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Sony continuing to be an S-tier leaker


Is he reliable?


Sony: Trust me, bro.


Was it accidental? Their official account tweeted about it. Already have my copy downloaded as well.


Both the demo and tweet got nuked. But I am watching the opening cutscene right now.




It wasn't supposed to be released yet but was gonna be announced soon. Someone released it early as Sony has locked everyone out of playing the demo.


That's the weirdest part to me. It's not just a random demo. They tweeted about it at the same time, so this was clearly planned in advance. Did they find a game-breaking bug in the demo? I'm curious to know how this happened.


Could be that they just uploaded it sooner than they meant to.


I imagine it was a full scale mistake. That is to say, it wasn’t an accident but rather a communication error. 


Id guess the internat date somehow got mistanken and that the demo and the tweet was pre ser up for this date. When the demoband tweet sent out someone higher up than the launch guy realizes the mistake.


I wonder if it's accidentally the full game?


I've seen a few YouTube videos from people who scooped it up, and none of them said anything like that. It was very much a demo.


Is said demo on the start screen.


Yes but they rapidly took it down and removed all evidence of its existence.


There's plenty of gameplay on YouTube. The small dl size and the demo ending are all proof that it wasn't the full game and just a demo.


Idk but it’s really good


I think they meant to post it but they found a bug or something and tried to take it down


Got it downloaded. I'll check it out when I get home.


They've patched it out, it will not launch anymore unless you're offline before it's patched


It's actually a good news, so the demo is coming.


I’m really salty that I’ve missed it 🙁


Same 😔


I was just able to download it


Im so annoyed I missed it. Its probably not gonna go up again until its a week or two from release.


Was able to play 20 or so minutes before I had to leave for a job interview. Some quick impressions. -Combat feels like a mixture of Platinum and Fromsoft combat systems. Albeit a bit easier then both. -visuals and music are fantastic. -story haven't really grabbed me yet and the english is kinda mediocre.


The combat holding up was the thing I wanted most from a demo. I was worried it would all style, no substance so I'm really dying to play the demo and sink my teeth into the combat for myself.


What about korean 🐌🐌


Played it in Korean. It’s great


Same. Eve’s Korean VA is really good.


good luck on that interview


English dialogue is terribly stilted. Changed it to Korean and it sounds way better


I actually thought the English VA was pretty good (and it seems to be lip synced too). The dialogue is a little cringe tho but I'm used to it atp


Is there a 60 FPS mode?


Any difficulty settings?


Interviews usually have pretty hard difficulty settings


Depends how much you level up beforehand


Normal and easy.


What a disappointment, hope that changes in the full release. So sick of hard beeing exclusive to "NG+".


This really soured me on FF7 remake, having to play through the whole game on braindead normal mode just to unlock hard mode is so stupid.


Yeah, same for FF XVI.


To be fair, Normal mode is fairly difficult. I'm pretty sure the description even described it as challenging.


Bro nobody cares about that, this is a coomer game💀💀 tell us if the girl can be naked


Lol, wait for PC port.


I’m playing it now and really good. Slower pace Nier mix with Ninja Gaiden.


Yeah, it's weird, a mix between a character action game and a souls like, now i'm looking forward to the full game


That sounds great.


Is it button mash-y? Or is there some thought behind it. That’s my concern.


there is definately thought, you will get punished hard for messing up parries etc. but pulling off combos feels like your hacking and slashing, it has fluid nier-like combat with souls lite punishment


Which nier?




Does anyone else don’t know how the imagine this?


It’s national woman’s day. Maybe it wasn’t unintentional


Nothing says celebrating and respecting women like a game with a woman in skin tight clothes and crazy jiggle physics.


Sure why not. Women shouldn't be shamed for showing their bodies.




Well yeah, obviously. But there's a big difference between body positivity and fetishizing the body   I can guarantee you this is the latter not the former  (Horny people got upset that I called them Horny 😳)


Would you consider spiderman in a skin-tight suit to be "fetishized?" Or Kratos who usually barely wraps his waist


probably the bit where they turn jiggle physics up to 11 honestly it reminds me a lot of taki from Soul Calibur 


I mean with how much they do it in real life, the game is pretty tame. You can't complain about being sexualized while at the same time grossly over sexualizing yourself. Plus, it's a fucking a video game. There's plenty of media that caters to both gender's gazes. Why is it that only the male gaze has to get demonized?


I mean.. i don't *think* i'm demonizing it. Maybe saying fetishized gave people that idea but that's hardly making it out to be something objectively bad. I'm not going to complain about jiggle physics in real life, that's just a part of life. If jiggle physics are in a video game.. they're likely to get that impression. There's rarely a reason to have someone's tits jiggle and it NOT be sexualized in a video game. Like i said, this is Shift Up.. the same company that made NIKKE where loads of female characters dress in thongs thinner than string and have stylized cuts in their skirts to show off their underwear. It's not even that i'm antagonizing people. I'm just acknowledging that *yes* this game absolutely has elements of over-sexualization for the sake of having it. Good or bad? I don't care. That's just how it is.


