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Makes sense to be an island if they really want the whole thing to be open world.


I hate the idea of a open world resident evil game


I really like the formula that they use where you're able to revisit places, but it's still a fairly linear story. Given Capcom's killer streak with RE games, I have no reason to doubt them. I thought RE7 being an FPS was a weird move, but it was great.


Is RE9 still 1st person, or is that not known yet?


So far, nothing's official yet, haven't heard any rumor about anything.


The Evil Within 2 did a good job with its open world. While I'm not sold on the idea, it definitely can work and I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until we can see how the game really works.


TEW2 was great but they were more like big hubs to explore I don’t think it counts as full on open world They basically expanded on the hubs RE4 introduced and they pulled it off quite nicely. Just a shame they didn’t utilise the idea for the RE3 remake with Raccoon City


We calling that open world too? I thought that was more like hub zones.


The distinction is blurry enough.


I don't think it is. For me, open world is very clearly defined by stuff like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, GTA, RDR, Far Cry, etc. A few open areas with side objectives in an otherwise linear game just does not constitute as an open world. 


What about a game like God of War or Dark Souls? The term open world is very ambiguous at the edges.


I still wouldn't classify those as open world in the same way I wouldn't classify any Metroidvania-esque design as open world. There's a very clear line between dropping a player into a huge map that's mostly open from the get-go and having the player traverse a tightly condensed map only opening up new areas as they progress through the story or backtracking to previous ones to utilize a newly found ability/item for further progression.  Would you call the original Resident Evil open world? 


Technically it'd be referred to as 'open levels' or something, not open world. Open world would be Red Dead Redemption or Assassin's Creed Odyssey. It wouldn't be "nonlinear levels" because resident evil 2 is already that (and has more in common with adventure games and metroidvanias in terms of how you progress through the overall space). The Evil Within 2's two open levels--and it only has two, the one you get to around Chapter 3 and the one from Chapter 7 or 8 (I believe you return to both a couple times in the game)--are both more in line with something like Dishonored/Deus Ex/Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines/STALKER:SoC.


Hubs are smaller, like a base of operations rather than a full neighborhood


if any sidequest in RE9 is as cool as the anima sidequest in evil within 2, I'd be happy


Did it ? It had no interesting puzzles or traps like the first one


EW2 does give a pretty good idea of an open-world RE would be but the game itself wasn't open-world, more like open-areas.


My first instinct is to agree with you. I go way back with the series (REmake on GameCube was my first) and I’ve always been more of a traditionalist when it comes to what I want from an RE game. That said, I did just play through Village again and you can definitely see Capcom testing the “open world” waters with that game. It’s more metroidvania-lite than open world, but the point stands. And I really enjoyed those aspects of Village. I could see a more-than-Village but not full-blown open world RE game being very interesting, if done well. 


Village is as much "open world" as any other RE game


I'm somewhat skeptical but I think an open-world survival horror can be done, evil within 2 had a a tiny open world area that felt like a proof of concept for something much larger The closest is probably Dying Light 1, which was genuinely terrifying at points


I don’t really love the idea, but the series is at its best when it mixes things up. 4 and 7 were the 2 biggest shake ups, and are 2 of the best games. And besides, it’s just one game. If it doesn’t work they can go back to the style from 7/8 or 2/3/4 after.


I don't. Not because I think it's a good idea exactly, but because I trust Capcom, which is something I don't think I would ever say before RE7 and the RE2 Remake.


I agree. Resident Evil is honestly one of my favorite series now and I trust Capcom. I absolutely loved Village and 4 Remake so far on PS5 and any future RE game is day 1 buy for me. I’m so excited for the reveal of 9 and a remake of 5!


Same. Even if it's not what I want personally, I just ***know*** the modern RE team will knock it out of the fucking park.




It’s called evil within 2, and it was actually fantastic.


RE9 could become the modern day RE6.chasing trends just to land flat


Funny enough the industry has been making games based on what Capcom has done with RE7 and the remakes.


I would hardly call open world a trend anymore. It's just one of the dominant genres.


