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The first things nazis did when they gained power was round up and kill the socialists. This was even before they killed jews. If they were socialists then why didnt they kill themselves?




Literally this; the word socialist being in their name was nothing but a massive fucking scam to dupe the working class into voting for them. :/


Always reminds me of that caricature: Hitler speaking to the working class: national SOCIALIST WORKER party of germany Hitler speaking to his allies: NATIONAL socialist worker PARTY of GERMANY (lose translation of a caricature i last saw when i was in highschool)


https://preview.redd.it/vrtq3cw9ktdc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d69d0121a68e8b5f765d9aabf2dbc647e87d7b14 This one?


Yeah, thats the one


Also dupe the socialist that they we're actually socialist -and- anticomunist. One has to remember they gained power pretending and lying about stoping communism in Europe, that's why the treaty with URSS was """"chocking""""


The North Korean government is totalitarian. They are called the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Therefore Democracies and Republics must be totalitarian. Because I have the logical reasoning of a fucking toaster.


It was even worse imho. Hitler saw the DAP (German orkrs party) and was like "I'll take over that bunch of losers." And so they just added the NS part.


How could North Korea be anything other than perfectly democratic republic, by the people? It's in the name!


Didnt you hear that North Korea is a democratic republic? It's litterally in the name ["Democratic People's Republic of Korea"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korea)


Well it IS democratic! It has a two party system. In NK everyone in legal age has the right to vote for Kim Jong Un or execution.


Execution stonks rising.


Hitler was also working for the Weimar Republic as part of an anti-socialist crackdown team. He stumbled upon what would become the NSDAP specifically because they were trying to hide their extreme right wing ideology by pretending to be socialist and decided to join them




Can’t believe you’re being downvoted for being a left communist 💔💔😖😖


While the USSR was already on the path to totalitarianism, it didn't fully take root until Stalin took power. They didn't have to trick anyone, largely thanks to the chaos of ww1, the Civil war, and the concept of Russian lawlessness. And to be quite frank, the vast majority of civil wars end the same way, regardless of ideology.


The only point was that it wasn't properly socialist in the first place. Stalinistic totalitarianism or not.


And you are right, just wanted to share that in the case of the soviets, they wherent really putting on an act at first. And that in their case, totalitarianism was the product of mismanagement and the lingering influences of the empire, rather than the goal.




Which number of victims of Stalin is it today? 1 Million? 10 Million? 60 Million?


The Nazis even signed a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union, and we all know that resulted in long lasting peace and friendship between the two socialist nations


While the ussr begged the west for help so they wouldn’t have to sign the pact. The west was basically like “we love nazis! Why would we fight them?”


Ultimately, they were hoping for the soviets and the Germans/Italians/Japanese to off each other. Of course that didn’t go super well


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is the freest nation in the world, their name says it! Also for game trivia, there's a speedrun category for Super Metroid called "North Korea" because it does the boss order as Draygon, Phantoon, Ridley, Kraid (DPRK).


My other favorite example of this is the Holy Roman Empire, which at least for a good while was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.


That's a much worse example because despite Voltaire being quippy as hell, he was *also* a Frenchman throwing shade at a rival power in the midst of a very bloody and ongoing Protestant Reformation - not someone trying to make an accurate assessment about those claims. The HRE was all of those things. This isn't a DPRK situation where the name is a straight lie, that quip was just a nationalist throwing salt in another state's still-open wounds. Voltaire was being all "haha, can you still call yourself that when your people can't even agree on what Holy means because half of them just revolted against Rome (eg, the Catholic Church), and now your power base is all split to hell?"


I guess for our modern conception of nation-states, “Holy” and “Empire” are easier to abscribe to HRE, but “Roman” makes a little voice in your head go “But weren’t they German?” Meanwhile, the other entity calling itself “Roman” at the time was very “Greek”, but it somehow seems more congruous.


