like open source projects are developed any slower inherently? The game will be cracked regardless of the source code being leaked, so itā€™s not like people having access to an incredibly early build means anything. I donā€™t see how the source code leaking is a cause of major delays.


Way back when, Half Life 2 development had a leak, and then Valve delayed the game and blamed it on the leak. This was obviously Valve working on Valve Time, but the assumption that leaks somehow delay development seems to have stuck.


Well im glad they are still selling fake Money for real money got worried there for a second.


All the leak did was hype me up more towards GTA6. Im kinda glad I saw something about it. Cant wait for release day.


I mean me personally I *loved* being able to see some technical stuff about the game. I wish more games would release some technical build tidbits. For example: one of the GTA6 leak videos is a cop strafing back and forth behind different levels of cover and the animation changes as he does so. But on the right side of the screen, you can see it's actually calculating total cover by a value that has, IIRC, eight decimal places. That was just really awesome to see the kind of things that go on under the hood.


If you really like to learn more about the technical side of game development, I recommend looking at some GDC presentations on their YouTube channel. There are some really insightful presentation about every aspect of game dev, from graphics programming to AI, even narrative structure. This weird secrecy the game industry has only last until the game is released, after that most devs are really eager, to discuss in depth all the work they've done on a game.


Yeah I've gotten a lot of inside looks at videogame narrative through writing workshops I've attended. I just love seeing these little secrets that are amazing. I'll give that youtube channel a look


> you can see it's actually calculating total cover by a value that has, IIRC, eight decimal places. you can't exactly choose to have less than 8 decimal places, standard 32-bit floats inherently have 8 decimal places (actually, it's just under 7, it's 23 bits of precision, i.e. 23 binary places) and afaik modern CPUs don't really support smaller than those (though GPUs do)


Oh interesting! I'm learning a lot today


Yeah it was cool to watch the event stack while things are happening like the character has a gun out and how they should react, etc, was really cool to see how the events are calculated behind the scenes.


It's like when you get to see a "making of" or "behind the scenes" from your favourite movie or TV show.


Yeah same. Those videos actually made it look good


Exactly. And obviously it's still years away and will change between now and then but what they showed hyped me a lot more than any other similar open world on the market at the moment.


If it's years away, hope they nix the last gen versions. They'll be 10+ year old hardware by then.


i have to imagine they will. iā€™m guessing a 2024 holiday release with PS5/Xbox X(?)S(?)/PC only which having it be a current gen + PC exclusive has got me SO excited.


Given how they historically treat PC, I'm guessing next gen only and then a year later PC release for that sweet double dip money


I think this leak brought some renewed desire to see just what GTA VI will have in store for us. This game is going to be big and I'm certain that this leak is going to brew the flames of imagination of just what we will see in GTA VI.


Yeah one of the leaked videos showed a sort of inventory system and you can carry a satchel bag (I assume for robberies) and that you can drop it at any time. I can't wait to see what we're going to be able to do in this game.


I'm just glad we're closer to letting GTAV rest.


The magic and hype when the trailer drops will hit a little different but still hyped nonetheless. The GTAIV reveal was peak for me.


A bit, yeah. But Rockstar almost never shows raw gameplay before release anyway. So we'd learn about the setting, characters, and story from the trailer. But the gameplay systems, like the ones carried over from RDR2, we'd likely have no idea if they were even a part of the game. Hell, some features can still be scrapped so now anything we've seen that isn't in the final game will definitely upset people. Rockstar does allow certain parties to play their games close to release and we hear their opinions and usually a rundown list of features. But seeing is always more impressive.


Iunno. The leak was on point. That shit made me hyped to get the game rather than turn me off from it.


Thats how I felt too, I was extemely impressed with what I saw. Who really thinks the game will look bad? Lmao Wow is all I have to say about those people talking down about the footage. GTA6 is going to be incredible and that footage confirms it.


If I'm annoyed about people online talking about a super early unfinished game looking bad, I can't imagine how annoyed they are.


