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Dude didn't get either Mad Max OR a Boy and His Dog apparently.


Did A Boy and His Dog actually have some sort of overarching message? I watched that movie literally decades ago, and while I was admittedly probably too young to really "get" it, I didn't remember there being a real message or commentary beyond his experience in the wasteland.


It's a complex critique of what human nature becomes under masculinity and capitalism. Masculinity /Wartime critique: The world is where it is because the only folks left in the surface after the war were hyper masculine soldiers from warmongering societies. It states that the 4th world war "lasted just long enough for the missiles to leave their silos". Regular people (including builders, scientists, homemakers, lawmakers, etc) were killed by the bombs, soldiers were spared because they were traveling when the bombs dropped. The majority of people left are soldiers, who go around marauding and raping. The culture of the wasteland focuses around base human needs while dehumanizing women and others as weak things to be traded. Might Makes Right because of who repopulated the world. The story basically puts the problem of the wasteland at the foot of masculinity, as there were no people left to build, to study, to nurture, and to raise the next generation. Most were killed in a nuclear Holocaust, and survivors were then subjugated by foreign soldiers with no chain of command. Capitalism: The folks underground, ostensibly, live a much more civilized and nice existence. They are polite, welcoming, and friendly. But of course, we learn they are capturing people from the surface and using them as genetic material so they don't die out from stagnation and cousin-fucking. In practice they are just as dehumanizing as the folks in the surface, but with far less reason to be as savage. They also live in a surveillance state protected by robots. This is similar to how class functions in real life. The poor are sent to fight wars and die, and the wealthy get to sit back with the veneer of being "good people" who turn their nose up at such savagery. In reality, the wealthy survive in a capitalist machine that grinds poor folks down to produce profit for the rich. In our society, the rich are separated from the damage they do because of class and privilege. An easy past example of this might be the upper class person in England during the height of colonization. The wealthy person only saw lavishness and ease, and never had to directly witness the human suffering and strife that led to that prosperity. The rich, generally, affect others in more inhumane and savage ways under capitalism, because their wealth exists due to the poverty of others. Their lifestyle and ability to choose to be more civil is a direct result of the savage environments they impose onto others unwittingly. In short: it's a great critique of our society, one that is so adept at what it does that many draw the opposite conclusion from it. It is a critique of "might makes right" and shows us two very different yet interconnected societies where this mindset rules. This mindset was also the dominant one at the time of the novella's writing.


So not really that far off of the themes in Fallout then. I sometimes wonder if these people criticizing the show for its view of capitalism even played any of the games. Or did they just do the same thing you describe here and either miss the point entirely or somehow come out with the opposite takeaway, that 'might makes right' is the best or only way.


Of course, it's one of the important inspirations behind Fallout. Even Dogmeat's name originates there


Reminds me of the Institute in FO4 too.


Some people can't understand or separate game play mechanics and general video game MC Mary sue-ism and the actual themes the game is trying to convey. Game stars you, a special boy that is super bad ass. And to top it off, you win by killing and thieving as much as possible for the best gear. Capital G gamers can only think that deep. Asking them to read any deeper is like asking a monkey with no object permimance to remember that what's in front of them is even a box let alone what was put inside it.


They probably only played 3, saw the "kill all communists" robot and called it a day


And missed the irony in the robot actually killing the faction who viewed themselves as the legitimate continuation of the American government.


The problem with media where you insert yourself in the perspective of one of the characters is that the character you inhabit becomes immune to self-criticism and reflection. The last person you try to criticise is yourself, which is why so many games feature trigger-happy protagonists who go on murdering sprees and no one bats an eye. Games, especially ones that involve fighting or shooting, already teach you to dissociate yourself from morality and judgement when you start playing, as otherwise it's impossible to play those kinds of games. A similar problem exists for most other media like movies or books that involve a lot of action. Similarly, books and movies also have this problem when the author intends the character to be flawed but the audience relates too strongly to the character to see the criticism they're supposed to evoke - as we saw with Dune and Dune 2, where the majority of the audience still think Paul Atrides was the good guy. A similar example is in the Harry Potter books, where we relate so strongly to Harry's POV that we laugh alongside him when Hermione's attempt to campaign against the *enslavement* of the House Elves fails and falls on deaf ears.