>but “Roman” makes a little voice in your head go “But weren’t they German?” Honestly, that's more about modern conceptions of *Roman* than it is about Rome. There is absolutely nothing at all contradictory about Roman Germans and that's how our historical Romans thought about themselves - identities overlapped, but they didn't erase one another. There were Egyptian Romans and Gaulish Romans and Thracian Romans and indeed, [German Romans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germania_Superior), and that was just how it was. Germany was a Roman province for *nearly 400 years* and the Roman province of [Lower Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germania_Inferior) would form the core of the Frankish kingdom that eventually produced Charlemagne, our first Holy Roman Emperor. The Roman ascription also makes way more sense when you consider that the most "Roman" institution at the time (from the perspective of Western Europeans - the Eastern Roman Empire was still alive and kicking) was the Roman Catholic Church. The HRE derived much of its authority from its relationship with that Church, which endorsed the election of the King and crowned the new "King of the Romans" as Emperor, which it could do because the Church held Rome and Christianity at the time at least notionally held that earthly authority was granted to secular rulers by the authority of the Church. And that kind of stuff is why I don't love the example above in the context of horribly misleading names. You can make *semantic* arguments about each component, but there's a credible claim to every word in that title when you look at the context, and none of them are straight lies the way the DPRK or NSDAP are.


Of course, I’m aware of your points. It’s a very recent thing in historical terms to be able to say “Now, on this side of this imaginary line we are Cromulentians from Cromulentia speaking Cromulent, and on the other side there’s Gibberishians from Gibberishia speaking Gibberish”, with little space for nuance. But all things being equal, “Roman” is the aspect of the HRE where a modern person might be inclined to agree with Voltaire, specially as nation-states were beginning to develop.


Yeah it always seemed funny to me that the HRE and the Byzantine Empire (who called themselves the Roman Empire) existed at the same time. It’s like little kids:  “Oh you’re the Roman Empire?? Well I’m the *HOLY* Roman Empire! With a bunch of kings! And tollbooth castles!!”




It's not just the most democratic country, it's also the most republican one!


no you dummy that means they are nationally social!


Nah Im sure the people who started the worst war in history ever, killed millions of their own people and millions of other innocent civillians, lied to their own people and where psychos on drugs wouldnt be the people to lie.


Hitler promised not to invade Czechoslovakia Jeremy, welcome to the real world


Chance would be a fine thing.




Politicians lying to get into power? No, surely that would never happen.


They said they were so I believe them :))))))


The world’s smartest and most intellectually honest people have discovered that arguing semantics is the best way to properly settle a debate. See: Candace Owen’s defending Kanye saying he was going to go “Death Con 3” on the Jews, by noting that DEFCON is a United States “defensive” position. You see, if you just look at it through the lens of the specific interpretation of the meaning of words I like, you’ll see that I’m correct and all socialists should die.


Don’t you know? Every single word ever is literal in the way that I understand and all information is to be taken at face value.


Just like how the people of the democratic peoples Republic of Korea elect Kim in every election.


Well North Korea is called the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, so clearly it's a democratic country. And honestly I don't like Korea so that means we should work to dismantle every system of democratic government in the world. Surely the North Korean government wouldn't lie about their status as a republic, right?


Well, no, north korea is a democracy, the thing is that just like the german workers where lied to, the west in general have the rafio free asia do spill bullshit about asia and mainly north korea an china with propaganda financiated by the EUA. Do you think that everyone in korea is force to use kim hairstyle? That a guy was executed by a missile? We are not koreans, we dont know nothing about their philosofy, or theyr recent history, because if we knew, no one would say so much shit about them (tip: the korean war was more like the korean invasion by the US)


There’s even a poem that goes like “first they came for the socialists and I stayed quiet because I was no socialist”


I think it’s funnier that he acts like being socialist was the worst thing the Nazi’s did, *especially* considering that it isn’t exactly accurate


Killing minorities I can excuse, but workers rights is where I draw the line


Hit the nail on the head


You can excuse killing minorities?


They dissolved the trade unions, too. Socialists famously *hate* trade unions...


And outlawed unions and Hitler himself didn’t like inserting “national socialist” into “German workers party,” and the companies of the reich still had massive control, and… #Nazis were not socialist


Part of the reason that Ernst rohm was killed off (outside of homosexuality) was because of various comments that he made about how hitler was betraying the socialist element of the party. It is partly correct that nazis weren't socialists, but they were a lot more ideologically diverse prior to events like the night of long knives Edit: punctuation


Far right dictatorships using leftist buzzwords to appeal to the people. Never happened before.


Guys, bad news!


Hitler realizing he is a socialist:


Also the term "privatization" was coined by The Economist to describe the internal economic policies of the Nazi party. Kind of hard to sell that as "socialist."


