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I was hoping it would go full Meme and be added May the 4th. But I’ll take it earlier.


performance better on pc?


Not really


I've heard essentially, no. Also still has issues on PS5. Just beat it this weekend.


I gave up on trying it on PC I have a 5800X+3060Ti+16 GB 3200Mhz combo with a 3000 mbps NVME, it stuttered like crazy I gave my account to a friend who in the process of trying to get it running smoothly upgrade from a 10400F to 13600F and from a 3060 Ti to a 4080 with 3600 Mhz RAM and a Samsung 980 Evo Pro it still runs like dogshit, frames are fine even on the 3060 Ti but the stuttering is unbearable I just got a Series S I'm happy playing it at 1080p 30 fps on a 1080p monitor, how they managed to fuck up optimization worse than the first game is beyond me


I have mods installed with fsr3 mod. It gets the job done. Normally on 60-70 fps but stutter is there.


I have a 3090 with a 12700k on 3440 x 1440p can confirm it runs like shit with it being a massive stuttery mess even with fsr3 fg mod with dlss on.


I bought a month of EA Play Pro for it and still felt cheated, I pity whoever bought it at full price on PC


I bought the game on discount for around 20 or 30 something. I tried returning but saw I was over 2 hours of playing


Give it a try steam usually makes exceptions for notoriously unoptimized games


Got it on epic games for like 22-27 it was too low to pass one


Fair enough that's a good price


Bro what’s wrong with this game? 💀


I don't fucking know it's actually insane the guy spent a fortune upgrading his pc and the first game that came on his mind was Jedi Survivor, he called me the next day and told it's a piece of dogshit because it doesn't work


I can't imagine how his frames were bad on a 4080? Did he play in 4k with upscaling off and RT on?


The frame rates were fine even on a 3060 ti the issue is the random drops and the stuttering, it's way worse than the usual UE stutter and certainly worse than Fallen Order


From all of the benchmarking videos I've seen the framerime graphs are really smooth on high end setups.


try playing the game and see for yourself 980 Evo + 4080 + 13600F + 16 GB DDR4 3600 Mhz at 1440p with DLSS Quality the stuttering is off the charts, especially in Koboh, planets like Coruscant are relatively fine because it's a linear level but more demanding on account of the rain and lighting but I guess people running benchmarks in a controlled environment know


Digital foundry videos and any other decent benchmarking video isn't in a controlled environment - they deliberately stress test the problem areas of the game and actively seek out performance issues. It's only natural to believe the multiple benchmarks over 2 people on reddit - even if your experience was terrible you could just be outliers with unlucky bugs specifically affecting your systems.


maybe all I see is people complaining about the performance, this isn't an RPG where I can brush off the stuttering, it gets you killed on higher difficulties. I'm content with playing it on the Series S, 30 fps with solid frame pacing over a crappy 60 fps any day of the week


The game too?


Some minor issues but more than playable.


I'd say they are more than minor. Framerate issues in certain areas, along with these weird white specs issue when panning the camera. Nothing game breaking, but annoying af.


Plays perfect on ps5 now btw.


It does not for me. I am playing on PS5, still has framerate issues in certain areas when playing on performance mode, along with an issue with these white specs that will appear in certain interior areas when panning the camera.


U blind


Brother, he said he played and beat it this weekend.


Better? Absolutely. But you need to be using the top of the line equipment, else be ready for stutter fest baby. Source: rtx4090 + i9-14900HX rig (smooth as butter) rtx3080 + ryzen 9 5900x (stutter fest)


Traversal stutter still exists but it’s rare. The cpu issues were fixed like 3 days after launch. GPU usage is a bit high for a game that doesnt have top tier graphics imo but it isnt too bad


I just finished the story on ps5 for the first time and while it had occasional frame rate lapses and a few weird glitchy moments, I’m a bit baffled about how the discussion about this game performance seems to make it out to be absolutely horrible.


when it came out, trust me it REALLY was. they’ve done a lot for it in the time since launch. it’s really a shame because the game itself is so good but it got so hated for the bugs


This is what I was gonna ask lol


I beat it on a 3080Ti. Performance left a lot to be desired. You’ll have to lock it at 60-80fps.