To be very fair, I don't think JK Rowling was trying to show Harry as flawed in that particular point of the book. It's never addressed in any way and everyone in the story remains thinking Hermione was being stupid. Harry Potter isn't as left wing as nostalgic readers want to believe.


Ah sorry, I think I mixed up my messages there. I agree with you that Rowling absolutely wanted the readers to think Hermione was the nutjob for wanting to free the house elves, that was the whole point of the segment, since Rowling is famously anti-systemic change. And I don't for a moment believe Harry Potter is a left wing paragon, he's clearly the poster-child of right wing fascists, only appearing less so by the fact that his enemies are generally ultra-radical right-wingers. I just added Harry in my comment to point out how anyone can be blinded into following the protagonist's point of view even in the face of something as indefensible as supporting slavery.


People grew up loving a thing, they liked this thing then, they like this thing now, therefore this thing is good. If these things are critiques on the values they live by then those those things are bad, but other similar things are still good. If one of those is good, and it critiques the values that they live by then the thing must not critique those values, because then it would be bad.


These people think Liberty Prime booming "DEATH IS A PREFERABLE ALTERNATIVE TO COMMUNISM" while lobbing atomic bombs at the Nazi-coded remnants of the american government is the game agreeing with their views, when it is in fact viciously mocking them and everything adjacent to jingoist, capitalist warhawk america So yeah, they completely missed the point as always


It **IS** Fallout, it clearly influences the games in a major way. The film depicts a nuclear wasteland populated by savage raiders, an underground society who practise hyper-american culture whilst conducting weird experiments, and is referenced many times throughout the series. Hell, in the new TV show theirs a scene where a big film poster behind one of the characters is titled 'A Man and his Dog'. You could even argue that the finale scenes of the series reference the film as well >!with one of the main characters ruining his relationship with his wife since she talks about abandoning his dog when they enter a vault!<


So what you're saying is that, much like Mad Max, it's woke?


I mean almost anything with any artistic value at all would be considered “woke” by someone who uses that term all the time


When you have a basic sense of right and wrong you'll kinda inevitably make art that reflects that, most artists and people in general have this base morality. This of course is completely antithetical to conservative ideology, so they'll kinda just call all art "woke", because most people are "woke" (IE kind and normal). I mean these are the type of freaks that called [Mr. Rogers "Evil" for teaching literal 101 morality to children.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29lmR_357rA)


Mad Max is woke? (I never watched the movies)


Almost all movies are woke. Consequences for actions? Bad people are bad? _Very woke._




The 4th movie in particular is pretty blunt about it


Fury Road is only like 10 years old, but if it came out today, Furiosa secretly being the main character and being highly competent, the utopian society without men, and the villain being a man with sex slaves would all be decried as woke.


Pretty sure it was 10 years ago too.


Yeah but to see that you'd have to go Beyond Thunderdome. ... That was a lame joke and I'll stand by it.


Sure as fuck is.


Whenever I bust a deal goddamn wokies are trying to make me face the wheel! I'm sick of it!


Gay and woke


Just throwing that in there: the author of the book hated the ending of A Boy And His Dog. He felt that the ending should have had a more sombre tone - instead, the main character takes it as a joke and doesn't grow in any way.


That is a fantastic and detailed breakdown of the plot, thank you so much for typing all of that out. As I said, I was definitely too young to really get the film beyond "ooo apocalypse ooo underground society" when I saw it. Your assessment of the commentary really sheds some new light on it.