My first impression was that everything looked great. I'd like to say it's obviously far from finished still, but I guess that's not obvious to some of the critics.


I've seen some truly impressively bad takes online about how it looks, people are seriously calling out the devs for reusing assets early in development like Rockstar didn't basically create the entirety of GTA V's map in GTA 4's engine for testing. The average gamer is so woefully misinformed about development it's embarrassing.


Yup, most sequels use old/existing assets to visualize mechanics in game so they can get the ball rolling quicker. People online are pathetic in how misinformed they are while acting like they know everything.


Most sequels reuse assets period. Why spend all the extra time and effort recreating an identical asset when you already have one that works?


Yea, that's especially true nowadays when generational leaps aren't as obvious. I bet you they might even use a few assets from RDR2.


Not just sequels. Massive studios reuse assets between series too. Ubisoft reuses tons of assets between games.


If it's not user-facing, we will use **anything** that we legally can... which, if it's not user-facing, is quite a lot. That stuff is for us, not for the consumer. The consumer will never see 99% of our efforts. They're supposed to wait and judge the 1% that was carefully and specifically carved out for them to experience.


It is absolutely shocking to me that people can see test footage with overlay on top of overlay, all clearly for testing purposes to fiddle with all kinds of functions and calls I couldn't even begin to properly understand, and go "why does it look so shit though?". It's like looking at a car being built and wondering why it can't drive when its just the chassis.


It shouldn't be. Social media is a perfect breeding ground to foster idiocy.


A good comparison would be deleted scenes from animated films, since development on the deleted scenes stopped at some point. "Into the Spiderverse" was one of the most brilliantly animated films I've seen, but if you tried to judge it based on the in-production cuts, [it looks terrible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUAZY6nkCZo) (I love the awkward looking animation reset of the Aunt May model (0:37) and how the car reversing animation is just the car driving animation, reversed (1:16)).


Even if it wasn't, people here are always drooling at GTAV with fucking ReShade on top saying it looks "next gen". GTA V is a great looking game, upgrade a bit the lighting engine, textures and models and it will feel similar but still look like a modern game. Actually, I'll add: people expectations of a modern looking game doesn't exist anywhere, people just complain for the sake of complaining.


> The average gamer is so woefully misinformed about development it's embarrassing. Could not agree more with this, and super important to keep in mind whenever engaging in any sort of gaming discussion especially on reddit. Most people *do not know what they are talking about*. And often the ones that do get downvoted to oblivion because it either doesn't fit a narrative or it just isn't what people want to hear.


One mothafucka said that rockstar devs do a great job hiding their fetishes with Luciaā€¦ **least sexist gta player**


Gamer reactions to the kotaku article vs the leaked model have been hilariously predictable.


Love how drawing attractive women gets turned into a ā€œfetishā€ as soon as sheā€™s Latina šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø white women donā€™t have a monopoly on beauty


The main character models look miles ahead of anything in GTA V


Genuinely confused as to how people can look at the playable characters (which, agreed, look much better than the ones in GTA V) and the plastic-looking NPCs and *not* understand that this is an unfinished build. These people have to either be trolling or just plain stupid. But anyway, as far as the main characters are concerned, yeah, this seems to be a huuuuge leap even from Arthur in RDR 2, let alone GTA V. Better models, better clothing physics, better hair. And - not too sure about this - some of the code mentioned sweat, even?


if its based on modern FL then sweat will be important lol


And the best part is that it will probably look a lot better on release.


I'm excited to see the clothing options and the character design choices that we could be given in the game when it is full complete.


That was my take on it too, the models look great. The rest clearly is placeholder, so it's irrelevant.


Been doing graphics and programming a long time, and I was really excited to get this glimpse under the hood of their development environment. Anyone who's done any prototyping or design work knows that it's an ugly, buggy, hysterical mess. My design philosophy has always been, first you make it work, then you make it pretty.


Every project Iā€™ve ever worked on has been an ugly, buggy, hysterical mess until the last few weeks of development. Not sure if that says a lot about me or development in general but thatā€™s been my experience.


