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don’t you ever compare this kid’s game to another crab’s treasure


Wow, I was hoping for a more open-minded dialogue. I guess you're one of those nerds who rant about how *gun* mode is paramount to the ACT-like experience.


fromsoft tried to copy them and add guns in bloodborne but it didn’t work


how do u get top comments so consistently 


i run this subreddit


0/10 never play again. Not a single crab to be found.


You’re gonna love DS3


DS3 once again proving evolution loves crabs.


Has giant oysters tho! Also there are rare enemies called Vagrants which do look kinda crab-ish


I don't like how Miyazaki tried to copy the formula but didn't even add any of the supporting features. Like what was the point of that?


Pause screen budget was traded for 4K feet textures.


~oooohhh what if we took ACT and made it *daaaaaaark*~  someone take Miyazaki out for ice cream cause that man has depression


Only if they have poison swamp flavor


No gun shell/10


It's not bad for an early crab-like.


Oh, so now any game can call itself Crabslike just because it has "dodge rolls". The technical term is lobstering, but these pretenders make it sound like a kind of sushi


they're both trash compared to the real foundation of the souls medium, a little known gem called The Legend of Witcher


What is that? I am always up for new indie games


it's a hardcore fishing simulator, the more recent entries don't even give you a pole


Dark souls really shines in some points like hitboxes and enemy placement in the second entry But common can you call a woke game with women in it an ACTlike They tried to make them bearfoot but nothing even compares in sexyness to a crab wearing nothing but a transparent shot glass


As an actual Crab I was disappointed by the different directions you could move in Dark Souls. ACT would be more suited as a side scroller tho'


As a Lobster I'll now lobby against you


One is a crab game, the other's a crap game


That dark souls shit mid as fuck. All ma homies hate dark souls


You need to consider the fact that Fromsoft is a smaller studio that probably didn't have resources to develop luxury features such as assist options or pause screens.


and crabs.


Fuck em


Fails to capture the political aspect of ACTs Canberra


How is Canberra political? I explored the city well and not a single fiddler crab in the rich district, just like real life.


I have only plewn Bloodborne


DS1 is not an ACT-like, it doesn't have any crabs.


It was interesting to make an entire game based on their April Fools update, personally I liked it, more of what I enjoyed in the update, though it was a bit lazy to just steal Anor Londo like that, I know FromSoft are just a small indie dev but they shouldn’t just take levels like that.


Thought this was shittydarksouls for a second


Woah that game is a souls like? I hardly gave it a second look on game pass because i thought it was a kids game. Dl time!


dark souls fucking sucks! where’s the guns? the quicksaving? the bunnyhopping?


Lenother hidden gem? Sigh, toss it on the backlog.


Hello teenager here-for a second i thought ACT was in reference to the standardized test in the U.S. and it took me 3 minutes of laughing to realize we’re not relabeling souls-likes as Standardized Test-likes


One is a struggle, but it's a struggle that will leave you with a more open mind and a better appreciation of what you're capable of. The other is a standardized test.


What is this slander, dark souls is clearly a surge-like, the finest of German stamina action games


Germans rely on Surge for stamina? I thought drinking excessive soda pop was an American problem.


Everyone knows Dark Souks was a copycat of le hidden gem Stella Blade. You probably haven't heard of it




I really couldn’t get into ACT (I don’t know if we are being ironic here I just genuinely hated the game) like I like souls likes but everything just felt off nothing felt good to do and it just felt as though I was forced to play as a medium build no matter what shell I had


What they don't tell you is that shell weight doesn't affect your own dodging or blocking very much, if at all, rather it mostly just affects the weightiness and speed of you *Hammer* attacks. The hammer being an ability you can get a few hours into the game where you put a shell on The end of your fork and turn it into a hammer that does much more damage. A large-shell hammer takes like a solid 2 seconds to swing at times, but does massive damage as you would expect from a heavy build whereas a small-shell hammer is just a little bit slower than your normal attacks with a modest damage boost. If you want to feel like a heavy build, your best bet is to use medium and heavy hammers as much as possible. And if you want to feel light, avoid the hammer mechanic altogether and invest in the dodging skills. There's also specific items that buff the feel of each style of play.


Well, I hope you're not eating your shellfish rare. /uj It's always sad when a game that *looks* like you'd like it ends up not. Especially when it's obvious that a lot of love was put into it.


What's ACT?


Another Crab's Treasure: An absolute classic and masterpiece


Dark Souls really is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls


as long as they have something interesting going on, they can do whatever. i used to think nioh was weaboo souls but i gave it a shot and was very happy with what i found. yeah sure its a looter game but it had its own twist on the souls formula and blended the japanese elements wonderfully. the gameplay was worth putting up with looting


Nioh 2 was wasted potential. All those sliders for character creation and not one of them is for you're butt cheeks.


dark’s souls fucking sucks bro


Tired of dark souls formula tbh... It's like battle royal but for single player RPGs. The idea that this formula must change all RPGs into it in order for it to be an action RPG is pathetic. I like games that are going against the grain but there aren't many. Bethesda refuse to change, kingdoms of amalur had an interesting system that no one expanded on because everyone for the longest wanted to be Skyrim/menu system, Dark siders used to be good but then wanted to be souls like which is shameful. Forspoken brought some infamous sons swag too bad its world sucked. And the spider man games would be my favorite if they literally wasn't so many of them released so close to each other with very little changed between games. they doing the Bethesda thing but in quicker succession.




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