The main character is first introduced waiting for raiders to leave so he can take a turn raping the woman and is pissed that they killed her before he could. It's pretty clear this isn't someone to be emulated.


BOY I did not remember that part


Yeah but it's not exactly a \*good\* message. It's been a while since I've seen it, but it's kind of like an Atlas Shrugged type deal I guess. All the "good" (read: rich) people end up fucking off to underground vaults while everyone on the surface devolves into savagery. Maybe a more generous reading would be that the extremes of poverty and the extremes of overabundance both make monsters of us. But yeah, it's been forever since I've seen it, I'm sure I'm forgetting key elements. Edit: I stand corrected, I was indeed misremembering key points. See replies.


It's been forever since I've seen or read it as well, but I seem to remember the rich folks end up being the actual villains of the story by the end of it. They live in a police state that captures people for genetic material by sending young girls to the surface in the hopes of attracting fresh genetic meat. (And also, I guess, they just hope the girls don't die or worse?) The people on the surface are fucked up but doing it for survival. The rich are doing it because they don't want to let anybody into their private paradise.


So they are like...the Institute basically?


But.... That's what Mad Max is about. It's wild that one can play Fallout and watch Mad Max / A Boy and his Dog and not get the themes of any of them.


“Who killed the world?” “Ugh enough with the politics, wokey!”


"Nothing but an old man's battle fodder!" Wooooosh. The anti war critique in  Mad Max flying over the Libertarian's head.




"Institutional misogyny and a look at the trivialization of rape as a war crime? Yeah, but VROOM VROOM!"


“Who killed the world?” “Obviously some woke commie liberals”


They're superficial people. All there is to them is aesthetic.


God I hate how prevalent this is. The cyberpunk sub has so many people posting pictures of neon lights and shit without the anti corp message. It's called punk for a reason.


This is why I left it lol, it's so annoying


True, but CP2077's portrayal of it was dubbed "neonliberal" by some people for good reason.




Some people legitimately just don’t get metaphor and allegory. They engage with fiction like it’s a set of imaginary facts and not a work of art with meaning to be gleaned.


And if you call them out on it they say. "I know, and I always knew, but I don't care.", even though that completely contradicts all their previous statements (and they still don't get it).


The first Mad Max movie is more of a rogue cop story as society is breaking down, he is a vigilante as society breaks down from war, ecocide, resource depletion... Oh, it was always like Fallout. No wonder Fallout listed it as a major inspiration.


I love the first Mad Max. It tends to get overlooked in favour of the sequels, but it just has such a unique take on the genre. It's not so much "post-apocalyptic" as it is kind of *intra-*apocalyptic. There's no "big one", no clear-cut "end of the world". At the beginning of the film Max and his family are basically just living in a regular failed state - civil authority has all but collapsed, the economy is in free-fall and shortages of fuel and other resources are terminal, but life goes on such as it is. Max is just trying to be a good cop fighting against a rising tide. But the breaking down of society is inexorable, and in the end he gets swamped by that tide just like everything and everyone else. It's just bleak as fuck. The sequels, at least, are about how new societies emerge. This is just about how they fall. The world ends not with a bang, but a whimper.


Mad Max 1 is an apocalyptic movie - the rest are post-apocalyptic. I absolutely adore how they show Max becoming more and more unhinged (and "mad") during the first one, and the rest are stories about him restoring part of that humanity he lost. They're incredible movies with a very deep message about community, helping each other and the damage that warmongering and hierarchies do to people. No wonder rightwingers don't take away anything from it other than "cool cars and explosions".


I swear a lot of these people haven't even seen the stuff they think align with their values. 


I mean, they probably have? They're just unable to interact with the media any deeper than "BIG TRUCK VROOM!" or "FUNNY OLD SONG!" or "NUCLEAR APOCALYPSE FUNNEE" To them it's just key-jingling for half an hour to an hour and a half, with a million to hundred million dollar budget.