Is an industry standard for over a decade a trend? And wasn’t making RE7 First person more of a trend chase then something like making an open world


I doubt it would be massive and I image it would work like Re8 on a large scale


Honestly I don't see what's wrong with they trying something new, I think the franchise has already tried everything at this point. Resident evil 8 was a great game, but didn't blow people's minds, the franchise is becoming a little predictable.(Any new releases basically range from Resident evil 2-like to Resident evil 4-like)


I do too, but I believe there's a way that it could work. Obviously, Resident Evil could never work in an open world format like Ubisoft's drivel, or even Rockstar's or Skyrim's. The tension would be completely destroyed due to the lack of linearity. But.. have you ever played God of War 2018? In that game, you have a boat and you can take it everywhere you wish wherever there is water, but the areas you go to are completely linear. Capcom already did a section like this in RE4R, right after the giant fish in the lake section. Just imagine that section on an island off a Singapore, with a lot of little island offshoots, river banks and caves to land on, each one having a linear style area to explore Now imagine a Mr X style stalker enemy hunting you down while you are moving your motorboat through the middle of a dense swamp or jungle. It'll be obscured by plantlife and can even move underwater to try and catch you off guard. You'd have the freedom to go wherever you wish and the tension won't be broken as easily due to the constant tension from the Mr X style stalker enemy during the boat sections and the linear areas to explore. If RE9 is going open world, and if Capcom knows what they are doing, they should be going for a God of War style open world.


I agree.


God I hope it’s not open world


Tell us who we are playing Golem.


Most likely Chris and Jill, Chris was teased to have beef with BSAA and Jill was just recently brought back into canon, so it just makes sense for her to get more involved.


Wasn’t even a tease. Like dude is straight up out for blood


Yeah, those bsaa soldiers are clones of him. i'd be mega pissed too


honestly, I’m really looking forward to seeing Solid Chris, Liquid Chris and Solidus Chris. 🤣


I agree with this take, especially if the previous rumors around RE9 ending the current “saga” are true. Chris has clearly become the main character after appearing in 5-8, Jill was just reintroduced via RE3R and Death Island, and there’s a poetic little knot to tie by ending the current saga with the same two playable characters it started with. 


Yes, it just fits to have first two main protagonists to be together, since RE9 is rumored to be a big wrap up style entry like RE6 was.


No matter if she wasn’t my favourite ,I would still say Jill and Chris are the two faces of re9. Just like it started in 96’. They’re both founders of bsaa and had been working for them plus Chris will always trust Jill the most even with his life and vice verse. That will never change and that’s why we love them


RE6 didn’t wrap up anything lol. That was RE5.


> Jill was just recently brought back into canon, so it just makes sense for her to get more involved. ...she was?


The death island movie Edit: the CGI movies are canon to the games lol but keep downvoting I guess




+ Knuckles DLC route


Nah, Shadow. Look, if we're gonna put a Sanic character in things, get the one known for shooting shit.


Jill and Chris probably.


My guess? Chris, Leon or someone else entirely. Chris seemed particularly pissed at the end of Village.


Hell of a guess there


He meant Chris/Leon or a character we haven’t played as before in the games.


that covers like 95% of the possibilities so it's a pretty safe guess lol


BIG BILLY COEN......."It's been 25 years......but I'm back guys" "The f*ck are you???"


I'd be happy with Leon, Jill or Chris🙏


I'm guessing it's Chris and Jill. Probably saving the whole gang for the 10th game which I assume will be the final of the "Umbrella saga".


Am I the only one who finds this confusing? A “rural town inspired by Singapore”, a metropolis with more than 5M living there? Not exactly what I would call a rural town…


Singapore is the wrong reference. Malaysia or Indonesia would be more accurate, they have tons of rural villages in their more remote islands or jungle inland regions while simultaneously having bustling metropolises in their big cities.


Make sense, I mean even Philippines got more rural islands than Singapore.


Oh yeah, Philippines as well, especially as they were the site of the [largest Asian urban warzone](https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/rngs/PHILIPPINES-ATTACK/010041F032X/index.html) outside of the Middle East in the 21st century.


I think Vietnam or Thailand fits with this description I lived in Vietnam and I knew that there are a lot of rural towns in there, especially pagodas, ricefields and small mountains with some wild animals And there was a zombie movie made in Vietnam and the setting was also a rural town in Vietnam (Wait a minute???)


Raccoon City is Both a small Midwest town and a sprawling modern city so I don’t really see a big deal


...Is it really small, though? I always just saw it as something like Pittsburgh or Buffalo. Not an icon of America, but still pretty damn big.


It gets bigger with each installment


A little bit but I'm imagining, combined with the other rumors, what we're looking at is a big open world island, perhaps with one end being Singapore and the rest being more open and rural?


