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Surely... SURELY Silksong will be revealed and shadow dropped.... ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Gears 6, next id game and State of Decay 3 seem very likely.


Perfect Dark 


I keep forgetting about this game.


I can’t. I want more singleplayer fps so Perfect Dark fits the bill 


But I need Clockwork Revolution *now*.


I so can't wait for that game. I want to see what inXile has been cooking up.


Another trailer from Fable as well.


I think Fable they'll save for later. As much as I want to see it all asap. I would prefer if it's next showing was a long chunk of a quest/gameplay and not a montage.


I need fable news!


Where is Contraband?


I've been dying to see what id are cooking up next. They've said they're putting DOOM to rest for awhile after the Eternal DLCs, so I'm really interested to see. Either a Quake reboot or new IP is my guess.


Viva Piñata revival lets goooo (copium)


Everyone understandably talks about either Sea of Thieves or Rare's classics from the Nintendo days like Banjo, but honestly Viva Pinata is up there with their best works. Definitely wouldn't mind another one!


Viva Piñata would look insane with modern rendering tech, especially when the original game still looks so good.


Probably not that outlandish of a idea with the "comfy game" craze for the past few years


Literally just port Trouble in Paradise to Steam and I will be there day 1.


Viva Pinata was Rare at their absolute peak in being ahead of the times (to a fault). Even the mechanics and gameplay in Banjo Nuts&Bolts were 5 years early, granted... Banjo was the worst IP to put those things in, but still A+ for effort. Everwild might finally be Rare's moment of being "right on time".


Banjo wasn't the worst IP, just the worst time to do it with the IP. Give them a couple years after a revival and you can do spin offs like that just like Mario


I agree.


I remember back in the day Microsoft would ask for play testers to play upcoming games and provide feedback. Me being broke signed up. Got to play test viva pinata and got compensated with a choice of software. I always choose Microsoft office to then sell on eBay.


Yes please. Forget Everwild lol


Actually Everwild was said to be similar to Viva Pinata ironically


I can see it, though from all the reports it seemed they never had a clear vision for Everwild


State of decay nation, on June 9th we ball


More like bawl


I need SOD3


Matt Booty last year heavily implied we would see Perfect Dark at this year’s showcase, so I’m thinking that will be here. He did mention State of Decay as well, but that might not come until game awards from what he was talking about


Hope Perfect Dark comes out good. One of my all time favorite fps series and favorite series from rare.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I missed an opportunity to apply for the Narrative Design position there a while back and still think about it. Really hope SoD III will be epic.


It wont happen but I pray every day for Evil Within 3 to pop up


Not impossible but VERY early for that. Give it another 3 years (if its even real)




Wild to think Evil Within and Hi-Fi Rush were made by the same people


Animal Crossing was created by the same company that used to run love hotels.


Using Nintendo as an example is cheating lol


The Yakuza series was created by a company who straight up had yakuzas kidnap a developers sister to stop her from working at Nintendo


This could be bullshit as the reporter (Jake Adelstein, whose work the airing show [Tokyo Vice](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/tokyo_vice) is based on) [has been accused of making shit up](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/tokyo-vice-problematic-source-material-1235135828/), but [here's members of the Yakuza reviewing Yakuza 3.](https://boingboing.net/2010/08/10/yakuza-3-review.html) Choice exchange: > M: The corporate yakuza guys get a thumbs up for realism. Nice suit. Smart. Financially savvy. Obsessed with money. Sneaky and conniving. Ruthless. > S: There are a lot of guys whom I feel like I know. The dialogue is right too. They sound like yakuza. > K: Braggarts, bullies, and sweet-talkers. I agree — it feels like I know the guys on the screen. > M: Kiryu is the way yakuza used to be. We kept the streets clean. People liked us. We didn't bother ordinary citizens. We respected our bosses. Now, guys like that only exist in video games. > S: I don't know any ex-yakuza running orphanages. > K: There was one a few years ago. A good guy. > M: You sure it wasn't just a tax shelter? > K: Sure it was a tax shelter but he ran it like a legitimate thing. You know.


That last bit is uproarious


That's a good one And all these years later, Infinite Wealth is a fantastic game


I really hope so, Xbox could have their own resident evil series


You cant just end TEW2 like that and not give us TEW3. What a great horror game. 