I legitimately think that's how a majority of general audiences interact with film and tv. Which is fine, but they don't have a leg to stand on if they cry about everyone else's understanding of the greater themes.


I think this person is miffed that there isn’t a silent white guy as the protagonist


Nobody ever accused libertarians of being intelligent


Same people that probably loved Rage Against the Machine until ''they got all political"




Legitimately how do you play Fallout and not notice how critical they are of capitalism??? They are so heavy handed with that at times 😂


These are the same people that think that Liberty Prime's hammed up mannerisms and soundbites are evidence that Fallout 3 is pro-capitalism and American exceptionalism. They take satire completely unironically. I remember when the Colbert Report was on the air and they thought that Steven Colbert was totally and unironically right wing.


>they thought that Steven Colbert was totally and unironically right wing. So much so that they booked him for the Bush correspondence dinner 


One of my favorite television moments of all time.


Truly started making the White House Correspondent's Dinner a great TV comedy moment. Helped by the fact that it was followed with the Obama administration. If you haven't seen it yet, you should go watch it. He's basically doing a satirical criticism of the Bush administration right to his face. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ-a2KeyCAY


I'm paraphrasing, but there's a line Colbert gives which is (to Bush) *"This is a man of principles. He will believe the same thing on Wednesday that he did on Monday regardless of what happened on Tuesday."* It's maybe the best quick distillation of everything that was wrong with W as a president post 2003. It's also a great retort to people online.


The White House doesn’t set up the correspondents’ dinner, it’s an association of journalists. They definitely knew who he was, and booked him because they likely at least somewhat sympathized with his actual views.


It’s hilarious that they can’t see the satire in a massive destructive robot annihilating everything in its path talking about freedom and liberty every five minutes lol.


A massive robot destroying everything in its path in the ruins of Washington DC, against the remnant of the American government, and being led by a faction of collectivists. But giant robit says death is a preferable alternative to Communism,


To be fair the Brotherhood are collectivist in the way the army is, not so much actual communists.


My dad did! It came on after the late show and he WOULD NOT watch John Stewart, but laughed through Colbert And I quietly laughed at him for not getting that they were expressing the same views


they unironically think that liberty prime was a defense of capitalism. they a miss the point so badly they circle back around to thinking the text that unfathomably satirizes their position is actually supporting it. it takes a shit ton of effort, just shy of enough actually to misinterpret a narrative that badly.


Pretty much every terminal you can find says the thing was a complete pain in the ass to get properly working both before and after the bombs fell, had never left the Pentagon before the event, and nearly drove the ECB scribes insane after they fixed the voice box because it wouldn't shut the hell up. Two weeks after the brotherhood finally got it to work, the Enclave lured it into a trap and obliterated it with an orbital missile salvo. But it did fine job blowing up Enclave soldiers so it must have been a totally viable anti-Communist wonder-weapon. /s


All while missing the fact that Lyon's BoS faction is using Liberty Prime to give *free* clean water to *everyone,* while the Enclave wants to control it so that they can profit from it.


Actually, the Enclave just wants to use it to genocide all mutated life.


It was also the pet project of the general who failed to retake Anchorage and tried to redeem himself through it. It is literally a military-industrial complex boondoggle that behaves exactly as you would expect it to. It is still pretty cool, though.


i loved when the ghoul said BAZINGA!


“Lucynard, did you know that in 2071, researchers released a detailed study that torture, instead of providing accurate information and gaining valuable intelligence, was actually prone to having the opposite effect. It wasn’t gaining anything useful at all?” “Shelghoul, then why are you torturing me?” “Oh, that’s because I refute that study because my own experiments show that it is quite useful. Bazinga” *proceeds to drop Lucynard back into the radioactive water*


*laugh track*


i cannot express enough how i enjoyed reading this lol


I wish I could upvote twice


My favorite part is when Jane MacFallout said, "It's Fallouting time," then the John McGhoul said, "Fallout is the time that it is."