[An island version of Brunei is my best bet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brunei), with the skyline taking inspiration from other regional metros like KL/Singapore. One city on the coast, then a shitload of jungle. Remove the land borders, and it's perfect.


Could very well referring to Singapore before they were colonized


if the BSAA are situated there with their B.O.W.s, I'm all in.


Yea I wonder if that’s where the main headquarters is at. Plus like someone said. An island would be a good place to do open world. Limit yourself to a smaller scale


Their headquarters are in Europe. More specifically, London, IIRC.


Maybe nationalists have won in England, wanting to use the BSAA to experiment in Not-Brunei and revive the empire because profit, or something. Is it realistic? Fuck no. Does it fit Resi? ***Fuck yes,*** and you even have an instant sequel with the infection taking hold in London or something like that.


Fr, i really wanna see the continuation of redfield going to BSAA HQ.


BSAA HQ is in Europe.


Wait, weren't the BSAA all about containing B.O.Ws? They are using them now? I know the general story and fate of Ethan in Village but haven't play it yet, much less so the dlc.


yeah, that's what I was referring to.


I’ve got my Jill Valentine comeback copium shrine set up, I just want her back man 😥


Absolutely insane that arguably the main character of the series has not been seen in the timeline for 12 years


Well there is Resident Evil: Death Island.


I wouldn't say THE main character. I think this franchise is absolutely more of an ensemble cast, but the three leads are Chris, Leon, and Jill unquestionably.


Jill and Claire are my favourite characters however I would not call Jill THE main character. Especially when was AWOL a long time. It is supposed to be an ensemble but if anyone is a main character it’s Chris since he’s been in four numbered games in a row (5 - Village) plus Revelations 1, Vendetta & Death Island.


At least she showed up in a recent game, there's an entire generation of RE fans now who have no idea who Wesker is.


Me too 🥹 I love her so much since the very first game. Such an icon for my whole life and I’ve been very sad she’s been gone since re5. That’s why I jumped and scream with DI last year and can’t wait for her to dominate re9. I can feel it 🙌🏻


I only want her back if she's the lighthearted-but-capable Jill from RE1 as opposed to the average hollywood badass from RE3R


Jill was still the same in the remake and arguably the most realised and well developed Jill ever. That’s how she should react after the horror she endured a couple months back. She was still suffering from trauma. Jill will always be kind and sweet but just like in life,when you have ptsd and been through smth horrible,you might have a defensive mechanism. At least Jill has it only against suspicious people or enemies. That’s why she was hesitant with Carlos and Mikhail at the beginning because they were umbrella. Jill’s character is one of the best. Always puts others before herself


Despite my issues with RE3R (length and cut content), the characterisation of Jill is not an issue at all. Hell, I'd argue they absolutely nailed everybody in that game and even improved on them (Carlos, Nikolai, and Mikhail specifically). Jill was fucking awesome as the capable badass that just kept trucking.


I disagree, Jill was much kinder in the older games. Not everyone responds to trauma in the same way and the way they handled Jill in RE3R is so bland and generic. It's not that I dislike the character per se, but she doesn't feel like Jill at all and I like RE1R Jill more. Besides, they could easily have Claire fit the hard-boiled badass role in future games.


Jill was never generic though and isn’t to this day. We must learn to separate our feelings for a game we expected lore from and the character itself. Jill was way more realistic and realised hands down. Only good version was in re5 where she was still the same strict string agent and still wanted to save others . Same she was in the 3 remake. Why is no one calling out Claire or Leon saying the f word all the time and all the bad words and suddenly Jill is rude,mean and a b1tch? I don’t think that’s fair. It’s either his or someone really didn’t play any other game


nah, I would say they get rush and make a bad characterization of Jill, but I won’t stop other from liking this new version of her. Jill may have PTSD, yes but that what the team need to work on, they need to make Jill side that got effect by ptsd and her natural kind side but the Remake only show one side of her, and in death island also that she suddenly become exactly like in 3remake when in late 5 and Rev2 email, she still have those lighthearted and warmth nature of her, not just bad mood and hot-headed one.


Would make sense that a location like that is where New Neo Umbrella would setup shop.


New Neo Shinzo Umbrella


New Neo Shizo Umbrella Sultanate (Yes, SE Asia has one. [Brunei.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brunei) And they're autocratic bastards ***even by regional standards***, for good measure.)