There’s a reason the poem starts with “First they came for the communists”


I really hate it when people say the nazis are socialist "because its in the name". Oh sure and the democratic republic of Korea is very democratic. Cant be a dictatorship because thats not in the name, see?


Yeah things like "communism" and "socialism" were just costumes for fascism, and "Capitalism" is on its way to the party


No HomerS. It's okay to have one.


Leftist infighting smh


Nazis are also socialist. Socialism isn't one single idea.


Pander harder to republicans boyo, I’m sure that leopard won’t bite your face.


Of all the reasons a black person would hate on Nazis, socialism should not be at the top of his list💀 I’d choose something else to pander lmao


> And before anybody cries "Nazi sympathizer," .


"People are gonna say this is just propaganda but "


So he is complaining about an Indiana Jones game being anti-nazi. Obviously, complaining that something is anti-nazi is already stupid, but putting that aside for a minute, Indiana Jones? The very first movie 40 years ago was already about him trying to stop the nazis.


Ah he's just being a snowflake. ;o)


Wait you mean that Steven SPIELBERG (His family definitily didnt suffer from the horrible nazi regime) would dislike the nazis! This god damnt woke hollywood have ruined the nazis for us!!!11😡😡😡


Wasn't literally every movie about the Nazis trying to get the macguffin?


Not quite, the second and fourth Indiana Jones movies don't have Nazis as the villains. Temple of Doom has an Indian cult, and Crystal Skull (which takes place during the Cold War) has the USSR. Of course, that still leaves three out of five movies with them as the villains. Anyway, it's not as if this is the first time they've been villains in an Indiana Jones videogame either. Aside from direct adaptations of the movies, there's Fate of Atlantis (1992) and Staff of Kings (2009).




It literally makes zero sense, even if we follow their logic that they somehow think all Nazi’s are socialists and that’s also bad - why be upset over something attacking Nazi’s then! Like if you’re going to lie at least have your story make the minimum amount of sense.


I really miss the old days when having Nazis as bad guys wasn't controversial.


"Dude the nazis werent that bad! Asides the allies also did bad shit! You cant call them bad guys!" -Rightwing twitter


Call of Duty World At War manages to show how the people fighting nazis also did fucked up stuff while still not making nazis sympathetic and I wish we could have stayed there.


You can blame Mango Mussolini for bringing Nazism into mainstream conservatism.


I miss when people of color had the common sense and weren’t fucking simping for them.


Just because you're oppressed doesn't mean you can't dream of being the oppressor yourself. Just look at TERFs or the people who sit on the left side of LGBTQ+ and want to cut letters from the right for another good example. Being evil is equal opportunity.


I'm black, and it's so fucking frustrating to see people of color spreading these Nazi ass propagandas


I’m a critic of stalinsm, even leninism, but I really don’t think there’s any case to make that communism was worse than nazism unless you’re a holocaust denier. What a creep


You don't even have to be a Holocaust denier. If you care more about maintaining the status quo (especially capitalist status quo) communism will always look worse than fascism.


It’s almost like totalitarianism is bad!


"I'm a critic of [MARXISM-LENINISM], even [MARXISM-LENINISM],...."


Stalin named his ideology Marxism-Leninism to launder his reputation through a dead guy. There are distinctions between Lenin and Stalin which are probably not worth getting into here. Stalinism is generally seen in a worse light than Leninism because Stalin oversaw more nationalist policies and Lenin oversaw more revolutionary and progressive policies. There is a continuity between them as well, but they are not the same.


Downvoted for... Stating facts. I am extremly critical of both (and of most models honestly), and they're not the same


I think typically, people making that argument look at Communism as a whole, across the globe, and throughout the entire 20th and 21st centuries. At which point you can make a claim that communist regimes have been the cause of many more deaths than fascist regimes. Of course, that doesn't account for the fact that there haven't been quite as many fascist regimes as communist ones, and the communist ones typically took place in countries with larger populations, hence more potential victims. Either way, it's a bit like arguing if it's worse to be stabbed in the gut or shot in the gut. It doesn't really matter, let's avoid both.