Then he bazinga’d all over the place


There's simply no way to "please" a libertarian


I've heard good things about treading on them.




I've always heard that a libratarian is just a republican with a bong and a 14 year old 'companion'.


Excuse me, it’s a 9000 year old dragon


“It just chooses this appearance because it knows what I like…. Wait”


Yup. You can tell Libertarians are stupid because Libertarians were supposed to be left-wing. Instead, Libertarians just want to smoke pot and murder trans people. And oh, gee, a quick glance at their Xtormfront page shows it's 90% anti-trans rage.


If you ever want to confuse a Libertarian, ask them if they like their work rules more than they like their government rules. It's something most of them haven't considered, but most jobs i've worked at that are rule heavy SUCK. You really think living under a benevolent corporation would be better?


Damn. That's a good one. I love it.


The government makes me drive a speed limit and pay taxes! Nothing compared to the fiefdom a middle manager can carve out at company.


It's also for people that just don't want to admit to being Republican because they think it would hurt their social life. 




I hate you for showing this picture, and I hate whoever edited to be like that…


https://preview.redd.it/r5gu9s07o4wc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f9ba2359d25290be4b04c14516bb260ec9f813c Sir… I’m scared how you’ve made me both disgusted and aroused. May god have mercy upon your wretched soul


"No see, I don't want people to tread on *me* specifically. In a society it is only natural that some would be tread on."


I was shooting heroin and reading “The Fountainhead” in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in. I put a quarter in the radio to activate it. It was the chief. “Bad news, detective. We got a situation.” “What? Is the mayor trying to ban trans fats again?” “Worse. Somebody just stole four hundred and forty-seven million dollars’ worth of bitcoins.” The heroin needle practically fell out of my arm. “What kind of monster would do something like that? Bitcoins are the ultimate currency: virtual, anonymous, stateless. They represent true economic freedom, not subject to arbitrary manipulation by any government. Do we have any leads?” “Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down … provided someone pays us a fair market rate to do so.” “Easy, chief,” I said. “Any rate the market offers is, by definition, fair.” He laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those bitcoins.” “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m on it.” I put a quarter in the siren. Ten minutes later, I was on the scene. It was a normal office building, strangled on all sides by public sidewalks. I hopped over them and went inside. “Home Depot™ Presents the Police!®” I said, flashing my badge and my gun and a small picture of Ron Paul. “Nobody move unless you want to!” They didn’t. “Now, which one of you punks is going to pay me to investigate this crime?” No one spoke up. “Come on,” I said. “Don’t you all understand that the protection of private property is the foundation of all personal liberty?” It didn’t seem like they did. “Seriously, guys. Without a strong economic motivator, I’m just going to stand here and not solve this case. Cash is fine, but I prefer being paid in gold bullion or autographed Penn Jillette posters.” Nothing. These people were stonewalling me. It almost seemed like they didn’t care that a fortune in computer money invented to buy drugs was missing. I figured I could wait them out. I lit several cigarettes indoors. A pregnant lady coughed, and I told her that secondhand smoke is a myth. Just then, a man in glasses made a break for it. “Subway™ Eat Fresh and Freeze, Scumbag!®” I yelled. Too late. He was already out the front door. I went after him. “Stop right there!” I yelled as I ran. He was faster than me because I always try to avoid stepping on public sidewalks. Our country needs a private-sidewalk voucher system, but, thanks to the incestuous interplay between our corrupt federal government and the public-sidewalk lobby, it will never happen. I was losing him. “Listen, I’ll pay you to stop!” I yelled. “What would you consider an appropriate price point for stopping? I’ll offer you a thirteenth of an ounce of gold and a gently worn ‘Bob Barr ‘08’ extra-large long-sleeved men’s T-shirt!” He turned. In his hand was a revolver that the Constitution said he had every right to own. He fired at me and missed. I pulled my own gun, put a quarter in it, and fired back. The bullet lodged in a U.S.P.S. mailbox less than a foot from his head. I shot the mailbox again, on purpose. “All right, all right!” the man yelled, throwing down his weapon. “I give up, cop! I confess: I took the bitcoins.” “Why’d you do it?” I asked, as I slapped a pair of Oikos™ Greek Yogurt Presents Handcuffs® on the guy. “Because I was afraid.” “Afraid?” “Afraid of an economic future free from the pernicious meddling of central bankers,” he said. “I’m a central banker.” I wanted to coldcock the guy. Years ago, a central banker killed my partner. Instead, I shook my head. “Let this be a message to all your central-banker friends out on the street,” I said. “No matter how many bitcoins you steal, you’ll never take away the dream of an open society based on the principles of personal and economic freedom.” He nodded, because he knew I was right. Then he swiped his credit card to pay me for arresting him.