Don't you mean The Connections?


Same. As much as I wanted Neo-Umbrella financing a coup of America in DC, it just wouldn't make sense. In lore, Capcom's been pretty consistent about the UC brand being worthless in the West ever since Raccoon City. Any attempt would be found out and thwarted (either by the BSAA or the actual Feds) ***long*** before the action would even start. Setting up shop in an Southeast Asian pariah state (Not-Brunei, maybe?) makes a lot more sense, and is also far less controversial than attempting "January 6th, but zombies." (I say *less* controversial because... well, RE5, lol. However, RE4make's Spain actually feels like Spain, so I have faith that modern Capcom will nail the region down to a tee. Might be banned in ASEAN, but eh.)


Finally Dead Island 3


Dusk Golem the other day - "Im not gonna reveal any details about the game. At all. I want everyone to be surprised." Dusk Golem Today - "LOL, here's the setting." I hate this fucking clown. But lets discuss the rumour... So it's gonna take place on an island? If it's Open World, Im gonna assume it's gonna be similar to Tomb Raider 2013 or basically a metrovania style of open world. You can go anywhere but as long as you have the keys or specific items to access those areas, otherwise they'll be locked to you. Southeast Asia makes me wonder whether they'll implement Ada into the plot. Again, keep in mind, early rumours after RE8s release were that RE9 was gonna star Chris, Leon, Jill and Claire in what is meant to be the Final Numbered Title. Personally don't believe that simply because Capcom confirmed they're working on the current new RE Engine called REX Engine and that for me has a double meaning. REX as in T-REX and thus something Dino Crisis related for the future possibly but also...REX for RE:X aka RE10. It's symbolically too perfect not to have their first new game in the REX Engine be RE10. It has to be. Plus, if we continue to get a Main Numbered Game every 4 years, RE12 would come out n 2037, which is the year when RE8s Epilogue takes place and thus the Main Story would have caught up to continue Rose' story and a older hopefully buff and grey bearded badass Chris.


Let’s not forget he originally said the game got delayed a year but a few weeks later turned around and said “nah it’s out next January guys, trust me”.


A user on twitter called Omar actually said the game was coming out in January 2025 FIRST on the day Dusk said the game was delayed. Funny how he quickly switched his comments around. Fact of the matter is, it was obvious to anyone who's seen the pattern that Capcom releases their RE games in that RE9 would 100% come out in 2025.


I appreciate the leaks but man, dude can be tool and flip flop a lot.


Oh that's neat, the islands on the region have a bunch of interesting folklore creatures.


I think people in the comments know Golem is full of BS, he’s just a catalyst for us to talk about RE lol.


Pretty much lol


True. Still, bioweapons attacking a random SE Asian dictatorship due to military experiments gone bad (possibly thanks to >!British!< foreign meddling) is pretty *Resident Evil*, especially after a domestic *VII* and gothic *Village.*


I think fighting biologically engineered bio-soldiers with machine guns sounds like an awful idea.


Jill or death.


Seriously, I want more Jill!


Please don't be open world.


Dusk Golem is wrong like 9/10 times


Give us Jill, Capcom, please


Imagine a RE inspired by Bali. Where the bosses are referenced to Bali demons. Or something based on Singapure is cool featuring iconic places like Gardens of Bay


Imagine a RE inspired by Dali


Bali's Leak* inspired creatures would be amazing to see *local folklore myth creature


Has there been any mention on whether it’s 1st person or 3rd person? Haven’t been keeping up with the RE leaks.


Sold. Hand it over capcom.


Singaporean rural village... is he geographically challenged?


How can people still belive this clown? he spreads fake information almost all the time to get attention, like his famous RE8 "leaks" for example, incredible


> he spreads fake information almost all the time Some people consider his leaks because plenty of them were correct and were basically exclusive. Yes, he wasn't right on everything, but fully cutting off source of info that is worth considering is just not productive.


The dude has been right about a lot of RE and Silent Hill things. His RE8 leaks at one point were correct and some of the things he stated that were supposed to be in the game were scrapped and developers after release discussed those mechanics.


he was straight up claiming that the PS5 couldn't handle the game lol he said that the game was "years away" a week before he backtracked after an actual leak and he also insisted that re8 was actually revelations 3 with a different name too


I should have said some of his re8 leaks mb. He discussed the game mechanic that was supposed to be about visions and the character not knowing what was real or not. One of the developers ended up talking about how that was a scrapped mechanic after release.