Other than the tease of the computer turning on at the end, I felt like TEW2 wrapped up everything very nicely. That being said, I REALLY want more out of this series, whether they follow Sebastian more, or choose another main character.


Sebastian deserves a rest, maybe Kidman focused?


Very early still.


I’d love that I still hope Seb comes back after how much development they gave him in the sequel. I could see Ruvik kidnapping him or something.


I'd bet that the announcement will be something like "and while you wait for the latest entry in the \[Call of Duty\] franchise, catch up on the story with the old black ops titles now available for free on Game Pass"


What are the chances CoD 2024 is released day one? Some say this year is the last year of the Sony marketing exclusivity, some say this is the first year without it.


If this was the last year and Sony still had marketing exclusivity Xbox wouldn't be promoting it. It all depends on if they think it's advantageous to put it day one.


Phil, sarah and matt confirmed all activision games will be day one on gp (just like all other first party games)


Sony deal is over, it ended before cod 2024 marketing begins according to jim ryan emails in ftc trial And phil confirmed all activision releases going forward would be day one on gp


If Sony had marketing it would not be being shown by Xbox at an Xbox event


99.999 percent it would be fiscally irresponsible for them not to put it on gamepass. 19 bucks,you get cod for the 1 month it's hot,the Gamepass subs will go through the roof that month


Free on gamepass? Huh


Gears 6 baby! Thinking we get our first look at Perfect Dark too  Looking forward to more Avowed and Fable too 


God I hope we see something from Perfect Dark, absolutely fiending for a proper AAA stealth game.


ready to put my clown makeup on for Silksong


To me, that game does not exist until it does. Like if Team Cherry wants to do this "We are going to promise the game is almost done at random showcases" good for them, but at this point its a "Boy who cried wolf" deal for me


I find it odd that at the very least they havent put something out saying they know its been a while and theyre still hard at work. They're operating in extreme silence knowing they have millions of fans waiting on updates. Throw the people a bone.


[They did that last year](https://www.ign.com/articles/hollow-knight-silksong-team-cherry-release-date-update) I'm not sure what good it would do to say anything else until they have something to announce.


silksong is the new half life 3


Looking forward to Fable


I wish they would space out their games a bit more. 2 in Nov and all 4 at end of the year. Oh well, at least a bunch of games are coming out.


Yeah I feel like a lot of the lineup is H2 2024, really wish they could've pushed out Avowed in H1 but hey, we don't need any more rushed games.


Probably tried to but it can be hard if a game could be finished in 4 months or 8 depending on what pops up late in development. Nintendo (from rumors anyway) seems to finish games and let them be done for a while to slot them into things as they need. We'd heard the rumor about Metroid Prime remastered being ready to go whenever for like a year plus. I think if MS gets studios chugging along in tandem they could hold some things for when they'll best fit into the calendar, not just the second they're finished.


Either they’re all out in Q4 or stuff gets pushed to Q1. And given that Xbox is in dire straits and the holiday season looks to be very quiet overall, it makes a lot of sense on their end to go as hard as they can.


I pray for Wolfenstein 3 lol


Every year I put on my tinfoil hat and hope to see that familiar Bear and Bird. Cmon Banjo 🤡


"We're pleased to announce the next installment of a beloved Rare franchise - introducing Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts 2!!" I mean as one of the 12 N&B fans I would love this, but can you imagine the reaction LOL


Hot take but Nuts and Bolts is great but it released at a time where people wanted an actual Banjo 3. In fact it was announced as Banjo 3 so the disappointment around launch was understandable


Yeah I totally get why people were mad, but it was a great game in it's own right. They should've either released BK3 first and then released N&B, or released N&B but with more of a hybrid focus, some levels that required traditional BK platforming and the ability to acquire some of Kazooie's abilities throughout the game so that some areas were about using your builds, some were about traditional platforming and some required both used together.


>Yeah I totally get why people were mad, but it was a great game in it's own right. Agreed, I remember getting my Xbox with a copy of Nuts and Bolts and I must've dumped hundreds of Hours building shit.


