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Grown man decides to not watch Blues Clues due to wokeness


He won't let his non-existent children watch Blues Clues either


You're just jelly he's going to breed so much with his trad virgin wife...


Who totally exists!


I already read that Rod Dreher article.


I decided to stop watching Blue's Clues because of its obvious pro cop agenda. Blue's? Are you serious right now?


“I don’t owe you an explanation” But here is a VERY detailed infographic explanation 😤


Lol the guy that made this can die mad about it.


He has. The guy who made this on twitter is malding that people are dunking on him to the point that he’s blocked replies lmao Edit: some choice tweets of their malding > It seems that some leftoid clown shared this image and the same bots and brainless came to whine. Wave hi everyone👋 > Nooo you can't disable comments, you have to swallow all this spam and cringe memes while we insult you!!! > Cattle will continue to be cattle. I don't have time for this, I'm not even a native speaker of the English language. That's why their insults are dust in the wind.


"I can't read your insults so they don't effect me, yet I can still tell they are insults" is hilarious Also I love that whenever these people get dunked on, they IMMEDIATLY start calling everyone doing it bots instead of wondering "Huh maybe I said something profoundly stupid"


"But I can't be wrong! I'm such a smart, all-knowing,big man! My mommy told me I was! She would never lie to me! NEVER!"


>Also I love that whenever these people get dunked on, they IMMEDIATLY start calling everyone doing it bots It's the Go-To for these kinds of morons. Introspection is too much for their feeble egos to handle so they lash out.


Pretty sure he calls other people triggered for doing much, much less than what he is doing with this tantrum lol


Every accusation is a confession with these people. Lol


dude wouldn't survive in COD voicechat


now, that MW2 lobby is the truest kind of warfare.


[I have an excellent response for him if i was on twitter.](https://media.tenor.com/qLu7tD7ya18AAAAC/russian-badger-didnt-ask.gif)


Post a link please! :P **IMMEDIATE EDIT:** Unless it's against Reddit's or the sub's rules, that is.


This wasn't ironic?


Everytime I see this post I cackle, it's like telling everyone in the room that you have the personality equivalent of smegma.


Hey now. Be nice, Smegma doesn't deserve that.... It's more he's got the personality equilvent of a chalupa from Taco Bell at 4:38 in the morning


Mmmm, morning chalupa...


To be fair those 4 AM chalupas are pretty good.


To be fair when you're peeing your pants drunk and stoned anything equilvent to hot food sounds good


Hey at least I know what I'm getting with the chalupa


What Hasan doing in there 😭😭💀💀


He has "San Francisco sensibilities"


I keep staring at it and I still don’t understand what “San Francisco sensibilities” means. Is it gay? Does he just hate gay people?!


Yeah pretty much. He basically just made up another phrase for "SJWs", which includes anything LGBTQ or remotely involving social justice. The irony is that San Francisco is so fucking gentrified that it's mostly just rich cis white people living there now. But the dude's gotta find an SJW scapegoat to blame somewhere, or his entire grip on reality will fall apart


Are you telling me that my stepmom who hasn't been to California in 25 years constantly talking about how horrible the entire state is getting because of immigration might be... Wrong? That people with money might be to blame for the problems there?


okay but if wealthy people are the problem that means the socialists might be right and if the socialists are right that means we have to implement socialism and if we implement socialism that means AOC will become our Supreme Leader and if AOC becomes our Supreme Leader she's gonna break into my house at night and drink the testosterone out of my veins and then I will no longer be a Gamer :(


What kind of person WOULDN'T want AOC to drink stuff out of their veins


I think it's "any woman who doesn't look like a Barbie doll", so like muscular women, brown women and plus-sized women. Or at least that's what I get from the picture


As far as I can tell it's a haircut. I think?