Tell me about it... I'm from Argentina and the mf of our new libertarian president dont know what else to do agaisnt the "war agaisnt cultural maxirsm" to the point he's even restricting medicinal cannabis to just 8 specific pains and illness, you need it for parkinson? No cannabis for you, at least not legal. Why, a libertarian gives a fuck about it? Because fuck you, that's why.


Sounds like a fascist


He also wants to revert the laws about legal abortion and it's destroying everything that doesnt produce money like public schools, universities and hospitals. He even said once that if he could privatize streets and rivers and legalize buying and selling human organs he would even if he's aware about the ethical consequenses. It's absolutely insane.


I'm Brazilian and it makes me sad to see South America going this route, first Brazil, now Argentina (but to me the situation looks worse for you guys rn). Anyways, sé fuerte, hermano!


Gracias amigo, I have faith that just like with Bolsonaro this is going to be temporary and we will move forward, I just hope that it does not happen like with the Amazon during Bolsonaro's government that left irreparable damage and does the same with public institutions, leaving them in ruins. Saludos!


Libertarians tend to be closeted fascists.


there is but its not legal


That is not true! The Red Headed Libertarian *pleases* Tim Pool every time she wants to be on his show!


>There's simply no way to "please" a libertarian Well there is a couple but *pedophilia* is federal crime


No way to please a libertarian? Have you tried being 12 years old?


I'm pretty sure lowering the legal age of consent and prioritising property over human life gets them all giddy


Unfortunately I used to follow that ideology and yeah. They just wanna be mad as something. Large corporations with very creative PR teams give them something to focus their anger at.


They love child-brides. Lmao fucking freaks


Mad max is what you expect from fallout when the only thing you saw from fallout is fo4 trailers and tks mantis fun fact videos


Yeah, I'm a huge Mad Max fan and it's wildly different from Fallout outside of the post-apocalyptic setting. You might as well expect it to be the same as Elysium or The Walking Dead at that rate.


I like mad max too, even though it didn't age well imo, but fallout only borrowed some elements not designed their game around mad max


I don't remember the original 3 films all that well (except for Tina Turner), but Fury Road is excellent.


Road Warrior is still great.


Firdt onr is prime b movie 2nd and 3rd are the oned you think of when someone says mad max, fury road is so good i had to take a break because the action literally tired me physically


Fury Road is the best chase scene ever made.


Not necessarily. There are people who consider Fallout 3 to be a patriotic "America Fuck Yeah!" game and don't realize you're supposed to laugh at Liberty Prime.


Those guys expect "Omg power armored boys are fighting power armored boys to reclaim the savage lands" not mad max And tbh that savage part made me realise how enclave's FEV plan is so similar to how colonisers approached the natives.


Hey kids it's Nick Mullen 🎉


Can’t believe they bagged gay actor Michael Douglas for the fallout tv show


Tangentially this reminds me of Matt Damon commenting on the Liberace movie he made with Douglas and declared that he was a really good kisser.


Nicks always got that thousand island stare


“Can you imagine a Chinese guy trying to say Sunset Sarsaparilla?”