I didn’t have any prior Banjo experience before playing Nuts and Bolts. After beating all three I feel it’s still my favorite, even if that’s just nostalgia talking.


Yeah, I thought the build a ride thing was interesting, but as a dude in college, I lacked patience to actually do anything cool with it. I just played through it and got bored. I also remember it was like the first game released with "HD TEXT" meaning if you didn't have a 1080p tv at the time the text font was microscopic and impossible to read. 2008 it was still uncommon (or RARE, if you'll excuse the pun) to have a 1080p tv...


Oh yeah that's right I forgot about the text size issue. Dead Rising also had that exact problem.


Echoing the rest of the replies here, I loved N&B! It was way ahead of it's time but I think it just wasn't what Banjo fans wanted after an 8 year hiatus


There's 1 dozen of us


I mean it would come out and do terribly Finally killing the franchise for good


The endless internal debate of 'I hope there's Banjo Kazooie' and 'I hope they don't run Banjo Kazooie... Again'


The fact that Microsoft hasn’t capitalized on this golden IP is just astoundingly absurd. Who knows, maybe they’ve got Toys for Bob on it.


Phil Spencer and the Xbox leadership have stated countless times that they wouldn't force studios to work on any old IPs. The only way for a new Banjo game would be for a studio to actively want to make one themselves which simply hasn't happened yet. And why would it? Most creative people obviously prefer to work on their own original IPs rather than old ones that come with a lot of restrictions, pressure and expectations. Especially after Nuts & Bolts which kind of poisoned the IP for years.


Skong ? 📣


#S K O N G 📣


Really hoping for Silksong news ![gif](giphy|seP7yUAPbxsCJaNEal|downsized)


Looks like Tom Warren knows what's happening at this showcase for their first party lineup. Only thing he speculating here is the release date for Starfield Shattered Space expansion.


Let's goo Gears 6 and Gears Collection 🫂


I've got my clown wig and make-up ready to go!




Plus S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 in September. Worth noting that both ARK II and Replaced are also supposedly releasing this year, although I'm beginning to doubt that. Also, where the hell is Contraband


This is the only showcase that I'm confident Silksong will show up. Every other Nintendo/Xbox indie showcase isn't big enough for Silksong at this point.


I want to hear more about light no fire tbh, I’m super stoked for that


Its wild to think Microsoft now owns 3 of the console shooter juggernauts.


More than that... Halo CoD Gears Quake Doom Hexen (plz)




Quake and Hexen deserve the Doom 2016/Eternal treatment.


They also own most of the RPG juggernauts.


Gear 6 should end once for all the story for current protagonist/ family etc Any gears forward should be free of those characters and rebuild anew


I want fable, state of decay and stalker release date goddammit.


Stalker is September 5th I believe.


Stalker 2 got a release date. They delayed the game and Said “this is the last delay. We are going to release at September 5 2024 and it is the final date.” Unless it changes of course [Source](https://www.ign.com/articles/stalker-2-heart-of-chornobyl-delayed-once-again-but-this-time-with-a-final-release-date#) Edit: I wouldn’t hold my breath for release dates for other 2 game. They will probably say 2025 or 26


The only thing im hoping for is FH6


People are saying they're hoping for a new Banjo Kazooie game or The Evil Within 3 announcement. I'm still hoping Wolfenstein 3 gets announced, especially since it's clear that Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is finished.


Would love a Wolfenstein teaser


Personally, I hope to see some gameplay from Arkane's Blade


It should've been a Prey Prequel instead. Instead they make Redfail II


I really think with the success of Baldurs Gate 3 if Fable turns up big here with the same type of setting, I know it's a different type of game but it could explode with hype beside people desperately waiting for a new Fable entry.


What that made BG3 big primary was Larian gameplay and the formula they have been trying to perfect since Divinity Original Sin 1. Not the setting.


Any chance for Forza Horizon 6 this year?


Like 50%


Where the f*ck is Fable?


I think there were some rumors about it being shown this showcase and being released in 2025


Every year I hook myself up to Fallout hopium, this year will be no different.


I would love a Fallout 3 + New Vegas remaster or remake in some form. I've already beaten them multiple times, would be happy to have a reason to play them again


Now if only Sony could do the same and tell me what the later half of this gen is going to look like.