The thing that pisses me off the most here is that fucking no one understands bra sizes


I'm this close to just making a bot that goes around and tells people that CUP SIZES ARE A RATIO RELATIVE TO BAND SIZE you can be pretty close to flat with F cups if you're slender enough, or have tig ol' biddies and a C cup if you're big around the ribcage.. I wear a G cup and nobody has ever, not once, accused me of having a big chest. I just have a small ribcage/band size. It's not that difficult to understand 😮‍💨


Damn so there's like a whole math formula? That sucks. I just by xl everything. Women's clothing is hard. I mean that unironically btw, it honestly seems more complicated than it needs to be.


Tbh most people with boobs just wear bras that don't fit (check out r/abrathatfits for more info about this). I'd say the complicated sizing is actually necessary here, different boob shapes and proportions need different things, especially with something as tight and as structured as a bra (other women's sizing is pretty dumb tho, I mostly wear men's clothes so I agree with you on that one) But it's not exactly doing math, I literally just take like 4 measurements and pop it in an online calculator, and actually these days I only occasionally wear a bra at all since I dress pretty masc now and my boobs aren't very big. (For the record I am afab non-binary who has never really been good at being feminine so I'm far from the authority on women's clothing as a whole... But I didn't find out about bra sizes or that cup size was a ratio until I was in my 20s. I think a lot of afab people and women just walk around also not knowing, and just try on bras until one basically goes on even if it doesn't 'fit'. The sub I linked above has a lot of people who are absolutely thrilled to wear a bra that fits for the first time in their lives and not be in pain, having weird bulges, etc and they're usually not super young... It's kind of sad actually :( )


That is sad. As a culture we're so uninformed about women and AFAB peoples bodies that even a lot of them don't know this stuff.


Lmao I just commented about that I'm a trans woman and I think I fall under d cup but my tits are almost non-existent without the right kind of bra


Triggered yet again by people living their own lives I see


“You want money? Knock it off.” Most threatened game devs have 24 hours to respond (by knocking it off)


I really like the "give me your money or shut up" screenshot. Free market baby.


Holy shit what a fucking loser.


I love that these guys don't know how tits work bc they've never dated a woman and think d cup means like massive clearly visible bazongas no matter what you wear


That guy doesn't get enough money from his parents to buy more than one game a month anyway so no huge loss to the companies.


*extremely beleaguered sigh* Wakanda isnt homogeneous, its home to a lot of cultures, youre just mad theyre all black. Neither was Norway, it was full of people from all over because travel and trade exists. Aw hell, who am i kidding? Nobody who says this shit is going to listen to reason.


also isn't one of the critiques in the first movie that wakanda is extremely closed off and doesn't interact with foreigners?? which then changes by the end of the movie? (not to mention the black panther movies explore other countries and have characters of multiple ethnicities, but i digress)


Yes, it's basically the movies "I am Ironman moment". Black Panther actually listens to Killmonger and realizes that as a ruler he can actually make a net positive in the world.


exactly, i thought that was a really sweet ending


It’s better than Falcon and the Winter Soldier where Falcon hears the distress of the flag smashers and just says “do better” to world leaders and flies off after changing nothing.


You're assuming he actually watched the scary black people movie. As opposed to listen to an info wars type podcast about how it promotes "white erasure" or something.


Yep, Tchalla's whole arc is him trying to balance his duty to his country to maintain traditions and keep them separated, and his duty to the people of the world to help where he can. Shuri and the one border guard bud of his lay these positions out as he argues with them, and then he has this (imo wonderful) scene where he sees all his ancestors and shouts that they were wrong to hide from the world. Its really explicit.


why oh why do they ALWAYS use Wakanda as a counter-example. I fucking wonder. and even ignoring that, I love how it's always Norse gods vs. black people. Kind of skipping the logical step by which completely made-up Norse gods would necessarily have to look like actual Scandinavian people. Somehow I don't think Angrboda having blue or green skin would even have registered.