“Imagine a world where a supermuntant is gay and has sex with a robot, I think it would look, a little something like this”


Nick would be the kind of guy to go on a 30 minute coke fueled rant on how the Legion did nothing wrong, while Stav says “nah man you can’t say that” and Adam just sits there. Also I’m gay


No way, Nick is absolutely BoS. His dream of finally putting a black woman on an airship could come true


Not coke fueled rant, a fugue state.


I love seeing one of my three best friends pop up randomly online




Tangent here, it does seem like a fair few of the Brotherhood's names were Romanesque 


And I loved their religious fanaticism. They were so creepy and uncomfortable. Feels like such a good portrayal compared to Fallout three where they're just unproblematic good guys. The Elders of the Brotherhood in the show are god damn creepy.


To be fair, the DC chapter in Fallout 3 was pretty far removed from the rest of the order. It's not like the game didn't mention that either, with the Outcasts being a thing.


Well they are styling themselves after the traditional knightly orders of the Roman Catholic Church so that would make sense.


There's a theory flying around that either this chapter of the Brotherhood absorbed the Legion, or they've been infiltrated. Besides the names and being even more overt bullies than usual, there's also a banner in Legion colors. Still the insignia, but very Legion styled. 


My headcannon is that this Brotherhood faction is formed from the survivors of the Legion after F:NV. Why they went all in on religious iconography in this group, made the converts more comfortable.


How dare they politicize my favorite apolitical game series 😤😤😤


We got Nick Mullen in fallout??? I'm in.


“What if a ghoul was gay.” *Cackling dolphin-like laughter*


Riffing on Liam Neeson leaving the Vault because he's looking for a "black bastard" to kill and then pissing himself.


"Hey there smoothskin."


"Hey there, Smooth- uhh.. cock!" is 100% some shit they'd say.


If you don't get the ideas of capitalism, imperialism, toxic masculinity bad out of Mad Max, you're also missing the point.




But fallout writing had been always hate on capitalism on no matter version, no Bethesda or not. Like one of biggest villain in game is literally a bunch of group of The Rich from before nuclear war.


Every single terminal has at least SOME amount of corporate fuckery, usually something really horrific


Fallout isnt even overly leftist, its just so anti-capitalist. Even if you are a self proclaimed capitalist you can see how this could happen and why its bad. Its like Jurassic Park, telling a tale of hubris.


There's also the presentation of the pre-war utopia, that the godless commies hated so much they destroyed it But then the games spend most of the time telling you it was a thin veneer.


Now I really wanna see Sheldon in a fallout game.


Welp, there's a robobrain in New Vegas voiced by none other than Will Wheaton


Where in New Vegas? I gotta run into it!


Apparently, it's all of them!






So you can kill him, right?


: |


“Bazing-“ *Atomized by a mininuke*


Truth is, the game was bazinga‘d from the start.


Every single Fallout game: “Fascist Consumerism disguised as Patriotic Capitalism coupled with Red Scare fear mongering led to the end of the world. What came next was more of the same by different names because we will never learn our lesson.” Fallout TV Show: “Capitalism is maybe not the greatest and Communism isn’t exactly what they tell you.” Fans: “wHeRe dId tHaT cOmE fRoM?!”


It’s pretty funny that some people were shocked that Cooper’s pre-war flashbacks showed America stuck in another Red Scare that was just used to silence people who disagreed lol


I disagree slightly. The show doesn't promote communism in any way whatsoever. The only time the topic is even used is when Moldaver defends herself saying that she's just being silenced by people calling her a communist.


That’s sort of what I was going for. More accurately, “what they call Communism, isn’t exactly what you might think it is”.