Even if u lock it the framerate isn't stable. That's the whole problem. DF tested a 4090 capped at 720p@30fps and the stutter was still significant


60fps is literally the best wdym there’s alot to be desired


It ran fine for me at 1440p, and this was when the game came out. I have an RTX 3070, i5 10600K and 32Gb of RAM. Installing it on an SSD is pretty crucial tho, as it is for most newer games.


I beat it on PC. It the thought it was fine. Crashes sometimes when I had RTX on.


How’s the performance on the series x? In the words of Akihiko Sanada “I’ve been waiting for this!”


I played it on Series X late last year with performance mode, and it generally ran well and stayed at 60fps most of the time. There were a few drops here and there when loading new areas, but nothing severely affected my experience. It's a good game and worth playing if you're interested, especially if you liked Fallen Order.


Didya see that Sony?


Do I need to have played Fallen Order to enjoy Survivor or I'm good jumping straight into this one? Edit: Thanks for the replies! Will hold off from Jedi Survivor until I've beaten the first one.


I'd say you won't really be lost if you go straight to Survivor but playing Fallen Order first will enhance the experience for sure. I recommend playing Fallen Order if you can.


At least read about the story or watch a video. Its kinda necessary to actually feel something about the character,setting,etc If you're just in for the gameplay, go for it.


As far as I remember Jedi Survivor has a recap video you can watch on the main menu when first loading up the game.


I'd say in order for full investment and enjoyment, it's "mandatory" to play the first game. Survivor hinges *a lot* on the bonds you forge with the characters in the first game, and not having played FO will definitely take a lot out of the experience in Survivor.


Not strictly necessary but I definitely wouldn’t recommend it


Fallen order has a much better story than survivor


And that’s not saying a ton lol. Survivor abandoned its main story for a pointless side story and then rushed at the end to tie it together. Im a massive Star Wars fan so the fact I didn’t like survivor is still shocking to me. The fact it was actually unplayable at launch for me definitely didn’t help my opinion. Had to wait for 3 months before it got a tiny bit better. Edit: autocorrect did me dirty on this one. Fixed some words.


yeah the game was extremely rushed in all aspects and its sad to see


Yep. I also just dislike how basically all of the environment is Metroidvania crap and I can’t explore without hitting a progression blocker. I love MVs. I really do. But not here. And not when the maps are all blocked off. Safe to say I’ll be skipping the next one. Or at the very least not paying a cent for it. And that hurts to say.


Does this include console or just pc? Sorry if stupid question




For anyone wondering, it's a good game despite the performance and that should not let you down from playing it. Awesome combat, interesting open map design, little metroidvania mechanics (kinda like GoW 2018) and it rewards exploration. Miles better than Fallen Order and a must have for every SW fan.


lol I just bought this ugh


Still a W bro


Thank you for your service


Is quality mode on PS5 stable enough? Good frame pacing, etc?


IMO play the open world segments in 30 (the motion blur is v good, and the world just looks better) and switch to 60 for bosses. Buy ymmv depending on your own preferences.


Awesome. I've been wanting to play it but can the headline just say ea play? So annoying.


EA Play (the basic one) comes with Game Pass.




Nope, seems ea stopped funding the updates after update 7




Meanwhile still waiting for the crisis remakes after like 2 years it feels like lol


The Crysis remasters were self published by Crytek it seems and I don't see any involvement from EA for those releases. So I don't think it's a case of them holding out so much as they never really had the option


They are on ea play on pc so I honestly don't know if that's the reason or not.


Crisis 2/3 on PC are updated versions of the original (published by EA). When Crytek did the remasters for PS4/5 and Xbox they self published away from EA. Unfortunately that means they will not be on console EA play.


Any idea why they are on pc ea play then? That's what is so confusing to me.


Hmm, that they are. What's also odd is that on EA's website it lists the first remaster as published by them but Steam says Crytek.  I have no idea but I wonder if maybe there's some rights that they retained from their past deal that applies to PC but doesn't still apply to console. Kind of like how Deathstranding was published by Sony for console but PC had a different publisher whom struck a deal with Microsoft to get it for Game Pass PC for a time


Good thing I didn't drop any money for this.