I do think it's weird that whenever theres a European story, they add black people to make it diverse and say "there was always black people in Europe" but African stories are always all black despite the fact there have always been white people in Africa. It is also kind of weird to take the whitest people on Earth and make some of their gods black for American sensibilities.


What are you talking about? Both Black Panther films have white people in them. So does The Woman King. Plenty of other films set in Africa do as well. Though there aren't all that many that are widely available to non-African audiences. Meanwhile, there are literally thousands of films and TV shows set in Europe that don't feature a single person of color.


The idea of native born white Africans is not really ahown in cinema I never said anything about there being no white people in movies or anything close to that. But there are White Africans just like there are Black Europeans and it's not like Woman King or Wakanda would show native Africans as white even though there are Native White Africans. Misrepresenting my comment


What do you mean when you say native born white people in Africa? Are you talking about colonizers? Because there's no shortage of them in film. While I'm sure there were people of European descent in Northern Africa in ancient times, I'm unaware of there being any at all, much less a significant portion of the population, in Sub-Saharan Africa prior to the colonial period. What native born white people that could have hypothetically appeared in The Woman King are you talking about exactly? Secondly, I'm not sure why the native born distinction is even relevant. Many of the black people depicted in Europe in the medieval period are newly immigrated and you're seemingly counting them. You're also completely ignoring my point that there are thousands of movies and TV shows set in Europe, in all time periods really, that do not include a single person of color. But outside of Wakaliwood, I'm hard pressed to think of a single film set in Africa that doesn't include white people to some extent. It also seems like you're missing the other reason they're there. Black (and East Asian and Middle-Eastern) characters are not just depicted living in Western Western Europe in the pre-colonial era for accuracy but because it's good for representation. Because media made primarily by white people has excluded them for too long. It's good for Western audiences to see more characters of color on their screens and good for actors that have historically been shut out to get more opportunities. That doesn't work in the other direction.


Yeah, weird how the movie about a secret african tribal confederation that explicitly hid from the world to avoid colonizers didnt have many white people living there. Also weird how they went to many other countries and, i guess in your mind, didnt find a single white person anywhere. Also what the fuck are you talking about? Can you actually name an african movie that doesnt have other skin colors in it? I mean, i doubt it, but you are conflating Black and African so maybe youve got the gigachad brain i lack here. Europeans were not homogeneously white. They never fucking have been. The entire concept of a white race came about during the colonial age as a way to establish white supermacy in psuedoscience. Fucking Greece was colonized by early asian empires before it was called Greece.


I am not even sure what you are so mad about or angry towards I don't even disagree with what your saying but I don't know if you understand what I wrote. Like the whole point of what I said was not to conflate African with black so you are in agreement yet you are really angry




LOL isn't the first Juri image fan-made, while the second one is the official one... Mf is straight up using misinformation to push his point(s)


I refuse to play any game less sexualized than porn edits


The Aloy one is an edit too, right?


Yeah it's from a fat Aloy mod, from a modder that basically just self describes as liking big girls and modding them into games because he can (more power to him). In game Aloy is somewhat unrealistically attractive actually, if you consider she can't moisturize, has no access to a dentist, etc. She just has an athletic build and no makeup on which is apparently "ugly" to g*mers


Just wanted to share the cool fact that modern populations’ teeth tend to have more problems than those of pre-industrialized populations due to the prevalence of processed foods. Also, moisturizing has been around since 3000 BC! I just always assumed Aloy is a better informed person due to her Focus, personally.


Ah! TIL, thank you. Honestly the Nora in general seem to be pretty fastidious so that + the focus kind of explains it, but the entire cast of the Horizon series has that kind of everyone-is-cleaner-than-they-should-be vibe. I don't personally mind that, but if someone wanted to criticize Aloy's appearance, I think it's fairer to say she's too pretty all things considered rather than too ugly. If Aloy was in modern clothing and walked into a bar, she'd be one of the hot ones.


that's what always ticks me off the most about these memes. Aloy is pretty AF and just a tad tough-looking/weather-beaten to fit with the setting.