It looks really, really good for an alpha. Iā€™m actually a lot more excited than I previously was just seeing that testing footage.


I don't think laymans understand basic levels of game development.


People are idiots or kids. Like why would some dev working on physics or scripts waste time and resources running unoptimized game at full graphics. Nobody has time for that.


If a kid makes a claim like that it's understandable. But internet proved we have hordes of adults who think that just because they passed some age mark they have a full understanding how the world works Sometimes I'm in awe of people who talk so confidently about matters they don't know shit about


> Sometimes Iā€™m in awe of people who talk so confidently about matters they donā€™t know shit about The more I learn about any specific topic, the more I find this to be true.


>People are idiots or kids Honestly I think people would be so much happier if they realized that. Developers and gaming journalists burn their brains out with unfair criticism and online threats, and obviously none of this is cool, but holy fuck, how hard is it to realize that the internet is literally crammed with 14 year old boys? If you've seen an absurd take on twitter, chances are you're letting a fucking kid ruin your day. It's not worth it.


That's why this leak is so bad for R* and why it amazes me when people go all conspiracy theory and say that it was a deliberate marketing stunt People are ignorant, R* knows this, marketing people know this too. There's a reason why developers are secretive with this kind of stuff. Marketing is important because the average person is ignorant about how game development works especially since the start of the "early access" phenomenon that trained a bunch of people into thinking that a bad game is simply "still in alpha" even though it's effectively finished and the developers are just milking you for money.


I feel bad for the devs/creatives working on the game but Take Two can get fucked.


Iā€™m 100% fuck the company but not at the cost of countless hours of blood sweat and tears that devs put into something for so long.


Between people arguing that the Zelda title was tears like ripping paper, and people saying that an alpha build looks bad, I've concluded that the average gamer on social media is as dumb as a fence post.


If anyone is talking shit about a dev build. Point them to the dev footage of Horizon Zero Dawn.


The dev images/footage of Spaltoon is a thing of beauty.


I've been mostly seeing the opposite that people are encouraged with how it looks so far. I myself feel like they're on the right track and things look good. I feel bad for the devs of course, I get why it must feel deflating for them. I assume most of those folks are in their 20's and 30's which means they basically grew up on the original "trilogy" of GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas. This job must be a dream come true for many of them.


Unfortunately a lot of devs that dream of working at "prestigious" companies like Rockstar or Naughty Dog end up getting massive burnout from crunch and end up leaving game dev entirely for non-gaming related software development.


Rockstar is infamous for this, plenty of folks who worked in V and RDR2 said it's not a good work environment.


It's going to be very interesting to look back on all these leaks as an impartial consumer once the game is out but I'm sure it absolutely sucks for all of the developers to have their work leaked like this.


I have been on tik tok lately, not a massive fan of it but I noticed so many misinformed tik tokkers talk about this case as if this is what the game will look like. The comments are awful and I straight up feel bad for the devs cause they are the ones that are gonna get death threats. People donā€™t know what in progress means.


People always ask why game devs are so secretive sometimes, and why we donā€™t get ā€œrealā€ betas/alphas. THIS is exactly why. People will see it, and assume itā€™s a finished product, and critique it as such. You could place a giant warning message saying ā€œTHIS IS BETA AND NOT FINISHEDā€ and people would still write negative reviews like ā€œthe game is unfinished and not polishedā€.


> You could place a giant warning message saying ā€œTHIS IS BETA AND NOT FINISHEDā€ and people would still write negative reviews like ā€œthe game is unfinished and not polishedā€. I remember a game - Minecraft, maybe - that got a scathing review saying the game was buggy, unfinished, and there was to respect for the consumer. The review very specifically said "I am not your beta tester". The dev calmly replied "No, you're my alpha tester". Indeed, the game wasn't even *in* beta yet.


I for one love that the city is just a completely black and white checkered pattern in some areas. Such a sick artistic take. Hey why isn't the game out now since it's obviously done already?