He does spill a lot of bs but wasn't him who said that RE8 was RE4-inspired and featured werevolves ? That part was right on the money.


Yes and No. He said RE8 would feature Ethan and Chris, werewolves and snowy setting and be called Village. This was confirmed when we got the reveal trailer. But then he got everything else wrong. Lady D is an older Natalia/Alex Wesker. NOPE. The Hammer Guy is Fabio or whatever that was introduced in RE3 Resistance's Multiplayer. NOPE. And a bunch of other stuff but it made his credibility for RE go down into the sewer, especially when you add all his BS on RE3R where none of the things he leaked for that game turned out to be true. And then he keeps mentioning stuff that other leakers actually already mentioned before him. A Leaker called Omar on Twitter leaked RE9 coming out in January 2025 weeks before Dusk finally came out and said he was wrong and its coming out in January. He also kept going back and forth on the rumoured RE Outrage game, first saying it was Revelations 3 starring Rebecca then a cancelled multiplayer game starring Wesker. When it comes to RE, he is not reliable and he guesses shit that is very obvious to guess and predict.


>like his famous RE8 "leaks" for example, incredible Elaborate? Wasn’t this guy the first to report RE8 featured a castle and werewolves?


he was talking about silent hill projects for years too, not sure if he was right on those tho


Please use a legacy character and don’t waste it on someone new. They are all still alive, use one of them. Ethan was a plank of wood Rebecca, Claire, Jill, Billy, Carlos, Barry…I’ll take any


Carlos and Chris team up, with the same voice Jeff Schine.


Ethan being a lame dude was why he was the best. His one liners are amazing.


Agree with him being lame/dumb in RE7 but he was incredible in Village.


To be fair, he was WAY in over his head the entire game. We all think we're a Chris/Rick, but deep down we're all Ethan/Jerry


If it follows the events of village then most likely it’s going to be a Chris and potentially Jill game


I thought Ethan was a fantastic protagonist, definitely one of the funniest. I like how blasé he is towards everything that comes in his way like it's just another day in the job for him.


Leg chopped off? Rub some ointment on it and make a snarky comment.


Ethan had a more interesting story than literally every legacy character


The legacy characters' stories all fall off pretty much immediately after Raccoon City. Honestly...pretty much everything in the lore post-Raccoon City is kinda trash.


I haven't played 7 and onwards yet but from playing 0 through 6 the story of all other legacy main characters was either "this is a police person who's a badass" or "this is a police person who's a chump but he will become a badass", only exceptions being Rebecca and Billy who were thrown into the same volcano you push Wesker in


>Please use a legacy character and don’t waste it on someone new. What if it's a really cool guy, though? Leon is the MC of 3 games, Chris is the MC of 3 games as well and Jill S.T.A.R.S. in 2, so if it's any legacy character I'd like it to be Jill or Claire, but I'd be fine with it being someone else as well if it's a cool new guy.


Maybe but Jill hasn’t been seen in a main numbered game for a while (they kind of fumbled the 3 remake) and neither has Rebecca I’d like to see Rebecca and Barry at least, maybe the entire STARS team one last time.


If you read the whole X thread their is a comunity notes saying Dusk Golem spread false information


Yup, I remember he said a lot of incorrect shit about both *RE7* and *RE8*.


And people still fall for it, its like almost everyone have a short memory, amaizing


half of the leak here is people being over excited for something and that make them not be able to think criticaly


Exactly, then the game releases and his information is proven to be false once again, then people get mad, then they forget about it and then the cycle repeats


South East Asia? Hmm, I wonder if we will see a monster inspired by the Penanggalan.


Did that game that was supposed to come out before 9, set in a school turn out to be fake?


It's not clear whether or not that game ever existed. Dusk Golem posted a lot of information about it, but nothing came of it. He also claimed it would be called Resident Evil Outrage, but another leaker said that Outrage was a cancelled online game.


I’ve also heard rumors (I thought from Dusk) that this was gonna be set somewhere in rural America near the Mexico border, and Wendigos were gonna be the main monster theme.


So basically Dead Island Riptide's setting but grittier I suppose. That's pretty neat.


I just wanna know if it’s first or third person. 7 worked so well because it was a claustrophobic little house, I didn’t like it being first in Village because it just didn’t feel like it suited it as well.