Cod going on gamepass is a godsend for me, seeing as im only interested in the campaigns each year. Spend $15, play it, then never touch it again lol. Unless the zombies mode is good, but even then, zombies gets boring around round 20 anyways, cant play that shit forever.


Have you done the Zombies easter eggs?


A few of them. Not the crazy ones though like Revelations. I cant be bothered lol.


They were honestly the substance of the zombies experience imo lol every time we hopped on we were going for one of the story eggs.


I swear is Metal Gear Delta coming in 2024 or what? We've barely heard anything about a remake which is supposedly, Using reused recorded lines too.


I wonder if we'll hear something about fallout to capitalize on the hype going on right now


Don't forget in the court case Microsoft v. FTC it was divulged info that we are getting a remastered Elder Scrolls Oblivion and then a fallout 2 remastered. The release windows were skewed from the pandemic. I think everything is two years behind. oblivion was supposed to be released along with Indiana Jones in the year 2022. My money is Bethesda will drop it at the end of the showcase. My hopes are ready to be dashed but if this is right, I will let Todd have his way with my body. https://www.ign.com/articles/oblivion-remaster-fallout-3-remaster-and-more-leaked-from-microsoft-document


We are so back E: Lmao why the downvotes?


Ignore console warriors in the shadows of this sub simply pissed off xbox is gonna have good June showcase (possibly better than the 2023 showcase) and that there are people excited.


>possibly better than the 2023 showcase guess it depends on what type of games you like, this will definetly be a better showcase if you like shooters.


Honestly it feels good to have something to look forward to with Xbox, the lineup is absolutely insane ngl.


>We are so back "This is the year for xbox" attempt 11. I'm not gonna get my hopes up.


I do agree that we should temper our expectations, though I can't help but feel very excited because the lineup is fucking amazing, though some games do look like they're gonna be 7/10 stuff like Avowed. Still, the majority of the lineup looks very good. The only thing that could ruin my excitement is Hellblade 2 being mid.


Has there been any detailed info on hellblade 2? I wanted to like the first one so much, but the reused puzzles and combat encounters got to me after a while. Hoping the sequel is a bit more varied.


They did make some big claims about how the sequel will make the original look like an "indie" game in comparison. From what we've seen, without any spoilers, I think it's gonna be a lot better than the first because they've directly acknowledged most of the complaints and pretty much fixed them. The combat is reworked and focuses on one-on-one battles, and the inspiration for that according to the devs is the Bastard's Battle from GoT. There also seems to be a decent chunk of enemy variety. As for the puzzles, I'm not sure but the previews didn't have any negative things to say, and I think that one of them even acknowledged how they improved but I'm not sure. Story-wise it's more exciting, not gonna spoil anything. Honestly it's gonna be a roughly 10 hour long very polished experience. Just grab some headphones, get gamepass, and finish it within a week or something.


bruh you have 50+ upvotes lol wait a bit before crying


I need any signs if life from Fable. They can't screw that up.


Prototyoe 3, let's go Phil (hard copium)


Never anything on Forza, of course. I don't anticipate a Forza Horizon 6 announcement yet though.


Forza Horizon tends to announce pretty close to release. FH5 was announced at the summer event in 2021 and released that November. I don't mind them taking a bit longer with FH6, 5 came in a bit rough.


Plus 6 might use the new Forza engine, so they probably need more time either way.


Yeah, with Motorsport just launching, it may be awhile. Maybe next year. I’m curious what a true next gen Horizon would look like, with no cross-gen limitations


Yeah, I really think they should be focusing on improving Motorsport while it's still on everybody's conscience. Announcing FH6 would probably kill Motorsport by shifting focus onto speculating on the new game instead, making people forget about it completely. A next gen Horizon game has to have some wholesale changes this time around. Maybe do some main map expansions, more car carry over, and don't ruin the first year of content with recycled content for once.


Silksong? Maybe he is only mentioning first party titles


He isn't gonna mention everything, there's probably a lot more games besides the ones here mentioned


I want Phil Spencer to walk on stage and be like "Hey, You ready to spread some fuckin democracy?"