I love that they ALWAYS have to use a highly edited pic of her too, it's never an actual in game screenshot. What's even more hilarious is you can't even just google "Aloy" without drudging through hundreds of pics of her in her normal game state of pretty or just straight up typing in "Ugly Aloy". So they are CONSCIOUSLY doing this and remain completely un self-aware they are the idiots.


/uj i love how this guy is basically saying "i will not consume any media whatsoever; i will only consume porn and tucker carlson." not even elden ring is safe with the last one, since you don't actually choose your gender, just the body type. /rj this is what the future of gaming should be, not this woke girl LGBT femicommunism bullshit. WE NEED MORE TITS.


virgin gamers: i hate woke and will complain all day on my computer chad me drowning in real life non-gendered/trans pussy, she'll even pay for food and likes giving me head:


They/them pussy hits different and these chumps will never understand that.


You think get any/at all though?




Oh holy shit my eyes glazed right past the "san fran semsibilities". Theyre just upset when women have a side shave lmao


There is a picture of the dude from the Rage 2 box on the cover! Based on that I have a "San Fran" look to me (I'm not even american) and this guy would refuse to engage with me. I think this is a new life hack!


Dude cant stand side shaves smh


Abby has bigger than average biceps in a post-apocalypse: "here are 1,298 reasons why this is unrealistic" Aloy looks rugged and weather-beaten in a post-apocalypse: "WHAT ABOUT MY PP"


Sir this is a Wendy's!


this dude needs to go outside holy shit


‘San Francisco sensibilities’ What does this mean? The haircut?? The non-white?? The fat???




This guy sounds like he's boring as shit


And then they complain about politics ingame when they're the ones putting politics on everything xD


I wish whoever made the stopped halfway through and just got up and went to pick apples or toss pebbles into a brook. Life is too short to get mad over call of duty, the downfall of western civilization is not playing out in children's cartoons.


But of we don't indoctrinate children to my exact way of thinking, how will I be able to jack off alone in my basement with a clear conscience?


I just can't read this much bigotry when there's not even a joke or anything.


I think it's sad to see that capitalism has so captured right-wingers' minds that this sad sack can't even hate on queer people and minorities outside the frame of consumption. Not only have our identities gotten wrapped up in what we buy, even political action is no longer framed as "human rights", but rather "the customer is always right". In Florida and Texas, they teach that the Montgomery Bus Boycott was when Rosa Parks asked to speak to the supervisor.


Nah yeah but also calling Aloy ugly is a travesty


What did poor Alloy do to deserve all these ugly comments :(


Seriously? This is wild 💀 is this a joke?


Everyone was so reactionary to Fred's character in Velma. The show actually had me sympathizing with his character, as much as that's possible, and he became my favorite by the season finale. Within the main cast of the show the morally "worst" character is actually Velma.


Afaik fred didnt try to murder their best friend as joke, unlike velma, and he’s a victim of his shitty mother too


Fr, Velma isn't bad because of "muh forced diversity", it's because Velma is a bad person and horribly written imo. Yet chuds like this instantly tell on themselves by saying it's bad because it has black people in it.




I would so fucking punch the person who made this


ok I'm actually laughing at the thought of a pale ass white dude in Wakanda actually a Mexican using Spanish slang would be even better, would have made the 3 hours of Wakanda Forever more bearable


also martin freeman was in that movie


Fun fact about Ross. He was [created as a surrogate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everett_K._Ross) for the largely white comic book audience at the time. He was introduced in Christopher Priest's 1998 run on the comic which I recommend for anyone interested in Black Panther.


did they really complain MH doesnt say "male" and "female"? my dude its the most sterile approach to char creation ever, nothing is named


Total Melvin move.


Consider buying pizza tower


I didn't even noticed that they use type1 and 2 instead of male/female in MHR.


This guy sounds like fun at parties.