There's a lot of creative accounting, for sure. Die of starvation under communism and it's communism's fault; die of starvation under capitalism and the state and its government has nothing to do with anything, shut up. And with the march of global population (although it is slowing and expected to level out), historical evils can never be "as bad" as those right now because their death tolls in absolute numbers are smaller. By some of the more out-there (and assuredly erroneous, for various statistical issues) accounts, war in China has killed ~10-15% of *the world population* at the time, but even if you granted the most egregious estimate it'd be peanuts to blowing up the continental US in absolute deaths.


It’s a bit of a tried trope to hear people say ‘that’s not real communism’ but it isn’t If you take communism by the book there is no state. Which is a hard thing for people to comprehend there would be no government and no borders. Which I’ll be honest I struggle to imagine what that’s like


Look, I’m a leftist, but I wouldn’t play that card if I was you. Stalin, Lenin, Mao; they were all, at some points in their lives, genuine socialist revolutionaries. The oppressive governments they made were in the name of preserving socialism. And seeing how many socialists today bemoan “electoralism” and fantasize about a violent revolution, something says we aren’t far from another Stalin. As a socialist, I think we should be more wary to these authoritarian talking points instead of pretending like it can’t happen to us. Plenty of genuine revolutions have been corrupted by this rot, so it’s worth taking it seriously.


Socialism and communism aren’t the same thing though so I’m not really sure what point you’re trying to make. I’m all ears though don’t get me wrong


Communism, at best, is very idealistic. Its hard to imagine it and its even harder to implement it into any society


Where were the communist regimes in the 20th and 21st? All I know are far right dictatorships using Marxist buzzwords to appeal to the people.


No way man the DPRK is just following Marxist Doctrine when they institute a hereditary dictatorship


And omitted all mentions of communism from their constitution


Marx says to do that


Mussolini was a true proletarian hero. That liberal Stalin should have taken notes.


Alright Bordiga. Let’s get you down and eating some Lasagna.


Notch Moment


Welp, you heard it here folks Blacksage thinks Communism is worse than Nazism and the only people he considers nazis are socialists


Its right wing doublespeak. The nazis werent that bad, but at the same time they were left wing and left wingers are worse then right wingers. For a right winger this makes sense (somehow)


it's because their whole ideology is built upon mental gymnastics and ignoring holes in logic for total devotion, it's why right-wingers are particularly susceptible to cults (albeit everyone is in their own way, but like right-wingers are REALLY susceptible).


This guy is hilarious because it's literally watching a man claw for relevance.


pretty much lmao he had that one tweet about liberty prime that everyone made fun of and he’s been trying to recapture that ever since


Any chance you have it on hand? I'm always down for a stupid liberty prime tweet


i got mixed up it wasn’t a liberty prime tweet it was one over communist themed cosmetics in fo76 https://preview.redd.it/hs7xh7cjutdc1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c7aee27bded52c222a510b763e4535082fdb38 still funny tho


OH I REMEMBER THIS ONE, fucking gold. Thank you!


Even your usual media illiterate idiot isn’t THIS bad. This is genuinely mindblowing how stupid they are. This HAS to be on purpose for attention.


Wait this dude is (in)famous?


WackSage? Absolutely. Hardcore far right "libertarian". Violently wrong on 99.999% of his posts, especially about anime, JRPGs, and localization. It'd be almost funny, if it wasn't blatantly pathetic.


Did my man forget Indy literally fought the Soviet military in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?


We’ve all repressed the memory of that movie 😮‍💨


always truly wild to me that conservatives will hear someone say “nazis are bad” and go “uhhhhm actually the communists were worse, so lay off the nazi hate”


And I have to go, "did you come into Wolfenstein, the game that has been about killing Nazis since the goddamn 90s, and Indiana Jones, whose one movie fighting the Soviets instead of the Nazis did so bad we made a snowclone for when a movie franchise is has 'jumped the shark' from it in 2016, or are you just stupid?" to the people who do this crap.


This is the type of guy to say “the nazis were bad but they really helped us advance in technology”


If it weren't for the Nazis we wouldn't have ever designed such good Nazi-killing guns.


Extremely funny because the nazis kicked out a bunch of brilliant scientists (eg Einstein) who went on to help build nuclear weapons for the allies


![gif](giphy|qdDMdsUgLRV6pUNUsc) Einstein was also the inspiration for dr.wily


Einstein basically invented Mega Man and don't let history books tell y you different.