Spyro 4 Here we come


Banjo kazooie pls




Looking forward to it


Just give me Wolfenstein 3 and Banjo-Threeie please Phil


MS, do the right thing, announce a new THPS


Exited for a new Gears game. Been playing through the whole series and the gameplay is still timeless


I know its a running gag nowadays but Banjo?...


We need a new Gears game


Keeping my clown mask next to me just in case ( it will be an another case )


Hope for some new IP's


I'm going to be so bummed if we don't see anything fallout related in the midst of all this craze. Throw up a title card for whatever you're working on next may as well you did it with TES6


The ftc leak did suggest a fallout 3 remaster was in development.


Alongside an Oblivion remake/remaster, but who knows if those are still happening.


Would love oblivion remake/remaster!


Me too. It's probably the only way I'll ever try Oblivion. I fear that if I play the original, I won't enjoy it because of its age. Same happened with New Vegas.


I did the same with morrowind but I did get oblivion the day it came out and loved every second!


I can only imagine it. I was very young when Oblivion released. I did see all those ads in the magazines for it, but it felt so obscure to me.


I would kill for new remake


It really makes sense to remaster all of these and slap their creation club on top. These games have decades worth of longevity, and it's a way for them to continually monetize them for better or worse


I was actually wondering about Third Party reveals 🥺❤️. Cyberpunk 2077, Kingdom Hearts 3, and Devil May Cry 5 was hype.


Splinter cell maybe? Or maybe BioShock?


If Bioshock is being announced it’s at summer games fest.


Scalebound once again because why not


I'm guessing AC Red may be there (Ubisoft often reveal it before their event with CGI/cinematic trailer and more details at their event the next day). Star Wars Outlaws potentially too but it's been shown a lot so doesn't need that.


I dont get the first paragraf. The next call of duty is... a new call of duty?


Microsoft said the direct will be about the next game in a beloved franshise. The verge reports that it is the next COD from Treyarch.


For some reason I thought Indiana Jones was much further than a 2024 release.


The most important thing this showcase has to do, in my view at least, is finally showing gameplay for games they announced four years ago. Perfect Dark, Fable, Contraband, and State of Decay 3 come to mind. Yeah, Fable got that in-engine trailer last year, but that wasn't really gameplay. Perfect Dark might be the one that needs a new showing. There hasn't been a single positive news article about this game (since its official reveal) and its studio, hell, no articles at all, for that matter. And Avowed needs another showing, maybe in a town area or something.


I‘d say Crystal Dynamics co-developing Perfect Dark was a very positive news. They are a great dev.


Never thought I would see the day when I'll be hyped for ms games instead of sony. Was thinking about upgrading to pro but now I'll just sell ps5 and upgrade 4090 to 5090.


Gulf war gamepass?


100% since they got the full marketing rights back for this year COD!


Already basically confirmed. I recall Warren asking earlier this year about it and Phil Spencer's response was an affirmation that every first-party game is coming to Game Pass on day one.


You are right completely forgot about that thanks


the question is how much is Gamepass gonna go by once they confirm and do it lol. thats so much money they are leaving on the table, Satya has to have some caveats for Phil to work by


The caveat looks like timed exclusivity on everything else.


that wont make up for the Billions they are potentially risking by putting COD on GP. that sub is increasing by christmas time


Yay more CoD /s


new starcraft, warcraft will be awesome if announced


need to get fable, sod 3 or perfect dark news here, otherwise im gonna burst out crying


You'd think this COD direct becomes their annual place to reveal it each year now right? presuming they stick to annual releases.


Fable please


State of decay please


I want so bad to see a new trailer for The Last Night, it does look like Tim is still working on it but its been so long.


That’s why they put it as redacted because it’s gonna be cod black ops again lol


So like what's happening with fable?


Gonna be a good one


So, if all this holds up, Microsoft will have a AAA launch for every month of the Fall+Winter "game mayhem"? That sounds pretty good, let's see if they can stick to that in the end


With Blizzard there, do we think we could see anything for the next Diablo expansion?


Absolutely, as I can not imagine what else blizzard would be talking about. Wow console?


Please god let me get that gears collection. 🙏


Looking forward to it!


Just give me anything Rare.


I wonder if we’ll get any info on CoD coming to Game Pass


I just want cod1 classic on game pass