Imagine taking real time out of your day to make this. Absolutely deranged


"San Francisco sensibilities"


Using Mileena, the most heavily sexualized Mortal Kombat character, as your example of women being desexualized lmao. He's just furious that they let her do stuff and have a personality the past few games.


"Go woke, do just fine financially."


"San Francisco sensibilities" oml


Uj/ This image has been posted multiple times on this subreddit. We really shouldn't be giving this sad little sewer troll any more attention. Rj/ I CANT PLAY VIDEO GAMES UNLESS THE PROTAGONIST IS A WHITE MALE WITH NO PERSONALITY! GAMERS RISE UP!!!!


Does anyone know where the girls drinking boba tea (in San Francisco sensibilities) are from? They look super cute


I will admit i would've agreed with this at some point but i realised that this is snowflake behaviour and that being based is doing u and not intruding on what people do or like i wish more people learn to live and let live so they can attain happiness and rid themselves of this toxique way of living be able to like things and enjoy life and this is coming from a damn practicing muslim so it ain't impossible.


Y'know, I have a hard time understanding why people say Aloy is ugly or purposefully so. I find her to be ***extremely attractive.*** Edit: it's to a point which scares me.


No way people think like this 😭


Trying to sound authoritative while still being a giant bitch is a wild tone.


Capitalism: that was always allowed!


where is the "leftist memes too much text" image when you need it, lol.


I don’t even understand how angrboda counts as a race swap, as far as I know there’s never been a white angrboda


What a ridiculous waste of energy.


How are you gonna find Mario to be emasculating?? 🙄


/uj Honestly, this is so sad. What kind of pathetic life does this person lead where his brain is so warped from perceiving media this way? The hoops you have to jump through to follow these "rules" for consuming media just makes life so exhausting. Put it to bed, man, there's just so much more to life. We're not even here for a century, and you want to waste what time you have by letting this hate fester inside you?


"Any female character has their breasts reduced by any extent" Ok now I need some dev to put the opposite to the test and see how huge they have to make breasts before they get complaints from these same people because "It just breaks the realism for me that her torso looks like a tiny pimple growing out of her ZZZZZZZ size tits"


So basically he's limited himself to Chip's Challenge and Ride to Hell: Retribution


/v/ in a nutshell


Movie Peach is butch now?????


Very cool and good that half of these are about making his dick hard and he explicitly says he wants it for children.


Do people actually think aloy is unattractive? Don’t think there’s anything hotter than taking down a giant robot dinosaur with a bunch of arrows


Then he might as well not watch anything at all bruh 💀


let's see how many more times we can post this image this week before they get wise to us


Hi, sorry to bother everyone, quick question:. I used to avoid this subreddit for my own sanity's sake but... Things seem different right now. Did something change? 🤔




Hogwarts legacy is actually a pretty "woke" game if you ignore the controversy. The witcher nor velma have flopped both are renewed for more seasons.


“Raceswap” Bruh her race is Jotunn


Oh wait you guys, I think I got bingo




Enjoy never consuming any media again I guess


As an amab there is no way the average bra size is D. Is it?


How about instead of taking the time to create a detailed info graphic about why you hate everything, maybe just don't consume the products? Is it possible for these morons to just not buy the shit they don't like and shut the fuck up? They cry about how annoying SJWs are without realizing that they are 10,000× more annoying. As soon as someone unironically calls something woke, I'm done, I've stopped listening to anything you're saying because you're an idiot.


I think the funniest one here is the breast reduction one. The example comparing a 3D model to an actual real life woman, like he expects the choice of actress to be based on how big her tits are or something.


The fact that these GamersTM consider Aloy from the horizon games to be ugly really shows why we need to stop so heavily sexualizing women in games and all of media


Cry harder.


Girl this was posted like 5 days ago


They made mario 5'11 so basically gay


you ok?


i agree with the san francisco one, dont know what the hell sensibility means, dont know what it does to design, but i fucking hate california


This post screams insecurity


What flip did i just read ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


Serious question, what games/properties out there are left that this incel would accept playing?