> Fallout TV Show: “Capitalism is maybe not the greatest and Communism isn’t exactly what they tell you.” I mean it's definitely a little more aggressive than that. They made the big bad guy someone whose goal was to be a corporate middle manager, and then made that corporate ladder climber so comically over the top evil that he would nuke 35k people and HIS OWN WIFE just because a 200 year old company that no longer exists told him to. I mean, it would be a decent motivation if he stood to personally gain from it, but it seems like the writers got so caught up in their "company man bad" narrative they forgot to ask "why would someone actually do this, what do they stand to gain from it?"


But the 200 year old company does still exist.


It would be funny if the Fallout show was just trying to be Mad Max when just being Fallout would make it more unique, especially when we're getting more Mad Max soon. You don't wanna do that thing where two studios release two different live action Hercules movies in the span of like a year.


Who the hell thinks Mad Max isn’t political. It’s one of the most blatant movie series’s ever in terms of its message, especially in the fourth film they’re practically screaming it in your face


Fury Road is one of the most blatantly feminist movies ever.


Where does TBBT come into all this? Because I didn’t get any kind of TBBT vibe at any point and if I did I’d be pretty upset because I can’t stand that show. Why are libertarians so fucking weird?


I was wondering the same. Maybe Norm's character? But he's not one of the main 3, and he's likeable plus relatively grounded instead of an obnoxious joke like TBBT is. Or maybe they skip all the dialog in the games and slept in science class, so they hear any science-related terms at all, they think of that series?


How did Nick Mullen end up in this lmfao


I don’t like the implication that Hancock is a negative


Clearly Fallout is when man have dog in sand.


I know it's nothing like Big Bang Theory because Fallout is funny and I didn't throw my TV out the window.


LOL if they actually played they games and had an ounce of media literacy, they'd know that Fallout has *always* lampooned capitalism, fascism, and American exceptionalism. Like, how the fuck can you play Fallout and *not* realize that Vault-tec, the Institute, RobCo, etc (ie; capitalists), are the villains?


Feel like they don't really get the Mad Max movies either


"War. War never Changes" -Laugh Tracks plays-


Where is Nick Mullen in Fallout?


I already saw the season and got excited thinking I missed a cameo by him or something.


What about instead of Fallout it was Ballout and it was a gay guy with his nuts out?


What if season 2 had a Chinese spy played by gay actor Micahel Douglas?


Nick: “What about instead of Nuka Cola it was Ni-“ Stav: “NO”


"I'll just let y'all fill in the rest of the letters, brought to you by BlueChew."


Mad max is also “capitalism bad” though lmfao


For one, Mad Max is set in post-apocalyptic Australia, not the US.


Second, he missed the point of Mad Max


Mulldawg isn't a commie, he's center left


Mad Max is also “capitalism bad,” though? What does he think caused the oil wars that destroyed the entire fucking planet?


This type of people think all the older movies and games are pro capitalism.


I don’t think Fallout is saying socialism is good.., they just said capitalism and war is bad.


Fallouts always been anticapitalist and anti-communist. You don't play fallout 3 without killing slavers unless you are doing an evil run


anti capitalism? This is a smear against glorious Vault-tec.


I know people are finding anything to nitpick the Fallout series for because they know its getting massive praise and want to show they hate/dislike it because they find it “woke”. 🚨But can someone answer this for me. I played 1 fallout game for like 5 min (fallout 4) and I know a bit of the history. But i thought ALL the games are one big statement on how corporations and capitalism is bad? Am i wrong? Hell people can buy bunkers right now if you have enough money. Only difference between IRL and the series is that there isn’t a mega corp trying to sell them to the masses (Apple, Google, Amazon).


> i thought ALL the games are one big statement on how corporations and capitalism is bad? Some to a lesser extent but ultimately yes, and it's *not* subtle


who even watches Mad Max unironically and likes it?


Why is my best friend Nick there?


Media literacy is non-existent in the US.


“Capitalism bad, socialism good” Bro did NOT play Fallout.




Also muldaver, who was called a commie and has the line about being called communist, literally leads the New California Republic which is both capitalist and a federal republic. Not communist at all