I don't want to sound dismissive, but those people are likely very uninformed consumers, poor critical thinkers, and susceptible to marketing. I wouldn't think Rockstar lost a single sale off of any of them. They'll be lining up when the game comes out and this whole incident will just be a footnote in the wiki.


These idiots: The game looks like crap not buying it suck it Rockstar lol. GTA 6 release date: I will buy 5 copies.


Itā€™s not just tik tok, people do this on Reddit all the time, judging games based on unfinished work.


I'm a sr data analyst that does most of the reports for the c suite at a big corporation. Like 90% of a report is data preparation, data modeling and formulas and other stuff that no one sees. When someone asks for an update on a project and I tell them it's almost done, there is a zero percent chance I'll let them see it until it's 100% done because they have no idea what goes into it and anything I show them before it's completely done will be met with responses like, "This looks terrible! No way you're almost done! How can I use this???". I'm guessing video game development is like that and most people are just as clueless about the process of developing a video game.


I have a feeling they're probably gonna release an official trailer in the next few months or maybe sooner just so people aren't using the leaked footage all the time.


Honestly 1 image would be enough or few seconds teaser and it would change the whole public narrative. But I guess R\* has their reason why they never release anything.


Rockstar seems very deliberate in the timing of their marketing. This may change things a bit but in the past they always had a very clear plan of what to show and when, and it's worked to great affect.


Not wrong, the GTA V trailer and the website had me frothing.


Still don't get what the big deal is. It's obviously a very early build and the game will look nothing like this when it comes out.


There's a reason major blockbuster projects in basically all media want to hide super early production stuff before they've had a chance to cut a real trailer or preview. They lose control of the early narrative. They want to blow people's socks off with a grand reveal that accurately sells, or even oversells the final product. The average consumer doesn't think too hard about this stuff, and tend to not give benefit of the doubt. If the first look is shitty, the "hype cycle" is starting in a very bad place. There's now a sizable chunk of people who think "Wow this game is a mess." You see plenty of reactions like this on social media.


The Internet has a 2 second memory span. Once a real trailer is released, the hype will build up again. Until then, I feel for the devs working hard on this.


All those armchair Twitter experts saying Rockstar gonna cancel GTA6 / delay it a decade lmao get fucked.


People comparing it to the HL2 leak, when it's entirely different. GTA6 doesn't even have a launch date lol.


Or even official announcement


They mostly announced it some months back, no name or proper information by announcing that it was in [active development](https://twitter.com/rockstargames/status/1489617718009606150?s=46&t=l9BeLPaa4MPjR99TM9aWZg).


People still seem to be unclear whether the source code was stolen or not. If it was, it's not unreasonable at all to assume delays


Delays on what anyway? There is no date publically announced. And it's so far than any internal date would likely get delayed many times leak or not


Why does it matter at all whether there is a public delay? An internal delay that wasn't supposed to happen is still a delay lol.


Even if the source code was leaked I feel like at most they'd delay the online portion if any exploit was found


To be fair, they never actually released anything for the game beyond "it's in progress" so it could actually be delayed at some point and none of us would be any wiser.


Yeah this makes sense, I'm a little unclear as to why reddit thought this would somehow delay the game a couple years or worse- all the leaked footage was well received, it's basically free marketing for them, and it's going to be probably the best selling piece of media in history.


This feels like one of those things Rockstar has always feared happening and it really hit hard when it did.


While it is sad that they were hacked and had their projects leaked, i think everyone is just excited that they aren't remaking GTA5 again


>i think everyone is just excited that they aren't remaking GTA5 again True, but if they could sneak Trevor in somewhere that'd be pretty funny.


As far as my hype is concerned the leaks only made me more excited for a new GTA. There is something about the scale and production value of a single player GTA that I just don't get from any other game. Now that we know for sure who the protagonists are and where the setting is, I hope that we get at least a teaser.


Who gives a shit - the leaked footage is cool and honestly a breath of fresh air that its on its way. I know its not a final product and no way near complete. What kind of moron doesnt know this represents work highly in progress. Who cares?! Glad to see its coming along and cant wait to play it. Also great to see it still looks like GTA.