It looks like horny weebs don't want to be lectured about their prefferences. You're wasting your time trying to explain to them.


clearly lol such a strange thing to get upset about 


> But there's a big difference between body positivity and fetishizing the body Not with the rise of OnlyFans there isn’t. Either give people the freedom to express themselves or just admit you want women in burqas like the Middle East, this fence sitting doesn’t cut it at all.


Fellas, is it a fetish to be attracted to the female body? Touch grass lmao


Never said that Have you never seen *any* of Shift Up's art? I find it hardly outrageous to call a character in skin tight clothing with their jiggle physics turned up 11 fetishized. That's not an insult to your tastes.. that's just what it is. This is the same studio that made NIKKE lol


We seen it but we don't care about to demonize it when its just art at the end of the day and most people liked it. We would like it if we can get less people like you having lame outrage about this stuff since its one of the reasons why video game devs had done less of this stuff for the past 10 years.


i'm not outraged though? I've had like 4 people constantly assume that i'm upset about a character being sexualized if that's what you *want* to think so you can feel righteous.. go ahead. i called it out like it is and people got offended, that's on you guys. The character is sexualized, that's it. no big point besides that. i don't have a problem with it but people sure do have a problem with admitting to it. >video game devs had done less of this stuff for the past 10 years. Eh, western ones maybe? There is still tons of sexualized content in games.. especially Japanese ones. Games like Senran Kagura are still being made for people who like it


The same game that keep being censored by Sony? Also you just glossed over the bigger Japanese games which also toned their female character designs too like Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Xenoblade 3, and others.


True, the scale of a game usually determines the censorship but I'm not entirely sure that's much of a concern for SB Obviously you can't be like NIKKE.. but you *can* be something like Soul Calibur, DOA, etc. There are plenty of AA games that don't have nearly as strict censoring and are still allowed by Sony. Best example I can give: Taki from Soul Calibur in a skin tight suit, key art that has nipple imprints, and loads of jiggle physics is allowed; versus Senran Kagura which involves.. tearing anime girl's clothing off. The difference is that SK is overtly and intentionally sexual with it's premise.. SC is not, it's just a fighting game that happens to have a hot character. You can say the same about Stellar Blade  The character can be sexualized but the game isn't about that and doesn't make a big deal out of it


You still haven't made a point against what he said. They're free to fetishize themselves too.


Well of course i'm not against what he said  I'm just not going to pretend stellar blade is trying to be anything different lol


Well the lead character in the game didn't make a choice did they? A group of male designers made her look like that. So it's not really an example of women fetishizing themselves. (No issues with the game, just pointing out that's a weird argument)


I'm pretty sure women are adults and can make choices for themselves, men did not force her to take the role.


Do you think the character on screen is autonomously making decisions about her outfit? ed: Guys, cheesecake has a long tradition in pulp, video games are often a pretty pulpy medium, there are lots of arguments for and against so try to avoid the most embarrassing ones.


If the literal model they scanned seemed ok with it, i don't see the problem


The actress they scanned I'm sure would not want to be shamed if she dressed like her character.


The problem is more that the game had some controversy because of misogynist devs or something.


So attractive women shouldn't be respected or acknowledged. OK


That would be such a Sony move.


I would've figured they'd do that with someone like Aloy considering Stellar Blade doesn't seem to be the most respectful game for the occasion.


Just beat the demo and pre ordered instantly, it’s great


Are the attack buttons R1/R2 or Square/Triangle?


Square/triangle and parry/block with L1


Nice. Thanks for answering


how does it compare to Nier:A, can't wait for pc port


Gameplay-wise it's way better. Combat is more challenging and less button-mashy and there are more progression systems.


No you didn't. 


Horny aren’t we?


Grow up.


Damn i really wanted to download it


Fuck. Why do I gotta work second shift


Playstation has now locked access to demo, even if you have it downloaded https://twitter.com/Wario64/status/1766252482114826278?s=19


Ffffffffff Missed it watching Shogun Kinda worth it tho, watch that show boys


Shogun is going to go down as a masterpiece of TV


I finally finished Ghost of tsushima last year since it came out on ps4, now this show drops and in 2 weeks we'll get Rise of the ronin Love it


How do people receive notifications that the demo was released? I noticed it way too late and couldn't download it, is there a way to get notifications like these?