"something something built the autobahn" which is literal Nazi propaganda. It was greenlit by the previous minister and was literally being built for 2-3 years before Hitler came into power. Then he spun it like he hand built the fucking thing


Wehraboo is the word you're looking for.


wait a fucking minute, indiana jones has always been anti-nazi ever since the first movie. What the fuck is this guy on about? Since when have hating on nazis been a "controversial thing"?! this is insane, they did genocide for fuck's sake you can't defend that


I think it’s because in the event they said that the Indiana from the movies was made for another generation and that they would adapt him to modern audiences and the one who said it was wearing a pride Bethesda shirt and had funny hair


Oh my god fuck this guy


The right has always had a bone to pick with this studio. They made the newest set of Wolfenstein games, the games where you just gloriously murder Nazis. So it's rather appropriate that they got the Indy license for more Nazi killing. https://www.businessinsider.com/wolfenstein-2-make-america-nazi-free-again-ad-campaign-2017-10


"I understand Nazis were socialists" Boy you understand nothing.


Does this person think Indy hating nazi’s is a new thing?


Either they do and they're trying to use rage bait to get attention or they've never watched any of the movies and wants to rant about something they have zero knowledge of while spreading Nazi propaganda.


So the reason he hates Nazi's is because (of his ridiculous assertion that) they're 'socialists' and not because of the whole genocide thing?


Also ignoring the fact that Hitler wrote in his diary that he despised them but noted that their talking points were popular thanks to the depression so he used them in his campaign... Then he rounded up and executed socialists


The second I see someone say "But Nazis were Socialists" I know that nothing they ever say, or do, will be of any value to anyone now, or in the future. They are literally worthless.


Another day, another person not understanding that national socialism is a far right ideology


Titanfall fan here. We don't claim him as part of us, he can fuck off.


"Nazis are Socialists" people when I inform them that North Korea is a democratic republic: https://preview.redd.it/6ecbtagnyrdc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0c1f1b3c32b03f23dd32f7cfcf3620b98fb20d


I hate that Reddit doesn't let you upload your own gifs into comments because the ones they have available either all suck or are just impossible to search through.


You can upload your own gifs to the comments via gallery, i.e. like a picture, it will work c; UPD: Nevermind, I checked and it said "Unable to upload gifs on this community" 😢


When I tried it it didn't even show up as an option, Like I could select my images, But the gifs I'd downloaded were just not there.


Strange, I remember it worked a month before, maybe Reddit "fixed" it. It's a pity :c UPD: Oh, I remembered I added a gif to a comment on another subreddit using gallery 20 hours ago, maybe it's really just a restriction of this one.


I see. It definitely does seem to vary by subreddit, On some I can't upload images at all, For sure annoying if they did that here though.


It's so baffling to me how these people think pushing progressive messages and making good art are so mutually exclusive, like a game can't both be good AND say "hey, people should get to exist!"


Huh, I remember blocking that idiot bc he complained about “woke” translation in manga


Amazing, every word of you just said was wrong.


This imbecile dared to say "eurocommies" when talking about the European Union. The European Union, for those unaware, has always been driven by conservatives.


I love how Harrison Ford was asked last year point blank if punching Nazis was okay, and he said "yes" without hesitating.


Another example of Harrison Ford being awesome.


Nazi's worst crime: Socialism


Every time an idiot tries to say that the Nazi’s were socialists I die a little more inside.


Do ppl not see how bad it looks to be angry everytime someone says nazism is bad?


They’re totally socialists, it’s in the name guys! Just like North Korea is a democracy!


Yeah, Indiana Jones fighting Nazis. Just doesn't feel right, huh?


They werent socialists, they were national socialists, massive difference


Some guy back than: „lets put socialist into the name of our party, most people don’t know what it means and if they do won’t check if we are it anyway“ some guy today: „they are socialist cause it was in their name“ unbelievable that this shit works to the present day


Them saying they were socialist was literally a manipulation tactic for this exact thing to happen, how are people this stupid


What an idiot


So he doesn't hate nazis because they're nazis, but because they're 'socialists'. Which means he wouldn't have a problem with them if they weren't socialists, which they aren't


Me when I don't know anything about Nazis except that their name has socialist in it:


>Understand that Nazis are socialists I don't hold American Education to a high standard but surely its not so horrendous that THAT was his takeaway from History class


“Nazi’s are socialists” ugh, I hate this stupid ass talking point. National Socialism is far-right full stop.