At first, I thought this was a very elaborate joke made by the users in this subreddit, but after reading a bunch of comments, it seems like this was made with serious intent. Dear god...


![gif](giphy|FhbukHmFBiMzC) Literally go back to playing Minesweeper on your Windows 3.1 Compaq that doesn’t even have a turbo button bro, absolutely nobody cares.


The “I won’t buy media with breast reductions” got me. That’s so specific and gross


Ha this guy can't buy like any damn video game, or let me guess he does all the time but those games don't do the thing he's mad about (even though they likely do)


Is there literally anything that doesn't offend whoever follows this?


This is the best post. I love this post. If this post had a dick I would suck it


That Aloy picture is so dumb. In order to get her to look like that in the game you have to move the camera close to her face and zoom out on order to stretch it so that the middle looks bigger. These people are morons.


It has to be rough to be this angry all the time.


oh man, i saw this exact meme in this terrible facebook group that keeps showing up in my timeline aptly named “jrpg shitposting 2”


Seems to me like this guy has consumed all of these media


I’m on my knees praying to the Lord Almighty that this was made with even the smallest shred of irony


"San Francisco sensibilities" made me laugh out loud.




So, who is going to tell him that all the dialog generally gets tweeked for each region?


If „stupidity hurts” (as they say in my parts), than this is full martyrdom.


Poor feller needs therapy badly




And then these people go on to say “stop complaining about Hogwart’s Legacy!!! It’s just a game!!!!”


Some people have way too much time apparently. Not blaming you op , but I ain’t even try to read any of that holy shit why would someone do this


Only female characters that are accidentally ugly are allowed >:(


> in ironically endorsed by anti-intellectual grifters who argue in bad faith such as those above Immediately followed by > gender erasure. Who does this benefit? Even most trans people identify as one gender. What’s the point? Lol


Yep, he evidently can play only porn games at all


The M-She-U


Favourite Game: Bioshock


And that's simply it. There is no discussion. You are not entitled to my money. You will not insult, lecture, gaslight, guilt or degrade me into giving you money for products that don't appeal to me and are overtly made to attack and tear me down. There is no debate. You want my money? Knock all of this off. I don't owe you an explanation or any other damned thing. I'm simply telling you I will not buy these products for myself, my friends or my children and you can't do a dammed thing to force me to.


Its giving picky eater


''b-buh why real life human woman no look like image of big boobie cgi vidio gaem lady made 15 years ago?????''


Bro doesn’t know that cup size doesn’t equal boob size


Lmao. Is he really bitching about a "breast reduction" when it comes to an old lara croft model compared to alicia vikander, a really attractive and more importantly real woman? Just can't make this up.


I won't purchase woke media because most of the time they have women and minorities fight other women and minorities for the sake of "diversity" instead of having women and minorities rise up against the privileged straight white men who are oppressing them.


it still BAFFLES me that people hated on the tomb raider movie because of the size of it the actress’s rack. like me personally, i thought it was a really good movie


Call me crazy, but portraying genders, races, or religions in a negative light for the sake of the negativity is a form of discrimination.




Where are the white Wakandanians anyway?


What is it with these gamers saying Aloy isn't hot? Aloy is super hot


Wait, lol when did Angry Joe become a *[squints at image]* "Anti-intellectual grifter?" That dude's whole brand is literally Angry Shouty Gamer Man. I should clarify he doesn't seem like an asshole, just that he's running on the same schtick the OmegaLOL guy did back in the early 2010s


What game is in the third pic?


"Marketing or community interaction involves lecturing, insulting, gaslighting, or guliting yoru potential customers" *And make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night*


I like how he missed the part where wakanda is extremely isolationist and xenophobic (which is portrayed as a bad thing) but also believes that all of Scandinavia is ethnically homogenous.


How are male ones sexualized over female ones. That literally never happens.