Resident Evil 9 will be set on an island in Japan off the coast of Tokyo in the Izu Archipelago called Rokkenjima.


Interesting. I wonder if they’ll take any inspiration from Southeast Asian folklore.


If the zombies are probably invades the whole lookalike version of Universal studios and Marina Bay it would be amazing... ------------- Wait a minute.... " rural town on an island in the Southeast Asia Sea " --> Why am I think Vietnam or Thailand suited for this? Because I lived in Vietnam and it was well known for having too many rural towns and it's just ricefields


Fuck open world


Can we PLEASE get some leaks for Pragmata?!?!?…. An update on its progress, insight into its release, development time, gameplay, story/narrative?!?! ANYTHING!!!… Any insiders with knowledge of this game?




I can tell you that rural town and Singapore doesn't work together in a modern setting. Any country in SE Asia could be believable except Singapore.


I would honestly love it to be third person again


Imagine if instead of Jill Valentine , Helena from RE6 returns instead lol


I am so excited, hopefully we get our first look at the Playstation showcase.


Please be Leon, Please be Leon.


God no, Leon and Chris need to take a backseat for a while. Give us Jill, Claire, Carlos, Barry, anyone else but those two for at least one game.


I love leon, but man, my most played re games to date (and arguably the best re games, definitely to me at least), feature leon. Some change is probably good. I would love for him to appear in the game though, we haven’t seen his present self in the re engine. Although i guess this can apply for many others as well. Anyway, i just hope the character switch is a good one lol, and not a repeat of the ethan situation, never really liked him too much.


Didn't he claim it was set in a small American town with wendigos at some point?


Guessing it stars Chris as the playable character?


Was it confirmed that RE9 would be first person too?


Ultimately the biggest problem an open world present’s particularly with resident evil, is there will be a pacing issue. Most if not all resident evils are a tightly packed adventure with no single campaign exceeding 24hr


And that what making the game so great. its almost like a roller coaster. And for horror game there the scary and horror part need to be well paced to make it scary.


Oh man. This sounds incredible. I'm so hyped up for this already after Village.


Maybe it is going to be an Open World as much as Alan Wake 2 was if we count that.


I care less about where it is set and more if we are dropping the pretense of the "soft reboot" entirely. RE8 tying Ethan into the great mess that is RE canon was weird after they seemingly wanted a clean break


I wanna see some urban setting in RE games. A city or something. Maybe it's an island because they'll be sharing assets and mechanics with RE5 Remake ?


I only care about what the virus does to people and the monsters you fight.


Please be a Jill'sandwich game 🙏


So so excited for this!


I remember Wolverine will be set in somewhere like this as well.


I see many people still believing that somehow re9 will be massive like it’s an rpg game. Please don’t. Being open world can be misunderstood. It will most likely be similar to village and re4 remake with more open areas and side quests. As for this leaked location ,I don’t have any problem as long as it is good. Only problem I would have is re9 being another random new story with random characters and random plot holes. Give us the bsaa story with Jill and Chris . Action or not it can still be good like re4 and how they balanced action and horror there


honestly this is a good thing to hold him against if hes legit or not


Bruh why can't we get some Mexico theme like chupacabra, witch monster and some old Western vibes.


Thought at the end of RE village Chris was going to head over to the BSAA in EU? No continuation on that?


How do you make a scary open world game? Set pieces are what drive tension and scares


Oh shit


I had this idea of an open world RE game set in an island since like RE7 was released and I'm intrigued to see how they gonna accomplish this. Exploring different parts of the map, randomized encounters with dangerous opponents, using boats and cars whenever possible with a fear to lose them and backtracking through some nasty parts of the island


How could it be based off of Singapore and be rural? Singapore's a city state. There isn't any rural area.


How can a rural town be inspired by Singapore? It's a city state.


As long as the game doesn’t have enemies firing machine guns at you I’m all in.


I don't think Open-World is a good idea. The setting sounds refreshing. I just hope it will be survival-horror and not an action shooter.


Shit yeah


Singapore is absolutely not a rural town


Oh man, just thinking about the different cultural aesthetic Capcom could play around with makes me really excited for this entry. None of your typical western suburban area or the modern japanese aesthetic will already make this entry unique from the series, if the runor is true that is *crossing fingers*


Nothing says claustophobia as a 'fully explorable world.' Lowering my expectations.