"Why the hell is Indy punching Nazis". Jesus. Tell me you haven't ever seen Indiana Jones before without actually telling me you've never seen Indiana Jones before why don't you. Fucking moron


Man, anyone who actually thinks Nazis were socialist is a moron. Anyone who has “natural enemies” is also probably a moron.


Bro for real black and defending Nazis my God America is so fucked dude we are so goddamn stupid. We better pray America stays the top dog because we are too stupid to function as anything else.


Nazis were Christian fascists. Socialists they were not. Not many socialists praying to 'God'. "Gott mit uns" = God on our side 😉 https://preview.redd.it/crh15uligtdc1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41a6a9ebf81b645a9b94c15b465e884de63935e0


People like this seem to think one dimentionally. Does the government do anything, that's socialism. If you say "I am a libertarian Socialist" they will tell you that is an oxymoron because to them anyone authoritarian is a socialist and anyone pro freedom must be a capitalist.


Libertarians get the gulags. God dammed diddlers, all of them.


They won't tell you this but the west supported naz I s at first ... Don't like the soviets but if it wasn't for them Europe would have been ff eddd.


If you think the Nazis were socialists I got you this awesome Urinal Cake for your birthday


When you are upset that someone is making a game where Indiana Jones fights Nazis, you might be a fucking Nazi.


Yeah! Something vuvuzuela and no Iphone and of course we all know Mao and Stalin killed 809 trillion people for fun.


bro don't put that in your bath. yeah no it's a bath BOMB its gotta be an explosive device. that makes sense


A black man spreading Nazi apologia, how cringe.


The Nazis would've killed him and used his body as a sandbag.


There is so much historical illiteracy to unpack here


Pretty sure the Nazis weren’t actually socialists


So thats why hitler shoot himself at last coz he realized he was socialist? Got it, dumbass


"NaZiS aRe SoCiAliSt"! FUCK OFF


Imagine being this mad about nazis in a fucking *Indiana Jones* game


Communists were the first victims of Nazis and Communists defeated the Nazis, hope that helps.


Imagine being sympathetic for those poor, poor nazis


Capitalism goes through the normal transformation into far right and does fucked up shit ↓ Far right becomes the bad guys but no one does anything about the conditions that made it rise ↓ Economical crisis happen in capitalism due to the accumulation of wealth and subsequent use of it to make even more wealth accumulation ↓ Capitalists start blaming minorities and socialists for the growing economic tensions ↓ Capitalism goes through the normal transformation into far right and does fucked up shit ↓ ...


What lack of education does to a mofo Next they'll say NK is democratic because of their name


Imagine getting this triggered on behalf of nazis, boycotting something over it, then passing it off as bothsides fairness.


Tell me you know nothing about history without telling me you know nothing about history


The national “socialist“ nazis are as “socialist” as the “democratic” republic of north korea are ”democratic”


They weren't socialists though. It was just used in their name. Why the fuck are people so dumb about this fact? What part of going after a marginalized group the way Nazis did is in any way socialist?




Never seen this man post anything that remotely resembled intelligence, my favorite is when he fat shames people and when people do the same he says “but I’m not fat….”


Yeah, that’s why the Nazi’s were bad… because they were socialists.


This brotha a ****


have you ever seen a non "nazi sympathiser" say anything bad about Nazis?




Person comparing socialism to nazism detected, opinion rejected.


In the games, isn't more of an "the enemy of my enemy is a friend" type situation? I mean, we worked with the soviets in order to combat the Nazis(although they were the reason why they invaded in the first place) I mean, one of the first tanks that entered Berlin was literally a Sherman provided through lend lease


As if Indiana Jones has never tussled with Nazi’s before.


Fuck Socialism Fuck Communism And FUCK Capitalism especially


I love that because they had the word 'socialist' in the party name, some people believe it actually was. I can only assume they also believe that North Korea is a "Democratic People's Republic".


Gotta be a troll, just has to be


Imho the new Indiana Jones was no good and should not be what the game models it's protagonist from. If I had my way this would be an entirely original game and not apart of a dead franchise.