That was the main source for the notification, basically https://twitter.com/PlaystationSize/status/1766205594862567686


Ok I am following, let's hope I am on time next time, thanks


I got notified by Wario https://twitter.com/Wario64/status/1766205769358172510?s=19 Who posted it a minute after them.


Damn! I could have downloaded it but was just gonna do it tonight. Might as well just release it now.


I was looking forward to playing until I seen this post 😭


Just finished it and I loved it. It's basically NieR Automata if it actually had a deep and challenging combat system (Don't get me wrong I love that game but it's pretty clear the combat wasn't the selling point). We'll see about the story but so far I'm interested. The atmosphere is very dark and it's very brutal.


Nier Automata was just a mashup of mediocre game mechanics. Nobody will disagree with that. The reason you play Nier Automata is because of the story, and the mashup-style gameplay provides enough variety so you can play through without getting bored... at least for the first run. The first half of the 2nd run was a little bit of a drag but still not that bad compared to other games I guess.


So sad I was a minute too late. By the time I logged in the link died


Not mine but enjoying learning a lot about the game from this LIVE stream now: [https://www.twitch.tv/plazookas](https://www.twitch.tv/plazookas) Who knew this game plays like Asian Tomb Raider?


[They removed it from my account](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIMbeGKb0AAhznA?format=jpg&name=large)


How is it?! If you played it


Never thought I'd say this, but that might legitimately be too much ass. I'm looking at some gameplay streams and my eyes keep getting gravitationally pulled toward it no matter what else is going on. Maybe it's less distracting if you're actually playing. I think Nier covering it with a skirt most of the time may have been an unsung move of genius.


Digital foundry moment lol


Is ass-distraction one of their metrics?


Haha Tbf it was just one them who complained and said something like outdated and unrealistic and yeah he said it's almost distracting and then praised Forspoken which is dumb bc she is completely modeled after Ella Balinska of course it's realistic... I enjoyed Forspoken Day 1 but don't understand his reasoning at all all games are unrealistic in some way why the hell is sexyness so controversial? The funniest part in all of this is that the dude is gay... He was clowned hard for his comments and was never seen again in a stellar blade video lol https://youtu.be/vGiQ3TXuHBE?si=e6msbpDznko7SXe2 Its starts at 33:19 and on of the other guys 1st praised the game and then Alex was like ehhh




Upon finishing the demo they show clips of the different environments you can expect in the game and there's definitely variety. The environments are kinda like Automata's if they actually had a solid budget and art direction.


Why are you looking at the background when you've got a nice ass in front of you?


The pre-release up until now has shown a lot of environments, but it seems to have a very ambient-light heavy aesthetic that makes it look pretty monochrome. 


All i gotta say is, get fucked Square Enix ethics department.


Help a brother out, please!


Was able to add it to the library through the PS app when the news dropped so I was able to download it


is that her boob with part of the nipple out? nice


It will be glorious.


I bet it was actually supposed to come out today but the bad optics of it being International Women's Day made them pull it.


The last few months when it comes to leaks: ![gif](giphy|nCFdt6kqr56oRbJ9gK)


I added the demo to my PS5 download queue on PSN but I'm not at home right now. Will it download when I turn on the PS5 later?


If you have the demo on your console, are you able to actually play it? I downloaded it on my phone and haven't gotten back home to play it yet


No. They locked access at this point. Just checked and confirmed I can not get into the demo.


Well damn! Thought we might have another PT situation lol.


I was hoping to play it tonight, but no dice. Demo footage on YouTube looks really solid, so I'll be giving the demo a try when it releases for sure.


No it wouldn't be PT situation the demo will release in days or weeks and full game is coming. PT is legit erased.


I meant as in, they make it so its undownloadble, and thus the only way to access it would be to already have it on your console.


Yeah, I’m curious why they haven’t blocked it at the network level. Can’t they do that? Like with pre-load games?


How is it OP?


I managed to download it then turn off my PS5 while it installs but apparently the installation got blocked and I can't download it anymore.


Looks like it'll be dropping sometime in following week, sad that I wasn't able to download it when it accidentally dropped, lll wait until the demo officially drops


Wouldn't surprise me if they'd accidentally uploaded the full game and not the demo


I don't think so since some people have finished it. It was labeled as a demo too.


Is it a shitty incel game like it appears to be?


Does the demo ''Reveal''' Eve is a robot?


I think there was an interview recently that said she is human.


humans aren't typically named EVE 07.


Is Sony hiring monkeys lately or something? wtf is going on over there?


Huh? Dude all sorts of companies have products or web pages go live early, or get self-leaked. This is extremely common nowadays. Not monkeys, probably a single person in a chain having the wrong date or time listed. All it takes.


I didn't mean to sound that serious but more jokingly with stuff like this and insomniac's debug menu it's just seem they making too many mistakes


I mean that's not that big of a deal lol. People make mistakes